In my recently fulfilled journey more than a year and a half had gone by and I had tried almost every Aneros model with no success. I read many forum entries and got great information from the likes of Max Mayfield and Rummel and it’s all good stuff. Every attempt was nothing more than a few sensations, but, there was one exception. There was the one time I got blind-sided with a single Super O using the Helix but I could never find it again. That moment was breath taking and I think I cried out from being overwhelmed with pleasure. It was insane ! Trying to get that feeling back became very frustrating for months on end. Nothing worked again. I was sure I was trying too hard so I followed every suggestion especially about being relaxed, but still nothing. Then I happened to read about a model from High Island Health called the PS NEW that they describe on their website as for anyone over 5’11”. I never, in all my reading, had read there was a model for taller men, but it makes sense. Aneros does not offer this version but they should. I am 6’ exactly so I ordered one with a little more hope and tried it the day I got it. Well, well , well.......
So here are the results of that day and every time since - a Super O with no exceptions. I will go through my steps that I derived for me.
I use a coconut/walnut oil blend for lube - 5 - 10 ml injected. Then I coat a layer of Vaseline over the PS New and then dip it into the coconut / walnut oil blend and Insert it at this point. I then lay down on my right side with left knee up and do a few small contractions. Now I do a deep “double contraction” (PC and anal together) and hold for twenty seconds. Take a deep breath and relax begin listening. You should be “listening” for flutter feed back from your prostate. Now and then I squeeze very slight PC contractions. This waiting and listening can take a while- maybe 30-60 minutes in the beginning. I also learned the difference from PC contractions from anal contractions. They are different but so close that some people on the forum ask “what’s the difference?” Learning to exercise them and isolate the two helps greatly.
Feel for slight flutters from the prostate, then a small buzzing, and then a gradual swelling feeling in the anus - this is the beginning! Roll a little more to your right to open your butt checks so the device can move and is not restricted. Let it take you. The swelling should keep expanding and taking charge of you anus. I think Mayfield speaks about this as “giving in” to being penetrated and relaxing so it can happen. Relax, Let it take you. Try to hold onto the swelling feeling by relaxing the anal muscle as you gently contract the higher PC muscle. This causes a “tug of war” muscle conflict and (with a little practice) almost immediately the anus will feel like it’s being penetrated (wonderful feeling) and the Prostate seems to swell, this can be a very overwhelming feeling and it varies each time. The first time it happened was so exhilarating and overwhelming I didn’t know to laugh or cry again because I got it back!. I was gasping and moaning for it to not stop. I buried my head in the pillow wanting to scream. There is no doubt when a Super O takes you over! They can last for 15 seconds or many minutes. I have learned how to keep them going by relaxing the anus while contracting high up in the PC area. Nothing too hard or I lose it altogether. No worry though because once the “well is primed” the contractions can be brought back. Nearly to the point of exhaustion. I just had at least two dozen superOs in a two hour session and that’s with nothing really happening until almost the second hour. Be forewarned this took over a year of searching for the Super O and reading everything from Mayfield. Another big influence was a post from 2010 from Caveofmystery titled Quick and Dirty path to the Super O found here:
Thankfully it all came together for me recently because of good information out there and perseverance. If you are struggling don’t give up because you will miss out on something magical.
PS- Don’t hold back telling your wife about it. Honesty is the best policy and hopefully you shouldn’t need to hide it. I was very worried to bring it up and yet my wife was all on board with this and even shoots the lube and inserts the device a lot of times. I get a giant boner just having her do this. No touching though until after my ride. To her, this toy is no different than the many toys we have tried for her. And there is nothing like this for men that will produce these extreme sensations.
I was skeptic that almost missed out! Good luck.
A helix syn user for about a month now. Up until today, I guess I had a number of what would be termed dry-o's or mini-o's. Pretty intense experience producing a fair amount of clenching and radiating tingling feeling with inability to focus or remain in a relatively still position. But nothing that I would term as a 'super-o'.... that is until today. I watched some of the video's others posted on their super-o experiences, and I really thought...that is until today.....that all the uncontrollable thrashing about was likely little more than theatrics for the viewer. Well, I hit the familiar dry-o today and just kept the rhythm moving throughout the experience. About 3-5 minutes into it I was thrashing about the bed uncontrollably and nearly fell off of it. The whole thing felt like an out of body experience. Heck, words cant even begin to describe what happened. Last night I was wondering what would happen if I tried the helix while in the hot tub with jets hitting the right places. But after today, I am no longer going to entertain that idea as I don't want to be the first helix user to drown. Although it would make for an interesting read on a death certificate!!!
Unlike what I've been reading about other guy's first Super-O experiences, achieved through using Aneros, my first Super-O was A-less.
About 10 years ago, I began to experience the onset of erectile dysfunction. I spoke with my primary care physician, who prescribed weight loss and reducing fats and sugars in my diet. I followed his advice for over a year – to no avail – and eventually he suggested trying meds. While they worked, I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of taking a pill every time I wanted to have sex. I decided to take matters into my own hands, so to speak.
From reading about the virtues of kegel exercises for men, I began a daily kegel routine that restored my erectile stamina in a matter of two short weeks – and I’ve been doing kegels every day ever since.
One day, about 3 years ago, I was sitting in my office, doing kegels, when I became aware of a warm, almost buzzing sensation in my rectum. I closed my eyes and focused my attention on that feeling, and within a minute or so, it had grown in intensity as to feel orgasmic. I began to wonder if I was about to cum in my pants! Though I had to stop when a co-worker walked up, later that day, at home, I tried it again – and actually brought myself to a fairly strong, dry orgasm that lasted about a minute – WAY longer than any orgasm I’d had before. I focused again and brought myself to an even longer, stronger orgasm. I realized that I could actually will the orgasm to get stronger – and for about an hour, I worked feverishly to bring myself to ejaculation that way. I didn’t ejaculate, but I had a great time trying.
I researched online and found stories of women who could think themselves to orgasm, but learned that it was a rare occurrence for men. I also found a lot of somewhat scary “kundalini awakening” references that seemed a little too esoteric for my sensibilities. I also found videos promising hypnotic orgasms and binaural beat videos promising hands-free orgasms – all of which produced mild to no results.
One day, driving home from work, my butt began buzzing off the hook. It felt as if an orgasm was trying to happen on its own. I left the highway and stopped in a parking lot – where my first Super-O happened, practically against my will. I was surprised that I didn’t ejaculate – it certainly felt like I had (in fact, it felt like I was continually ejaculating. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest AND my groin.) Even though I didn’t “cum” in the traditional sense, I produced enough precum to soak through and create a wet spot on my blue jeans.
The orgasm continued for about 15 minutes, growing stronger and stronger. I had tears streaming down my face and curiously, I found it hard to open my eyes or close my mouth. My pelvis was shaking wildly and my stomach muscles were tight and trembling. I was gripping the steering wheel so tightly, my knuckles were aching. I chuckled thinking to myself that if anyone had looked at me sitting there, writhing in my pleasure meltdown, they’d have thought I was having a heart attack.
Though it was beyond pleasurable, and would have lasted as long as I’d wanted it to, it grew intensity to a level that actually frightened me. I began worrying that I might be having a stroke or a seizure of some kind. I willed it to stop – which it did – and I finished my drive home. That night, the buzzing returned when I went to bed, and I decided to go with it. I enjoyed an equally strong Super-O that lasted for over 2 hours. I figured that, if I was actually dying at that moment, it felt just too dang good for me to care.
For the next month or so, I found that I could lapse into states of orgasm any time I wanted to. In staff meetings, at restaurants, driving in the car – anywhere, any time. And sometimes, orgasms would actually coming looking for me. All I had to do was let them happen. Some were mild and lasted only a few seconds, and some would last as long as I’d let them – often for over an hour.
I told my primary care physician about what was happening to me, and he gave me some printouts about a condition called PGAD (Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder) – which was rare, and mainly happened to women. I even joined an online PGAD support group hoping to chat with other men who could do what I could do (mainly women complaining about it). He also checked my prostate and did tests on my blood and urine – and found nothing wrong with me.
I decided to stop questioning my new “ability” and just enjoy it.
However, after about 6 months of daily, hands-free orgasms whenever I pleased, my ability began to taper off. I’d have days where I could achieve a mild orgasms, but then I’d go through stretches of weeks – and even months were even a standard orgasm wasn’t as enjoyable.
Looking for more information about how to possibly revive my ability, I stumbled across the Aneros website. I bought a helix and embarked on a period of about 2 months where I used it every day to no avail. I had all but given up when one day – out of the blue – my butt began buzzing again. I had an A-less orgasm! I was thrilled. I decided to try using the Aneros right then and was treated to an orgasm that rivaled the one I’d had in that parking lot, months earlier. After a couple of years of trying to get it to happen again, I found myself enjoying another Super-O.
I’ve had my Aneros Helix about a year now, and I’ve had off-and-on success with it. My periods of ability come and go – sometimes strong, sometimes mild – and I’ve come to accept that there are just going to be times that I can’t achieve Super-O’s, or even mild hands-free orgasms, either with or without Aneros.
It's been about 1 year since I purchased my first Aneros and it's been a journey of different stages. About 2 weeks ago something clicked and I began to have my first dry orgasms with a vibrating prostate massager. But this was quickly replicable with the Aneros, by being in the same receptive state of mind. I was soon able to get multiple dry os consecutively.
Last night I had this orgasm which spread throughout the whole body. It hit the orgasmic peak and I was expecting it to die down after the usual few seconds, but it didn't. The orgasm didn't break or chain into another dry o, it just kept getting stronger and more pleasurable. It was one continuous orgasm that kept getting better. To put it vaguely, if a regular ejaculatory orgasm is on a scale of 1, this was a 1 which ramped up into a 2 and 3 then 4. It lasted just as long as 4 traditional orgasms.
Although my first super o isn't crazy spectacular with all the flopping about (mostly lower ab/pc area movement), the pleasure was off the charts and much longer as far as my experience goes and I look forward to exploring more of this territory beyond.
Thanks to everyone for posting their experiences! Both educational and a turn on.
I've been experimenting with different toys, positions for about 6 mons, since I first ordered my Aneros. After trying too hard, using the wrong lube or not enough, I had my first super O while vacationing in Florida 3 mons ago. Warm breeze, starry night allowed me to relax and accept the pleasure that came. What's crazy, is that I can now get mini and super O's without the devices - and almost anywhere. Long car rides are much more fun now.
I've do a ton of Kegels and have gotten to the point where I can feel entire body waving orgasms in about 15 minutes. Haven't had a HFO yet, but lots of precum. Is there a better feeling than feeling fluid squeeze out of your prostate and into your penis during an Super O? My favorite position is sitting in a recliner - just the right pressure from below, but still enough "play" to let the muscles and Aneros move.
I think I had one last night. The last few days were not achieving much. A few little buzzes but nothing at all like I'd been experiencing last weekend. So I went back to then and determined what had worked and also did some more reading. In the Archives, Rumel had a post called Instructions. After reading it thoroughly, I realized I was getting in too much of a hurry. And after posting a question about my Progasm popping out, BigGlansDC reminded me that I have to keep working on the kegels. So I did my usual routine and got into bed and did 15 minutes of deep breathing exercises. Before I was finished, I had become used to the Progasm being in place and could no longer feel it being there. Then I started about 20-30 anal contractions as per the instructions. And then, onto the next stage of doing hard deep contractions and holding them through several breaths, until my pelvis and upper legs started to shake. I did at least 30 of these and then began to relax, but remembering what BigGlansDC had said about kegels, I remembered to keep a little contraction going, just enough to hold the Progasm in. As I do more kegels through the day, every day, I'm hoping to get to the point where I don't even realize that I'm doing a small contraction to hold it in place. When I get to that point, I'll be able to take that focus away and give it to my prostate sensations.
Well, wow! It wasn't long before I could feel contractions happening all on their own! This peristalsis was rocking that Progasm all by itself, leaving me with nothing to do but face and embrace the oncoming wave.
I could feel a wave of energy emanating from my prostate/pelvis upwards through my abdomen. My package felt felt like it was wet, and indeed, I could feel true wet coming from the tip of my penis. As I relaxed even more, I forced myself to keep breathing, and ended up panting. As the wave moved through my chest, I could feel another wave starting in my head. When it was pretty much all consuming, I lost sense of everything around me. My eyelids were flickering. I could hear the inside of my mouth making a sound like pop rocks fizzing, but without the taste or feeling. My head felt like it was turning to see things around me, but my head wasn't moving and my eyes weren't seeing. This went for at least 2 minutes. When it began to ease, I refocused my mind, so to speak, on my prostate and I could feel the wave coming again. Again with the wetness, both real and imagined. Again with everything. This happened 4 times in total, and then 2 or 3 times to a lesser degree. After about 5 minutes, I started contractions again, and again I felt it start up. I did this cycle about 3 times, and although the second and third cycles were good, they weren't quite as good as the first.
I found that inhaling in deep in the abdomen, and finishing my exhale quickly would start the wave and then I could focus on it and where it was coming from. Almost like pulling something that was already moving.
I had promised myself last week that I would let today be my day to have a T.O., but I'm not sure if want to do that. Although I do get horny again pretty quickly afterwards, part of me wants to keep this up. I'll have another session tonight and see what I feel like. Then I may hold off a few days until my Helix Syn finally arrives.
02-12-2019, 06:48 PM
I think I'd like to change my answer if that's okay. I'm thinking that what I wrote about above was more likely Dry-O's. This afternoon was a little different, and I think now that this was the big one. I think, from what I've read in the descriptions that these weren't Super-O's, but rather dry orgasms. The session this afternoon seemed to go way further. I had been having Aless Dry-O's since last night and I got back into bed this afternoon to see if I could tap into all the sexual energy I was feeling. I got the Progasm put into place and then I relaxed and breathed normally, feeling actions from my prostate and and ass. Then suddenly, things changed. The p-tab started tap-dancing on my perineum, and I could feel my prostate vibrating against the Progasm. I started curling up again, but this time it was different. I wasn't bouncing in the same way, but more shaking. It felt different, although strongly similar. My moaning sounded different too. A lot more shaking in my voice as the shaking in my body was so pronounced. I was curling up in a ball, but now with my eyes closed, I was seeing green spots, and I had gone completely deaf. My arm, which had been under my pillow supporting my head, was suddenly out and flopping against the pillow repeatedly. I was completely lost and having the time of my life! And then, just as it was ebbing, I felt the p-tab going crazy again, prostate buzzing and I was all set! Then the damn thing popped right out.
Sonuvabitch! More kegels in the daily planner. The problem is that when I'm in a highly charged sexual state like today, doing kegels just sets me off. But I will power through if it means I can get waves of Super-O's! Yes waiter, I'll start with some kegels, then for my entree, some more kegels, then for desert, even more kegels!
I finished the session off just after that, feeling really good! Still highly charged, but feeling pretty peaceful!
FINALLY!!!! After 4 years, 7 months, a 4 hour session with a few interruptions, 1 soft silicone plug, 5 aneros models, and an Njoy wand I got my 1st Super O!!!!
I started out in the bath with my plug just looking to get my prostate awake. I then moved to the bed and switched in the helix trident syn to get things started while watching my new erotic movies. It was going well when I got so relaxed I passed out. I awoke with a new desire and started my session again (after a quick trip to the bathroom). It was going about normal for me, feeling great and getting me hot and bothered but my anxiousness usually gets me to give in and pop the cork. Not today, I was determined and surprisingly had enough time. I switched to the Njoy wand to see if I could manually do what these perfectly designed aneros do... it didn’t do anything for me. I switched in a peridise, proceeded to get it back going again and felt like I needed more so I switched out for the Maximus trident. This one really got my motor going but again I was getting frustrated at the lack of turn towards the Super O instead of enjoying the P-waves, so I went with the Progasm. I was actually keeping my pleasure in que so I figured let’s go back to the trusted OG... with a twist. After another bathroom break I swapped in my final aneros the Helix Trident... that took me to the freaking moon and back! I locked in on a good scene, flipped on my back with legs slightly apart, truly focused on my breathing (the damn key to it all), and proceeded through some amazing full-body waves and turned the corner. It built and built and felt like I was about to ejaculate (which at this point I welcomed), but luckily I rode through the SUPER O and came out the other side with full-body shakes, a nice amount of pre-cum, no ejaculation, shortness of breath, afterglow, and a big smile on my face!
Everything was worth it, but now after this novel I have a few questions to the group that I will post in the other section.
You guys! I Just had a super-O without my Aneros in! I've been using a lot the last two days (off from work), and I used it for hours last night. I had some pretty amazing super-Os. Finally I decided I had to stop, so I ejaculated the old-fashioned way. It was a terrible orgasm in comparison with the prostate orgasms I'd been having. I took out my Aneros and went to sleep. About four hours later I woke up with a prostate orgasm building. I was stunned. I went with it. Then I cooled down and went back to sleep. Woke up two hours later and I'm still getting wave after wave of erotic energy. It's as if the Aneros is still inside me, but it's not. I'm still getting streams of precum like when the Aneros is inside me. I can't believe this. This is amazing!
I am new to the Aneros community. I bought the Euposyn. The first session I was rather disappointed, I guess I had high expectations. The sencond day, "O" my goodness, after abount a half hour I was in total bliss. I had never experienced an orgasm like that since I was a teenager. It wasn't just one orgasm and I lost count as to how many I had.
After the session I was totally wiped out so I took the aneros out and I went to sleep but that was not the end of it. About three hours later I woke myself rocking back and forth uncontrollably for about 45 minutes or so before I was able to go back to sleep. In the morning when I woke up I was feeling pretty good. I went to the sofa to drink my morning tea and again I was rocking back an forth. I guess you call them p-waves. After about a half an hour or so I got up and readied myself for work hoping it was over with. It felt so good but I needed it to stop.
Then I got in my car to drive to work the p-waves hit me again. I was on the highway and couldn't pull over. I really had to concentrate in order to drive.Thank goodness after about ten minutes it subsided. Throughout the day until about 11 AM I had to avoid my employees until the P-waves subsided. By the end of the day I was so exhausted yet looking foward to my next session.
I know this is not the experience of most men but I thought I needed to share my experience. Since three weeks ago the Super-Os Have gotten more intense. I am just enjoying the journey.
I just had my first super Os a bit ago... I’ve had my helix for about 4-5 years, I’ve never really had the patience to use it right, usually I get bored and start to masturbate, or I do it when I’m horny anyway and end up finishing myself off by hand after 10-20 minutes... today I wasn’t really in a sexual mood, my lower back and hip have been acting up and I had a rough day at work, I discovered that a side effect of the aneros is that the pelvic and anal contractions relax the muscles in my hips and lower back. So after the rough day and sore back I had a beer and decided to pop the aneros in, wasn’t in a sexual mood at all looked more at it as an opportunity to relax... I went in the bathroom washed up popped it in and put my basketball shorts back on and headed to bed. I started off laying on my side with my knees up as high as I could get them, never tried that position before, after my butt relaxed around the helix I did 20 or so contractions and relaxed. I laid there for quite awhile very aware of the helix and a tingling reverberating feeling in my anus and perinium, it felt really good, not so much sexual just very pleasing and relaxing like a good massage. After a bit I needed to change positions and lay on my back as being on my side was beginning to make my hips ache, it was 4:30 when I moved to my back I had started at a little before 4:00. When I rolled onto my back I felt the perinium tab slip off to the side, I reached down to adjust it, when my finger touched my perinium the feeling was electric, that part of my body always feels good to touch but usually I feel it in my penis, this was way different I felt it deep in my prostate almost as if my finger wwe t right through the flesh. I noticed that my perinium was distended, not like swollen more like erect, I only had a semi erection though. I put a drop of lube on my finger and began massaging my perinium, the feeling was incredible I used a slow back to front motion with firm pressure in a slow stroke from just in front of the tab to just below my scrotum, every rub mad the helix slide a little bit, I soon felt a pressure growing, as if I was going to ejaculate, but I didn’t instead it turned into a deeper wave that felt like warm water enveloping me, after it passed I was laying there think was that “the big one”, what was that did that happen. The beer had run its course and I needed to use the bathroom so I got up took care of business, I noticed the front of my shorts had a fairly large wet spot on them, first I thought maybe I peed a little, but realized it was precum or prostatic fluid, didn’t remove the helix (boy I never knew urinating could feel so good) I went and laid back down, pour another drop of lube on my finger and went back to my perinium, very quickly I felt another wave coming, looked at the clock it was 5:00, this time the super O really came, it was the same feeling a deep rush that felt like I might ejaculate but not really, my legs were quivering and I felt like my head was spinning, it just kept going on and on in sort of rising and falling intensity but always there. After a while of this I felt a need almost an ache to ejaculate, but it was as if I couldn’t it felt great in a way but also was growing uncomfortable. I decided to grab the lube and finish myself off, it was 5:20. I grabbed the lube and started rubbing, I figured I’d just explode instantly, after one or two strokes I got a very intense feeling and thought I was going to flood the place, but only a small squirt of semen came out, it relieved the need to cum feeling and a became aware of my prostate again, I went back and forth between my penis and prostate for a bit, had a bunch more prostate orgasms but none as intense as the big one, then eventually when I grabbed my penis the entire load poured out.
Oh my, I just had my first super O... I hope I don’t have aftershocks tomorrow at work
Oh my after shocks... I just had my first super O tonight, I better wear dark jeans to work tomorrow in case I start leaking
Can totally relate to your experience re position! Just recently tried on my side again with one leg straight and the other one bent! Had been using on my back and sometimes on my stomach but seemed to be not progressing much! When I went back to on my side, things definitely escalated! My HelixSyn Trident was sucked in to the max and generated new pleasure both at the prostate and anus! Definitely experienced multiple anal orgasms and could feel an approaching super O when I had to stop!
I finally reached something phenomenal last night after years of off and on attempts.
Ive had my trident helix for a year or more and every once in a while I’ll give it a go and get frustrated and quit. I recently decided to give it some real effort and began to not masturbate for a few days before hand, and to try using edible marijuana also. The first attempt with this combo got me feeling this immense pulsing and wave sensation around my stomach/ prostate but tapered off. When I removed the Aneros it was pretty dry, I seem to absorb water based lube quickly.
Fast forward a few months and I’ve got edibles, an evening alone and silicone lube now. I lube extremely generously inside and out as I feel the edibles begin to take affect and I lay on my back, feet up. Eventually I start to get some sensations but switched to my stomach. I think this was a mistake but we’ll get Back to that.
Next thing I know I’m really feeling the edibles and my prostate just comes alive, but it was almost indescribable because it didn’t feel centered around my prostate at all, it was like waves of energy flowing through my body beginning from my stomach area. At some points I honestly forgot where I was and what I was doing, I was very out of control of my body which felt very odd. I’d come to and realize I was convulsing and bucking my hips like crazy which would have been a sight I’m sure.
Heres the part where I screwed up, while bucking I was rubbing my penis on the towel beneath me and ending up have a ejaculatory orgasm which at the time I felt like “did that really just happen?”.
Im beyond happy and honestly it’s way more intense than I could have imagined. Hopefully I can reach this again and work towards not needing the weed. I don’t think that was a super O but damn did that feel otherworldly. I feel like I need to tell my SO about it because she shows I experiment but haven’t gotten anywhere yet. I might wait until it’s a little bit more reproducible haha.
So I've had the Aneros Progasm for about 5 years now. I've thought several times I had a super O as it felt like a better orgasm than I had ever previously had. However, I don't think I ever truly had a real super orgasm until yesterday afternoon.
When I mean super, I mean hella super. Usually I have really nice sessions where I really enjoy them, but all of a sudden I was about 40 minutes into my session and I was watching a x videos Aneros session of a guy having an intense orgasm and suddenly without even preparing I felt this buzzing feeling start to build up and then suddenly release and it was Relentless. Suddenly it was wave upon wave upon wave of pleasure that was subtle but Neverending and all I could do was scream out oh God this feels so good, please don't stop, oh my God, oh my god!!!! This lasted for a good 10 minutes of just pure unending pleasure that I would beg not to stop. I say that was my first Super O as in my 5 years Ive never felt like it was unstoppable and continuous. This orgasm was truly the best of my life and my prostate is still buzzing from it a day later. It felt so good I actually almost had a hands free ejaculation from the sheer pleasure. I won't get my hopes up i can experience that again, but boy do I hope so! It was on my left side.
I finally had my first super O after trying for years and I did it in a very weird way. Sorry for any mistakes, English is my second lang.
I was about to insert my helix for my weekly attempt when I realized I didn't apply lube. I was lying on my stomach and I didn't want to set the helix down as my bed sheets sometimes put lint on the toy, so I held the toy between my legs as I opened up the lube.
There was no insertion, but the toys head naturally slipped up right at the base of my scrotum and after about a minute, my entire started buzzing and out of nowhere my vision went white and I'm biting into the bed to keep from moaning too loud as I had my first Super O. This went on for about a minute before I had to take it off because it was too much. After a recovery period I started experimenting more.
Apparently the front tab on my helix was too low all these years, so now that I found the right spot, I used a lighter to bend the tab up higher and tried actually inserting it. I lay on my back and breathed for a bit and then the twitching came way sooner than usual. My vision started going white again and I had to just grit my teeth and hold on. I had to take it out after just a few minutes because I felt too much pleasure and I can't handle it for too long.
If you're struggling to have a Super O, maybe try putting the toy against the base of your scrotum, oriented the same way as if you were inserting it. Don't push it too hard against the base, and hold it in place by slightly closing your thighs together. Lay down on your back and just relax. Squeeze down gently with your kegel like you're holding in a pee and just maintain the slight squeeze. Playing with your nipples helps a ton. When you feel pre oozing out, you should brace yourself, cause you're about to take off. When I do it, if I can stand the pleasure for long enough, I become erect and a hands free orgasm happens pretty reliably.
I still do the no insertion method if I don't have a lot of time, or I don't want to have to clean up a lot. It feels almost as good as an insertion super O, but takes way less time, and it helped me find out where I needed to stimulate myself.
Some last tips:
Coconut Oil for lube. Use a lot
Think about stimulating your prostate like how you stimulate your nipples. You dont just shove a finger hard against your nipple to play with it, you use gentle strokes at first and then build up. This is the same for me with the prostate.
Don't just do the same thing over and over again (except kegek exercises). Try new positions and techniques until you find what works for you. You can't force it, you have to find your right way
Thanks and good luck!
Hey! I've been on the journey for a week, and after a few rides it feels amazing to have experienced the awesome, mind altering orgasms that members of this forum have been talking about for more than a decade. It's even more fulfilling because I'm more than just an active participant now -- I've been checking out this forum on and off since 2007.
Back then, I was 18 and finishing up High School. Having never received a formal sex education in school or otherwise I turned to the internet, and after awhile ended up here after seeing videos of Aneros users experiencing orgasms without stimulation of the penis. The videos by @Darwin, @ArcticWolves, @redbeard2000, and the really informative long one by @EroticusPeterZil absolutely sold me on the idea of prostate massaging and the benefits it offered. Reading through everyone's posts on here was illuminating and gave more information to reference the video with. This earthly and sensual pleasure sounded so gratifying, but in practice it was out of my reach.
The problem was that I was still lived at home, and earth-shattering orgasms with heavy breathing, moaning, and involuntary body motion wouldn't be best in that environment. Never mind the fact I'd need to find/order a device and then bring it home. Privacy to get deep and vulnerable in such a human way was impossible. Then I moved into a college dorm. Then I moved into another living situation with roommates. By that time I had explored other sexual avenues and lost the urgency to check out prostate play.
Now I'm in my early 30s, living alone in an apartment all to myself. Anytime is a good time for self discovery, but this is the best possible place to be vulnerable and open, revisit prostate massage, and see if the Super-O was within reach for me. During the site's Black Friday sale not long ago, I ordered a both a Helix [Trident] and Progasm [Red Ice] -- both models I remember having great reviews on here. While waiting for the devices to arrive in the mail, I start to practice kegels and breathing/meditation. A week after ordering they arrive, on Saturday morning no less. Excited, I prep and clean my place and self up, lube up and decide to start with the Helix, and lay down on my yoga mat to insert and relax on my back, and breathe.
That first ride was blissful -- after about 30 minutes of adjusting to the Helix inside of me I'm experiencing gentle P-waves that feel like I'm lying on the shore and feeling a slow tide wash over me. That first Saturday afternoon had me hitting little mental blocks keeping me from fully allowing myself to let ago. Knowing not to get hung up on how far I get in a session or have expectations for a session, I enjoy what I got to experience and wrap it up.
A few days later I try for a second and third time space a day apart. This time I stayed a little more focused, especially on the pelvic muscle groups and amplifying sensations. On that third anerosession I found a way to open up my mind/body/soul to let go and accept the building orgasmic sensation. It felt like my prostate was actively stroking the tip of my Helix, excitedly and with the desire to chase a deep pleasure that welded together carnal and spiritual. It was here I rode not one but two Super-Os that shook my whole body, made me moan with every outward breath, and lose total sense of place in my apartment and everything happening. My whole body felt warm and electric, and time seemed to freeze for half a minute. Nothing short of awe inspiring.
Three nights ago I reread many excellent forum posts, including B's Best of the BEE-Line. I had my fourth ride, and I plunged even deeper into the waves and had one absolutely mind-blowing Super-O, afterwards giving me P-waves that still radiate from my prostate today. I'm starting to feel a deeper sense of connection between the various parts of myself. It feels unbelievable that there's no ceiling to this yet. There is so much I want to continue to learn and experience.
A lot has changed in more than 10 years: many classic anerosession videos are gone from the internet, there are new Aneros products and design revisions, but the Super-O still remains. Thank you so much Dr. Jiro Takashima for your contribution to the world.
I have immense gratitude for @B-Mayfield, @rumel, @Darwin, @BigGlansDC, @artform, @rook, and the other guys who have sustained and grown this community I've watched for many years. It feels fantastic to join you all, contribute, and continue this journey together.
Wow wow wow
Finally had my first one after about 1 month. Had been making steady progress with the prostate feeling like it is beating like a crazy heart beat and alot of precum... but I think I used to contract too hard once it got going.
This time I laid on the side and tried not to force any contraction or prostate flutter, paid attention to any small movement and stayed patient. Once it going going everytime I contracted i made sure to try release back to the original starting point... after while it felt like the aneros was funking me and every time I felt a contraction, I released back to the start... after 10 min it was going crazy and I could slowly feel this wave coming over me... just remained relaxed and breathed... next thing wow... it felt like my body was floating and I was in super slow motion. Everytime I tried to move the aneros it felt like it was gliding on water and going so slow. It felt so good it was actually scary will it get too strong! Just laid there feeling like you are Cumming from your entire body but in slow motion.
I think the key is not to rush it and force it and just be patient with all the tiny movements.
This progasim literally felt like it was pounding away while I was just laying there.
After waiting a week to recover from soreness, it was time for another session. During the healing process, I attempted A-less a couple of times. One of which turned into best session yet (at the time), with a series of mini-Os limited mostly to the prostate.
So... Last night... If someone had told me this 10 days ago, I would've have laughed in disbelief.
Warmed up properly and took it nice and slow as opposed to one week earlier where I rushed things and it turned into the worst session ever. During previous sessions I would lie there trying, probably trying too hard. Last night, however, the Maximus immediately hit a magical spot and I almost had to fight to remain calm. I had previously had to mentally search for the prostate, whereas now the feeling of the toy poking around was impossible to ignore. I think what did it for me was giving up on reaching "the end" (there is no end) and truly focusing only on the present moment. It sent me straight to a Mini-O within a minute, more or less as far as I've ever gotten before (A-less), before it died down. Short after, when the second wave came, the feelings kept building until I couldn't keep it quiet anymore which is unusual for me, and contractions began.
Before I go on about the rest of the session, I'd like to mention something that might help newbies like myself. As they say, everyone is different, so I can only speak for myself:
I had had this misconception of there being a point of no return. Sure, you either have contractions or you don't, but the actual feelings overall seem to gradually go up or down with no apparent upper boundary. Like a smooth gradient with no clear edge. It's like charging a flywheel; takes a while to get it going and a while to stop. And it's not 1-dimensional either (stronger/weaker); there's different qualities as well.
So anyway...
Roughly ten minutes of nonstop Dry-O later, I had to remove the Maximus to get a break. As I lay back down to rest, the pressure came back, but almost without contractions. It must've been the calm seas thing. My body got heavy and light at the same time as the feeling wrapped around. I was warned that weird things could happen, but I didn't think it could get that weird. Just rubbing the thumbs and fingers together felt orgasmic in the hands. When I rested the arms on my belly, they turned into static and melted into my body. It was scary and good at the same time. It didn't even feel like an orgasm anymore, just safe and comfortable cranked to infinity. After what felt like an hour, I tried ending it with traditional masturbation in an attempt to calm down for sleep. A ~30 sec Super-T overlapping the prostate orgasm, then the penis nope'd out like expected. But the prostate and rest of my body kept going as if nothing happened. I had to stand up and do stuff for a good 5 minutes to snap out of it.
I have to be honest, I went into this with pretty low expectations. I'm gay and so I've received anal sex before, used dildos/vibrators and so on and I got some good feelings, but never anywhere near an actual orgasm. So part of me was looking at this toy and thinking how is this going to give me an orgasm if all that other stuff didn't even get me close?
First session seemed to confirm that. I laid there for for over an hour, trying to focus on my breathing, listening to lofi, relaxing my body, and... absolutely nothing happened. I was a little frustrated, but had gone in with low expectations. I waited a day and then tried again. This time, I did feel a tiny little tickle, but again, I thought, I've felt more prostate stimulation using one finger, is this really it?
Full disclosure, the second session I decided to use a little cannabis and wait an hour till I was nice and "relaxed" before putting the toy in. It went about the same for the first half hour and then all of a sudden, I felt like my body was sucking on the toy all on its own. I had experienced this in the past 2 sessions as more of a little "twitch" here and there, but this time my body was doing it in a steady rhythm.
Before I knew it, the toy felt like it was ramming against my prostate and I couldn't stop it even if I tried. I started shaking and buried my face in a pillow as I had my first dry orgasm. I think I was shaking too much, because I lost it almost immediately. In a couple more minutes I had it again, though, then again, and again, and again. It was like if I concentrated enough on my insides clenching, they started to do it all on their own. The biggest shock was after about thirty minutes of this, when I started having a really out of control one and actually ejaculated.
The craziest part was after, though. I decided to go to the grocery store (no Aneros in, obviously) and while I was out I had three more little dry orgasms. They weren't "uncontrollable," per se, but I felt my insides starting to suck on their own and it was like an invitation. All I had to do was ask my insides to clench and they did it almost automatically. This lasted for about 2 or so hours after the session.
Is that normal for a total newbie or have the aneros gods blessed me with a very sensitive prostate? I couldn't wait and had another session today. Within fifteen minutes I was having dry orgasms, no cannabis required and I again had an ejaculation after 45 minutes of shaking dry orgasms every few minutes.
I purchased my first Aneros product, the MGX Trident I believe, about 6 years ago. I read the forum and saw all the stories about prostate orgasms, and gave it a go, but did not have practice the patience necessary to achieve any results. I resorted to using the Aneros to increase pleasure during self-pleasuring sessions that led to traditional ejaculatory orgasms. I gave it little thought for years. Fast forward to 6 weeks ago, on a long drive listening to Tantra and Sacred Sexuality podcasts, I came across an interview with Aneros' Forrest Andrews. Listening to him describe the origins of the product and the intense pleasure it can bring, I decided to rededicate myself to this. And it happened at a perfect time, when I was speaking to my wife about expanding our sexual horizons and rekindling some of the interests we have developed over the years in Tantra and sacred sexuality. When I arrived home from the trip that day, I had the house to myself. I prepared a very nice atmosphere in the bedroom, prepped well, hot shower, Tantra Massage music, the whole works. A bit of cannabis helps if that's your thing. It was the most intense self love session I have ever experienced. I used the Trident, practiced deep breathing and was very patient. It did not take long until I began to experience the anal contractions, followed by these euphoric sensations throughout my body. The waves came and went, increasing with intensity each time. My extremities were tingling. A fluttering vibration began in my abdomen and eventually spread throughout my body, causing a chattering jaw much like you might imagine results from being cold (and I wasn't cold - my body was red hot!). My legs and arms were shaking uncontrollably. I barely touch my penis at all. I focused my touch everywhere else but there. Near the end I was groaning and chanting like I was possessed. I was having an out of body experience. Unbelievable. I could have just continued with that, but I was about 90 minutes in and could not resist the urge - bringing myself to a ejaculatory orgasm that was mind blowing. The rest of that day I experienced an intense euphoria as I went about my business. In the weeks that have followed, I regularly have A-less mini-O's. Sometimes, these are intentionally generated during a nap. But at times, they happen spontaneously. It seems I am indeed "re-wiring" myself as others have said. I shared my experience with my wife and we have not incorporated this practice into our own sessions together. This has changed my life and has seriously benefited the sexual relationship between my wife and me. And of course, I now have the Progasm, the Eupho San Trident and the Peridise!
@bmac1234567 Before I ever started using an Aneros, my introduction to "alternative" orgasms was with hands-free orgasms. I believe I stumbled upon the idea during 2020, after having lost my night job and subsequently gained a whole lot more free time. At first, I thought "that can't be possible." Then one night, while browsing, I ran across binaural audio mixed with porn. After sitting in a comfortable position for about half an hour, and relaxing as much as possible (cannabis really helps, if you can partake), I had an orgasm without touching myself. I came as if I had a normal penile orgasm, I just didn't touch my penis.
After doing this a few more times, I ventured into prostate stimulation with the Aneros. I believe it was about 3 weeks into using my Helix Syn Trident before I had my first Super O. I was laying on my back on my couch. Having had the Aneros in for over an hour, and feeling quite relaxed, I reached my right arm over my body while partially sitting up to tap on my computer, and it hit me. I fell back onto my back with my mouth open, eyes barely able to open, my torso convulsing up and down for about 2 minutes. It felt like I was cumming for 2 minutes straight, though it was a completely dry orgasm. When it ended, I made it happen again about 5 minutes later, and then I burst out into involuntary laughter, unaware I could make my body do such a thing.
After these two Super Os, I again experimented with hands-free binaural audio/porn, but with nothing inserted in my anus. I was able to have what I guess were Mini Os - very pleasurable sensations where I ejaculated clear liquid (lots of it), all over, but it wasn't a Super O, nor a penile orgasm.
I guess what I'm trying to convey is that I understand what you mean by gaining a new "ability." It's like discovering the orgasm all over again, but also the fact that it's not just a single type of event. It can be penile, prostatic, ejaculatory/non-ejaculatory, or seemingly anything in between. It really felt like I had discovered a super-power, and that life could be a whole lot more interesting than I had ever thought.
My first hit me by surprise. I was trying the Progasm out, I might've used it for a couple sessions at this point and never tried an Aneros product prior. I was literally doing nothing and then BOOM all of a sudden these crazy waves came over me. It was SO FREAKING INTENSE. Amazing.
Then I struggled for a really long time trying to get back to that place, but it was impossible until I learned to relax and enjoy the journey. I don't know if it's ever been as intense as that first one, but it was certainly very memorable!
After an entire year of trying with the helix trident, I decided to experiment with some weed. After getting high, the helix trident was inserted and almost immediately I started experiencing involuntaries. I decided to continue contracting my pc muscle and found that under the influence instead of contracting the pc near the perinuem i was also contracting the pc muscle around my prostrate - this felt easier to do under the influence. What I experienced was like if the entire prostrate was like the size of a basketball and there was a light at the center that began glowing brighter with each involuntary. My nipples seemed not responsive but on the underside of my penis, from the frenulum to the testicles was very sensitive to touch. Stimulating this area whilst contracting the pc muscle and bearing down, led to my first super o. It was nice feeling of my prostate being filled without ejaculating. I had several more SO for about 2 hrs until which I decided to touch my glans alternating with the stimulating the frenulum, this eventually ended the session with a WO and copious amount of ejaculate.
To add, afterwards I found myself experiencing aless involuntaries, but not to the extent of getting an orgasm.
Has anyone ever tried doing a session with a male buddy (not gay) or with a Super O Coach? If so, was it helpful at all?
Don't know if it would be interesting, helpful or weird. Ideas?
So after a journey of about 3 1/2 months I had my first Super O last night. Oh my god was it pure bliss and so satisfying. I have had a few smaller O's a long the way but nothing like this.
This morning I took some time to analyze what I can remember but it is so hard to explain. I can't give time frames as I pretty much lost track of everything. All I know is the session was about 45min and the Super O happened about 30min in or so maybe...
I was very aroused last night so I just had to have a session. It started with about 15 mins or so of me just playing with my ass and perineum sweet spot with just my fingers. This really got me riled up so I moved on to using my helix.
This is where things start to blur. I was using various connections to tease and build the pleasure. It felt so good I just emptied my mind and enjoyed the ride. At some point I started to have some mini short spasms. Almost like involuntary muscle flexes that last different amounts of time.
At this point I subconsciously adjusted my hips ,"I don't remember doing it but I recall them being elevated quite high off the bed when normally they are on the bed." Pleasure started to build quickly and I was just enjoying it so much. Then out of nowhere unexpectedly I went into a full super O. My breathing was stuttered and aggressive. I was moaning heavily. My total body was in a involuntary convulsion. My whole body was buzzing and very warm and I started to persperate. Everything went to a black void with spirits of colored stars. I was in like another dimension of intense pleasure.
I remember thinking of my god is this going to end not sure I can keep taking this. It started to fade but my body was still working the helix and about halfway through the fade I shot right back up into another super O. Things eventually faded and I had a couple more small shorter dry O's before I finished myself off with a quick penile rub to end the session. I was so sensitive it only took like two strokes.
It felt like a eternity not sure how long it lasted probably 3 mins or so maybe more no clue all sense of time was gone.
All I can say is oh my fucking God I hope everyone trying gets to experience this and don't give up if you struggle. It is worth the effort. Penile masturbation is just so not satisfying anymore after that experience.
I now pitty all the men out there who are adverse to prostate play due to stereotypes they don't know what they are missing.
I know see pleasure in a whole different light.
Finally finished my journey to my first super o yesterday. I have used several aneros over the past 8 years and always had fun with p-waves and prostate message, but was always working toward the big event.
I am bisexual and my prostate only really begs for stimulation every few months which I satisfy with a aneros or butt plug. I had an open hour that afternoon and really felt the need for my prostate to be touched. So I slipped in my blue helix syn not expecting a whole lot from an hour session.
Everything was going great. I was relaxing fully clothed on my side and reading the aneros Reddit. The tabs were gripping into me and aneros was snug on my prostate and I didn’t do much for 15 minutes until I started to feel the tiny p waves I was used to. My erection was going up and down as the stimulation peaked and ebbed. At this point I started rocking the aneros gently into my prostate. Fun!
Then I read a new technique (Advanced_Player_ on Reddit) about squeezing and holding the aneros against the prostate for one minute intervals increasing by 20s each time. I am usually not that active with the stimulation but I was horny and decided to try it. After doing this 5 times I felt a gentle buzz in my body, mostly in my head. At this point I let my body start doing what it wanted to do. Legs tightened, gently shaking and thrusting, and moving my pc muscles when it felt right. I knew the super o fully began when my heart rate started going faster. The orgasm was almost too intense and lasted several minutes. No contractions and the feeling was everywhere in my body besides my penis. It was like a very slow motion orgasm. I was very hard and produced about a teaspoon of pre-cum, but that was secondary. As the orgasm tapered down I felt a sense of relief for a minute or two before I started the second peak. Not sure how long the ride would have lasted, but my hour was up and I had other things to do. I got up and decided to ejaculate standing up which felt incredible with the prostate and penis orgasm happening simultaneously. I took the aneros out but the feeling stayed with me at a low level for another 30 minutes!
My first super o was so satisfying that I don’t feel the immediate need to repeat it. I know my body will tell me when it is time again. My legs were a little sore and my prostate slightly tender today, but I did put everything through quite the work out. Keep going! It took me years.
I have been using the Progasm for the past about 6 months and whilst it has been a pleasure most times, I have not reached the heights described by some users until this week. I am hetero, in a long term relationship and in my 60s. My early experiences have been enjoyable and once I got the lubrication to a comfortable point, each session tends to last between 1 - 2 hours. I have been getting waves of pleasure most times and dry orgasms on a couple of occasions. I use ambient music mostly to block out external sounds. Until this week I have either used the 'lying on my side with one leg bent' or both legs bent have tried lying on my back and other positions. I have tended to use very light or no contractions, concentrating on the prostate almost as you would in a mindful meditation. Strong contractions have a 'reduce the pleasure' impact on me. It feels like it is all about patience, completely relaxing and observing the relevant sensitive parts.
This week I tried lying my bent leg on a lengthwise pillow. What a complete difference that made! It took any pressure that the bent upper leg put on my straight leg and seemed to 'decompress' the prostate area. Within 10 minutes I was experiencing very strong pleasure and soon after I had a series of peak 'orgasms' (I assume Super Os) which were quite overwhelming and lasted at least an hour. Very like the overall feeling of a 'normal' orgasm but going on and on in waves. I even got up to use the bathroom which I thought would break the cycle but no, when I resumed my position the waves quickly started again. I only stopped as I had commitments to attend to. I was 'tingling' all over for several hours after.
There is no question that 'less is more' for me. Creating a 'quiet time' where I won't be disturbed, some early and regular deep breathing and getting into the right position are all crucial. I am looking forward to the continued journey...