My Boner-spot (B-Sp...
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My Boner-spot (B-Spot), new position, new techniques

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After getting some experience in several sessions on my back, I revisited my old favorite (on my side) and applied the new knowledge. I'm very glad I had.

It turns out touching different parts of prostate results in different feelings and reactions. Some parts make my legs shake, some shake my head. The part I nailed down today makes me have lots of boners and drip a lot. I also discovered a position which made it stupidly simple to massage that spot. I haven't reproduced it yet (my first great session in a while) but I hope it will work the next time. At this moment I'm unsure if it was the position alone, or perhaps the build-up was important.

The position:

On your back, knees on the ground (not in air !). Legs curled up, ideally you'd want your feet under your butt.

The contraction I used:
Fairly infrequent - once per several seconds. Quick - about a second from start of contraction to full release.
Not very deep, at least initially.
Hit&run tactics !

Occasionally, I performed a pair of such contractions. When I timed it right, it worked great and I even had a few mini-O's that way. But it's sort of a finishing move.
I'll post a full write-up of the session if someone is interested. It was very strange for me, and involved me nearly having an orgasm thanks to ... licking my arms when I was high enough.

I'm very interested in hearing from people who try this position. I'm still an Aneros novice (since may 2011, with a big pause) and my last several sessions were largely unsatisfying. In particular, my vanity was hurt by relative lack of boners and oozing precum. This position worked like a charm.

Oh, an important thing.
I stumbled upon this position when my time ran out. I just wanted to lie on my back and stroke a little after a fairly pleasant session. As expected, I got a boner very soon. Then I started doing these contractions.
Yes, you read it right. Not only touching my penis hasn't stopped me from feeling pleasure, it enabled it. When it started to feel very good I stopped touching my penis and just had a very good time. But it was very helpful for starting (like a Ford-T). I'm not sure if it's necessary. I'll try it next session.

New techniques ? I'm tired with typing, for a while, so I'll try to keep it short.
Some actions (like HARD contraction, or thrusting your hips ) may initially produce more pleasure, but only for a short time. Then it stops working. It's a dead-end of sorts... but these actions can be used as finishing moves. Use them when you're already highly aroused and they might push you over the edge. Not necessarily an orgasm, but new heights of pleasure.

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For the record, my Aneros model is Helix.

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Okay, I used this position again today. I confirm my earlier findings. Despite rushing it this time around, I had much better results than in vast majority of my sessions. The position really does the trick for me. I'm not going to use anything else except as a diversion.

Today's session was calmer. No orgasms, and by the way I don't think the full body shakes I experience sometimes (easy to trigger on my side) are even mini-O's. But I have some new observations.
- It's so different I feel like I'm nearly starting over.
- this time, I used the new position for 90% of my session, including the initial 15 minutes of relaxation. I quickly got a hard-on without moving a single muscle, and it lasted about 15 minutes.
- after many contractions, I experienced a feeling of peace and calm. It wasn't VERY pleasant, but I felt so comfortable just lying there and using only weak contractions. I got this feeling before, once, when I held a very strong contraction for a loong time. This time, it occured with barely any effort.
- afterwards, I noticed my prostate is very sensitive. I switched to several other positions (the most popular "on my back" variant, the side position, embryo position) and all of them felt a lot more pleasant. I got pleasure from weak contractions and in fact, weak contractions felt most pleasant. Sadly, the extra sensitivity wanes with time, and I have to switch back to The Only Position That Really Works For Me and recharge.
- I touched my penis a bit, and initially it always feels a bit desensitized. Does anyone else experience this ? Then after a while it gets very sensitive. Like I'm switching to another mode. From my palm's point of view, the lack of feedback made it feel like my penis (and balls) was covered with wax.
- At one point, I touched my perineum and was surprised to see it felt very pleasant. I started moaning just from that. Unfortunately, my p-tab doesn't reach that far.

My observations suggest that I need a bigger model. Bigger boys may need bigger toys, after all. Why do I think so ?
- p-tab seems too short. Can anyone confirm if P-tab on Progasm reaches farther ?
- the position that works best for me seems the one that allows Aneros to go deepest into my ass.

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I find that having a boner certainly makes for better prostate sensations, since the buried root of the penis squeezes up against the prostate when erect, from the side opposite the Aneros. The prostate is in effect sandwiched between the two opposing forces.

I'll give that funky position a try. Apologies to my knees in advance. lol

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I tried it today, and it was definitely a good one that made for some great mini O's I had to stop because of my knees though, but I'll definitely be trying it again.

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I find that the p-tab on the Progasm and MGX hit me better than the one on the Helix. Wider (Progasm), and longer (MGX). To a certain degree they hit higher than the Helix, which is a problem I found as well and prompted me to try others.

Will try the position, it sounds great.

The Progasm definitely provides a much more full experience, but it's more dull than what you get with the Helix after things are relaxed and it's gliding nicely.

The MGX has become my go-to Aneros, as it's really slippery and offers an amazing amount of stimulation even after using the Progasm. I like having a few to choose from, to be honest. That said, I still go back to the Helix and have an amazing time, but it's definitely become my 3rd in line, so to speak.

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Thanks for sharing your research airbag (love the avatar)!!
Will give it a try soon.

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Okay, it really does work for me. The only viable Helix position for me. Some observations:

- as far as erection goes, the boner thing happens when I already have partial erection. This position and prostate massage just magnifies the effect.
- leaking precum also happens, but in varying amounts. I seem to get more on a bit deeper contractions.
- I can identify two pleasure spots. One immediately reachable, and another, perhaps stronger, about 70-80% in. What does it mean ? I need to do contractions about 70 to 80 percent of my capacity. I'm not sure what it is, maybe the second Aneros knob rolling over the same point at my prostate. But it does feel good. Moral of the story: I'm going back to Kegel exercises.
- After some time with stronger contractions, I reverted to weaker ones. Shortly after I got strong body shakes, including (possibly) a mini-orgasm. At that point I was able to trigger more of them with ease, using very minor contractions.

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Wow. This is some great detail! I'll actually have the opportunity to try out some of these ideas in a few weeks. I love the simple way you present your ideas and your formatting. It's like very erotic stereo instructions. 😛 Take Progasm A and insert it into Anus B. 😀

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By all means, please posts your results even if it doesn't work for you. This way we can battle Survivor Bias
Survivorship bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I had a good session yesterday. I didn't have any orgasms, but it was very nice overall - contractions felt so pleasant. I don't think I'm far enough to have any O's this way in any case. It's certainly hitting the spot now. I had a very strong erection for at least 15-30 minutes (I don't look at the clock) with no hand stimulation. I was oozing precum for the remainder of the session. I figure it's just a matter of time now, I enjoy it as a massage.

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i`ll give it a try, but dont think oozing precum is a sign of anything, atleast not for me. Since the first time i used the aneros i have had copious amounts of precum ,as soon as i put it in until i take it out.

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Dear Diary

Yesterday I experienced auto-fuck for the first time. I was lying and having a good time. It felt good even without contractions. Then I wanted to try and see what happens when I hold a weak contraction for a long time. After a few minutes my sphincter started to contract on its own. I kept holding the contraction, I was curious to see what would happen. In the end it just started moving regularly, and I had good fun without any effort on my part. I haven't reached any orgasms, etc, but it was fun and new.

I noticed that the speed of auto-contractions increases as I get more aroused. Initially it was once per a few seconds, then about once per two seconds. After the real session I wanted to try watching porn (with aneros still in). Half an hour with Madison Ivy, Rocco, and mild wanking made me extremely horny. My sphincter speed increased to 1 per second or even faster - the last time I was thinking about was measuring it. That would be too complicated a thing to focus on.

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I'll keep it short to make the message stand out. My earlier posts in this thread are useful mostly for historians now.

I've found my best position. Nothing I've tried or described earlier compares. Even the one that made me start this thread was quite hit or miss, because it was indirect contact.

On my back. Feet flat on the bed. Heels touching my butt. Knees apart (about 30 degree from vertical)

I had this feeling before, ocassionally. But it was never as strong. I didn't now it was it. For me it feels a bit slick and ... cool, cold ? It's hard not to moan or squeak, and it makes me want to arc my body.

When on your back, position of your legs can be very important. Try different positions for feet and angles for knees. Don't spend days banging your head against the wall, experiment. It's worth it.

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The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka" but "That's funny..."
— Isaac Asimov (1920–1992)

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Airbag, nice thread. It is amazing on just a small tilt to the knees or position of the feet. I've also tried feet not flat but on my heels (almost digging in the bed. Experimenting with Aneros is never boring.

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The part I nailed down today makes me have lots of boners and drip a lot. I also discovered a position which made it stupidly simple to massage that spot. I haven't reproduced it yet (my first great session in a while) but I hope it will work the next time. At this moment I'm unsure if it was the position alone, or perhaps the build-up was important.

The position:

On your back, knees on the ground (not in air !). Legs curled up, ideally you'd want your feet under your butt.

My God, how the hell? I consider myself pretty flexible but I can't maintain this more then a few minutes. However I can see how it might work given when I've seen here- Butt Resting on Heels Masturbation

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I've found two more interesting positions. I need to fully test the other one, that's why I'm not writing about both. I don't know what should I attribute to positions and what to rewiring.

Aneros while squatting
I've noticed that I get by far the strongest (and most common) erections if I use aneros while squatting. If I squat on my chair, I can watch some extremely hot (for me) porn like Lana Violet - Lewd Oil. Anyway, if I squat and recline a bit backwards (my chair has back support), I get very strong erections in a cyclic fashion. Up to vertical, although they are short-lived. They're funny because somehow they make me tense, and my penis is so engorged I can see veins I didn't know I had. It feels like I'm going to burst, I sweat like a pig and I can feel I'm red in the face.

Another thing about this position is that it causes me to emit large amounts of strange fluid, so I do it with a towel beneath me. I'm still uneasy about it, I'd be happy if I could easily distinguish it from piss (tips welcome !!). When I get the urge, the first thing I do is going to the toiled and piss as much as I do to make sure my bladder is actually empty (I hope). I easily leak more than the lube I used.

In this position, my Helix is likely to fall out for some reason. Almost as if my butt wanted to eject Aneros. Does anyone know what I'm actually doing ? Has anyone tried this positio (and make sure to watch porn at the same time !, just DON'T stroke or it will become a slippery slope !). I'll try to find someone to discuss it with on the weekend.

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I've tried that position and kind of given it up because of the tendency of the butt to "push out" the Aneros. Because of that, it feels like it wasn't making good contact, or at least not giving a good massage. I keep it from falling out of me at all times with a rubber band that I stretch from the p-tab of my Helix, up around my balls and cock. (It helps that I am always erect when I'm using Aneros, no matter what position I'm in.)

The reason it feels like the butt wants to eject the Aneros in that position is because it's basically the natural pooping position, based on what I've read. Infants/young children get in that position to poop when possible, and Japanese toilets are constructed to allow the used to squat to poop. It straightens out the lower colon and lets gravity help the contents of the colon and rectum come out.

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In this position, my Helix is likely to fall out for some reason. Almost as if my butt wanted to eject Aneros. Does anyone know what I'm actually doing ? Has anyone tried this positio (and make sure to watch porn at the same time !, just DON'T stroke or it will become a slippery slope !). I'll try to find someone to discuss it with on the weekend.

I think you put too much effort into the position thing. It's good to experiment to find out what works for you. On the other hand, you don't want to ignore the more important thing.

You should be able to control either your muscle, breath, or with your mind to move Aneros to hit any spot you want. I think you should spend more time working on that. There are so many Aneros movement, inside/outside, front/back, forward/backward, left/right,clockwise/counter clockwise. Are you able to move it with easy by thinking about it?

Is that possible that you only know how to Aneros in a certain way so that your body position affect which spot Aneros massage? If you compare your body position notes with another newbie who only knows how to move his aneros a different way, you two may have a total different experiences with the same body position?

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Is that possible that you only know how to Aneros in a certain way so that your body position affect which spot Aneros massage?

I think it's more likely that Helix is simply too small for me. I'm a big guy (202 cm / 6ft 7in) and at times it feels like Aneros has too much room to move around. I certainly get absolutely no discomfort when my Helix is inside.

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I think it's more likely that Helix is simply too small for me. I'm a big guy (202 cm / 6ft 7in) and at times it feels like Aneros has too much room to move around. I certainly get absolutely no discomfort when my Helix is inside.

Can't you use your coccygeus muscle to move your tail bone to close the gap?

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I've tried using both muscles in various combinations, but it doesn't help much.

The reason I think Helix might be too short is because I consistently get the most pleasure in positions where Aneros can reach deepest:
- squatting (with legs wide apart)
- "horizontal squatting" (on back) (legs wide apart)
- "horizontal squatting" (on belly) (legs wide apart)

I noticed that the two other positions that give me a lot of pleasure have very similar leg positioning to squatting. As close to squatting as possible while lying on a bed. While "squatting on belly" is more pleasant for prostate, it's less comfortable for my legs.

I train my kegels on each day that I'm not using aneros (this usually means every other day, twice per day). They're in a good shape.

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I've found my best position. Nothing I've tried or described earlier compares. Even the one that made me start this thread was quite hit or miss, because it was indirect contact.

On my back. Feet flat on the bed. Heels touching my butt. Knees apart (about 30 degree from vertical)

My favorite too!! I do same, but feet out a bit more. I seem to alternate during Super-Os between thrusting straight up into the air and shaking or just spasming in place rolling side to side.

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I have picked up some experience since then. I no longer lie on my heels, but prefer "on my back with knees bent and legs wide apart".

I also like doggy with legs wiide apart and butt leaning backwards.

Either way, no lying on the side for me. Bed touching penis is too distracting. Deep contractions are the way to go, I can't imagine "do nothing" method taking me there.

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@airbag Thanks for updating your thread and thus bringing it to the attention of those of us who joined later (2012) and were too lazy (me) to search through the older ones. Your positions: both the original and the Eureka revision are on my PTT (positions to try) list. I'll report back.

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