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Navigating "Almost-Almosts" : So you're almost there ?

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This is about going over the edge, even if there is no consensus about whether this "edge" truly exists in the first place. To me, one moment you are not experiencing a Super-O, and the next moment, you are. Whatever happens between the two, who knows, but it's fun to think about it. 
I borrowed "Almost-Almost" from my pal @zaqpol since I feel it really captures that feeling of being "on the brink". 
So, you're almost there?
Are you sure ? Maybe you are already there ? Take a moment to entertain this idea. Also, did you go past it ? You'd never know without stopping to think about it, and thinking you are still building towards it, you'd only get further away. Work on your navigation skills to end up at just the right spot, this will make things much simpler.
In order to do this, grab the first *usable* build-up you come across. What this means is the first one that is big enough to actually build-up to a Super-O, in a reasonable time and with reasonable effort. So maybe don't grab the first wimpy one you get, but on the other hand, don't be greedy ! Each build-up is the guy in the control room (remember that dude ?) doing the best he can using what he has on hand. Do not crap on your own work, do not self-deprecate yourself !  So grab the first thing that shows potential and don't abandon it if you see a better one go by, this will only send you on a loop where there is not a "good enough" one. 
Being almost-almost there, by definition means you are very close. How small is that gap ? No matter the size, if you are very close, and things stop moving, then you have to bridge the gap by yourself, with just enough adjustment to barely close it. Anything more is too much. So maybe close half of it. Then stop and think, look at the gap, try to close half of what is left, and so on, until you're close enough that it just snaps together. Like pushing a magnet closer and closer to another magnet. Or docking a spaceship.
I'd say that with enough skill, almost any build-up can be manipulated to get to almost-almost, but not jumping on a lame horse in the first place is probably more important than learning all that stuff. All the horses in a race are going fast, even the one who finishes last, so unless we get stuck on always picking build-ups that just fall dead after 10 feet from old age, or worse, not picking any and crossing the finish line on foot, picking an OK buildup and sticking with it will lead to almost-almost, well, almost all of the time. So practice, practice, and don't focus on the Super-O, instead focus on getting close, this is the true first step. 

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@Zentai, this is an excellent discussion about a subtle aspect of the Aneros journey toward the Super-O. I've emended my post Super-O Myths & Illusions regarding 'the Edge' to include a link to this thread.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @zentai

This is about going over the edge, even if there is no consensus about whether this "edge" truly exists in the first place. To me, one moment you are not experiencing a Super-O, and the next moment, you are. Whatever happens between the two, who knows, but it's fun to think about it. 

My take on this. There is an edge,then a gap,then the edge of the next place,which is super-o city. In my opinion,the gap is bridged by belief. I’ve read many account that describes things that I know is the super o machinery firing,but the end of the account is,’really good session’, ‘but no super o yet’. Believing is where the mental and physical work in sync,then you have focus,focus is life!. Things I did that didn’t result in super o at the start do now,why? Because the belief is there now.

Posted by: @zentai

Are you sure ? Maybe you are already there ? Take a moment to entertain this idea. Also, did you go past it ? You'd never know without stopping to think about it, and thinking you are still building towards it, you'd only get further away. Work on your navigation skills to end up at just the right spot, this will make things much simpler.

Like I said above,great but no super o. I’ve been there,I had to step back,see what was there. Quakes,trembles,pleasure. Waves of it,in places I’d not felt before,I had to learn that this what what I’d chased.

Posted by: @zentai

In order to do this, grab the first *usable* build-up you come across. What this means is the first one that is big enough to actually build-up to a Super-O, in a reasonable time and with reasonable effort. So maybe don't grab the first wimpy one you get, but on the other hand, don't be greedy ! Each build-up is the guy in the control room (remember that dude ?) doing the best he can using what he has on hand. Do not crap on your own work, do not self-deprecate yourself !  So grab the first thing that shows potential and don't abandon it if you see a better one go by, this will only send you on a loop where there is not a "good enough" one. 

Don’t fully agree. I’ve made shit sessions work. I had to re centre my head and get into it. But sure,there is a limit,and if you are really not in the zone,end the session and come back another day. Greed and siege mentality are deadly,but learning to clear your head can get a session on track. And yes,don’t be downbeat,if you learned a new skill,pleasure was biggest yet,be happy with it,enjoy it,and accept that journeys often ramp up in stages.

Posted by: @zentai

How small is that gap

It’s a big as your mind makes it,why it makes it whatever size can be due to many factors such as mindnoise,anxiety,siege mentality,expectation,inexperience,fear,distractions,porn,many things.

Posted by: @zentai

I'd say that with enough skill, almost any build-up can be manipulated to get to almost-almost, but not jumping on a lame horse in the first place is probably more important than learning all that stuff.

Skill,experience,practice and focus will get the average guy there that doesn’t have any major obstacles to progress.

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Thanks ! There is surely a connection to me made with the first Illusion in you Myth Busting thread. I feel that anyone who reaches Super-Os, by definition cannot be doing it wrong. If someone feels an edge and find themselves "getting over it", that's great ! Can't argue with results. 

Someone who is not experiencing an edge can decide to just ignore the concept and see what's out there for them, or they can decide on a different idea. To me, there seems to be a state of transition rather than a chasm I fall into, or a hill I climb over. So a continuum makes sense. And in this continuum, spotting the Super-O in the distance and getting closer and closer to it is what I'm trying to do. 

I can see someone going very quickly trough the continuum and experiencing it like a single event, or being in a light trance state and then finding themselves suddenly in a Super-O state, and this could easily feel like going over an edge. So who knows ? 


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Posted by: @helghast

My take on this. There is an edge,then a gap,then the edge of the next place,which is super-o city. In my opinion,the gap is bridged by belief. I’ve read many account that describes things that I know is the super o machinery firing,but the end of the account is,’really good session’, ‘but no super o yet’.

That's a great take. The second part really resonates with me. I can't count the number of times I read some session account and everything seems to be building to a Super-O and I'm convinced the next line will be : "And then it happened !" But then, no Super-O... And much head scratching later, I'm still not getting how it just did not work out. 

I agree that focus is life, and if there is Super-O trinity, or tripod, then it's Arousal, Relaxation and Focus. But belief often comes from prior success, in the form of knowing you have a handle on this and you'll be able to steer things towards the O. It's great once you get it, but you need to build up to it. 

Posted by: @helghast

Don’t fully agree. I’ve made shit sessions work. I had to re centre my head and get into it. But sure,there is a limit,and if you are really not in the zone,end the session and come back another day. Greed and siege mentality are deadly,but learning to clear your head can get a session on track.

Sometimes even siege mentality and brute forcing it will work, as you said a couple of times, once you know how it's done, almost everything will work. But I don't encourage trying to get better at this, or getting better at salvaging bad session, because knowing where the limit is comes from trial and error, and I don't want to spend time fighting bad sessions and applying siege doctrine to my Super-O fun time. When I do salvage a crappy one, I feel like I'm the boss of things, which is fun, but not as fun a just riding a good one from start to finish. 

Posted by: @helghast

It’s a big as your mind makes it,why it makes it whatever size can be due to many factors such as mindnoise,anxiety,siege mentality,expectation,inexperience,fear,distractions,porn,many things.

Exactly, and you said it better than I would have. To me the gap is more like a puzzle, or maybe it's the Gate in the well known "Terror at the Gate" analogy. First you get there, step one. Then you find a way to let yourself in, that's step two. Or at the Gap, you build a bridge. And you use you skills, experience, focus to do so.   






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I am beginning to beleive that one mans super o, could very well be another mans good session, but no super O. My sessions have progressed to the point where I feel I am almost there. Like I'm just about to O. Incredible sensations , which leaves me anxious but not frustrated. I hope something incredible does sneakup on me, in a way just finding aneros it already has.  

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Just a quote from a member here on the forum called PAN that was helpful to me in my journey towards 'Super-O ':

That "going further" feeling is your penile orgasm learnings in your head trying to steer you to a final destination. There is no such thing, it's more of "tuning in" or letting yourself drop backwards into a warm pool. After some sessions, if you breathe and relax, that state should be familiar and friendly, like you're taking a stroll in the park. Enjoy that state and breathe, be incredibly subtle in your contractions if any, and before you know it, you'll be holding on to dear life. 

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Posted by: @zentai

Sometimes even siege mentality and brute forcing it will work, as you said a couple of times, once you know how it's done, almost everything will work. But I don't encourage trying to get better at this, or getting better at salvaging bad session, because knowing where the limit is comes from trial and error, and I don't want to spend time fighting bad sessions and applying siege doctrine to my Super-O fun time. When I do salvage a crappy one, I feel like I'm the boss of things, which is fun, but not as fun a just riding a good one from start to finish. 

Yes agree,it really depends on the individual,some people can work with brute force. But for others it brings them right down and the get caught in the sticky web of frustration and negativity.

Posted by: @zentai

Exactly, and you said it better than I would have. To me the gap is more like a puzzle, or maybe it's the Gate in the well known "Terror at the Gate" analogy. First you get there, step one. Then you find a way to let yourself in, that's step two. Or at the Gap, you build a bridge. And you use you skills, experience, focus to do so.

A puzzle,absolutely. The last piece is the belief,thats letting go,overcoming fears. Acceptance of what is and not what might be.

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Posted by: @gdunn

Just a quote from a member here on the forum called PAN that was helpful to me in my journey towards 'Super-O ':

That "going further" feeling is your penile orgasm learnings in your head trying to steer you to a final destination. There is no such thing, it's more of "tuning in" or letting yourself drop backwards into a warm pool. After some sessions, if you breathe and relax, that state should be familiar and friendly, like you're taking a stroll in the park. Enjoy that state and breathe, be incredibly subtle in your contractions if any, and before you know it, you'll be holding on to dear life. 

This thread is one of the most relevant I have read here on Aneros. 

The above comment has helped me in my journey as an aneros plodder.  After having read the WIKI many times over the course of my time here, I am wondering what would be the benefit of successful anerosans writing their individual tutorials of how they progressed to prostate Os and on to super Os. Such a tutorial would be the distilled essence of what worked and is working for them.  Just a thought.  

I know we have a section on Super Os and how I did it, but might we all benefit from astute users writing their own individual tutorials giving the rest of us the benefit of their wisdom and sage advice to help us get to the joy and pleasure in the male body that you veterans are experiencing. Again, just a thought.  And to you brothers who take so much time here posting on your experiences, a big thank you for helping your underlings progress.  

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This : 

Posted by: @tbob

I am beginning to beleive that one mans super o, could very well be another mans good session, but no super O.

Plus this : 

Posted by: @helghast

Things I did that didn’t result in super o at the start do now,why? Because the belief is there now.

Posted by: @helghast

Quakes,trembles,pleasure. Waves of it,in places I’d not felt before,I had to learn that this what what I’d chased.

To me, these are at the heart of the whole thing. A launch pad of sorts, or a transition zone. Understanding this, feeling the familiar sensations or recognizing new ones (focus), and when you are certain that you are in the right place and that it is going to work, that all systems are "go" (which is the belief part), slipping into the Super-O. That transition zone feels great, and staying there has its own charms, but it's just not the Super-O, yet. Navigating that bit successfully is maybe the most complicated part of the whole process...

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@turnrow Good idea. i have recently made an overview of what worked for me. One of these I will edit it and post it here.


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Great idea brother! 🙂


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I am glad this idea was well received at first blush.

Another suggestion:  Perhaps we should have a section on TUTORIALS or at a minimum, each man should label his writing as his tutorial, as in @HELGHAST'S TUTORIAL.  That way, those of us who are still trying to learn the mechanics of it all would know instantly that a brother is trying to help in what worked for him. 

Thanks men.  I know we have the WIKI and lots of information here on this forum, but sometimes it is like some former Supreme Court Justice  said about some appellant's brief:  "It is a mystifying cloud of words."

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