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Need help identifying this experience

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Hello forum,


I've been using Aneros products for about 2 years now, and recently I started having a new type of experience with my Eupho Syn Trident. My current technique is to hold long contractions with the pelvic floor muscles around the perineum and the anus to tire them out a bit, and then to completely relax the muscles in the lower abdominal wall while holding the pelvic floor muscles in a way where the Aneros is not locked in place and is free to wobble.

This eventually triggers a reaction where my entire body starts getting hot, and it feels like I'm breathing fire in and out of my body. I automatically start breathing faster and deeper, like I'm feeding the flame that is growing inside of the kiln of my body. The flame continues to rise until it suddenly subsides and my body goes limp while I'm covered by a light tingling feeling. For a minute afterwards the skin all over my body feels like it's vibrating.

Up until now I hadn't experienced anything as remarkable or mystifying as this while using my Aneros devices. I would like to know if people with more experience then me can relate to this sensation, and maybe tell me what they consider this type of experience to be? I wouldn't consider it an orgasm personally because it doesn't feel sexual at all. It feels deeply emotional and relaxing in a way that leaves me satisfied and at peace. Although the first time it happened I got a rush of excitement as the sensation was building, like that feeling you get when the rollercoaster reaches the top of the lift hill and you're staring down at the drop.

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First, welcome aboard fellow adventurer. I'm in a hurry right now but your experience really makes me think about something I read in Urban Tantra by Barbara Carrellas, she has a worksheet about a breathing technique that's similar to what you're doing. Don't have it handy but you'll find it on the web. 

Oh and in my opinion that's an orgasm, just not a sexual one. I'd put it in the calm seas category.

Edit : she has YouTube videos about the technique and you'll find the free 3 pages handout on her site. Good stuff in my opinion. Let us know how close this is to what you're experiencing. Looking forward to discussing this further, thanks for sharing your experience.

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Darn it, @zentai beat me to it.

Yes you might find your definition of an orgasm broadening with each new experience. 

I haven’t had this exact experience but I have had a lot of strange sensations, visions, and thoughts that fall outside of the realm of erotic or sexual, while using the drug called aneros. I highly recommend you take this further, see where it leads you. I think you are on to something good!

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@divine_o Mwahaha, fastest gun in the west! Zing!

Just wanted to add something that I think is fairly important but hard to grasp about what you just said about broadening your definition. The more experiences you accept as being different variety of orgasms, the less pressure you put on yourself toward achieving THE Super-Orgasm. All these little energy, spiritual, musical, relaxation orgasms can stack in infinite different ways and they will never be in conflict with more powerful ones, they can all get along! Whatever label you put on them, just enjoy them! 


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Posted by: @caldarium

Up until now I hadn't experienced anything as remarkable or mystifying as this while using my Aneros devices. I would like to know if people with more experience then me can relate to this sensation, and maybe tell me what they consider this type of experience to be? I wouldn't consider it an orgasm personally because it doesn't feel sexual at all. It feels deeply emotional and relaxing in a way that leaves me satisfied and at peace.

The Aneros journey initiates an opportunity for you to experience some of the most amazing sensations your body is capable of producing, I can cerrtainly relate to your experience, in my first Super-O, I said this "I felt a pleasant feeling of swelling and warmth and an internal feeling of softness...The next thing I noticed was a tightening of my abdominal muscles and the beginnings of the vibration/hum/buzz (I'll just call it the buzz from hereon) in my hands. As I continued the breathing pattern the 'buzz' expanded from my groin area up and down my body and up my arms till it reached the top of my head. ...This 'buzz' that I was now feeling over my entire body, I can only liken to an electric shock but this was exceedingly pleasurable." This experience didn't feel particularly sexual either.

An orgasm is not necessarily a sexual experience though that is the most frequent context in which it is experienced. Please see the thread What's an Orgasm? for a bit wider description of the phenomenon. I believe you did, in fact, experience a Super-O but you didn't identify it as such because of some limiting notions about what constitutes such an orgasm. Please read @Buster 's thread What exactly is a Super-O? to get a wider perspective of what a Super-O is in reality.

I also agree with the sentiments of my fellow compatriots (@divine_o and @zentai) above. Some of the sensations you experience along the path of this journey may only be experienced one time, others will repeatedly be part of your experience but even they will exhibit creative variability.

Good Vibes to You!

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I love @old-wolf's post within the What exactly is a Super-O thread Rumel posted above:

"There is no release"

Buster I beg to differ. Yes I get that 'circling the drain' type of build up, (though I prefer upward visualisations) and the circling can go on for some time, but I do get release.

Imagine that you haven't ejaculated for some time. You then have sex/masturbate, making it last as long as possible. The sexual tension increases and increases until you reach the point of no return and tip over the edge. Now remember/imagine that wondrous tingling shuddering release, not the 'first spurt' feeling in your penis, (though sometimes I get that too with a dry - O), but the accompanying bodily tingles, twitches, spasms and all over ecstasy and warmth. The flushed face, the pants and whimpers, the racing heart, above all that AAAAAAAAAHH!!!! OH! OH! OH! release with the penis throbbing & twitching.

Now feel that for 10, 15, 20 minutes. That, for me, as well as I can describe it on the spur of the moment, is a super - O. Sometimes I can hold the Super - O and sort of feed into it from the involuntary perineal, anal and rectal contractions, and consequent prostate stroking, pressure and vibration, escalating the orgasm. Sometimes a new one starts to build within the first, surpassing and overtaking it to built to a new, different crescendo, (upward remember) again with the all consuming release.

One visualisation that I find helps is 'I am an orgasm', rather than 'I am having one'/'hoping to have one'. Another that I use is to imagine that I am an orgasmic wheel spinning in space vertically, my forehead somehow(?) connected to my anus. I try to even out localised twitches and contractions so that they become energy or vibration occurring throughout and round the 'wheel' (me). Nascent impulses to buck, twitch, tremble or thrash limbs get converted to all over 'tingle' which ultimately feeds back into the perineum/Aneros ramping up the pleasure and intensifying the orgasm.

Have fun,

Old Wolf

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