My Intro & Journey
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My Intro & Journey

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Hello everyone, with the new year about to dawn upon us, one of my new years resolutions is to become more active on adult communities that I belong to, and thankfully there isn't too many otherwise I would be spending too much time sitting at the PC, and to kick start the new years resolution promise, I decided that my first place to post is right here on the Aneros forums.

I've been quite the lurker on here, and I have only just signed back up to the forums, but saying that, I have been an Aneros user for quite a few months now, around 6-8 months I would say, but I never really had a set routine where I could use my Aneros on a regular basis (mostly due to ill health) but now things are going great and I am now able to get better acquainted with my Aneros and I really wanted to share my journey so far with fellow users.

A little bit about me, im 33yo, living in the UK, single and 100% happy with that, and the main reason I purchased my Aneros was all down to sheer luck one time when masturbating, I was doing my thing, but I was in some sort of bating heaven, I felt so relaxed, almost as though I was floating, and then came a yearning for something to be inside my anus, so I found something I could use, and continued masturbating, as the session reached its climax, my entire body began shaking, my knees almost buckled, and I had what can only be described as tingling over every part of my body, and I instantly knew that my prostate was being rocked, the combination of ejaculating and my prostate being driven into frenzy was to this day the best orgasm I have ever experienced, and due to that, my quest for prostate stimulation was born.

So after some researching on the internet, I discovered the Aneros device, and decided that this could be what I have been searching for, and it turns out, its exactly what I have been searching for. I quickly purchased the Helix, and when it arrived I naturally was eager to test things out. Now I will happily admit, it did not rock my world on initial use, but as time progressed, things began moving in the right direction.

Lately my sessions are becoming much more pleasurable, the waves begin pretty quick, within the first few minutes of inserting the Helix, I can feel deep twitching inside my anus, which just makes my heart pound, almost as though its about to burst out of my chest. Along with this deep twitching, I feel what I can only describe as a ball of energy, almost electric, buzzing inside my anus, and its as though this sensation wants to engulf my entire body, to accompany these feelings, I start to leak huge amounts of precum. These sensations only last for maybe 1 minute at a time, but the frequency of these waves are increasing, they are almost back to back, giving me little time to recover my breath. Whilst I am still relatively new to the Aneros, I know that my journey can only get better.

So guys, this has been my journey so far, and I look forward to being able to share more of my journey as things progress. Hopefully future posts will not be as long as this, but atleast I have got the introduction out of the way. Any feedback or suggestions is more than welcome, even a "hello" from a fellow user is welcome.

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Posts: 373

Welcome Bro.
Sounds like you are on the verge of the rewiring. I hope that 2014 is both your year and my year for total rewiring.

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Welcome and congratulation! Your comments suggest you are on a good path to greater things!

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Welcome Bro.
Sounds like you are on the verge of the rewiring. I hope that 2014 is both your year and my year for total rewiring.

Thanks! Lets hope so!

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Welcome and congratulation! Your comments suggest you are on a good path to greater things!

Thanks, i'm sure there's many a good thing in store.

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An auspicious beginning, Shuiyen. Know that electric ball sensation, it's great! keep us informed.

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