updated: after reading the HFWO definition I think the palm contact although incidental, “disqualified” me. It was still a fun experience.
Hi, this was novel to me. Last night in bed I contracted various pelvic muscles, while massaging taint, jangling the jewels, and rubbing a nipple. While my palm was in contact with my penis the whole time, any motions were incidental. For some time I was focusing on the sexy feelings, when my penis rose and an regular wet orgasm occurred.
I welcome any comments that may assist me in interpreting this new experience was. I think it’s a good sign. Certainly I wouldn’t have tried if I hadn’t been expanding my mind with reading the forum and trying the Aneros. I have done 4 Aneros sessions. Thanks.
Don't get too hung up on definitions, I sometimes will say jokingly : 'What the heck is a P-Wave anyway?' From the way you're telling it, you went from soft to hard in an instant and ejaculated? Whatever you want to call it (yeah maybe it's not a real HFWO), this is pretty special. Sometimes I'll end a session (Aless or with a device) by just squeezing the base of my cock and ejaculating, I'm already so aroused that the increased blood pressure does it, it's not a HFWO but I don't care too much. I think you're on the right path, continue trying new things, if you end up satisfied with the way your session went, ejaculation or not, that's good.
If you feel the session ended 'too early' because you came, or that you still had some fuel left in the tank, then completely abstaining from touching your cock might be the way to go. Then maybe you'll transition to a real HFWO or something else, maybe not, that's for you to see. Four sessions in is very, very early to analyze everything and look for patterns, I'd suggest just messing around for now and seeing what comes next. Maybe having both your hands on your nipples and avoiding the genital area completely would be something to try?
you went from soft to hard in an instant and ejaculated?
Yes, that is pretty much how it worked- over several seconds. My abs began to tighten while my breath and pulse quickened, which caught me by surprise since I'm used to "flogging it" good to reach an orgasm. So it was special to me. I'm afraid I got caught up in categorizing things (true HFWO or not?) and used that to give teeth to my self-doubt. @Zentai you're wise to advise tipping the bias away from the cerebrum in favor of the experiential.
Buying the device is the easy part. Investing yourself into it, is less so. This year I was fine with starting an exercise routine and waiting many weeks for gains. Certainly I didn't expect 4 workouts to make me suddenly fitter. It would be nice if my patience travelled between differing life domains. But I'll note what sustains/sustained me along in progress is noticing little pleasures and small signs of improvement... this is what I should transfer into my Aneros practice.
Buying the gym shoes was the easy part; investing myself into them, less so
Yes, that is pretty much how it worked- over several seconds. My abs began to tighten while my breath and pulse quickened, which caught me by surprise since I'm used to "flogging it" good to reach an orgasm.
Hehe it's almost like your body was ''done'' for the session but some part of you is still equating orgasm and ejaculation, so you went trough all the standard masturbation steps in a super short while and with very light actual penis stimulation, and tensing all the muscles involved in ejaculation pushed things over the edge. That's part or re-learning or re-wiring, and being ''caught by surprise'' is good, it means you were not in control of this, and you let things happen. I think you're doing great!