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Multiple nipple orgasm and prostate health?

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Yea that does help some, but I am having trouble understanding the use of the palm of the hand. Are you using the flat portion and just rubbing around the nibble and not touching the nibble? Is it light pressure or hard pressure (like doing a massage)? Where are the fingers? I was playing with my nibbles earlier and they became sensitive to touch. I did feel a somewhat tingling in my prostate area.

I am a newbie at nibble play and would like specific detail and instruction on where to start. Any and all advice greatly appreciated.

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That is a cute misspelling in your post. The alliteration of two words that are related and sound similar – like
“I watched the butterfly flutterby as I nibble on her nipple”
It just struck me as kind of humorous, made me smile. 🙂

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Okay, so I was typing really fast 😀

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Yea that does help some, but I am having trouble understanding the use of the palm of the hand. Are you using the flat portion and just rubbing around the nibble and not touching the nibble? Is it light pressure or hard pressure (like doing a massage)? Where are the fingers? I was playing with my nibbles earlier and they became sensitive to touch. I did feel a somewhat tingling in my prostate area.

I am a newbie at nibble play and would like specific detail and instruction on where to start. Any and all advice greatly appreciated.

The palm of the hand covers the whole chest area and sensitizes the area that is not nipple, it is a sort of indirect nipple stimulation, not as intense as a direct focus, a sort of "drive-by" nipple stimulation if you will. When I first did this I found it made the sensation rounder, more diffuse, but quite wonderful and I found I could have orgasms like that which were different in character from the straight nipple orgasm. It also helped me disccover that the whole surface of my breast was erogenous, not just the nipple. It was the first step to the breast orgasm, as opposed to the nipple orgasm. So many wonderful varieties of orgasm without touching the penis!

My wife loves it when I do the flattened palm on her breasts. I have her rest with her back against me and I reach around and rub her breasts, alternating between lightly rubbing the nipples and the flattened palm technique.

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Attention skeptics ... just give it a try. My own experience is that nipple stimulation produces very pleasurable sensation in the prostate and penis. The feeling as a drop of precum moves through the urethra and out is very much that of a miniature orgasm: exquisite! I begin with stroking the area from the shoulder towards the nipples, and then concentrate on very slow, light manipulation of both nipples with the tips of my thumbs. It feels to me as though a full, wet orgasm is not far in the future. But perhaps I am overly optimistic. Do others experience the very detailed and focused sensation from precum?

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Attention skeptics ... just give it a try. I begin with stroking the area from the shoulder towards the nipples, and then concentrate on very slow, light manipulation of both nipples with the tips of my thumbs. It feels to me as though a full, wet orgasm is not far in the future. But perhaps I am overly optimistic. Do others experience the very detailed and focused sensation from precum?

Yes! Your technique is very much like my own--an act of self-seduction. I often run my fingers slowly downward from the shoulders, across my smooth chest, culminating in light touches to the nipples. In a second or two I feel a slightly delayed, pleasurable throb in my penis and prostate. Then I repeat the process, as the sensation builds up I quicken the pace until I orgasm.

I find that there tends to be a correlation between the intensity of the orgasm and the amount of ejaculate, although sometimes I surprise myself by having a quite intense and protracted orgasm with little or no ejaculation.

The most wonderful thing is how I can repeat these exquisite nipple and breast orgasms in chains of 5, 6, or 7.

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I require a lot less stimulation than I used to. My body is waking up, though I believe most of the credit lies with my KSMO sessions. What I feel now is delicious. Most of it is in my chest region and if they aren't actual orgasms I don't much care at this point. 😀

Now I can just take each nipple between thumb and finger and rub gently in small circular motions, sometimes just squeezing gently and my entire torso is filled with pleasure. "Pleasure" seems a totally inadequate word for it.

I don't think they're orgasms but the feeling is sublime and I can coax it along for minutes at a time. Almost every day the feelings get stronger. I'm now conscious of sensations in my chest area and abdomen without any stimulation at all. It can be distracting while I'm at work. 😀

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Though there does seem to be a slight deviation with one of the nerves or something, if I rub the right side of my left nipple I get a stomach ache, it's really weird and never fails, so I basically learned not to touch that spot.

I have started more "serious" nipple stim about 2 months ago although I have got some great

feelings I also get nausea, a desire to eat sour fruits (but aversion to most other foods), and some other strange/uncomfortable

feelings that are hard to identify (maybe "furballs" or some kind of emotional pain) during play with

my nipples.

Some of the pain seems to be both physical and emotional. I think the best way I can describe it is

emotional pain that causes physical nausea/discomfort especially in the digestive organ region.

Anyone besides ashlen also have any experince/ ideas about this?

also i notice the pain less at the end of sessions when there is more pleasure

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Yes, I sometimes get a sort of queasy or nauseas feeling when playing with my nipples too.
I find that if I change the intestity of my ministrations it goes away.

I haven't yet had an orgasm just from playing with my nipples and breasts, but I do find it very pleasurable and arousing.

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I find you need to balance nipple massage; too much and the anal contractions die away not enough and all you get is anal contractions with Prostate massage.

Generally when I start to get a nice set of involuntary anal contractions going I start light nipple massage. I feel my prostate grow as if it is filling up and yes tingling in my Penis just behind the head. Keeping the balance right and I generate copious amount of pre-cum.



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Hi, Wuerstchen!

>Since I am 66, I have no doubt that my libido has declined, and yet I have more orgasms than ever before in my life, because the nipple play feels so wonderful, and the orgasms come from that.<

Thank you for your interesting accounts of your successes at nipple stim.

I came to nipple orgasms via the KSMO practice (I'm also an Aneros user). Pre-KSMO my libido had practically disappeared - I'm 78 - and I've been given the biggest surprise of my life since I can now produce some 30-40 gold-standard dry orgasms (not boasting - just saying the way it is), and many more secondary ones - and such orgasms! - mind-blowing and far, far better than any others at any time in my life. Stimulated ejaculative orgasms were never anything like this!

Nipple stimulation to dry orgasm is one of the techniques recommended in the KSMO training but when one becomes an adept practically any part of the body will induce orgasm. Particularly powerful trigger areas for me are the armpits, inner surface of elbows, shoulders (and how!), sides of rib cage, stomach, inner tops of thighs (excruciating!), penis etc. As these trigger zones all produce orgasms with subtly different characteristics the possible variety that this allows considerably enhances the delights possible in a session.

The further one travels down the MMO trail the more sensitive become the trigger areas. So it's therefore likely that newbies to the MMO skill will not find these ancillary areas so exciting at first!

Keep up the good work!


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yes, i resonate with your report that any part of the body can be discovered to have erotic triggering potential. it is truly amazing.


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Lightly stroking my palms gives me nice orgasms.

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This is an old thread, but I am eager to report that I had 26 orgasms two days ago by nipple stimulation alone. You might think that I spent the whole day in nipple play. No, altogether it was probably an hour and a half, over four separate sessions, all with multiple orgasms in quick succession. These were mostly dry orgasms, so I did not feel spent or experience any discomfort. Quite the contrary!

The next day I was still in a groove, and had nine more in a single session, this time with ejaculation. Although I have been experiencing multiple nipple orgasm for years, I am in awe at this most recent experience!

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I can usually get a very gentle O after about 10-20 minutes of light stimulation, then if I keep it up can come to a peak about every five minutes after that. That's using talc as a "lube". The orgasms produced this way have a different character to prostate or penile orgasms. They often don't seem to originate from any specific location, the onset and fade are also more gradual.

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I tried this last night. Previously I could amplify arousal without any stimulation at all. Whilst trying this I found that it did work however I'm not sure if it wasn't just me amplifying arousal. However I did find my nipple were more sensitive after 5 minutes. I'll continue to try it and see if it gets better.

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ive played with my nipples for a good 6 months now, they seem to get things going a lot quicker and cause extremely hard erections and very pleasureable feelings, but it tends to go nowhere. though i must say sometimes when my prostate is horny i can actually feel it in my nipples, which is really weird.

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I discovered I had orgasmic nipples back when I was nineteen. In those pre-internet days I thought I must be some kind of freak, maybe biologically a woman. But once I experienced that pleasure I couldn't give it up, and nipple play has been part of sex for me, both solo and with women ever since.

For those of you who are not experiencing orgasm, my advice is not to press. Just enjoy the pleasant feelings. Eventually you may surprise yourself. I find the feeling of bliss generated by nipple stimulation so wonderful that lately I've just been focusing on that, and the orgasms take care of themselves, little blips in a continuous stream of sensual ecstasy. My practice is just to keep rubbing, and over time I experience a chain of nipple orgasms. This morning I had eight or nine like that. Most of them were dry, but the final two were extremely intense, and produced a load of semen.

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hi wuerstchen. how can i

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Had started getting nipple orgasms back last year, though I wasn't aware that they were orgasms in itself. I don't ejaculate but it does somewhat feel like I am.

The delayed strokes is interesting though - I've seen the same advice in the Aneros wiki. Usually I just keep stroking until I orgy, but maybe timing will help it more.

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Sounds like you're in the groove, DarkEngine! Just focus on the pleasure and let the nipple orgasms take care of themselves. If my hands didn't get tired, I could enjoy nipple play for hours!

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My nipples were actually neglected. Then I figured that with more pressure I should get better results. I was pressing very hard and I got some pain/pleasure results. Then following my stupid idea I got two nail brushes and attacked my nipples receiving an increased sensitivity. Felt sore for 2 days. Now I have the result.. no pain but immensely pleasurable feelings.

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I just realized that I have been over-stimulating my nipples. Man, that slow flick method mentioned earlier is just the ticket! Man does that speed things up for me, believe it or not. Really good.

Had a wonderful nip session last night...orgasms, with and without erection, went on and on and get the point.

Good tips, boys...this is a great forum.

Cockadoodle...learning something new all the time.

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Try using a folded paper towel to stim your nips. Also use it on other parts of the body , almost no force required -just the weight of the paper towel . Helps with finger fatigue as well because the paper towel gives you extra reach. i usually fold it so its about 1.25 inches by 4 inches, do what ever feels right for you. Sometimes making it wider is good for stimming the entire breast. Another favorite spot is the perineum, the paper towel gives you the reach you need.

Personally whenever nips get wet i lose all sensation, so i use baby/talcum power on nips.

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Thanks, Legace, for reminding me of my own discovery from a year or so ago--talcum powder on my breasts and nipples during a session.. This is especially useful in hot sticky weather. I also prep my breasts and pubes for the epilator with talc. By making the skin extra dry it eliminates abrasions.

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This is a fascinating topic.

I would never have considered my nipples good for anything in the past - BUT - after several years of aneros use, followed by slightly less experience of temporary ejaculatory abstinence (and other Taoist practices), I have developed a knack for having dry-orgasms throughout sex. When my partners began to illicit dry orgasms by simply touching my nipples, I began to sit up and take note.

Now, I can wake up in the morning. I can begin to touch my nipples lightly, and my cock will grow to enormously hard and pulsing within seconds. I don't have to think of anything or anyone outside myself to get a response. I will then get dry orgasms rapidly, one after another, on and on for almost as long as I can cope. Mostly my cock is hard, and there is a profusion of precum. Sometimes it is semi-hard.

I usually begin by gently flicking the nipples, but the strongest sensation comes from placing my fingers on the end of each nipple, and moving my fingers so that the whole nipple moves round and round in small circular motions. As others have mentioned, the underside of each nipple seems the most sensitive. Sometimes gently pinching each nipple once it is hard, and a section of the areola, helps - but nothing rough here - less is definitely more. I like Wuerstenchen's technique of moving in from my armpit to brush over the nipple, and will investigate this more. I am discovering other areas, on my neck and ears in particular which illicit a similar multi-orgasmic response. Isn't life wonderful?

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Life is indeed wonderful, Linum, especially when one has discovered the ecstasy of nipple orgasm. The nipples are the gateway to fully erogenous, multi-orgasmic body. After awakening my body through nipple orgasm or often just nipple stimulation, I have had orgasms by rubbing my sternum, the undersides and outer sides of my breasts, the sides of my belly, the back of my neck, my thighs, and buttocks. With me any session usually involves orgasms from at least two of these areas, soetmes as many as four.

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Nipple stimulation is totally new for me. Doesn't seem to cum naturally. I tried it in my Aneros sessions and it did make a difference, but not so much in the play itself, but after stopping I'd notice this surge in prostate feeling. So, to those more accustomed to np, I ask, is it like you can np yourself to orgasm, or its enhancer?

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Nipple stimulation is totally new for me. Doesn't seem to cum naturally. I tried it in my Aneros sessions and it did make a ldifference, but not so much in the play itself, but after stopping I'd notice this surge in prostate feeling. So, to those more accustomed to np, I ask, is it like you can np yourself to orgasm, or its enhancer?

It's like closing a circuit for me! I touch each nipple separately, and it's a sublime tickle that can radiate outward! It's more of an enhancer, but it's a beautiful enhancer!


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