Hi there!
So i've had the aneros a few months now, and have had maybe 7-9 sessions. I have not reached orgasm yet or felt like i was going to come from prostate stimulation, however i have definitely felt some interesting feelings. I've had involuntary contractions that drive the aneros (although this produced absolutely no pleasure). And occasionally the aneros will give me some feelings that i think are nice down there, and ones that make me feel like im progressing slowly. (it's all a little hard to explain the feeling exactly as im sure you're aware).
So last night i'd just smoked a joint and was laying on my bed listening to music.o i was very calm. I had been having light pleasant twitching over the past few days when i lightly contracted my pc muscle (which i am exercising for regular MMO's) so decided to contract a little, but after a little while of laying there i started to get more pleasant feelings down there than i have received with the aneros inserted. I started to get involuntary contractions and felt tingles in my legs (they never go above my hips, im not sure if i've ever experienced a p-wave) and at one point what felt almost like a rising pleasurable pressure in my pelvis region which felt like it could have lead somewhere. I had this small session with my eyes closed for about 25 minutes.
I decided since this was going well and i was duly relaxed to insert the aneros, but didnt' really feel as much with it out.
Is it normal to get more sensation during anerosless sessions than an aneros ones?
After a session i can contract lightly and i will twitch and involuntary let out a lil noise, and it will feel pleasant. I hope i'm making good progress, noticing feelings down there must be the beginnings to awakening this new area of pleasure for my body.
Also i realised that even though i thought these sensations were sexual, after the session i realised that i wasn't really that aroused even though i was feeling these feelings feel good in a more sexual way than a generally pleasurable way.
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First, congratulations, this sounds like progress to me.
"I have not reached orgasm yet or felt like i was going to come from prostate stimulation"
Is it your expectation that you will ejaculate from Aneros use? If so, this is very wrong thinking and I'd like to know where you arrived at such an assumption? Seems like we have way too many noobs coming here expecting a wet orgasm from Aneros use.
"Also i realised that even though i thought these sensations were sexual, after the session i realised that i wasn't really that aroused even though i was feeling these feelings feel good in a more sexual way than a generally pleasurable way."
Define "aroused". if your definition of "aroused" includes the words "boner" or "erection" you are not understanding (again) what Aneros is doing for you. Go back and read the Wiki here. You are onto something great, and you are progressing faster than a lot of guys do. And with only 7-9 sessions in the past month.
Don't rely on drug use to get you through to regular, repeatable successful sessions. It is, from what I read, a help, but be wary.
Congratulations on your success thus far.
Just to clarify, i was stating that i have not reached orgasm yet to explain my progress. I wouldn't say this even suggests that i am expecting anything at all. I have completely relinquished all expectation and am enjoying every session as it is. I also never mentioned the term wet orgasm? I am more interested in reaching the stage of dry orgasms than a conventional wet ones anyway.
Aroused as in mentally aroused? I am entirely aware of how i feel when i am aroused, and i understand that this is not necessarily linked to how erect the penis is.
I think you have misunderstood pretty much my whole post, i am not relying on drugs. I just happened to be high at the time and these sensations took me by surprise and i let them happen.
Thanks for the congratulations and your comment.
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sounds exactly like me doesn't it guys? feeling that i was getting more pleasure without an aneros in there POST session...
nobody could answer in a way that was quite right, instead i discovered that this is part of our rewiring for SOME people, not the majority it seems. I had exactly your story and I'm now getting on much better IN session as opposed to out (out of session would be such a distraction to every day life you will get control eventually)
I have better sessions without the Aneros than with it. In fact, I feel like non-Aneros sessions are training for the real thing. Without the Aneros, I focus on the muscle contractions and sensations without the distraction of actually having something pushing on my prostate. I also get more sore with the Aneros, so I space those sessions out more. In any event, the more you can train yourself to enjoy non-Aneros sessions, the more in tune with your body you will be.
The thing is mdad out of session is your intention, i get feelings and what have you without control or desire to have them (or had them)
How do you mean 'sore', how does that feel in the prostate?
I feel a session is a session, only if an Aneros is inserted. I have had times (sans Aneros) that I have had 20 minutes of continuos orgasm. I have never had any pain or soreness stem from Aneros use, nor have I ever had a dud session. My first ever Aneros session (Progasm Classic) was phenomenal! I never had any expectations from my Aneros. I was not seeking any type of O, wave, and chilly willies, when I purchased my Aneros. I purchased it to experience what it could offer. I never even read the Wiki. I inserted it waited (about 1 hour), and have been getting rewarded ever since. I get more sensation when my Aneros is inserted. I get good sensation, sans Aneros, as well. I just favor the sensations derived fron using the Aneros.
so you're a do nothing guy then Pspotsquirter? you're also the luckiest person on these forums by the sounds, and very unique indeed.
There is nothing to do but relax, free the mind, clear the mind. The Aneros does the rest. Sometimes doing nothing pays off. Indeed! I've been doing nothing, for the 5 months I've been using Aneros. Nothing but having consistent Os! Perhaps you should try doing nothing.
I feel like this thread has gone a little offtopic.
Why is it that i seem to be feeling more sensation without the aneros? (when i choose to) Are there any things i can maybe do to bring these sensations into my aneros sessions some more?
My girlfriend wants to try and press my spot for me, is there an appropriate level one should be at in their re-wiring process before trying this?
Thanks guys.
Believe me I've tried the do nothing approach for a long, long time..... it doesn't work for everybody dude! not tried leaving it for an hour though... seems very long to wait for something to happen, do you not fall asleep?
Jmo. If one's ass is getting supposed good results, free of Aneros, and one's ass is not making the same supposed progress with an Aneros, is there not some type of disconnect? I could see if the good feelings (sans Aneros) manifested after getting good feelings (Aneros included). This is like putting the cart before the mule. Ones in this boat, will more than likely, never experience the full majesty of their Aneros and being rewired. In a sense, they are conditioning their asses not to accept the Aneros.
You should be feeling more with Aneros in you....some people are lucky (i had mild success the first time) but it took me over a year before i could drive this like a pro. There are a lot of muscle groups that you have to condition and coordinate to move this thing in and out but it soon becomes almost effortless. Read the wiki and keep on trying.
The only thing that needs to be conditioned is the BRAIN. #-o
Not true of everyone dude 🙂 tell me sir, did you engage I any kind of anal play before aneros use?
Jmo. If one's ass is getting supposed good results, free of Aneros, and one's ass is not making the same supposed progress with an Aneros, is there not some type of disconnect? I could see if the good feelings (sans Aneros) manifested after getting good feelings (Aneros included). This is like putting the cart before the mule. Ones in this boat, will more than likely, never experience the full majesty of their Aneros and being rewired. In a sense, they are conditioning their asses not to accept the Aneros.
The good feelings did indeed manifest after getting good feelings from the aneros sessions. So are you saying i cannot be rewired because im feeling more pleasure without it? Aren't we just conditioning the prostate to feel pleasure?
I think i just need to try and cross these feelings over with the aneros in, and that these anerosless sessions are allowing me to observe how my body reacts so that i can then hopefully better myself in my aneros sessions. I have reached this conclusion for my progress.
Thanks for your comments guys, i'll keep sessions going and keep relaxing and being highly conscious of my body and feelings. Best wishes to you all on your journeys too.
@Ektar --- IMHO, the Aneros is one way, currently one of the best ways, to gently stimulate the prostate into a state which helps our brain make a shift from ejaculatory orgasms to prostate based orgasms!
It's not necessarily the Aneros which is responsible for the orgasms, but rather your stimulated prostate!
Once your PC muscles are significantly strong enough, further stimulation, by the Aneros may not be required to obtain the same or even better results!
From personal experience I've had some very strong orgasms without using my Aneros! I go back and forth using it, but it's not the only way to achieve successful prostate orgasms!
The thing is mdad out of session is your intention, i get feelings and what have you without control or desire to have them (or had them)
@inhope: Haha I don't understand what you are saying here. As far as soreness, my prostate gets really sore from my Aneros; like it's bruised. I think it's something unique to me. I'm trying to figure out how to get passed it. So fortunately, my non Aneros sessions are enjoyable as it allows me to space out the actual Aneros sessions and give my prostate more time to heal.
@mdad,All the experts in this field advise that one should take a day or two off between sessions in order to allow the body to learn from the experience of the last Aneros session. Not only does/do the rest day(s) give the body time to recover, but rest days provide a time for the brain to assimilate the lessons learned from the most recent Aneros session.
We seem to be discovering that more and more people here are having more response from Aneros-less sessions than from those with a tool inserted. I believe this to be the ultimate aim. The Aneros tools are, as B. Mayfield suggested many years ago, simply training wheels that ultimately allow us to experience all the sensations provided by the Aneros tools, without them.
Aneros-less sessions give us all the benefits without the need to prepare a tool beforehand, without the need for cleanup afterwards and, perhaps equally important, without the risk of physical discomfort that an Aneros session might produce.
To me, a successful Aneros-less session is the ultimate reward!
My answer to your question is to not worry about it. Do what feels good. There are no rules and this whole MMO/Aneros thing works very differently for different people.
Follow whatever give you good feelings. That is all that is important. It will evolve. For all you know in six months things will reverse themselves and the Aneros will give you more pleasure, then maybe flip back again.
It's your path and they are all different.
Love to see a vid of an aless session....
I'm really not sure what you might expect to see!
My experience of an A-less session is that simply nothing moves! It's all going on inside me, including my brain, and that would involve occasional dry Os.
That's the point, must be some writhing etc?
How so pommie, some might! It's different for everyone, right? 😉 you don't moan with pleasure during your a less sessions?
@inhope,As you say, "it's different for everyone"!
Since everyone is different, obviously not everyone will respond by moaning and thrashing about, even in the throws of a super-O.
All I'm suggesting is that if one were to attempt to model one's sessions on those observed by a moaner and thrasher, success would not necessarily follow.
@Pommie: I am trying (maybe that's the problem) to get to significant pleasure (i.e., P waves, at least) in an A-less session. Up till now, I haven't really devoted myself to a fully awake A-less session (due to time constraints), so I've returned to my tried and true Helix Syn. During my A-less attempts, I lay quietly and concentrated on sensations in my perineum and prostate area and did slow anal contractions. These were pleasant but did not head toward P waves and just abated (and then I usually fell asleep). Was there any stage when you "knew" that you could go A-less and still have a "full" prostate centered pleasurable experience, or did it come upon you unexpected. I guess I'm just trying to see how to use my Aneros experience as training wheels (as B. Mayfield put it). I know: patience, patience...I do have an ulterior motive here. On my periodic long transatlantic flights (10-11 hours) I'd like to be able to experience P waves (it'll be better than the food or the movies! 😉
@Armon-neat --- I had been experiencing small p-waves at random times; like in a meeting at work, while watching tv with the family, at the drive-in movies with the family...which got me wondering what would happen if I added some mild mental focus and mild relaxation to these random events, and I got some very nice results with much stronger and longer p-waves!
Since then, I've had some pretty strong p-waves at some out of the ordinary times...and holding back making any sound was a challenge.
Those events got me thinking about having full sessions at home without my Aneros...and to my pleasant surprise, the sessions were very nice!
Since then, I've had a number of less sessions that have gone all the way to Super O's, which for me includes a flow of intermittent p-waves every 5-10 seconds, some occasional shaking of various limbs, exquisite full-body contractions once in a while; heart racing and heavy breathing, and a feeling that it's all on automatic as long as I stay relaxed.
I guess it was all an experiment for me that worked out well.
I should qualify all this with the info that when I first started with Aneros I was using it nearly everyday, and nearly everywhere I went, for many months...even while at work, and out with the family, for the purpose of awakening my prostate! I think it worked!