I have been an on-and-off member of the forum. I bought several Aneros massagers around 2 years ago but still haven't hit success. I am almost sure that LUBE IS THE PROBLEM. The water-based ID Glide used to dry out in literally a couple of minutes. Then last year, I went out and got ID MIllenium, which so many people say "never dries out." Well, with me, no matter how much I use, it dries out in 15 minutes.
Taking out the Aneros is a session-killer for me. All the good feelings go away and the session is over. What I need is help with lube.
I'll make it simple. Can you members PLEASE tell me the longest lasting lube known in this forum? I should mention that dryness runs in my family. I have an EXTREMELY dry body(dry skin, dry eyes, dandruff in hair, dry feet etc). Its a genetic thing.
I need insanely long lasting lube cuz I have a dry body! Please help! Thanks in advance for the suggestions. I have a strong feeling this lube problem is holding me back from a Super-O!
Try Slippery Stuff Gel; it's super thick, and medically designed for anal use. It also has no glycerin. Also, you could try rubbing a little Vaseline on the Aneros, not much, mind you, just enough to coat what goes inside, and maybe on the P-tab. You could probably substitute coconut oil or shea butter on the Aneros.
Hello momeister,
Unrefined 100% shea butter is my preference. I never have to re-lube, and it's not a nasty concoction of refined chemicals. I've been using it for over a year now in my Aneros sessions, and have not had any issues with it. Here's a link to the main thread:
You may also like Rumel's natural jelly recipe, which requires some preparation, but many users here like it very much.
The recipe is in post number thirteen.
I have been an on-and-off member of the forum. I bought several Aneros massagers around 2 years ago but still haven't hit success. I am almost sure that LUBE IS THE PROBLEM. The water-based ID Glide used to dry out in literally a couple of minutes. Then last year, I went out and got ID MIllenium, which so many people say "never dries out." Well, with me, no matter how much I use, it dries out in 15 minutes.
Taking out the Aneros is a session-killer for me. All the good feelings go away and the session is over. What I need is help with lube.
I'll make it simple. Can you members PLEASE tell me the longest lasting lube known in this forum? I should mention that dryness runs in my family. I have an EXTREMELY dry body(dry skin, dry eyes, dandruff in hair, dry feet etc). Its a genetic thing.
I need insanely long lasting lube cuz I have a dry body! Please help! Thanks in advance for the suggestions. I have a strong feeling this lube problem is holding me back from a Super-O!
I think you should use a lube combination. I would suggest shea butter to coat the aneros. Then, depending on how "natural" you want to be, I would put a generous amount of Slippery Stuff in your bum and on the aneros, or inject some coconut oil.
I'm not a doc nor do I play one on TV, but: are you ABSOLUTELY sure the dryness is genetic? I would consider comprehensive hormone testing if you haven't already. Thyroid should be your first target: make sure your FT3 is in the upper quarter of the normal range, which tops out about 5.3 pg/ml.
Thank you all for the suggestions! I'm going to buy ALL of your suggestions and see which one works best!
You may also like Rumel's natural jelly recipe, which requires some preparation, but many users here like it very much.
I use the natural jelly recipe and am very happy with it, used the aneros for four hours, it never dries out.
I feel like experimenting with the mixtures of lubes-haven't done it yet, but the idea of petroleum jelly and some k-y jelly sounds ideal!
I thought I was dry but you've got me beat, no contest! I went through a variety of lubes and have settled on Shea+Coconut (see alv's recipe in the Shea thread cited by Love_is).
It might be worthwhile to markedly increase the amount of supplemental fiber in your diet and see if that carries more moisture and mucus thru your lower GI system. A heavy fiber load is also good for clearing out the heavier vegetable lubes (Crisco, Olive Oil etc) if you should wind up using those. Suggest hunt for a fiber or combination of fibers that aren't large gas generators. Also, learn to time the fiber so that the 'gas warfare' attack is hours away from when you plan to have an Aneros session.
Take a look at how you prep. A tap water enema tends to leave the anal canal and rectum quite dry since it washes out anything natural and the remaining moisture is rapidly absorbed once you expel the bulk of the fluid.
Earlier this year a Flax gel lube recipe was posted -- http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/home-made-lube-organic-flax-seeds-water-14280/ --
It might not work for you as a primary lube; however, consider using a large dose of flax gel as a small enema during prep instead of plain tap water. You can also get flax oil at the local health food store and consider that as a lube, or as a douche if mixed with some warm water. Then, folliwng that Shea Butter should work well.
Years ago, a Dr. Ann Wigmore was a proponent of Wheatgrass as a therapy for dryness issues in the lower GI system. You might Google for her writings. Dr. James Balch and his wife Phyllis also endorse Wheatgrass in their classic "Prescription for Nutritional Healing". Those might be worth a read.
Hope you find a prep and lube combo that puts you back on the journey. Shame to miss all the great vibes that are available here.
Hello Priapusone,
If you are interested in making lube mixtures. Another popular one here is Rumel's Natural Jelly recipe.
See post number #13
I've read all the lube warnings, lube advice, lube recipes and lube woes over several months. I personally was using Vaseline because it was simple and easy and lasted a long time, but I felt it wasn't the healthiest option.
For me, the priority was simplicity. I finally went to Whole Foods and slapped down $9 for a 7 oz. tub of "Now Solutions" pure, unrefined Shea Butter. It ROCKS. Just keep it at room temperature, so that it's somewhat soft, and using your fingers scoop out a small amount--enough to completely coat the Aneros of your choice. If you like, also scoop out about a pea-sized amount on the tip of your finger, and simply push this into your anus. Then, relax and slide the Aneros slowly into place, and lay down for a few minutes to wait for the shea butter to "melt" to a nice consistency. (Practice good hygiene, and only dip clean fingers into your tub of shea butter.)
You may now proceed to have an hours-long play session! Shea butter won't dry out, no matter what, and I have never had to relube, period. It lets the Aneros move all that it likes, you don't have any smells or leakage, and clean-up is easy. Plus, your back door feels nice and soft afterward!
That's my two cents. I'm so glad I finally went ahead with the unrefined Shea butter. By the way, when I travel, I bring along a little pill container into which I have scooped some Shea Butter. A little goes a long way. (Beware, if you are allergic to nuts, some medical experts advise to avoid it unless you are tested first by an allergist. The shea is technically a tree nut.)
Love the stuff!
Good luck with your experimentation.
As far as long lasting, I can recommend KY intrigue. It seems quite expensive, but a couple of drops is all you need per session, so it lasts a long time. I would pre lube with water based gel, then coat the Aneros with KY intrigue.
I like KY "Natural Feeling" water based liquid as my pre-lube...small amount 1cc or so injected, and then a small amount of Astroglide "X" silicone based lube or a new Astroglide product called "Natural" which is water based on the Aneros.
Only problem with the water based stuff is that it tends to "squeegy" off upon insertion, which the silicon does not.
Last for hours. As with all prelubed situations, don't fart!
What about using the clear lube used by doctors which they liberally use when performing a rectal exam? I'm not sure what it is but it seems to work good. Just a thought.
Hello RogerT,
To the best of my knowledge, that stuff that doctors use is just the standard KY lube, which has glycerin in it, and also dries out over time so needs re-appliction. If it works for you, great. But it seems a lot of men here have reactions to glycerin based lubes, including myself. Read the "Water" section under types of lubes in the Aneros WIKI:
Getting Started - Aneros Wiki
I'm one of the more sensitive guys to glycerin lube. My docs usually use a generous finger-full of unbranded water based lube. Within an hour after an exam I suffer bowel and rectal contractions, gangbusters. It's like having 24 hours of dry heaves but from the other end. Thought this was just a normal reaction to a rectal exam.
I didn't realize what was happening until I started with my Aneros last year then suffered two weeks of massive IBS. Started reading the forum comments on glycerin and figured out what was happening. Quit ID Glide and KY and got better right quick. After this year's exam, I came home and washed myself out with a generous cleansing enema. Problem cleared up immediately.
Perhaps an age related thing. Or perhaps genealogy. ...rook
here is my current favorite: VASELINE.
i have tried everything, and i have to say i find vaseline the best and easiest.
1) pre-lube your hole w/ ky. this makes it resist grabbing the vaseline
2) put a dab of v on your finger and shove it home. hopefully some will go inside
3) coat the aneros.
4) stuff it in
5) if you want to avoid grease stains, wipe your bum with a rag of some kind to get off the excess. if you are protected against stains, keep you bum greasy as that feels wet and sexy
to me the best test of a lube is what the aneros feels like when you pull er out an hour later. with vaseline, mine always feels wet and slippery, unlike any other lube i have tried (shea, coconut, maximus, albolene, etc).
by the way, i am in the camp that is not comfortable with water soluble lubes for fear of the rectum absorbing them and delivering their mysterious ingredients to mysterious parts of my body, causing who knows what mysterious consequences.
Hello RogerT,
To the best of my knowledge, that stuff that doctors use is just the standard KY lube, which has glycerin in it, and also dries out over time so needs re-appliction. If it works for you, great. But it seems a lot of men here have reactions to glycerin based lubes, including myself. Read the "Water" section under types of lubes in the Aneros WIKI:
Getting Started - Aneros WikiLove_is
Love is - Thanks for the explanation and advice. I bought the Aneros Starter Kit that comes with the Marksman water based lubricatant. I'm hoping to try using it this weekend. I'm a tad anxious as a newbie and I have bad hemmoroids to boot (don't bleed). Here's hoping all ends well.
Hello Darwin,
to me the best test of a lube is what the aneros feels like when you pull er out an hour later. with vaseline, mine always feels wet and slippery, unlike any other lube i have tried (shea, coconut, maximus, albolene, etc).
That's the first time I recall reading this type of problem. As you probably well know, this has not been the case for me with shea butter. I'm glad though that you finally found something that works good for you.
Hello RogetT,
Your welcome. And good luck with your first trial!
[COLOR="blue"]I'm a newbie, with regard to myself, to everything anal, but have worked in a hospital situation and in medical imaging for years, and have opened and entered multiple urogenital orifices in both males and females, with gloved fingers, catheters, sounds, and probes.
Personally, as an experienced fucker and masturbater, I think the "cleansing cream" Albolene is a great lube, and probably the best in terms of long lasting durability. I rarely use a lube for masturbation or (vaginal) intercourse, but have been working with my Progasm, and think Albolene is a winner.
We have a bidet in our bathroom, and I first clean my ass (and junk) with warm water and a diluted gentle liquid soap in a foamer. Then soak my butt in warm water, teasing and working my anus with a foamy-soaped finger, gently stretching the sphincter in all four directions (fore, aft, right and left) to fatigue and relax the muscle over a period of 5 to 15 minutes. I can then insert the Pro with relative ease - in this state of relaxation I can insert it unlubed, but always use Albolene (or vaseline) if I'm going to have it in there for any period of time.
- rip
Hello RipTheJacker,
Personally, as an experienced fucker and masturbater, I think the "cleansing cream" Albolene is a great lube, and probably the best in terms of long lasting durability.
Please keep in mind that the rectum absorbs whatever is put in it. And Abolene appears to made completely from petroleum products and by-products. My own belief that many others users here feel strongly about, is if the lube is not safe to eat it, then I don't want it in my rectum either. But each to their own.
A quote listing the ingredients from:
Albolene Clinical - Albolene Clinical
Known for decades for its effective make up removing and skin moisturizing properties, Albolene Moisturizing Cleanser is made with mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin and ceresin, which provide superior skin moisturization by trapping moisture, especially in areas that are prone to chafing, dryness and irritation.
Try Slippery Stuff Gel; it's super thick, and medically designed for anal use.
Badger - I went to the Slippery Stuff website and was looking to get this gel. I couldnt find anything there that indicated that it was medically designed for anal use. I'm I missing something at their site? Please let me know, thanks.
Here's the article:
AEGiS-CATIE News: Intriguing findings from study on lubricants - March 29, 2007
Hope this is helpful.
While marketed as a personal lubricant with FDA approval for vaginal use it has also has passed US FDA GMP (manufacturing process tests) for Class 1 use during surgery around open wounds. It has also been tested for compatibility with latex condoms and the dry powder lubricants approved for surgical gloves.
Another nice lube is Slippery Stuff Liquid. Less sticky lube with similar formulation and the same approvals.
Badger and Rook - Thanks so much for the replies. I appreciate it a lot.
I wish there was an easier way to view threads that you subscribe to here. I sometimes forget where I've posted to be honest.
Hello RogerT,
What's difficult about the option for thread subscription? You can either have thread update notifications sent to your private message folder here, or instant, daily, or weekly e-mails sent to you. These notifications should have a link to the thread in them. But that's an assumption I'm making based on other forums where I've used this feature. I've yet to use this feature here since I'm a regular visitor. So in my case I look for the thread titles that are in bold, and I know that those are threads that are either new and have not been read, or have new un-read posts in previous threads I've read. If you need further help, feel free to private message me, or "Aneros Support" (without the quotes) for official help.
Hello RogerT,
What's difficult about the option for thread subscription? You can either have thread update notifications sent to your private message folder here, or instant, daily, or weekly e-mails sent to you. These notifications should have a link to the thread in them. But that's an assumption I'm making based on other forums where I've used this feature. I've yet to use this feature here since I'm a regular visitor. So in my case I look for the thread titles that are in bold, and I know that those are threads that are either new and have not been read, or have new un-read posts in previous threads I've read. If you need further help, feel free to private message me, or "Aneros Support" (without the quotes) for official help.
Love_is - Thanks for getting back to me this. I got a private message from Rumel too on this. I guess I hadn't turned on the Subscription Mode. Hopefully I've got it right now, thanks so much again for your input.
I ordered some Slippery Stuff Gel (16 oz pump) from their website on 12/2/10. It still hasn't shipped. Has anyone else here ordered online from them and how long did it take for you to receive your order?
When the local sex shop is out (twice) I've ordered from Cheap (not always) Lubes. Their shipping is quick but the cost of S&H is a bit fierce unless you can put together a large order. Local retail purchase even with sales tax costs less. Wish we could get the Aneros Store to carry it. ...rook
Hello RogerT,
Who did you order from? Ideally you need to contact customer service from the place you ordered to see what is going on. Also keep in mind that if you ordered through amazon.com, they have a fair amount non-direct retailers. Meaning it is not shipped from amazon.com warehouse, but another retailer, so that plays into it. My order of Slippery Stuff Gel was non-direct. But I'm pretty sure I received it within five business days.
Thanks for the replies. Even through I ordered it directly from their site and it still shows the order status as open, it showed up via USPS yesterday. I cant wait to try this gel out tonight with the wife and my MGX.