My best session so ...
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My best session so far

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Hi guys! I just finished my best session yet and I'm super excited to share with you. I'm glad there's someone who can appreciate my journey.

So I started my session with eupho trident, using rumel's homemade jelly (honestly, it's the best thing ever). It was generating good feelings - some muscle trembling, pleasurable contractions. I'm sure that if I continued with it, it would've brought me somewhere, but I thought I'd give progasm a go.

I was holding a finger on my perineum the whole time, it really feels like it helps me to focus better. Progasm definitely brought me where I haven't been before. I started having nice small orgasms and I ended the session with incredible one. It made me shake and moan. It wasn't explosive, but rather nice and easy. I literally smiled while I moaned. Even now after it's out I feel like rubbing hands all over my body as if I was on some drug.

I think the most important thing in all of this was me decreasing my porn use and my ejaculation frequency. I think the porn is the most important thing. I literally have best sessions when my mind starts naturally creating sexy scenarios in my head. It never happens if I watch any porn before the session. So I highly recommend trying no porn and possibly semen retention. At first it feels really bad, because the pleasure basically is non existent first few sessions, but then the brain starts rewiring itself.


helical, Helghast, helical and 3 people reacted
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If an incredible orgasm makes you shake,ratttle and moan,youve entered super o territory my friend. Congratulations.

Double congrats on the reduction of porn and ejaculation. It’s refreshing to see someone recognise things that potentially hold them back and put the work in to turn things around. Others can learn from you.

Now your figuring what’s what,time to focus and start to build.


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Posted by: @helghast

If an incredible orgasm makes you shake,ratttle and moan,youve entered super o territory my friend. Congratulations.

Double congrats on the reduction of porn and ejaculation. It’s refreshing to see someone recognise things that potentially hold them back and put the work in to turn things around. Others can learn from you.

Now your figuring what’s what,time to focus and start to build.


Thank's mate! Maybe I was too generous with "incredible", but nonetheless it felt awesome. Honestly I can't wait what next sessions will bring me. I'm even planning on acquiring some weed, which used to make my sessions pretty good like a year back. I bet now I'll definitely enter some new grounds.


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Acceptance is key mate. Don’t put that PO so high up on a pedestal that you can never reach it.


rumel, rumel and rumel reacted
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Posted by: @pirontras

I think the most important thing in all of this was me decreasing my porn use and my ejaculation frequency. I think the porn is the most important thing. I literally have best sessions when my mind starts naturally creating sexy scenarios in my head. It never happens if I watch any porn before the session

I have found this exact thing as well. When I first started out I relied on it heavily but as my journey progressed I found it held me at a certain plateau. It can be a very pleasurable plateau, but all my break-through s came without it.

Posted by: @pirontras

I'm even planning on acquiring some weed, which used to make my sessions pretty good like a year back.

If weed does for you what it does for me, you are about to have the time of your life. Good luck and much fun.
