My 5 Simple and Ess...
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My 5 Simple and Essential Points for a Successful Session

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I have been using Aneros products (MGX and Progasm) for over three years now but only recently have I finally figured things out. In the past I had some nice experiences and an occasional Super O... or at least what I thought was a Super O. For those who are still on "the quest," I want to enumerate some very important factors or steps that I believe to be absolutely essential to achieving satisfactory results and reaching the Super O. All of the points I mention below can be found in the Wiki and in these discussions but I don't believe these have been condensed into a short "how to" before. Here is what I have learned:


  • The location on one's "sweet spot" on the perineum is absolutely essential to find, mark, and remember. The "sweet spot" is that location between the anus and scrotum where all the nerves seem to converge. I tried many times to locate that spot using my finger as suggested in the wiki but was never successful. Then I came upon the idea of using something a bit smaller than my finger tip and more the size of the P-tab so I used the round end of a "Sharpie" marker pen. Starting about an inch from my anus and moving very slowly up the center of the perineum, I pushed on that Sharpie and wiggled it around, doing this in 1/8" increments. Suddenly, I found the spot. My penis felt sort of numb and I could feel a "tingle" at its head. THAT was my "sweet spot" and it was located much farther away from the anus than the MGX or Progasm would reach simply by being inserted. In my case the distance seems to be in excess of 2 inches, maybe 2 1/4" or more. I marked the spot with the writing end of the Sharpie. Obviously, the mark wears and washes off so I go through this process just before each session and mark the spot with a large dot.
  • It is vital that the "P tab" not move once the Aneros is inserted. The MGX P-tab is not exactly comfortable anyway and I discovered that the rubber bulb off of an eyedropper could be stretched over the P-tab. This pads the tab a bit and, most importantly, creates a non-slip surface for the "P tab" to "grip" on the skin of the perineum. I find that a shaved perineum grips the rubber bulb a bit better. On the Progasm, which has a ball-type of P-tab, I use the cut-off finger tip from a rubber glove over the ball of the P-tab. A totally lube-free and completely dry perineum is essential.
  • Lubrication is everything but only after finding the sweet spot and insuring that the P-tab stays where you put it. I have found that a large eyedropper works quite well for getting the lube up inside where it needs to be. Lubrication outside of the anus is self-defeating as it will cause the P-tab to slip. I also coat the Aneros with a light coating of petroleum jelly to ease insertion. My lubricant of choice is either KY Jelly or KY Ultralube.
  • After inserting the Aneros, I use a hand mirror to locate the mark I made on the "sweet spot" and then push the skin of my perineum towards my anus as I lift and pull the P-tab up to the mark. When I get the P-tab on the mark, I reach down with both hands and pull my butt cheeks apart so that things equalize and relax a bit. I find that the rubber bulb on the MGX keeps the P-tab exactly in place even after I have pulled on my butt cheeks and wiggled around a bit before settling in to relax and enjoy the session.
  • The position I use is flat on my back with my legs bent and feet flat on the floor or on the bed. I literally lay back and do nothing. In a moment or two, contractions begin involuntarily for me and things progress from there. Generally, I can reach my first Super O within 30 minutes although sometimes the first one can happen in just 10 minutes as it did today (three Super Os in about 40 minutes). Sessions can run anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes.
  • I have not modified either Aneros beyond cutting off the curled portion of the MGX's handle. I did this so that I could lay flat on my back with it inserted. I have thought about bending the P-tab arm out to match my "measurements" but don't want to ruin a good thing. Perhaps I will purchase a second MGX and then bend one of them. If I find an improvement over what I achieve now, I will certainly do a post about it.

    For those of you still in the rewiring process or otherwise still on "the journey," I hope that these 5 simple points might be of some help. Believe me when I say that I had tried everything. It was only after I took finding my "sweet spot" to heart and, after finding it, developed a way to insure that the P-tab stayed on that sweet spot, that I began having regular success and multiple Super O's.
    As a guy in my mid-60's I am very glad I discovered the MGX and its benefits beyond the Super O. My contemporaries all have to get up in the middle of the night to pee and they complain of their libido diminishing. Having to get up in the middle of the night is foreign to me and I am usually awakened most mornings at 05:30 with a robust case of "morning wood," something that I had not experienced since about age 40.. until I began using the MGX a little over three years ago. My wife and I have a healthy sex life and I believe my virility has been enhanced thanks to the enjoyable prostate massage I have about two or three times a week. Since using the MGX on a regular basis, I have gone as long as three weeks without its use and have not had the "morning wood" experience wane. Apparently the benefits of regular prostate massage do not diminish quickly. For me, the Super O is not just a sexual experience. In fact it is not as much sexual as it is just plane enjoyable and therapeutic. I find myself laughing and moaning simultaneously and the time truly does fly by. Generally speaking, the Super O leaves me horny for my wife and a regular orgasm.
    Oh, one other thing: You no doubt noticed that I don't mention the Progasm as much. While I have had a Super O or two with the Progasm and enjoy the fuller feeling it offers, I simply get better results with the more mobile MGX and I do not have residual soreness or tenderness that can happen by getting carried away with the Progasm.

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    Great for the physical parts, what do you do mentally to visualise things? A scenario?

    Also point #4 do you mean your pushing skin from the top of the perineum down toward your anus then 'trapping' it using the tab on the mgx?

    Is this the right kind of dropper you used?

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    I guess I am real basic. I do not try to visualize anything other than to concentrate on what I am feeling down there...nothing more. Regarding point number 4, yes, that is precisely what I mean: pushing the skind down from the top towards the anus and "trapping" it there using the rubber covered tab. And finally, yes, that is the sort of eyedropper bulb I used.

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    Cool! What effect does trapping the skin have, are you saying the sweet spot is trapped on the skin or...?

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    No, the Aneros pivots enough for the P-tab to remain over the sweet spot. If the Aneros is just inserted and allowed to assume its natural orientation, at least in my case, the P-tab is always 3/8" or so below the sweet spot. I wasted the better part of two years having a good massage but not experiencing anything more than some nice feelings during the sessions... until I took locating the sweet spot seriously. Trapping the skin beneath the P-tab together with the rubber bulb prevents the P-tab from scooting back to its "natural" position.

    As I said in the post, I am really curious about modifying a unit to fit my personal measurements as that would simplify things (not having to locate and mark the spot, use a mirror, etc.) but I don't want to risk ruining my one and only MGX. My guess is that the modification would work even better. The reason I wrote this post is to share the importance of locating that sweet spot and seeing to it that the P-tab remains located right on top of it during the session. That factor combined with good lubrication, a relaxed, focused attitude and doing nothing beyond just letting things happen has really worked for me. Some sessions are still better than others but I have at least one Super O 80% of the time. The times when I don't are almost always when I am distracted from just relaxing and letting things happen but, since locating the sweet spot, I always experience the sensations that lead up to the Super O; something that was random before I got serious about the sweet spot.

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    @convinced, you can use a hot air gun to melt the p-tab handle.

    do a search on the forum for "modifications"


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    They also have polymorph plastics that you can add to the ptab. Not sure where but I've read of others using it for modifitcations on the p tab.

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    That's great scoop, but I am having a lot of trouble finding that sweet spot. I tried a couple narrower items, but it sure hasn't revealed itself to me yet. Did you have an erection when you found yours?

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    That's great scoop, but I am having a lot of trouble finding that sweet spot. I tried a couple narrower items, but it sure hasn't revealed itself to me yet. Did you have an erection when you found yours?

    Well, that is not a great scoop to someone who finds it both pointless and misleading. Everybody has different experience and opinion. Just because it is more detailed doesn't make it more useful for you... only easier to follow.

    Here is my advice:
    Make your own research. Write it down if you will. But dont follow blindly anybody's recipe. In the end you may discover any recipe probably is exactly what will prevent you from doing what works (even repeating what worked before).

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    That's great scoop, but I am having a lot of trouble finding that sweet spot. I tried a couple narrower items, but it sure hasn't revealed itself to me yet. Did you have an erection when you found yours?

    The above post may seem a tiny bit hostile, but it's all very true. Reading advice and tips is great, but at the end of the day your journey is personal, and how your sensations develop will be entirely unique. If an opportunity arises to use knowledge you have gathered, then use it, but forcing stuff seems to really never get anyone anywhere, when it comes to this stuff 🙂

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    I tried to tailor my Helix to hit my sweet spot a few years back, but I ended up almost destroying it with the number of times I moved the p-tab arm. After that I more or less forgot about it.

    It's really interesting that you found it transformed your sessions after so long. The Wiki too says it "can be essential". So I think I'll resume my investigation.
    I have noticed the feeling of "a more complete circuit" a few times, when playing around with the p-tab arm, do you have any way you'd describe the difference it makes to the overall sensations?

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    Honestly guys, I'm just trying to be collegial with someone who tried something different, achieved some success, and did it in a way I hadn't thought of for myself or read from others. Happy to give his method a shot, and if that is what sheep do, well... consider me a member of the flock. It's something people do in community with one another!

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    The above post may seem a tiny bit hostile, but it's all very true. Reading advice and tips is great, but at the end of the day your journey is personal, and how your sensations develop will be entirely unique. If an opportunity arises to use knowledge you have gathered, then use it, but forcing stuff seems to really never get anyone anywhere, when it comes to this stuff 🙂

    Sorry if I unintentionally sounded hostile. I am not.

    Your comment conveys well what I wanted to say. I can only second it.

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    Without getting into a debate about whether one person's way is better than another person's, I do believe that my experience lends more credibility to the information in the Wiki regarding the sweet spot.

    In answer to a question by Krissive: No, I did not have an erection when locating the sweet spot. The Wiki talks of using one's finger and rocking it around a bit on each spot. It also mentions doing this on one's knees while leaning over on a bed (sofa, chair, or whatever). I did this and had no success. What I can tell you again is this: for me (at least), using a smaller object (the round end of a Sharpie marker pen) did the trick but here is something that I should have mentioned regarding this but did not. As you probe looking for the spot, don't be in a hurry. Linger on each location and wiggle the rounded object around with some pressure. Press slightly to one side and then the other as well as forward and backward. If, after a duration of at least 30 seconds or so you feel absolutely nothing, then move about 1/8" and try the entire process again... rocking it around, pressing to the left a bit and then to the right...forward, backward...all from the same spot. If you feel something off to the side slightly, gently scoot that direction and start the process again. Doing this will excite or awaken the nerves in that area and, when you are close, you will actually feel a slight tingle or numb feeling and, when you are right on the spot, you may actually feel a tingle right up your penis to its head. The Wiki does mention that a slightly engorged penis will help in the quest and that has been my experience. At this point I have a pretty good idea where my sweet spot is but I still go through the motions to rediscover it and mark it before each session. Since I started doing this my success rate has drastically improved and I am realizing more and more that having the P-tab precisely on that spot makes a world of difference. I cannot overstate that fact. For some, perhaps their sweet spot is larger so this may seem laborious but consider this: Obviously the P-tab distance from the stem is critical in the design and even the MGX's dimension in that area was changed and advertised as an improvement which, one could deduce, gives credence to the notion that the sweet spot is integral to success. If anyone has success in "finding the spot" as a result of this I would appreciate knowing. If, because of these suggestions you begin having success in your journey it would be gratifying to know as well.

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    It's really interesting that you found it transformed your sessions after so long. The Wiki too says it "can be essential". So I think I'll resume my investigation.
    I have noticed the feeling of "a more complete circuit" a few times, when playing around with the p-tab arm, do you have any way you'd describe the difference it makes to the overall sensations?

    My experience is that before I located the sweet spot and made certain that the P-tab was right on the money, I had all the benefits of prostate massage and even some nice feelings during my sessions. Once in a great while I even experienced what I thought was a Super O but would now categorize as a Mini O. What I did not have was success in reaching what I now know for certain is a Super O nor did I fully understand how the inserted portion of the Aneros works in conjunction with the P-tab. The sweet spot is, indeed, "essential."

    With regards to "the journey:" It is true that each of us has our own, unique experiences and that no two persons are exactly alike. On the other hand, if there were not significant similarities, the Aneros would not work for so many people. So far, everything I have read in the Wiki about the physical aspects of one's body and how it responds to the Aneros has proven to be true. The fact that I was not persistent in exploring various ways of locating the sweet spot is more an indictment of my impatience than it is a testament to the notion that "each person is different." I am not suggesting that I have discovered a fool-proof way but, instead, am saying that, to a very high degree, what the Wiki says about the importance of the sweet spot is right on but, perhaps, not as complete as it should be in offering various ways of discovering it. For me it took using a more concentrated pressure in a smaller area (the rounded end of a Sharpie) in order for me to actually "feel" a sweet spot in the perineum... and that was with a lot of exploration and going over the same ground several times.

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    The sweet spot is in one's mind. This is why some achieve consistent results (Super Os, without fail), from ANY Aneros, or any other toy. When one Super Os from a Tempo, the Tempo is not touching the sweet spot. To my recollection, the Tempo has no tabs. If the sweet spot had any validity, one would not achieve the Super O from any type of butt plugs and/or dildos. Would not true rewiring begat consistency, regardless of the toy, even if the toy touches not the sweet spot. The toy cannot touch the mind. But the mind can touch the toy. X does not mark the spot.

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    Thanks @convinced... That was helpful

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    You know, I have felt that numb feeling in the head on my penis a couple times while using my helix. I'm thinking the sweet spot is not far from where the abutment tab sits... Time for a more intensive search.

    Tempo is my tool of choice, but I would like to get more consistency out of helix

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    @convinced - What I'm trying to ask is was there anything else about your sessions that differed besides the presence of the Super-O? The description of numbness/tingling when you found the spot was helpful, I'm hoping for more indicators along these lines, so I can verify that I'm on the right track.

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    What I'm trying to ask is was there anything else about your sessions that differed besides the presence of the Super-O? The description of numbness/tingling when you found the spot was helpful, I'm hoping for more indicators along these lines, so I can verify that I'm on the right track.

    The numbness and tingling were felt not during the sessions but when using the round end of the Sharpie to find the sweet spot. As to anything different during the sessions all I can say is that responsiveness was much more rapid... significantly so. When the P-tab was improperly located reaching any level of pleasure took the better part of a half hour or more. When on the sweet spot, things advance far more quickly.

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    The sweet spot is in one's mind. This is why some achieve consistent results (Super Os, without fail), from ANY Aneros, or any other toy. When one Super Os from a Tempo, the Tempo is not touching the sweet spot. To my recollection, the Tempo has no tabs. If the sweet spot had any validity, one would not achieve the Super O from any type of butt plugs and/or dildos. Would not true rewiring begat consistency, regardless of the toy, even if the toy touches not the sweet spot. The toy cannot touch the mind. But the mind can touch the toy. X does not mark the spot.
    I did not join this forum to get into silly debates or for any other reason
    than to share my findings which were validated in advance within various parts of the Wiki.
    My hope was and is to assist some of those who are still searching by sharing what I
    have learned from the Wiki and developing it a bit deeper. Much of my frustration was aggravated and prolonged by people whose comments are haughty and loaded with hubris such as your comment above. If it is all in the mind then they and you are Super O gurus and the rest of us who are or were struggling are all called "Grasshopper."

    As I said before, if the sweet spot were not an issue (or fictitious as you assert), Aneros would not have
    changed the design of the MGX to be more in tune with the location of
    most men's sweet spot. As to people achieving a Super O without a P-tab
    or without anything other than their mind, what does that have to do
    with this discussion? Those people are unique and perhaps lucky but they are not better than anyone else
    nor is this all a mind game as you purport. Pspotsquirter (you have to
    be kidding), if it is as you say, then all of the development by High Island Health (the
    original parent of Aneros) is bogus and the accidental discoveries made by those first men
    using the High Island Health prostate massager for its original purpose (prostate
    therapy) would not have been experiencing pleasurable sensations and
    even Super Os nor would there be a competing saddle product which also produces
    orgasmic results
    without anything in the anus but, instead, through external massage of the perineum in the area of what is commonly known as the sweet spot. The notion that the sweet spot does not exist is a specious diversion, the purpose of which apparently only you know because the rest of us are not at your level of understanding.

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    It is all a matter of the mind. The mind cannot be tricked by external stimuli. Be the stimuli nipple stimulation; hypno tracks; binaural beats; e- stim; vibration; and Sharpies. Once the mind rejects the external stimuli, stagnation sets in.

    I'm far from a Guru, but I'm consistent. Painfully consistent. I'm free of dud sessions, as I have never had one. I'm a purist, as I use no external stimuli. I feel any external stimuli would be a pollutant for me.

    I was not attempting any refutation of HIH. But the Wiki is a different story. If your findings are based on the Wiki, what is the need for you to share them? Have not most read the Wiki, ad nauseum? If so, they already know what you know.

    Why do you think you do not get consistent results? If you are inconsistent, why are you so eager to dispense advice? Your advice will only begat your particular degree of inconsistency to others? Do you not realize this? Yet you speak of hubris.

    The sweet spot is the mind. Which is all one has. The mind controls the journey, not the ass, not the Wiki. The sweet spot is going to be another source of obsession, for many. The supposed sweet spot may be mentioned for marketing purposes. Have you ever considered that?

    The post has nothing to do with a supposed silly debate. It has nothing to do with one being on my level of understanding. Assist yourself to consistency, then try to assist others. The blind cannot lead the blind.

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    OK, I am going to weigh in here.

    First, @convinced, congratulations on your careful approach and the success it has provided you. I think your suggestions are very useful, especially for guys who are slow to find success.

    That said, I think the fine point other guys are trying to make is that, while your approach has very likely accelerated your progress, it is not clear that taking your approach is essential. Tons of guys have had success without carefully mapping their sweet spot. The possibilities are either that: (a) for all of them the tab naturally hits their sweet spot or (b) the sweet spot is less localized, or less essential to success.

    Finally, there is also merit in what @pspotsquirter is saying, which is that there are both physical and mental components.

    In sum, it is all good! People who are not succeeding are well advised to try the sweet spot method. They can use it as part of their individualized path. If it turns out that @convinced has made a key discovery, that will make itself apparent over time.

    The crazy crazy crazy thing about the Aneros and male multiple orgasm is just how diverse everybody's experience with it is, and how little we understand it. There are no experts!

    Meanwhile, I am looking forward to giving a careful mapping of my sweet spot a try.


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    @Pspotsquirter, please dont take these comments as hostile because they are not meant to be. You seem to comment on alot of post saying that alot of us are doing things wrong and following the wiki and trying new things which will lead us nowhere. Ummmm.....what else are we suppose to follow? You talk about the mental aspects of this and balance and such but I see no "Pspotsquirter wiki" or path to follow so when we read your comments and advice, I think I, and many others are like OK, thats great and all but what do I do? It just kinda leaves us dumbfounded. So basically what I am saying is if your path is so righteous then put pen to paper and lay out a foundation for others to follow. Until that happens many of us will continue to be completely confused by your comments. We use the wiki and others encouraging experiments because it does give us something to try and things to follow.

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    @Pspotsquirter, please dont take these comments as hostile because they are not meant to be. You seem to comment on alot of post saying that alot of us are doing things wrong and following the wiki and trying new things which will lead us nowhere. Ummmm.....what else are we suppose to follow? You talk about the mental aspects of this and balance and such but I see no "Pspotsquirter wiki" or path to follow so when we read your comments and advice, I think I, and many others are like OK, thats great and all but what do I do? It just kinda leaves us dumbfounded. So basically what I am saying is if your path is so righteous then put pen to paper and lay out a foundation for others to follow. Until that happens many of us will continue to be completely confused by your comments. We use the wiki and others encouraging experiments because it does give us something to try and things to follow.

    As I said, I did not join this forum to get into silly debates. I heartily second the view posted by "ineverknew." Either the Wiki is a load of B.S. or it is not. What makes all of this laughable is that I was very reluctant to join this forum because of concerns that any valid experience I presented would be attacked by the "mind over reality" gurus. Now had I said that I experienced the most profound, life altering Super O while simply holding and looking intently at the MGX with Julie Andrews singing "Just a Spoon Full of Sugar" in the background, as I contemplated Pi and imagined my prostate sensing stimulation from the next zip code...

    For some people the Aneros experience apparently is the sum total of their existence or at least it is through the experience that they define themselves. If that is the case then so be it. For me the use of the Aneros first and foremost was for the physical benefits of prostate massage. Like many of those who made the discovery by accident, the Super O is a wonderful side benefit. The sweet spot does exist. Otherwise there would not be such an effort to design products around its location. I can probe all over the perineum and feel nothing but there is one place (about 3/8" around) where stimulation produces nerve response all the way to the head of the penis. It is a physically real as the "turn your head and cough" reflex, just not as easily found but it is there. Its stimulation in conjunction with the massage of the prostate from within accelerates nerve response. As I stated at the outset, for me the location of the Sweet Spot was essential to achieving the Super O. I trusted the experiences of others as outlined in the Wiki and simply took the concepts and modified the search method. My reason for posting all of this was to help others who, like myself, got sidetracked by the nebulous, "its all in the mind" crowd. Again, those first to discover (or rediscover) the pleasures associated with this device had no advice nor were they "thinking" their way to an orgasm. They were, like me, experiencing a physical response to physical simulation. This is not to say that, at some point, one can not have orgasmic experience via an altered mental state or focused concentration. At this point, if I really concentrate, I can get involuntary contractions and pleasurable feelings without anything other than the mind. That fact, however, does not invalidate or disprove the very real physical response to physical stimulation.

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    Great... just great. I'm in the middle of a session w "Spoon Full of Sugar" rolling around in my head.... : )

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    OK! Niiiiice orgasm! I'm drafting up a "Julie Andrews" section for the wiki....

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    You have to learn to ignore some posters, especially those claiming to know it all. Consider it a facade covering some deep insecurities.

    Yes, there are bundles of nerve endings in the perineum. Direct stimulation probably will become less important to achieve "success" as one becomes more accustomed to Prostate orgasms. In fact, lateral stimulation (from the side) of these nerves occurs when using a peridise or tempo resulting from the contractions of the nearby anal muscles. The perineum is still being stimulated, just not by a p-tab.

    This is anatomy not a mystery. Enjoy.

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    Why do some repeat the same behaviours, yet expect different results? Is this not madness? If the Wiki is not garnering plateau free progression for one, then why should one adhere to it? Most here become rather defensive and timorous, when one speaks contrarily of the Wiki.

    One should follow oneself. Why allow another (whose ship has crashed against the rocks) to be your navigator? Most will continue in the bog of stagnation, because they lack the intestinal fortitude to strike out on their own. The Wiki says this, but one's body may say something totally different. X and such on the forum said this, yet one's mind says no. One cannot expect any positive results, when one goes against one's mind and body.

    The path I follow is balance. The path I follow is free of addiction. The path I follow is individuality. The path I follow is the embracing of self. The path I follow does not require acceptance from any other. The path I follow allows my talk to coincide with my walk. The path I follow has synchronized audio and video. The path I follow requires discipline. The path I follow detours obsession and urgency. The path I follow is not seeking any type of orgasm.

    There's your map. I never said my path was righteous. I thank you for noticing that, and bringing it to my attention. One is known by the company one keeps. If one is league with those in stagnation, then one will
    remain marking time.

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