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My journey reaching new heights

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Hi guys.
I want to share how my journey is going because it''s now taking me to places I've never been before.
First off, I've been using my aneros for a little over two years now. It has been a somewhat steady progression with some setbacks. I have a helix syn, which is my 'go to' model, a prograsm, a eupho, and a maximus.
For the last year or so I've really noticed my sessions improving a lot. I would have very very pleasurable sensations and would experience sort of involuntary /voluntary contractions. They were happening on their own but I felt like I could stop them if I wanted to...of course why would I? Once in a while I would have what I thought could be something like a super o but could never be sure, and it wouldn't last long.
Recently however my body has taken me way over the edge and it's wonderful.
My sessions start out with nice feelings almost immediately. As soon as I insert my helix it feels like a home coming. It truly feels like he belongs in there. I feel a nice pleasant 'pressure' on my prostate sometimes, other times its just a nice overall sensation.
As I relax and think a few sexy thoughts I will get a some tingling and maybe a few light anal contractions as my body begins to come to my helix. Soon I don't have to think about anything except the nice feelings inside me. At one point I will do a very light contraction and hold it just so I can feel my helix playing with my prostate just a bit. It starts to respond right away with a nice 'bubble' of pleasure that starts to grow. I never try and force it, I just enjoy what my body is givng me.
The pleasure continues to build and I can feel it spreading through the rest of my body. It's not mind numbing or anything yet but it's wonderful. I will begin to move a bit and maybe groan as helix does his magic. Soon it builds to the point where I reach my first orgasm. I will tense up and get the same feeling in my abdomen as I do with a wet orgasm but my cock does not get involved, it's just the wonderful orgasm. From there it continues on and on. I will lay on my back, caress my nipples, move my abdomen in various ways and just keep having super o after super o. Sometimes a single orgasm will continue for a minute at a time. It will subside and after a few seconds another one will start and last another minute. It's pure heaven. The entire inside of my abdomen is alive with intense pleasure that simply doesn't stop. And yes, I am writhing on the bed and there are times when I'm almost convulsing with pleasure!
There are times when the head of my helix will feel like it's the size of a basket ball inside me, but not in a bad way. It feels like he's reaching up almost to my chest and making love to my entire insides.
I've finally been able to get my nipples sensitive to the point where I can play with them during my sessions and reach orgasm through them. If I'm feeling a lapse in the action I can start flicking them gently with my fingers and do a couple contractions with my helix and start another round of orgasm. It's just wonderful.
Yesterday after an hour or so with my helix I decided to try my eupho syn. When I put him in I was immediately hit by how much he moved inside me. Of course by then my entire anal canal was so alive and sensitive that I could feel his entire length and the pleasure was wonderful. I set off even more super o's for another 45 minutes or so. I was surprised by how different he felt and how different the orgasms felt with him inside me.
My cock will be rock hard sometimes, other times it'll be semi hard. It's always somewhat excited but I am always careful not to get it involved.
Some of the most intense super o's I have are when I'm on my stomach. For some reason for me it all works that way and I can lay there and basically just have one long orgasm for minutes at a time. I don't do that if my cock is hard because if I do that will lead to a wet orgasm and the game's over. I wait until it's kinda flaccid then lay down with it facing my feet to minimize the sensation there. It works well, but I have to still be careful. If I go too far I will cum.
Anyway, I just wanted to share how my journey has been going. I want to let anyone who is struggling know that it will happen. You just have to be patient and enjoy and relish what your body gives you. Don't try and force it, give in to your body. It knows what it wants. You just have to give it the time to learn how to do it!

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Wow! I'm getting turned-on just reading your detailed post! BTW, you must have some significant Aless sensations as well? Can you talk about them in a future post? I'm sure a lot of us Aneros guys would enjoy reading it!

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Congrats @karvec1959 , I really could make every sentence of your post my own, especially what you felt using your tiny devilish Eupho Syn! Isn't it wonderful? To give in to your body, that's the way it is. Thank you for your post, it was very stimulating to read.

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Thanks guys. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I sure am. 😉

BTW, you must have some significant Aless sensations as well? Can you talk about them in a future post? I'm sure a lot of us Aneros guys would enjoy reading it!

goldenboy ..thanks for the question. I'm not really having any Aless sensations yet. Every once in a while when I'm getting a bit prostate horny, if I concentrate and contract a bit I can get a bit of a shudder in there that feels really nice, but that's where it ends....for now. Who knows, that may come.
For now I'm just really enjoying the new heights my body is taking me during my sessions. I really hope everyone can get there because it is well worth the journey! I'm also looking forward to what's next!

especially what you felt using your tiny devilish Eupho Syn! Isn't it wonderful? To give in to your body, that's the way it is.

SOwithoutAneros Yes it is. 😀

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@karvec1959 your post is an inspiration. It goes to show that sometimes, new Aneros users achieve the ultimate level while others take more time. You clearly point out two important factors; enjoy every sensation during your journey and do not push for results. Let your body determine when and how it wants to react to the toy.
Thank you for sharing!

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karvec1959 your post is an inspiration. It goes to show that sometimes, new Aneros users achieve the ultimate level while others take more time. You clearly point out two important factors; enjoy every sensation during your journey and do not push for results. Let your body determine when and how it wants to react to the toy.

​​​​​Thanks GGringo
I agree that a lot of new users (including myself at the time) make the mistake of focusing on the destination instead of the journey. Obviously we all want that super o that is so famous here, but there is so much good stuff to experience along the way, I almost pity the guys that reach that level too soon.
I have learned so much about how my body works and how to enjoy the pleasures it's capable of giving me, there's no way I would trade that. I believe that learning how your body can create that pleasure has given me more appreciation of the wonderful feelings I'm going through at this level I have just reached.
With that in mind I would like to offer a couple of thoughts to our newer members. I've been reading some of the posts from guys who are getting discouraged by the lack of immediate progress and nice feelings after only a few sessions.
First off, this WILL take time....possibly a couple of years. The number of guys who achieve immediate results is very small. However, that doesn't mean that there is nothing to enjoy before that. Even if it's your very first time with something inside your anus, just enjoy the feelings of fullness and how it feels. That may be all you feel for a few sessions. Just relax and enjoy it! Eventually your body will find new sensations that will give you pleasure.
Speaking of which, just accept right off the bat that your body is the one in charge of the progress you make, not you! This may sound strange but it is true. You are not masturbating. You cannot control how you feel by stroking harder or faster. This an ENTIRELY different situation. You have to trust that your body is building new pathways of pleasure and it will deliver big time once it figures it all out. The only way you can contribute is by reading the forum and the wiki to learn the different processes to do to help it along the way. The rest is out of your control.
So now you're probably saying 'so what's in it for me right now?'
The answer is ...lots! However, at first the rewards will be subtle and sometimes easy to miss. There will be a little tingle here, a bit of a twitch there. These are good things. Your body is starting to reward you for your patience, but it can only give you little bits for now. The secret is to enjoy them for what they are and relish them. Your body is taking the baby steps. Enjoy it!
There is a level of concentration that you need during your sessions. As you relax and breathe you still need to be aware of your feelings as they happen. I usually start my sessions with some nice sexy thoughts and a few visual images that always turn my crank, then as I start to feel some pleasure down there I turn my attention to them and let them guide me. Remember, your body is in charge, not you! You're only along for the ride and to enjoy the rewards. The second you start trying to tell your body what to do it will say 'screw you!' and that'll be it for today.That's why the 'do nothing' method works well for so many of us. It's the way to turn control over to your body.
There will be setbacks along the way. It is not a linear curve. You will find that you'll be making great progress and then suddenly there will be a stretch where you get...nothin'. ....It'll just feel like you got something stuck up your bum. Relax, it will pass. Just keep on plugging away. Soon you'll be back on track and it'll get better!
Eventually you will find that it is possible to do little things during your sessions that will get the pleasure building more quickly. You will learn that just the right amount of contraction at just the right time will get the motor running nicely. However your body will teach you about that, not a forum, and not the wiki. Remember your body is in charge!
I really hope this helps someone out there. For me, my big turning point came when I realized these things....especially when I was able to separate 'me' from my body and let my body take 'me' where it wanted to go. Believe me, your body wants to take you to wonderful places. Please just give it time to learn how to do that, and enjoy every minute of the ride as you go!


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Karvec - Thanks for this inspirational post, it gives me hope that i'll one day reach these feelings, i know i'm still very new to this and the more i read and re educate myself the more i'm beginning to realise that i've probably had the worst kind of introduction to this by doing strap on play, which feels the complete opposite to the things i'm learning about letting go with my aneros, becoming a passenger on the journey and learning to turn and channel very small sensations into the right place, i'm also starting to understand that the orgasm comes from the brain not the prostate, which just produces the chemicals to set the brain free.

I do have a question though that i can't find answers to on the Wiki or forum, - does conventional sex become better once you are fully in control of your emotional and muscular state, i've only been really using my aneros for a few days now, but i noticed during normal sex with my partner yesterday that my normal state of arousal was significantly higher, i felt harder and penetration felt a lot more sensitive and deep, with my eventual orgasm being a lot fuller and stronger......i'm putting this down to a placebo effect at the moment until i've done more research, but it just felt better in every way

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Nice, my nipples still get overstimulated after 5 mins, wish I could work out why, it's been 11 years of trying!

I find the syns frustratingly poor by comparison to the classics, are you not an owner of them? The syns pain in comparison, made worse by the fact of their larger expense.

I can relate to a great deal with your own experiences, the thing I lack is consistency. It sounds to me in your case that one day suddenly your feeling in your prostate increase a good deal more than previously and allowed you to get to these new heights.

one of my issues is that I find super o's much less intense than an ejaculatory orgasm (which as a result of the aneros are godlike now) so the word 'super' doesn't really fit for me, it's much more 'calmer' but a much longer orgasm than a traditional O.

would you agree with that statement? One day your prostate orgasms just increased in overall, general intensity to how they previously were? Cheers

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@karvec1959, I fully agree to your thesis:

Remember, your body is in charge, not you! You're only along for the ride and to enjoy the rewards. The second you start trying to tell your body what to do it will say 'screw you!' and that'll be it for today. That's why the 'do nothing' method works well for so many of us. It's the way to turn control over to your body.

Having had some wonderful hours inserting my new progasm ice two days before this morning I decided to have some aless. After a short visit to the bath I returned to bed. At the first second after turning on my stomach and pulling up my left knee a bit the first involuntary appeared. It only was a very little thrust, a light clench of my buttocks. I smiled to myself and decided to do nothing but to count the seconds while my gland should take over command. It seemed like the best meditation to choose. Between the involuntaries I only could count up to 15 to 20, the movements of my body lasted for 30 to 60 seconds.

What made me wondering most, to count up was not at all distracting. Instead it helped to remain passive and only watch my body working for me. Even more amazing to me was my own fear, there might not happen anything more, when I counted higher than 15. But like always and as I meanwhile should have complete trust in my gland only was taking another run to clear the next hurdle.
And slightly, along with the fourth or fifth convulsion a tingle in my prostate, a nearly not noticable erection build up and step for step my arousal grew.

As if catching up my delay of 15 days SR since friday I had three wet orgasms by penis stimulation each day. Such exhausted my lack of perseverance didn't make me wonder and I prefered breakfest to continuing with aless. Feeling okay with this break-up is significant for Aless too. You always can start again and sometimes directly continue from where you stopped. Such a break within a whank session would have left me much more contentless, unbalanced and unhappy. Instead I buoyantly started my day. "Life is wonderful!" © @GGringo .

Always remember: We are Prostate. Resistance is futile!

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I do have a question though that i can't find answers to on the Wiki or forum, - does conventional sex become better once you are fully in control of your emotional and muscular state

Hi C3PO .....I'm sorry I haven't answered your question before this. For some reason I never got notifications about replies being posted to this thread so I didn't think to look.
In answer to your question, for me, absolutely yes the sex is much better. My wife noticed the difference right away. She said I was harder and lasted much longer than before. Also, if I have my aneros inserted at that time it makes things even better. It's like a little amplifier....everything she does gets amplified huge and the feelings are fantastic!
Part of the reason for the increase in performance goes right to the heart of why we do this. The increased blood flow in the area and the exercise those muscles get greatly helps everything down there, partly restoring them to their youthful vigor. (That's not just me talking...I read it here in the forum 🙂 )

I can relate to a great deal with your own experiences, the thing I lack is consistency. It sounds to me in your case that one day suddenly your feeling in your prostate increase a good deal more than previously and allowed you to get to these new heights.
one of my issues is that I find super o's much less intense than an ejaculatory orgasm (which as a result of the aneros are godlike now) so the word 'super' doesn't really fit for me, it's much more 'calmer' but a much longer orgasm than a traditional O.
would you agree with that statement? One day your prostate orgasms just increased in overall, general intensity to how they previously were?

I hear you on all your points Fury ...
Sorry if it sounded like I went from '0 to 100' in one day because that wasn't the way it was. It was a gradual process. Think of it this way...Picture in your mind a graph of what the temperature does in the spring as it gets warmer. It's not linear. It goes up and down all over the place, but the overall trend it up. That's what happened with me. Then what happened one day was that I reached a certain plateau where my brain was able to work with my body to give me my first super o. Then things carried on from there.
As for the intensity of the super o's I find they vary a lot as well. There are times when yes, the feeling is just as intense as the feeling during a regular orgasm, it just lasts much longer. Those are the best. 🙂
Other times they are weaker. It can vary from session to session, quite often all during the same session.
For regular every day orgasms, both alone and with my wife, they are stronger than ever before. I can feel it without an aneros inserted and most definitely when I have one in there.
I'm finding that even now the feelings during my aneros sessions fluctuate a lot. Right now I'm going through a phase where the feelings in there aren't nearly as intense as they have been. However I know it will pass. I still am enjoying my sessions, I'm just not getting my world rocked quite as much at the moment. Soon though....;)

Hope this answers your questions. Again, everyone is different so what I feel is not what you will feel.
Again, sorry it took so long to answer.....

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great post - thanks for sharing!
Enjoy the Journey!

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