Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

My best session so ...
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My best session so far!

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Hello dear Aneros friends,

I'm very new to these kind of pleasures. I have read a lot of posts here and did also some extensive reading from the Wiki.
This morning I had my fifth session with the Aneros Helix Trident. It has been very nice, my best session so far.

My sessions went like this (all sessions, except 4th with the help of pot vaporization):

1st session: Mmmmh, looks interesting, there is some potential here. It was like there is a party in the next room and I can look poking through the keyhole, looks nice, but I'm not in the room where the party is for the moment... But I can imagine what it would be to party. I can feel small pleasure waves. I try to stimulate my nipples and it works! I never had up to this day some pleasure with my nipples! (I'm 62, it's never too late to learn...). I was flaccid during the whole the session.
I'm like a little boy before Christmas, waiting for my 2nd session (Can't wait!!). I finish the session with a traditional O, by stimulating my penis, I know... It's bad. Duration of the session: 1h30.

2nd session, 4 days later:Ahh... Yes! it's very nice! During this session, I had several erections. It's really very pleasurable to feel the Helix moving with the clenching coming from my dick. And then I feel several contractions in my dick and prostate area, like a traditional O, but at a slower pace, without ejaculation. Is it a mini-O or P-waves? I don't know, but it's very pleasant. I try also to touch my nipples, but there is no pleasure this time. My erection disappear and I continue to visualize my prostate area and to relax. After a while, I'm hard again and another mini-O (?). The pleasure is stronger this time and I start to laugh! It's sooo goooood! I'm thinking "It's incredible, this thing works, really!". This time, I'm in the room where the party is. Not very far in the room, close to the door, but I'm in the party! I'm a bad boy, so I finish again with a traditional O, with penis stimulation. Duration of the session 2h05.

3rd session, 3 days later: I'm disappointed... I'm on the verge of pleasure but I lost it, unable to reach P-waves or mini-O. I almost start to sleep! I knew from reading posts or the Wiki that it's normal, that it's not possible to be always in the mood, that pleasure can be elusive... But I'm so disappointed! Despite the promise I made myself not to masturbate, I still do it. Duration of the session 1h56.

4th session, 1 day later: This is a "worst-case" session. Who knows? Maybe it'll work? Worst-case because it's only 1 day after my last ejaculation and so I'm not very aroused, and also because, for this session, I decide to not use the help of pot.
Guess what? It has been a bad session! Nothing really noticeable, boring... The only success is that I don't masturbate at the end. Duration of the session: 1h08

5th session, 3 days later: Wow! Wow! Wow! My best session so far! The best sexual pleasure of my whole life!! 2 hours of orgasms!! This damn plastic thing really works! And I'm glad to have reached the best sexual feeling of my life at the 5th session! At the beginning of the session I had a feeling of reconciliation with my Helix, after the 2 bad sessions of the previous days. I had then very exquisite sensations in my pelvic area. Exquisite is really appropriate as adjective for the sensation given by the device. Before the orgasms started, I was already happy with the results of the session. And then, the orgasms started.
I don't know if they were P-waves, super-Os, mini-Os or prostate orgasms and I don't care. It was simply the best pleasure of my whole life. The key, for me, is the controlled breathing (and to be aroused, of course). After 10 to 15 minutes of controlled breathing and relaxation the first orgasm started in my prostate and my whole pelvic area: slow pulsating contractions of pure pleasure during 20 to 30 seconds without erection and without ejaculation. After the orgasm, I just had to concentrate again on my breathing for 2 to 3 minutes and another orgasm start... During several of them, I just had to laugh! The pleasure was so gooooooood! Duration of the session: 2h10
At the end of the session, I was ready to stop when I said to myself "OK, just one more!" And it has been the best one!

I can't wait till the next session, I'm so happy to have found this new area of sexual pleasure. I'm really a happier man today and you, Aneros friends, are also responsible for this happiness!

Thank you to you all for your guidance, advices and testimonials. You can be proud of your knowledge!

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Thanks so much for your post. My last few sessions were not so great and I resonated with what you said. You have given me new hope, so thanks again

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Congratulations. Well documented! You may even consider to start a blog on this site.

Just avoid expectations (a big pitfall imho) and you will me amazed even more.

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Hello prostatonaut friends,

On August 26, 2019, I was telling you the result of my best session, the fifth...

Well, this morning was my 100th session! And it was my best one so far today.

I do on average two sessions a week and in about 40% of the cases... I get the best orgasms of my life.

Of course, my standards have changed since that famous 5th session. The intensity of pleasure has increased so much.  I don't know how this is possible, but it turns out that the pleasure felt is almost every time better, it's unbelievable!

It seems that this path is endless and that the scale of pleasure is each time a little bit longer...

In the last few days, I've had the most beautiful prostatic orgasms of my entire journey and I haven't even had a Super-O yet! Or maybe I have? I don't really know and I don't really care. This pleasure is so good that I don't pay as much attention to labels as I did at the beginning of my journey.

I wish you all a great journey!

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really a pleasure to read your experiences and progress! And definitely is a journey which rewards you most of the time with very few disappointments along the way! Keep reporting on your experience to be an encouragement to others!


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@Morexp great to read about your success!  I'm basically in the same situation you are, living and enjoying every session which is better than the last and I adopted the same attitude you did when considering super-o, or not.


Good vibes to you.

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@Morexp   Thank you for your posts sharing your successes.  The stories shared here,like yours, always seem to kick me to higher intensity.  Like you, I have given up trying to label or define what my pleasures are called.  I just know I want to keep doing it, aless or with, its all blissful. 

In your early posts you mentioned THC use.  Do you still do this, or have you moved on and get great sessions without vapeing MJ?

 As a random tested driver,  that option is off the table for me.

Thanks again.


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@p38, Yes, I still vaporize MJ before my sessions. I have tried four times to not use the magic help of THC for a session and the results were less pleasurable. If I had to stop using MJ, I guess I would adapt and be able to reach good orgasms after a while... 

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@fred27 Thank you for this kind message. I will certainly continue to report my progress time to time.


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@ggringo Thank you! It’s true that labels are less and less important once the sessions are more successful!


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Hello dear prostatonauts!

I had shared with you my progress on the occasion of my 100th session in June 2020.

I'm now approaching my 200th session and I'm still progressing.

The orgasms are getting better and better and I don't really have failed sessions like I did in the beginning. I continue to do about two sessions a week. In fact, I do three sessions a week and one of those sessions is an Aless session. And it's during the Aless sessions that I've made the most impressive progress.

Until a few weeks ago, I had never had such good orgasms in an Aless session as I did with a stimulator. Well, I finally managed to have equally good and even better Dry-O's just by breathing the right way, letting go and stroking my nipples, without any massager. I had read about it here and elsewhere, I was a little envious, but I finally managed to be able to orgasm just like that, in a "natural" way if you will.

This is something I would never have believed possible at the beginning of my journey.

I wish you many successful sessions!

gdunn, Qwiksting, Ggringo and 6 people reacted
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Really enjoyed reading the progress you have experienced! Although I don’t vape I can relate to your experiences - thanks for sharing! Please continue to report in with your progress! Aless has become very stimulating and enjoyable for me as well!

Morexp, Morexp and Morexp reacted
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@morexp thanks for sharing your progress. I can confirm that even after more than 8 years I often think this was my best session ever! It is a truly amazing journey. 

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