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My keys to re-wiring and getting to a super-O

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So I've been at this now for well over 2 years. Figured I would share some of my experiences and give some advice.

It took me over a year of using the aneros until I finally got my first super-O. After that I had several more, and had thought my journey was over. I was re-wired. It would be another 4 months until I got them again. The last 4 months was by far the most I have ever learned in this process. I'm now able to have them fairly consistently, and they continue to grow in intensity and duration. My first super-Os came 2-3 hours into the session, now they come in under an hour.

Anyway, my experiences.

Re-wiring is real. For me, I had over 40 years of my body knowing what an orgasm was. Now here I am trying to 'teach' it something else. If I were to put it in perspective, its like stories you read when someone loses their sight. They have to re-learn feeling, and listening. Their body eventually adapts. I'm thinking its the same way here, at least with me. 40 years of penile orgasms and telling my body - hey, now do it this way. It's not going to happen overnight. Just like the blind example you need to give it lots of time and a hell of a lot of patience.

In re-wiring, this was probably the #1 booster for me. A vibrator. I bought one that had a nice bend in it, and had variable speeds. I would place it right on the prostate and just relax. I would do 20 minute sessions a couple times a week. That really woke my prostate up.

Some tips to finally getting there (again from my perspective). These are all important.

  • Get time when you won't be disturbed.
  • Make this time a session where you're not expecting someone or something to end it. IE: If you're looking at your watch to see how much time you have left. If you are just working on re-wiring and not expecting a super-O thats fine however.
  • Clean yourself out, fully, before any session. This is probably the most important one here, at least for me. I use some very warm water, and a medicine syringe - about 15 full squirts. That will usually clean me out. I'll explain below why.
  • A decent about of lube. Now that you are cleaned out add lube. I use silicon, squirted in with the same syringe. Since you are cleaned out you don't need as much.

Now I use a helix. I used to use the progasm jr, but I've found the helix actually works best for me now. Simple reason why. When fully cleaned out and with lube, I can feel the helix going back and forth on my prostate now. This is why its critically important to be 100% cleaned out, you don't want any crap (to put it bluntly) getting in the way. The progasm, while it did work a few times, I found that it pressed to hard against the prostate. Think smooth. You want smooth. You want to feel it gliding back and forth... just thinking about it turns me on. Anyway.

Get relaxed. Turn the lights down. Close the blinds, close the door. Get the temperature warm enough that you can rest on top of the sheets nude and not be chilled. I don't put any music or anything on, I need the quiet to fantasize. More on that later.

I lay on my right side, right leg mostly extended. Left leg is bend, foot is set on the back of my right knee. I position my penis so it won't hit anything when it gets hard and soft over the session. I fix the pillow so my head is nestled nice and straight. You need to find a position where you are completely and utterly relaxed and can remain in that position for an extended period of time. I've found (not so much now, but in the early super-Os I did) that just a simple moving to find a different relaxed position could kill an entire session.


I don't do them. I used to, but I found that it was having an adverse reaction for me. I found I needed to 'feel' my prostate and the aneros together. Contractions just weren't working. More below as to what and why.

Because breathing stimulates the prostate enough for me. Right now close your mouth, take a deep breath through your nose, maybe 75% of a complete 'fill your lungs breath'. Exhale nearly all of it out of your nose. Now do it 10 more times. Are you lightheaded at all? If yes, you went too fast and/or took in too much breath. Slow it down. Now do it for 2 minutes straight and stay relaxed. Any lightheadedness? Should be no. Ok now do it again, this time concentrate and keep a steady rhythm. You may think this is silly but it serves a purpose (again - for me). You need to be able to keep these deep breaths at a nice steady pace for an hour (or more).

Do the deep breaths again, this time close your eyes. Feel your heartbeats in your chest throughout the in and out of the breath. Now concentrate and feel them in your hands and fingers. Try it more on other parts of your body. Do this exercise anytime you have some spare time. It does serve a purpose.

When you have the aneros in (again I use the helix) and are deep breathing in the position above, it will slide gently on the prostate at the peak of the breathing cycle (at the full breath and starting to exhale). You may not (most likely will not) feel it at first. But once you get 'attuned' to your body you will. I used to think you needed a decent amount of pressure on the prostate to get to the super-O. You don't. Or at least I don't.

It's the rhythm of deep breathing and slight pressure on the postate that does it for me. I can feel the aneros gently sliding on it. After just 10 minutes I can soundly feel my heartbeat around my prostate. It pulses.

Now I begin to fantasize. I usually pick a different sex 'theme' each session. I just go through the fantasy in my mind, all the while keeping the breathing in my set rhythm. It comes natural after doing a few times. After 20 minutes is usually when the p-waves start to hit. A 'pulse' shoots through my body and out my head. It snaps you awake. I literally forget (nearly every time) what part of the fantasy I was doing. This happens for me several times.

The super-O. I can now feel 'a spot' of extreme pleasure in the top of my breaths. I want to do contractions and speed up my breath, I especially want to breath out of my mouth. Doing any, for me, can kill my relaxed rhythm state and basically end the session. I stay as relazed possible. Don't chase the rabbit - just remember the super-O comes to you, not the other way around. Stay relaxed. Keep breathing, get back to your fantasy.

Then it comes. The muscles on my face tighten, especially for some reason on the lower left side (not sure why, but every time it does). I feel the aneros get pulled in by itself. Everything inside me begins to contract. My body begins to buzz, extreme pleasure shoots from the prostate just everywhere and the prostate quakes uncontrollably. Sometimes I stay in the same position and just enjoy, other times I'll flip on my back and my body just spasms all over. The super-O can last for 30 seconds or several minutes.

Now sometimes it doesn't come, especially when I was still re-wiring. My best advice here. When you feel that you're reaching a mountain top and just can't get over, then start to climb another, then another and just can't get there. It's like you feel a super-O is right around the corner but its just not happening.

Don't get frustrated when this happens. It's your body telling you it doesn't quite know what to do next. Stop your session, tell yourself 'excellent session!' and go about your day. Always be positive, I found that out the hard way. Frustration will get you nowhere.

Now I read advice about counting contraction time, changing positions, having music on, varying your breathing, the list goes on. I tried it all. What worked for me? Keeping it simple and getting in harmony with my body.

Hope this helps someone. And by god, don't give up. A super-O really is as good as you read about. It will change your life.

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Good read! Thanks JayStark!Regarding contractions, is it okay if they happen involuntary? Or should they ideally not happen at all?

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Thanks. That is a great message.

This is JayStark's experience, not yours. Don't try and mimic other's experience. You'd be doing yourself a great disservice. Your question can only be answered by you. Everything can be okay... As long as it works, see?

This said, if you learn not to contract, wether it helps or not for your goal, you will have learned an extremely valuable thing for your life in general.

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Great post. This is concordant with the stay relaxed methods recently articulated on the forum, adding your own nuances. I know guys will get a lot out of this.


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Good read! Thanks JayStark!Regarding contractions, is it okay if they happen involuntary? Or should they ideally not happen at all?

I let it pass and go back to relaxing. I try not to have one at all if I can help it, but I do get several each session that are involuntary. I've found that I don't have many of these when I'm in the position above (on right side). If I'm on my back with legs bent I get them way more, and its near impossible to 'feel' my prostate with the helix.

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