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My 10+ year journey to my first super O

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My journey began more than 10 years ago when I bought a medium sized helix. I played with it completely alone (I have never involved my wife in my prostate play as she is not interested). My aneros sessions are always alone. My opportunities are rare as we have kids who always seem to be around. Through my history I have never had the patience to get through a full session without jerking off. About 3 months ago I had the house to myself for the weekend so I prepped for a legitimate aneros session. I promised myself that I would not touch my penis no matter what happened. I also spent the second half of the week in prep for the weekend watching porn but not jerking off. I let it build for a number of days. Once I finally got to the weekend I was pretty horned up. I am a fan of injecting a little lube then lubing up the aneros and inserting it. This particular session I decided to manually manipulate the aneros for the first time. I had always used the relax and let the anus pull and pulse the toy. This time I used my hand. Some of the session I left it alone and just lay there relaxed. Other times in the session I would jiggle the aneros feeling it hit my prostate which would send waves through me. The session is very much up and down. Most of the time my penis was completely flaccid and very little precum is evident. One little drip was it. No long strings of ooze like can be seen on some vids. I also spent time walking around in the house with the aneros inserted. My legs would quiver and tremble. Then they would go back to normal. I also found in that session that the hornier I was the more sensation I would feel. At this point of the session it was crucial to find porn that would cause an erection. As soon as I could get an erection going, the waves of pleasure would start. I rode wave after wave of rising and falling action. Then it happened. I experienced a dry super O. My legs were completely out of control, jiggling and writhing all over the was like nothing I had felt before. I had a massive experience but literally nothing came out of my penis. There is no doubt in my mind what I experienced was a dry super O. It was the most amazing sexual experience of my life. 

3 months later brings us to this morning. Once again I knew all week that the house would be mine alone. I waited until our daughter left for work this morning and started a session. I knew after watching porn all week without ejaculating that I was set up for success again. This session was very similar to the one from three months ago. Ups and downs. Times where the waves of pleasure would subside and my penis would go flaccid. Small drip of precum at times (slightly larger than 3 months ago but still no streams of goo). Once again there were waves and walking around in the down times. Then I got into a really steamy heterosexual porn scene (often I watch gay porn and hands free cumshots) my penis grew very hard and I could feel a super o was coming on. The waves (for the second time in my life) washed over me in absolute bliss. It is literally like nothing I have ever felt before. It is not the same as a penis-generated orgasm. In the middle of this super o I felt as though liquid were coming (like the feeling you get just as pee is heading down the piping). I let it progress and pushed for it rather than shying away from it. I had a wet orgasm from prostate only. It spurted like a regular cumshot. It did not ooze out like vids I have scene. I felt more final than my previous successful session 3 months ago. It was amazing but felt more like a normal cumshot. I’m not sure if I could have gotten a wave to rise up again if I continued the session. My hope is to reinsert the aneros tonight at bedtime as I still have the house to myself. So I didn’t want to make the session this morning too long for fear of tiring out anal muscles etc. I am thrilled to have had my first real ejaculation from zero penis manipulation. The bliss is really difficult to describe. I am hopeful I can get back there this evening even though I have fully ejaculated.

Anyway for those who have worked at for a long time with little success please know that I went at least ten years before something really happened. Stay with it. It is absolutely worth the work. It is like no orgasm you have ever felt. 

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Posted by: @schrotenboerrick133

It is like no orgasm you have ever felt. 

Nothing to add here! Took me a long time, too, friend.  I sure understand the disinterested wife thing, I hope to bring her on board one day, but it's a slow and patient process. And I have several kids too! 

Be careful now that you have peeked over the mountain not to put too many expectations on your sessions, it won't happen every time and believe me, I know how valuable session time is! 


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@regal13 thanks for the words from a kindred spirit. As I mentioned in my original post I had Planned another session for last night. I knew I was in for a good time the instant I inserted my aneros. Waves of pleasure immediately. My evening session was picking up right where my morning session left off. It hadn’t mattered that I experienced ejaculation in the morning. I had multiple super O’s in the evening session. Legs shaking and writhing all over the bed. It really makes me think this is what women’s orgasms feel like. As good as a traditional penis generated orgasm feels this is 100 times more.  


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@schrotenboerrick133 it is quite the warm feeling! 

We're all kindred spirits around here. Pretty crazy diverse bunch here, but we are focused or are trying to be! Sounds like you have a hot hand right now and I'm happy for you!  I remember when it started heating up for me, I was breathing and doing kegels, and it was feeling great! I was pretty distracted that Thanksgiving because my body was awakening. 200 miles from home and when I finally realized exactly what to do with the Aneros, I didn't have an aneros or lube or privacy anywhere around me!

Posted by: @schrotenboerrick133

As good as a traditional penis generated orgasm feels this is 100 times more.  

It's probably better that I got married before the super-o became real for me because I may not have been so motivated had I realized you could breath and focus your way to orgasm. I am thankful for the order of events, I long to share this journey with my wife!

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@regal13 My wife knows I bought the aneros all those years ago but I have not even told her what has been happening these past months. I don’t want her to think our sex is somehow less than what I can do alone. She is already very self conscious sexually and thinks I am way over sexed. I think this would be too damaging. I will continue to enjoy the aneros on my own. She knows I masturbate. So she is fine with my solitary sexual experiences. She would have no clue any of this exists. I figure as long as there is nobody else involved I am not cheating. It would be amazing to have an aneros session that involved her but I am quite certain that will never happen and that’s ok. I love her dearly and she is an amazing partner sexually and otherwise. I couldn’t do this life without her by my side. 


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Have you considered that part of the sexual self-consciousness might be because of your alone activities? There’s nothing you do with aneros that you couldn’t share with your wife. My own wife would absolutely consider it cheating. It shouldn’t be damaging to your wife as she’d be providing the arousal needed for a successful session,and you could share the fun as a couple. Sounds like you have a good relationship and she loves you,can’t think of a reason why she’d not want you to multiple and super orgasm with her.

Never underestimate what your wife does or doesn’t know. Women have a knack for knowing what’s what.

You could invest in some toys for her to use aswell,makes for a pretty fun session. 🙂

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