My Best Super O Yet
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My Best Super O Yet

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Yesterday I had the most amazing orgasm of my life with the Progasm Ice. For the past few days prior I had been very anal horny. I was meaning to use the Aneros, but I wasn't able to find the time. I was fantasizing about putting things in my butt all morning and feeling really tingly down there, so I thought what the hell.

For this session I laid on my back and tried to keep very still. I had really pleasant feelings right off the bat and had some wonderful dry-os almost straight away. The involuntaries started up soon after. When I'm relaxing properly my contractions are a lot more subtle. I have a habit of subconsciously clenching along with my involuntary contractions, which tends to not build sensations as well as total relaxation.

I had a really fantastic dry-o with contractions that felt exactly like a traditional orgasm. After that subsided I was able to get really relaxed, almost like something suddenly locked into place. Another orgasm began to build. My ass started to contract on the toy quite vigorously. My penis pulsated with each contraction. Then I felt my butt clamp down pretty hard on the toy, along with my abdominals, quite a bit harder than normal. I wasn't sure if I was actually squeezing that hard or if it felt so good that I mistook the sheer pleasure in my prostate for the pressure of a strong contraction. My whole pelvic region felt like it was squeezing my toy.

Suddenly I felt these intense waves of pleasure wash over me. They were significantly stronger than a penile orgasm, but over every inch of my body. It felt really warm and tingly. The contractions stopped, but I kept on cumming. The pleasure kept increasing to the point where I felt like crying but couldn't. I could feel this knot in my throat and I was tearing up. The waves of pleasure went on and on for what felt like at least five minutes. Once the orgasm was over my body was trembling too much to keep going. I took the toy out and for the next 15 minutes I couldn't even think straight. It was like my brain went to mush. A very weird feeling.

I think from now on I'm going to listen to when my body wants me to have a session.

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I'm particularly curious if anyone can relate to these parts:

I wasn't sure if I was actually squeezing that hard or if it felt so good that I mistook the sheer pleasure in my prostate for the pressure of a strong contraction. My whole pelvic region felt like it was squeezing my toy.

The pleasure kept increasing to the point where I felt like crying but couldn't. I could feel this knot in my throat and I was tearing up

What a crazy experience this was. I've learned so much about myself and my body. It's amazing to me that my body can feel this good. From a physiology standpoint it seems like some kind of evolutionary fluke.

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@buryniceusername, congratulations on achieving your best Super-O ever! Just by reading your post, I think you have reached your Aneros tipping point. Your sessions are just going to get better and better! By all means, it is good to listen to your body when it wants a session.

I am curious. How do you relate to your Aless, those hours outside of sessions? I have found my Aless ideal times to interact with my Aless with Kegel Exercises and relaxing breathing.

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@buryniceusername, congratulations on achieving your best Super-O ever! Just by reading your post, I think you have reached your Aneros tipping point. Your sessions are just going to get better and better! By all means, it is good to listen to your body when it wants a session.

I am curious. How do you relate to your Aless, those hours outside of sessions? I have found my Aless ideal times to interact with my Aless with Kegel Exercises and relaxing breathing.

I feel a-less sensations many times throughout my days. I haven't really tried to make them happen though. Occasionally I'll feel the tingle and relax into it. Sometimes I'll have an orgasm, but they are usually pretty short lived and mellow. Not that that's a bad thing. A few times I've had random spontaneous orgasms during the day.

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I'm particularly curious if anyone can relate to these parts:

Originally posted by buryniceusername View Post
I wasn't sure if I was actually squeezing that hard or if it felt so good that I mistook the sheer pleasure in my prostate for the pressure of a strong contraction. My whole pelvic region felt like it was squeezing my toy.
Originally posted by buryniceusername View Post
The pleasure kept increasing to the point where I felt like crying but couldn't. I could feel this knot in my throat and I was tearing up
What a crazy experience this was. I've learned so much about myself and my body. I amazing to me that my body can feel this good. From a physiology standpoint it seems like some kind of evolutionary fluke

@buryniceusername, you posted this reply at 9:00 AM, a minute before my post just above: 🙂

It appears that you are rather advanced in your Aneros journey! Again congratulations! My suggestion to you is that you interact with your bodily experience and the Aneros itself and see what happens!

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you posted this reply at 9:00 AM, a minute before my post just above: :)!

Oh no I did it again! Thank you for the encouragement!

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Man that is EXACTLY how almost all my Super Os come on!! They don't last 5 minutes (dear god I wish they did!!) but long enough to sometimes make me say out loud "NO!!" in reference to I wish it would stop because I can't take it sometimes its so strong and so good, but I don't want it to ever stop at the same time.

I have that completely uncontrollable "bearing down/clamp/clench" that you describe. It's JUST like what you describe. I can't tell if I'm making my body do it on purpose, or if it's involuntary. I try to make it stop by trying to figure out if I'm making it happen on purpose, and that realization where I'm "searching" with my body creates a biofeedback loop that makes me realize I'm not in control of it, and as soon as I realize I'm really not in control, there's the slightest bit of relaxation so the toy can move on its own again and that movement triggers the involuntary contractions that create a massive super O. The second that uncontrollable clamping down starts, I know I'm in for for a big one! Thanks for sharing your ultimate experience, and get ready for more of those, all the time now!

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Man that is EXACTLY how almost all my Super Os come on!! They don't last 5 minutes (dear god I wish they did!!) but long enough to sometimes make me say out loud "NO!!" in reference to I wish it would stop because I can't take it sometimes its so strong and so good, but I don't want it to ever stop at the same time.

I have that completely uncontrollable "bearing down/clamp/clench" that you describe. It's JUST like what you describe. I can't tell if I'm making my body do it on purpose, or if it's involuntary. I try to make it stop by trying to figure out if I'm making it happen on purpose, and that realization where I'm "searching" with my body creates a biofeedback loop that makes me realize I'm not in control of it, and as soon as I realize I'm really not in control, there's the slightest bit of relaxation so the toy can move on its own again and that movement triggers the involuntary contractions that create a massive super O. The second that uncontrollable clamping down starts, I know I'm in for for a big one! Thanks for sharing your ultimate experience, and get ready for more of those, all the time now!

What device & what techniques you observing?

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@The_Fury hmmmmm that's a good question 🙂 I know this happens mostly with slightly bigger Aneros models. It happens the most with the Maximus, and even more so with the Maximus Trident. The Helix classic as caused this to happen too. Sometimes the MGX classic will be involved in this "clamp/clench" business, but I can't tell you when during my session the MGX is involved in this sensation. I switch between toys every session, so I might have had the MGX in me when it happened but it wasn't the toy that got me to the point where my pelvic muscles/everything down there decides to grab hold, dig in and not let go. The PS-New seems to get this clamp thing going too, but it's so upward-angle oriented that it can be almost too intense and too direct for the clamp to last long enough for a super O every time I'm incorporating the PS-New into my sessions. Like it can happen with the PS, but it's not every session. Also, nipple play helps make this happen, and when the clamp is going on, I feel like I'm pinching/squeezing/tugging on my nipples uncontrollably but I'm not very aware if I'm doing it while because the clamp is so distracting.

So, larger toys seem to make this happen. Other than the Maximus, the Progasm is the only other toy that's bigger. When I use the Progasm, which isn't very often, I have Os from it, but I'm using it kind of late in my sessions (it might be the fourth or even fifth toy in the chain that session), and if I'm already having Os and super Os, the Progasm is likely to make me have Os but I honestly can't remember if the clamp action occurs while the Progasm is in me. Maybe it's too big, or I'm using too late in my sessions. You've made me realize I need to pay MUCH more attention to this phenomenon and when it occurs, and what I'm using when it happens.

I'm sorry I can't give very direct answers to your questions!!! I just never thought about the toy that's in me when this is happening. When it happens it's like a "white out" kind of effect, where I'm not consciously aware of really anything that's going on except the struggle between my mind and body to figure out what's going on. I know it's happening, I can even sense when the clamp is coming, but while it's happening I'm oblivious to the world. Now that I know this is a "thing" that some of y'all are experiencing too, I'm going to make myself be aware of it, when it happens and what I'm using.

As far as techniques, I'm always on my back, with knees bent and feet mostly flat on the floor. It's the primary way I'm engaged in all sessions. That's when it happens. I'm guessing the clamp action doesn't start until I'm at least 10 minutes in or more. I don't know (again I gotta pay more attention to this!!) how far in but it's gotta be once I'm warmed up and a few small little Os have already started happening, I'm lubed up really really good, and involuntary contractions start to happen frequently, sporadically and easily.

I also have this weird position that's hard to explain that I get into when I'm way deep in a session, usually after many Os and maybe Super Os too. I have a common wooden bar stool, round seat, four legs with two sets of cross beams that support and secure the legs together. I'm sure most of everyone's seen these. I lay it on it's side and straddle it. The round seat is down at my ass side and the legs at my face as I lay on it. Pillow is needed to lay on the legs so you can lay on the stool and have it support your weight comfortably. So the seat is wider than where the legs meet it, and I position my cock and balls so that they hang down through the opening in the legs. Then I back my perineum into the bottom of the seat so there's contact between it and me; I can then rub/grind my perineum against the seat and lift my hips up and down so that the seat contacts my balls too. So I'm resting on the stool completely supported and hanging there, my genitals hanging through the opening in the legs untouched, and I'm slightly grinding my perineum against the seat. This position makes you VERY prone and if someone wanted to walk up and do you in the ass, it would be very very easy for them to do so. The Aneros moves so freely in this position, maybe even easier than when I'm on my back, and gravity makes it fall a little bit into me more than when I'm on my back too. In this position the clamp action is extremely strong and uncontrollable. I cannot believe how hard my body grabs the toy. I can't squeeze my nipples in this position due to the pillow against my chest, but I don't need them to be a part of the action, the Os and super Os I have when hanging like this come without nipple play. If you have a stool that has a rounded seat or at least a seat that doesn't have very sharp corners, give this position a try! It's cool because if you start leaking semen/prostate fluid/precum it falls down and you can look down and see it all happening 😉

Sorry for the super long description of this stool-thing, but the clamp happens very strongly and frequently when I'm laying on my stool.

You've got me very interested in recording info on the clamping down phenomenon, and I'm going to start taking notes on it ASAP!!! I'll start a topic on this once I've had a session or two 🙂

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thats cool @techpump, i look forward to it.

One thing i still dont get, no larger device has ever worked on me, i get immediate feelings on insertion and precum, but it numbs things in there pretty quick, it also confuses me because when i dry orgasm i get really big contractions in there, which if using a larger device impede this movement. I dont get how it works for others.

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Yesterday I had the most amazing orgasm of my life with the Progasm Ice. For the past few days prior I had been very anal horny. I was been meaning to use the Aneros, but I wasn't able to find the time. I was fantasizing about putting things in my butt all morning and feeling really tingly down there, so I thought what the hell.

For this session I laid on my back and tried to keep very still. I had really pleasant feelings right off the bat and had some wonderful dry-os almost straight away. The involuntaries started up soon after. When I'm relaxing properly my contractions are a lot more subtle. I have a habit of subconsciously clenching along with my involuntary contractions, which tends to not build sensations as well as total relaxation.

I had a really fantastic dry-o with contractions that felt exactly like a traditional orgasm. After that subsided I was able to get really relaxed, almost like something suddenly locked into place. Another orgasm began to build. My ass started to contract on the toy quite vigorously. My penis pulsated with each contraction. Then I felt my butt clamp down pretty hard on the toy, along with my abdominals, quite a bit harder than normal. I wasn't sure if I was actually squeezing that hard or if it felt so good that I mistook the sheer pleasure in my prostate for the pressure of a strong contraction. My whole pelvic region felt like it was squeezing my toy.

Suddenly I felt these intense waves of pleasure wash over me. They were significantly stronger than a penile orgasm, but over every inch of my body. It felt really warm and tingly. The contractions stopped, but I kept on cumming. The pleasure kept increasing to the point where I felt like crying but couldn't. I could feel this knot in my throat and I was tearing up. The waves of pleasure went on and on for what felt like at least five minutes. Once the orgasm was over my body was trembling too much to keep going. I took the toy out and for the next 15 minutes I couldn't even think straight. It was like my brain went to mush. A very weird feeling.

I think from now on I'm going to listen to when my body wants me to have a session.

This all sound so similar to an experience I had last night. I am going to write it up shortly.

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@The_Fury hmmmmm that's a good question 🙂 I know this happens mostly with slightly bigger Aneros models. It happens the most with the Maximus, and even more so with the Maximus Trident. The Helix classic as caused this to happen too. Sometimes the MGX classic will be involved in this "clamp/clench" business, but I can't tell you when during my session the MGX is involved in this sensation. I switch between toys every session, so I might have had the MGX in me when it happened but it wasn't the toy that got me to the point where my pelvic muscles/everything down there decides to grab hold, dig in and not let go. The PS-New seems to get this clamp thing going too, but it's so upward-angle oriented that it can be almost too intense and too direct for the clamp to last long enough for a super O every time I'm incorporating the PS-New into my sessions. Like it can happen with the PS, but it's not every session. Also, nipple play helps make this happen, and when the clamp is going on, I feel like I'm pinching/squeezing/tugging on my nipples uncontrollably but I'm not very aware if I'm doing it while because the clamp is so distracting.

So, larger toys seem to make this happen. Other than the Maximus, the Progasm is the only other toy that's bigger. When I use the Progasm, which isn't very often, I have Os from it, but I'm using it kind of late in my sessions (it might be the fourth or even fifth toy in the chain that session), and if I'm already having Os and super Os, the Progasm is likely to make me have Os but I honestly can't remember if the clamp action occurs while the Progasm is in me. Maybe it's too big, or I'm using too late in my sessions. You've made me realize I need to pay MUCH more attention to this phenomenon and when it occurs, and what I'm using when it happens.

I'm sorry I can't give very direct answers to your questions!!! I just never thought about the toy that's in me when this is happening. When it happens it's like a "white out" kind of effect, where I'm not consciously aware of really anything that's going on except the struggle between my mind and body to figure out what's going on. I know it's happening, I can even sense when the clamp is coming, but while it's happening I'm oblivious to the world. Now that I know this is a "thing" that some of y'all are experiencing too, I'm going to make myself be aware of it, when it happens and what I'm using.

As far as techniques, I'm always on my back, with knees bent and feet mostly flat on the floor. It's the primary way I'm engaged in all sessions. That's when it happens. I'm guessing the clamp action doesn't start until I'm at least 10 minutes in or more. I don't know (again I gotta pay more attention to this!!) how far in but it's gotta be once I'm warmed up and a few small little Os have already started happening, I'm lubed up really really good, and involuntary contractions start to happen frequently, sporadically and easily.

I also have this weird position that's hard to explain that I get into when I'm way deep in a session, usually after many Os and maybe Super Os too. I have a common wooden bar stool, round seat, four legs with two sets of cross beams that support and secure the legs together. I'm sure most of everyone's seen these. I lay it on it's side and straddle it. The round seat is down at my ass side and the legs at my face as I lay on it. Pillow is needed to lay on the legs so you can lay on the stool and have it support your weight comfortably. So the seat is wider than where the legs meet it, and I position my cock and balls so that they hang down through the opening in the legs. Then I back my perineum into the bottom of the seat so there's contact between it and me; I can then rub/grind my perineum against the seat and lift my hips up and down so that the seat contacts my balls too. So I'm resting on the stool completely supported and hanging there, my genitals hanging through the opening in the legs untouched, and I'm slightly grinding my perineum against the seat. This position makes you VERY prone and if someone wanted to walk up and do you in the ass, it would be very very easy for them to do so. The Aneros moves so freely in this position, maybe even easier than when I'm on my back, and gravity makes it fall a little bit into me more than when I'm on my back too. In this position the clamp action is extremely strong and uncontrollable. I cannot believe how hard my body grabs the toy. I can't squeeze my nipples in this position due to the pillow against my chest, but I don't need them to be a part of the action, the Os and super Os I have when hanging like this come without nipple play. If you have a stool that has a rounded seat or at least a seat that doesn't have very sharp corners, give this position a try! It's cool because if you start leaking semen/prostate fluid/precum it falls down and you can look down and see it all happening 😉

Sorry for the super long description of this stool-thing, but the clamp happens very strongly and frequently when I'm laying on my stool.

You've got me very interested in recording info on the clamping down phenomenon, and I'm going to start taking notes on it ASAP!!! I'll start a topic on this once I've had a session or two 🙂

I don't get a lot of movement from the biggest toys either. The smaller or medium sized toys get me off the most, but those larger toys, like the Maximus more so and less so the Progasm, don't move as much as smaller toys, but they make my ass clench down harder and longer. But the clamp/clench isn't my ass trying to get rid of the toy or push it out, it's like it wants it to go in further and get deeper (thank GOD the Ptab arm is so strong, sometimes I think it could snap from the pressure of the pulling!). I'm going to get more details for you and everyone else interested soon, starting today/tonight!

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@techpump you never sease to amaze me! I like your stool ( not the sh#t version) idea. I have one in my shop and I will try it as soon as I have a long enough "to myself" moment. Thanks for the idea and please continue to share your experiences.

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I don't get a lot of movement from the biggest toys either. The smaller or medium sized toys get me off the most, but those larger toys, like the Maximus more so and less so the Progasm, don't move as much as smaller toys, but they make my ass clench down harder and longer. But the clamp/clench isn't my ass trying to get rid of the toy or push it out, it's like it wants it to go in further and get deeper (thank GOD the Ptab arm is so strong, sometimes I think it could snap from the pressure of the pulling!). I'm going to get more details for you and everyone else interested soon, starting today/tonight!

I was using Progasm Jr last night for the first time, I have been using the Helix Syn up till now but wanted to try something else. When using the Helix I find it rotates a little and I keep straightening it up. So last night I just thought I would check the alignment of the Progasm a little while into the session. It hadn’t moved at all and on top of that it was held so tight I could hardly move it anyway, it felt as you describe that it seemed as if it was being pulled further in. Even trying to relax around it didn’t seem to loosen the grip something had on it. I didn’t put up a fight needless to say.

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