My Orgasm Tecquniqu...
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My Orgasm Tecqunique

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Very interesting how using the Aneros has eventually opened up new territory for all of us. It's too bad that as males, we tend to grow up in a "go for the finish line mentality" in regards to orgasm. We seem to mainly naturally experience orgasm in a very goal oriented way, while with females, for the most past, it's the journey that is part of the whole orgasm experience and not just the big finish. It's unfortunate that as we develop sexually, there's really no good educational resources made available that help us discover our bodies and we have to kind of stumble upon this information. Can you imagine how sexual disease, unwanted pregnancy and other problems related to premature youthful sexual activities could be avoided if we could effectively teach young men about to get more out of masturbation? Not to mention the fact that the "high" we've all experienced from discovering these new sensations is far better than any drug I've ever done. All the drugs we need are right here in our bodies, ready to be tapped into with the proper training. Rather, at best the subject of male sexual pleasure is assumed to be an instinct so we don't offer the necessary information or at the worst, we make boys feel guilty and dirty for doing it.

You all might find a book called "The Science of Orgasm" interesting. It is written from a medical perspective and it does get a bit technical at times but it is still fully of fascinating medical science on the topic. In the book, they provide documentation of the varied and numerous ways people can experience orgasm. They site documented cases of individuals who can experience orgasms just from thinking, without any physical stimulation. Men and women with spinal cord injury have described that the skin near their injury is hypersensitive to touch...painful and irritated if accidentally brushed, but if stimulated in the right way by the right person, capable of producing pleasurable orgasmic feelings that are perceived as emanating from the genitals. Orgasms can be cause from stimulation of the breast or nipples possibly because sensations from this area may stimulate the same group of neurons in the brain that receive sensory input from the genitals same area of the brain. There are also documented cases of individuals experiencing orgasm from stimulation of the mouth or anus in both women and men, which we all know to be true.

The book suggests an understanding of the sensory pathways that are probably activated during orgasm can help understand the experience. For example, the pelvic nerve provides the sensory nerve supply from the penis, rectum and bladder. Activation of this nerve can generate orgasm when stimulated via the penis, so it's no surprise that when the rectum is stimulated it produces orgasm. They state in the book that in women, stimulating the rectum in addition to the clitoris, vagina and cervix could add to the quality...complexity, intensity and pleasurableness...of orgasm in it should do the same for men. Also in men, sensory activity originating from the prostate via they hypogastric nerve during ejaculation contributes to the pleasurable sensations of orgasm, which is why stimulation with the Aneros is so pleasurable.

They point out that the type of orgasm depends on the area and associated nerves being stimulated. For example, in women, the difference in sensory quality of stimulating the clitoris, vagina or cervix is most likely due to the different nerves receiving stimuli from these different regions. The clitoris is supplied mainly by the prudendal nerve, the vagina mainly by the pelvic nerve and the cervix by the hypogastrc, pelvic and vagus nerves ( I don't know what the corresponding area/nerve combinations are for males but with the Aneros, we are typically combining rectum, anus, prostate, breast and gentile nerve pathways and sensations). As they indicate, while stimulating each of these regions can by themselves produce orgasms feeling different from each other, the combined stimulation of all three regions (and I would add the breasts) leads to an additive effect, producing a more encompassing orgasm, known as a blended orgasm. This is possibly what we are experiencing with the Aneros and some of the other methods described in this post lead me to believe there are specific nerve pathways being activated with specific physical sensations (the "pelvic bop", as it's called here, for example).

In any case, given the fact we're making all these fascinating discoveries on our own, experimenting with the tools God gave us, I though you all might find this book an interesting if not a bit medical jargony addition to your journey regarding not only what occurs between our legs but also between our ears...and everywhere in between, in this midst of one of life's most pleasurable and mysterious experiences. I bought the book on Amazon. Authors are Barry R. Komisaruk and Carlos Beyer-Flores. Enjoy.

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Thanks for the reference newguy8762, I read this book and many others on the topic looking to have multiple orgasms sadly it provides no direct answers and speaks only of physical part of the experience with examples.
I believe all we experience including orgasm has to do with much more than only our body and our brain. Sapience and medicine currently are still for the most part denying existence of continuation of our body in sort of a different dimension while I feel that is the case and it is that continuation that of us that controls things as emotions and so on. Energy flowing is what I describe having an orgasm is, I think many will agree on that feeling, well is energy physical? I do not see it but I feel it then obviously we feel something that is nonphysical and we feel it with nonphysical part of ourself. I found this being reflected in almost everything we do outside of orgasm, just look for it.

I agree also that Aneros community is a great place to share and while I did not start having multiples with anoros I love to share my experience here and read about others.

In regards to education there is a problem at the very base of it, try talking about sex and orgasms to your friends how about coworkers? Will it feel weird? Yes it will why? because this is something hat is not discussed with kids parents have blocks about sex they do not share their experience with anyone but few people in their life and kids grow up same way. Society puts guilt tag and shame tag on it while everyone does it.

hlaser99 my only intention was to help out but seems like you already have it rolling your way=)

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Ok, a couple of questions if I may.

When I tried this I was having a few moments of pleasure, then it vanished.

The questions I have are:

- Are we simply referring to the pubic bone?
- Are we rubbing the center of it?
- How deep I needed to go?
- How near to the penis base I needed to be?
- Should I be rubbing with the pads of the finger or have the fingers in a claw like shape.

I am sure that these points are arbitrary, but they are just things that I would like to have some feedback on.


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Ok, a couple of questions if I may.

When I tried this I was having a few moments of pleasure, then it vanished.

The questions I have are:

- Are we simply referring to the pubic bone?
- Are we rubbing the center of it?
- How deep I needed to go?
- How near to the penis base I needed to be?
- Should I be rubbing with the pads of the finger or have the fingers in a claw like shape.

I am sure that these points are arbitrary, but they are just things that I would like to have some feedback on.


Hey Morn and thanks for bringing this up. I think every question is worth asking.

Pubic bone is more of a reference point to pinpoint a location of the spot being stimulated, on top of that bone you have allot of tissue and pubic hair. That tissue is sort of loose above the penis base, it stretches when you stretch your legs and if you draw them in to your chest you will get allot of skin there. That skin is what you play with and it is better to have your legs bent in your knees when you do it.
Put your fingers at the base of the penis in the location of your pubic bone you should feel some skin there, there is no need for allot of pressure, all you do is gently stroking up from the base up your body. In reality you massage that spot and your motions move the skin while your fingers kind of stay in one spot and you do not need to make long strokes you are massaging that area with slight movements. I can even say movement is allot like "licking" with your fingers but in massage kind of way while your fingers always touch the skin. Your hand does not move at all you do small movements with ends of your fingers and you play with the speed.
In general I always begin at the very base of the penis I basically put my fingers at the very base but can move around as I get in to it.
I use pads of my fingers and apply little pressure.

Hope this helps you.

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Long time I wanted to get this out there, hope some find it useful.

I would like to share one of the ways I use to get dry-multi-orgasm that feels very similar to the way you would orgasm during normal penile stimulation. You will not feel the same contractions during this type of orgasm but that is why you do not ejaculate(and it has nothing to do with PC muscle huh?). This orgasm is very intense and it can last for as long as you choose. It feels more in the front part of the body and genital area, there are small contractions that go all around your belly, they seem to be deep.

Now that some of you are interested hopefully here is how you do it. I want to say straight up - this works I discovered it by playing with my body and it is your decision to make if you want to try it or not. I will guide you only based on my experience.

Pubic area right above penis is the spot that I use to bring this orgasm, if you explore it you will find a bone there and that bone is sort of in the spot you will be stimulating. The way you do it is you place your hand in a way that your fingers touch the base of the penis and your palm is on your belly
your fingers should be right on that bone I mentioned. Then you bend your fingers, touching that pubic area it will look as if you have a ball in your hand.
This in some way looks like when woman stimulates her clit, but this is just to give you a better idea. The way you should stimulate: make movements as if you are calling someone "come here" motion but you are using 3 fingers. This is more like stroking you apply pressure only going "up" bending your fingers in that motion. Stroking would not be good way to describe it though, since most of the movement happens because there is allot of skin there and it moves.
Be gentle and look for feelings of arousal, you might notice small wave appear and disappear but you just keep the stimulation going. This feels alike with regular masturbation in terms of how pleasure builds you get one wave then it fades and the the next and then you orgasm. There is no need in fast or aggressive stimulation here, best results come from slow steady motions at least for me, you might want to stop and speed up sometimes but that is up to you.
When you do orgasm another interesting thing is that you might want to slow down your stimulation at that time or even stop it and just hold your fingers in place, you can sort of overturn the orgasm if you get aggressive.

If you do not feel pleasurable feelings right away this is ok try to get gentle stimulation going this way, it helps if you are aroused with erection. It seems to work well in position when you are on your back with knees bent. In general bent legs allow for more skin in the spot since it is not stretched.

I practice this for two years it did take me some time to get this to work, I think it was due to not stimulating the correct way. This is active orgasm you will feel the need to move, roll your eyes, and moan, longest orgasm I had using this technique was about 20minutes. Best of all I can get this orgasm within few seconds and need nothing but myself to have it.
This orgasm is different from the one aneros offers.

This is the first time I shared this so please if you have any results or questions let me know.

Yes, This spot is referred to as the "sexual palace" or "jing gong" in men in taoist terms. I have heard of it and sorta focus there sometimes, very powerful. Also slighty tensing the muscles around the eyes and the iris of the eyes themselves along with this point and tip of penis is said to increase sexual energy. Important to learn how to direct this energy in the body in a cricular pattern called the microcosmic orbit. See mantak chia's stuff for more info or ask away...


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Ok, a couple of questions if I may.

When I tried this I was having a few moments of pleasure, then it vanished.

The questions I have are:

- Are we simply referring to the pubic bone?
- Are we rubbing the center of it?
- How deep I needed to go?
- How near to the penis base I needed to be?
- Should I be rubbing with the pads of the finger or have the fingers in a claw like shape.

I am sure that these points are arbitrary, but they are just things that I would like to have some feedback on.


Hey Morn and thanks for bringing this up. I think every question is worth asking.

Pubic bone is more of a reference point to pinpoint a location of the spot being stimulated, on top of that bone you have allot of tissue and pubic hair. That tissue is sort of loose above the penis base, it stretches when you stretch your legs and if you draw them in to your chest you will get allot of skin there. That skin is what you play with and it is better to have your legs bent in your knees when you do it.
Put your fingers at the base of the penis in the location of your pubic bone you should feel some skin there, there is no need for allot of pressure, all you do is gently stroking up from the base up your body. In reality you massage that spot and your motions move the skin while your fingers kind of stay in one spot and you do not need to make long strokes you are massaging that area with slight movements. I can even say movement is allot like "licking" with your fingers but in massage kind of way while your fingers always touch the skin. Your hand does not move at all you do small movements with ends of your fingers and you play with the speed.
In general I always begin at the very base of the penis I basically put my fingers at the very base but can move around as I get in to it.
I use pads of my fingers and apply little pressure.

Hope this helps you.

Thats the info I was after, I think I misinterpreted the original posting.


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See mantak chia's stuff for more info or ask away...

I agree with you Nino, I too have learned a lot from Mantak Chia

and also from Daniel Reid

Practicing "self cultivation" and having good diet has taken me to heights I could never have dreamed of. And to think that all this knowledge has been around for thousands of years!

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