I've had an mgx for a month, and have had some great feelings from it, but no big o. I can never get the involuntary muscle movements to start. I just bought a helix, and during the first use, I did finally get some movement that I didn't initiate. I'm not sure if this is caused by me thinking the new model works better, or if it really does. I suspect the mgx to be a bit small for me, but I'll try it again next session to be sure. I also have noticed that it doesn't seem to wait to start it's work ( helix ) . I barely get it in, and it starts working on me with no contractions at all. I know I should just relax for at least 10 minutes, but it won't let me. I've still not had a big o, but I can tell I'm closer now...a lot closer! Very exciting to know what my mind is going through to make this work.
From my experiences, and what I've read on the forums, blogs, etc, it seems the helix model should be in the "starter kit".