I am lost and don’t know where to turn. Tried the aneros helix trident once and stopped using it as soon as I started to feel some feelings in my rectum. Felt like hot flashes with some pain. Really bothered me for the first night, died down as the week went one. Then as another week passed, they have come back along with pain in my rear and penal area such as the urge the urinate.
It comes and goes, and seems to get worse when things are tense and stressful.
Looking for a doctor to check me out.
Any recommendations????? Feeling lost and don’t know where to go.
You are smart to go to a Dr.,having said that it sounds llike what happened to me at the begining of my journey.It went away after a few days so I did not get a chk-up.I thin was muscles around the prostate rather then the gland itself. Don't give up because this is a GOOD THING.After nine years most sessions are like a brand new experience for me.:D
Thanks for your advice.
Here is my problem about it. I keep having a reoccurring feeling in my preneium area that is very warm and pleasant and does not seem to go away.
It gets stronger under stress and anxiey.
I want it to go away and never come back. It is interfering with my life.
Help me!!!!!!!