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Multiple nipple orgasm and prostate health?

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I just had a complete physical and was pleased to see that my PSA was
a low .6 on a scale of 0 to 4. At age 66 I am really pleased with this
number, and am also grateful that I can get 6 or 7 hours of sleep
without getting up to pee. Of course there is no way of knowing for
sure, but I am inclined to believe that my regimen of multiple nipple orgasm (15
to 20 a week, as many as 8 or 9 in s single session) for the past six or so
years has kept my prostate toned and healthy.

Just another argument in favor of this incredible form of sexual pleasure!


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I have recently got back into nipple stimulation, and it just keeps feeling better and better. I'm curious about what you describe as a "nipple orgasm." I have had one or two instances where the feeling became extremely pleasurable, both around my nipples and in my abdominal region. I wouldn't classify it as an orgasm-level sensation, but it seemed close.

Could you please describe what you are talking about, and what areas you feel it in? I have yet to experience even a mini-o, and I hope I don't need to progress that far along the journey before I'll start to feel "nipplegasms."

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By nipple orgasm I mean an orgasm in my genital region, often with full ejaculation, in which I do not touch the penis or massage my prostate. Although I have know I have had this capacity since I was 19, it's only in the last five or six years that I have really begun to explore it. Before I used nipple stimulation as foreplay, and then achieved orgasm by direct stimulation of the penis.

About ten years ago or so, when I would be working at my desk and feeling horny, I would take to having a quick orgasm, fully clothed, pants zipped, just by discreetly slipping my hands under my shirt. Eventually I realized that these orgasms were more pleasurable than the old fashion jacking kind, whole body orgasms. My theory of why nipple induced orgasms are more powerful is that the orgasm is "purer." The sensation in your penis is completely internal; the action of wanking may get you there, but the sensation of it masks the orgasmic sensation.

The exciting thing I discovered is that for some reason the nerve paths from the nipples to the prostate do not become dulled by orgasm, as is the case with the penis. And after a full orgasm I can usually have additional ones within minutes. Some people here talk of the 'O-zone," and I suppose that is what they mean. My whole body becomes an erogenous zone, and I can have further orgasms often by gently rubbing other parts of the body, such as the breast around the nipple and the belly. After the first nipple orgasm, subsequent ones come pretty quickly, often in under a minute.

I gather a number of people can only have dry orgasms this way. I regularly have both dry and wet. and I find that with my nipples I can control the extent of my orgasms, which allows me to have multiple orgasms. (My record is 12 in a single session of 30 to 40 minutes.) When I say controlling an orgasm I mean reaching the point where the prostate begins to throb and one's body experiences the wonderful pleasure of orgasm, but holding back from full ejaculation. Eventually in every session I allow myself to have a full orgasm with full ejaculation. In a few cases I have managed to have two or three of these in a session.

The bottom line is that, in my 60s, I have discovered an erotic and orgasmic potential in my body that was dormant all these years. And it has evidently kept my prostate beautifully toned and healthy!

I hope this helps answer your question.

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Thank you! That clears things up quite a bit. I have read of others having nipple orgasms and the way it was worded led me to believe they were experiencing actual orgasms in their nipples.

What I have felt so far has been deliciously close. It's a shame it took me this long to discover how pleasurable nipples can be. For the longest time I didn't even want my partner to do anything to them because it wasn't erotic or arousing to me at all. After buying my Helix and reading the many helpful posts on this forum I began to experiment and now I'm going through a period of rediscovery.

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What I have felt so far has been deliciously close. It's a shame it took me this long to discover how pleasurable nipples can be. For the longest time I didn't even want my partner to do anything to them because it wasn't erotic or arousing to me at all. After buying my Helix and reading the many helpful posts on this forum I began to experiment and now I'm going through a period of rediscovery.

A female friend recently sent me a link to a study that says over 50% of men get erotic pleasure from nipple stimulation. I expect it's really higher, but that many guys, like yourself, don't know it. I attribute it to our culture. The conventional wisdom is that only women get sexual pleasure from their nipples. I recall that when I discovered mine at 19 I was deeply troubled, because I thought I must be 'abnormal', but it felt so good I never stopped. Elsewhere here on this forum I have a post, "Discovering my nipples," that tells about the stages of my growing awareness of my nipples. I'm 66 now, and that process is still going on.

So, enjoy! Better late than never!

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I expect it's really higher, but that many guys, like yourself, don't know it.

I also think that is quite true, I know I never really thought of my nipples as being anything special. However, I now am getting some quite pleasent feelings from playing with them from time to time. I think with some more practice I could go somewhere with it. Though there does seem to be a slight deviation with one of the nerves or something, if I rub the right side of my left nipple I get a stomach ache, it's really weird and never fails, so I basically learned not to touch that spot.

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Well, I'll be darned. I never would have dreamed that one could have an ejaculation just from nipple stimulation, although my wife frequently plays with my nipples just before I come during regular sex (it oftens puts me over the edge, even if I didn't want to ejaculate.) Well, I just tried it a few times, and lo and behold, I not only got an erection, but came pretty close to creaming inside my pants. You learn something new every day.

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My nipples act somehow like the base of a transistor or the grid of a triode. Just the slightest touch of my nipples and my whole body writhes in pleasure. But the pleasure in my nipples themselves is extremely intense just like it is in the tip of my penis. And of course my nipples erect and become very hard and super sensitive. So I've been enjoying my nipples for almost as long as I've been enjoying my penis. But now I'm enjoying my entire body from the soles of my feet to the crown of my head like never before.

Haven't you guys ever thought that God gave men nipples for no other purpose than for sexual pleasure. But alas it seems that most men live their whole life and never discover this wonderful gift.

Try sitting upright and stimulating both nipples with your thumbs while stimulating the underside and tip of your penis with the tips of your middle fingers, and don't forget the Aura Cacia. I call it my "three-point stimulation technique." The pleasure is excruciating. I do this for twenty or thirty minutes as a prelude to lying on my back for another thirty to sixty minutes of profound orgasmic bliss.

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I'm not sure if it has been posted to these forums or not, but can anyone share some nipple play methods that seem to get them the best results?

For myself, I tend to circle the area around the nipple (areola?) while touching the nipple softly with the side of my finger, then I switch to crossing over the nipple in an asterisk fashion (North to South, SW to NE, W to E, etc...) , and throw in a few soft nipple squeezes. As per a thread a while ago, I also massage the whole breast sometimes as well. I'm still learning what works best for me, but these seem fairly nice.

Anyone else?

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In this small clip, a Japanese guy (not me) manually masturbates and then slowly ejaculates through nipple stimulation.


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I'm not sure if it has been posted to these forums or not, but can anyone share some nipple play methods that seem to get them the best results?

For myself, I tend to circle the area around the nipple (areola?) while touching the nipple softly with the side of my finger, then I switch to crossing over the nipple in an asterisk fashion (North to South, SW to NE, W to E, etc...) , and throw in a few soft nipple squeezes. As per a thread a while ago, I also massage the whole breast sometimes as well. I'm still learning what works best for me, but these seem fairly nice.

Anyone else?

I'm still experimenting as well, but I generally start off by stroking them lightly in an up/ down motion. Then I lightly pinch either the nipples or the areola around them and softly grind them back and forth, side to side, or in a circular motion. I've also just squeezed the nipple points rapidly.

I have found that my right nipple is much less sensitive, though it has increased slightly since I started massaging them. Does anyone else have this problem? Will it continue to get more sensitive if I keep stimulating them?

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I'm not sure if it has been posted to these forums or not, but can anyone share some nipple play methods that seem to get them the best results?

I am reposting this from my Yahoo group on nipple orgasm:

This is how I do it, with variations, of course! (WARNING: Nipple orgasm can
be addictive! I normally have between 15-20 a week and play with my
nipples almost every day.)

I have refined my technique for nipple induced orgasm (no
touching of the penis allowed!) thanks to a new discovery. I find
that light touches to the nipples, spaced by 5 to 10 seconds, gets
me to orgasm more quickly. I slowly pull my two middle fingers from
the sides toward the nipples, touching them lightly and briefly and
then wait to feel the sensation in my penis and prostate. When that
has subsided I repeat the process, until I become really aroused, at
which time I begin continuous stimulation of the nipples until I
cum. This produces incredible feelings of sensual ecstasy, much more
than simple stimulation of the penis. On average it has taken about
thirty nipple strokes before I get to this point of arousal. Give it
a try, and see if this works for you--it's been sure fire for me.
Never fails!

Here's a longer version with variations:

First strip down and begin by rubbing the full expanse of both your
breasts slowly and gently with the flattened palm of your hand. This
serves to wake up and sensitize this area of your body and your
nipples will quickly become erect.

Now, drag the back of each hand slowly from your armpits to the
nipples, gently grazing the tips of your nipples with your second
and third fingers

You will feel a slight delay as the sensation reaches your penis and
pelvic region. Savor it and wait for it to pass. Then repeat the
procedure several times, each time feeling the sensation rise and
fade in your loins.

Now, softly rub the aureole around each nipple with your thumb. As
your nipples become erect, begin rubbing them with your index
finger. As the feelings in your genitals become more intense you
will quicken the pace. And use your fingernails, but always gently.
I have found the underside of the nipple to be more sensitive.

Occasionally stop the steady rubbing of the erect nipples and touch
your nipples quickly and gently, all around the nipple, in short
staccato touches. Feel the waves of sensation in your loins!

If your penis is still soft, position it so that the frenelum rests
against your thigh. The slight friction from movements of your body
will stimulate it while your hand are free to work your nips.

Gradually as the sensation intensifies you will automatically pick
up the pace. As you feel yourself cumming, remove your fingers. The
art is to time this so that your prostate has begun to throb in
orgasm but you do not ejaculate. Wait for this "dry orgasm"
to subside, then begin the process again.

This technique can demand a lot of patience. It may take
considerable time before you have your first nipple orgasm, but once
you have the first one, if you do not ejaculate the others will come
more quickly. The orgasms will be spaced more closely together
until you finally explode. I have experienced up to ten this way in
the space of an hour, before the big, very powerful O! Often you
may have built up so much erotic tensions that you can ejaculate
manually twice within the space of five or ten minutes.

Some people seem to like tugging and pinching. These can be
stimulating, but I have gotten the best results over the years with
gentle rubbing and touching. This builds up the tension slowly. AND
DON'T TOUCH YOUR PENIS! In fact you should think of your penis
as something that is not you and set yourself the task of seducing
it, compelling it to orgasm by remote control!

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Wow I just started nipple message. This forum is great. who knew!!! I never connected my nipples with orgasms. After just a few minutes I could feel the feeling. I never thought one could enjoy his body so much. My penis has become a very secondry way of pleasure. Thanks for all the input, I am really learning how to enjoy myself!!!

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Wow I just started nipple message. This forum is great. who knew!!! I never connected my nipples with orgasms. After just a few minutes I could feel the feeling. I never thought one could enjoy his body so much. My penis has become a very secondry way of pleasure. Thanks for all the input, I am really learning how to enjoy myself!!!

Thanks for sharing. As I say in my post, "nipple orgasms can be addictive." I agree with you about the penis. It is a bit player. It feels the pleasure and ejaculates, but the sensations in my nipples are more intense, and produce a very different kind of feeling, physically and emotionally.


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I just had my second nipple session, Wow!! Between my helix and now this I think I'm going to wear myself out. I thought nipple orgasms would be hard to get to but for me it seems to be easy. the intesity is unbelieveable. It feels different than a prostate orgasm, I feel it more in my penis, yet it doesn't get hard, go figure. This is like when I first learned to masterbate. I'm going to try another session at bed time. Tis time I'm going to insert my helix and do my nipples, hope I don't overload!!!

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I discovered nipple orgasms about 2 months ago. It's really addictive! Sometimes my right nipple (my right nipple is much more sensitive then my left) cries out so much to be touched that as soon as I stroke it I'm overwhelmed with pleasure. Who would have guessed?

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It gives me great joy to find so many guys discovering the erotic powerhouse that dwells in their nipples. At 66 I am like I was after I entered puberty--I have a session almost every night, but with many more orgasms!

Keep up the good work, guys!

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In this small clip, a Japanese guy (not me) manually masturbates and then slowly ejaculates through nipple stimulation.


Well, I'd like to see this, but since the site won't let me without installing some add-in, and potentially harmful, software application, I'm going to pass.

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II thought nipple orgasms would be hard to get to but for me it seems to be easy. the intensity is unbelievable. It feels different than a prostate orgasm, I feel it more in my penis, yet it doesn't get hard, go figure.

As for getting hard, I have the same experience. For most of my nipple orgasms my penis is only semi-hard, sometimes almost entirely soft. Yet, I was having a multiorgasmic nipple session the other night and after my 6th or 7th nipple orgasm my penis became completely stiff and stayed that way through the next two orgasms.

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Holy crap, I take back any skepticism I might of had about nipple massage! I figured out the perfect system of nipple massage for myself that basically made my body scream with pleasure for 2 hours straight, everytime I thought about stopping, it just felt too good to stop. Eventually nature called with a vengance, so I had to stop. I wasn't sure if I was orgasming or not, but damn if it wasn't amazing, with both my penis and prostate singing, it felt unlike traditional masturbation or aneros sessions.

For anyone who is curious about the method that worked for me, it's fairly simple. I warmed up my prostate a little bit by holding some contractions beforehand, not sure if that matters or not. Anyway, with both nipples I would very gently run a finger from the tip of my areola, across the nipple and to the other side of the areola at a moderate pace, alternating from which angle my fingers would come from. This by itself is fairly decent, but timing is what really did it for me. I noticed that after each caress there would be able a 2-3 second delay and then pleasure would hit my prostate and penis, so I starting timing my caresses to happen exactly when the delayed pleasure would hit, this seemed to magnify the delayed pleasure extremely. I just kept repeating this process and it took me into outer space.

Whew, if I didn't have to get some shut eye I'd go for another two hours 😛

Thanks for the heads up about nipple massage, glad I gave it a real try.

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excellent! way to go, and i know Wuerstchen will be very happy to hear this! i'll give your trick a try.

another variant which i think will also make Wuerstchen happy is a form of breast stimulation. i put my fingers into the shape you'd use to unscrew a light bulb and pressed the fingertips down onto my breast (pec). it was like i had dropped a "mouse trap" around my nipple, surrounding it with fingertips (each about an inch and a half from the nip, but you can vary that distance). i used my right hand on my right breast and left on left. i pressed with a good bit of pressure, as dictated by what felt good. the result of this is that your thumb is pressing into a spot between your nipple and upper arm pit, which feels a lot like an acupressure spot. anyway, it worked great. i just held the pressure, with no other stimulation, but sometimes pressing softer or harder, giving myself acupressure induced orgasms. (also try a little rotation like screwing in a light bulb.)

by the way, i have been finding that my sternum is surprisingly sensitive and connects directly with my pelvic region. i "jerked off my sternum" the other night by gently stroking up and down along the ridge where my right pec meets my sternum. i just stroked wherever it felt good, and it brought me very nicely to dry orgasms. what was interesting was that the area just kind of suggested itself as needing stimulation, like my cock used to do when it was the main act.


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excellent! way to go, and i know Wuerstchen will be very happy to hear this! i'll give your trick a try.

another variant which i think will also make Wuerstchen happy is a form of breast stimulation. i put my fingers into the shape you'd use to unscrew a light bulb and pressed the fingertips down onto my breast (pec). it was like i had dropped a "mouse trap" around my nipple, surrounding it with fingertips (each about an inch and a half from the nip, but you can vary that distance). i used my right hand on my right breast and left on left. i pressed with a good bit of pressure, as dictated by what felt good. the result of this is that your thumb is pressing into a spot between your nipple and upper arm pit, which feels a lot like an acupressure spot. anyway, it worked great. i just held the pressure, with no other stimulation, but sometimes pressing softer or harder, giving myself acupressure induced orgasms. (also try a little rotation like screwing in a light bulb.)

by the way, i have been finding that my sternum is surprisingly sensitive and connects directly with my pelvic region. i "jerked off my sternum" the other night by gently stroking up and down along the ridge where my right pec meets my sternum. i just stroked wherever it felt good, and it brought me very nicely to dry orgasms. what was interesting was that the area just kind of suggested itself as needing stimulation, like my cock used to do when it was the main act.


Thanks, Darwin and Ashlen for these tips! I am indeed happy to hear that you guys are discovering the ecstasies that have for too long lain dormant in your nipples--"those little buds," as an old g/f who was obsessed with pleasuring mine once called them. (I can't' remember if I mentioned this in this forum, but, slipping her fingers under my sweater, she once gave me a powerful nipple orgasm while we were riding in the back of a bus in East Germany.)

I can hardly wait to try these techniques. This is the kind of community I have been looking for!

In some nipple orgasm sessions earlier this week I made a new discovery. About half a year ago I discovered the breast orgasm--immediately after a nipple orgasm, by rubbing the surface of the breast, which was now fully responsive, I could have a second, more powerful, whole body orgasm with full ejaculation. Well, now I've decided to hold that superorgasm in reserve and have found by lightly rubbing the breast away from the nipple I can keep the orgasm going for a couple of minutes, with multiple delightful little throbs of my prostate. Give it a try. And keep enjoying your nipples, guys!

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I used to have a lot of sensitivity in my nipples, and would massage them when mastubating, which really enhanced my orgasm. But in recent years the sensitivity has declined. Due to the blood pressure medicine I have been taking, I have a hard time getting an erection and tweaking my nips doesn't help. Then I tried nipple massage during a session and WOW! I discovered that maybe it's my penile sensation that has declined, and not my nipples. When I massage my nipples with the Aneros inserted, it gives an indescribably delicious feeling of pleasure. Adding the nipples has helped me to discover my "sweet spot" that, when I hit it, sends me over the rainbow.

So, by all means "tweak the tits"!

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I used to have a lot of sensitivity in my nipples, and would massage them when mastubating, which really enhanced my orgasm. But in recent years the sensitivity has declined. Due to the blood pressure medicine I have been taking, I have a hard time getting an erection and tweaking my nips doesn't help. Then I tried nipple massage during a session and WOW! I discovered that maybe it's my penile sensation that has declined, and not my nipples.

I have had a similar experience. If I masturbate by stroking my penis, it takes much longer to achieve orgasm than by nipple stimulation. It simply isn't as sensitive as it used to be. And the nipples have this quality, which the penis doesn't, namely that their sensitivity never becomes dulled by orgasm. They are always ready for more, always responsive. I had a wonderful session this afternoon with five or six orgasms. I would have a nipple orgasm, then massage my breasts away from the nipple to prolong it, and as that subsided go back to the nipples and have another nipple orgasm.

Since I am 66, I have no doubt that my libido has declined, and yet I have more orgasms than ever before in my life, because the nipple play feels so wonderful, and the orgasms come from that. My sessions are not so much a response to sexual urges but a desire to experience those wonderful sensations that come from nipple and breast play.

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Wuerstchen, the libido is defined as sexual drive or appetite. And I think there's a definite difference between libido and the ability to perform sexually. In recent years the medications have pretty much nuked my ability to "get it up". But my libido is still there. I might even say that it is stronger now than it was in earlier years.

The wonderful thing about my discovery of the Aneros is that it has taught me that sexual pleasure and orgasm mean more than just penile intercourse. In fact I just thought I knew what an orgasm is. With the Aneros I have experienced an intensity and quality of sexual pleasure i never knew existed. And reading the posts of others in the forum and getting encouragement from them, I know it wil only get better.

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The wonderful thing about my discovery of the Aneros is that it has taught me that sexual pleasure and orgasm mean more than just penile intercourse. In fact I just thought I knew what an orgasm is.

I know exactly what you mean, not just the Aneros, but all MMO paths. I find it ironic that I was introduced into this world because I got my MGX bundled with a Fleshlight, which was my main purchase, the MGX was more of a lark. However, since using various Aneros models, trying other paths such as KSMO, Nipple Stim, and so on, I can hardly believe what I am feeling. Before then I thought ejaculation was all there was, and I felt pretty empty because of that, but now I am almost overwhelmed by the pleasure my body has been able to generate, I've also have been learning to appreciate pleasure instead of racing toward the finish line. I've only just started having MMOs, I can only imagine what is in store for me down the road if it is this good now.

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I have just started nipple stimulation and found that my nipples are sore and sensitive after rubbing them. Is this normal? I have tried this with the aneros in and it has felt great! Just trying to learn what works. I have tried some of your suggestions and found the nipples very sore and sensitive.

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I have just started nipple stimulation and found that my nipples are sore and sensitive after rubbing them. Is this normal? I have tried this with the aneros in and it has felt great! Just trying to learn what works. I have tried some of your suggestions and found the nipples very sore and sensitive.

This soreness is probably something I experienced when I first began nipple play, but even though I give my nipples a good workout almost every day I never experience that anymore. I think one reason is that I have learned that the lightest touches are often the most effective. I am a minimalist, achieving maximum pleasure with the least contact. Just try touching your nipples lightly and then wait for the feelings in your prostate. This is what I do and I can have multiorgasm sessions with no discomfort.

One of the ways I "wake up" my nipples is to massage the full breast area with the flattened palm of my hand, which just lightly grazes the nipple.

Some guys seem to find twisting and pinching exciting. I am not one of them. Light, gentle touches are the most effective for me.

Let me know if this helps!

Good luck!

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i just gave what wuerstchen suggests, a breast rub with a slightly raised palm. the effect is that the surrounding area gets a good massage while the nip gets the slightest grazes.

try it

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i just gave what wuerstchen suggests, a breast rub with a slightly raised palm. the effect is that the surrounding area gets a good massage while the nip gets the slightest grazes.

try it

Not only does the surrounding area get a good massage, it also gets sensitized. After over forty years of nipple play I have just discovered the erogenous sensitivity of this area and that it, too, has a link to the prostate.

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