Disclaimer: I am in no way (shape or form) trying to convince users to modify their Aneros models. Please be advised that in the past Aneros support and administration have stated modification is not recommended. Due to the anatomy of everyone's body being different, modifications give varied results. Of course, it is not to mention the possibility of permanently ruining your Aneros device and potentially being angry at forum members.
With that said... I'd like to share with the community a very revealing breakthrough I have come across due to a bit of a modification mistake. Take it for what you will.
How It All Began
I've been an Aneros users since August of 2008. To say the least (older members can attest to this..) it has been a bumpy ride. From hearing about massive Super Os and swimming in P-Waves, I thought I would be able to slip the device in and get instant results. For all newer users reading, that is not the case.
I found my earliest sessions to be with sensation but without pleasure. I would get model movement, some shaking, and maybe a slight surge, but nothing which would make me want to review Aneros as the saving grace of all prostate massagers. It took me a year of working with different models to get some form of pleasure. Though slight and inconsistent, I thought I was on the road to receiving all the crazy benefits other users were experiencing. To make a long story short, I'm still only halfway in my journey 12 years later.
I always loved the Progasm and Eupho. I used to think to myself - if I could get the Progasm to move at the speeds the Eupho produces, it would be the ultimate Aneros model. And if it was able to be created in a manner that can be used like the Peridise set (without handles in the way), even better. I might have many years later found the solution.
I obtained most of these models in California. I ended up having two Progasms. One I bought before I moved. I bought a second one because I was an idiot in my mid 20s, still dealing with my sexuality, and afraid of traveling with a model. Now back where I originally lived, I have two Progasms.
The Modification Mistake
I keep all my models in a small plastic draw under my bed. One night the sliding drawer must have clipped my oldest Progasm. I found it with the back tab snapped off halfway down the handle. My initial reaction was a lack of caring, as I do have the second Progasm, but then my mind started racing about things to do besides throwing it away. My first thought was shaving down the back tab and snapping the other tab off, making it a large Peridise of sorts. But I was too afraid of the Progasm flap being too small to pull the device out once sucked in.
I decided to search the forum for modification threads. Everything I was reading had to do with snapping off the curl tail on older models. I saw a few people straightening the back tab of the Progasm (huh?), but no one who has completely gone without one. So... I figured I would give it a try. I took a saw to completely shave off the back handle and sanded down the edge in case it would get in the way.
Testing Time
I normally wouldn't jump to post results after three sessions, but the consistency alone I found with the modification is enough to be said about my usage compared to other models. While I will report my experiences over time in this thread (I am going to focus on the modification model), below are the things I have found to be different than other Aneros factory bought models.
- Device movement is almost superior to all other models I have used (Helix, Progasm, Peridise, Eupho). While the Eupho provides the most movement, I have found across the board that movement is subjective to every session. Since I still don't get massive amounts of pleasure out of my Aneros models, movement is a must for me in determining if I had a good session. All three sessions have had movement. All three sessions have had movement stay throughout the entire session (once relaxed).
- The fluctuation of movement varies, not based on the device's physical makeup, but instead the timing within a session. This gives you the ability to experience Progasm-like movement and Eupho-like movement all in the same session. I might even argue movement is a bit more rapid with the modified Progasm compared to the Eupho. Going back to my above stated wish from 12 years ago, the movement and fluctuations have made me very happy with the modification.
- The loss of the back tab allows for a pendulum effect when inserted. Once inserted, doing contractions will cause the device to move directly onto your prostate. Letting go on the contraction causes it to pull away. You can almost visualize this like a hammering the nail effect - the modified Progasm as the hammer and prostate as the nail. Other models seem to stay fully stationary straight prior to movement by contractions (voluntary or involuntary). A pulled away effect might sound unproductive. More on why it is better in a bit...
- Lube is very important with the modified Progasm. I suspect a large quantity of lube would cause the front tab to move out of place. Like with all my other models, I apply lube to the anus and then a small coating to the model. Moderate lube use never threw the device out of place even when not contracting.
Now onto the most interesting part
- I would argue a modified Progasm is a great device for beginners who want the effects of something bigger but are still learning. A lot of times new members don't get any success because they are mismanaging contractions. New users sometimes squeeze down and apply too much pressure. From my experience, added pressure seems to destroy movement and can be a session killer. From my experience with the modification, if you are already in a session and receiving movement, you will know right away if you are applying too much pressure. The pendulum effect has more of a jackhammer effect when done with sudden heavy pressure. It isn't painful, but you will definitely know when/if you have gone too far. Since the modification helps train you on the severity of voluntary contractions, the almost forced light touch allows you to more easily realize when it is time to slightly let up and allow the push/pull of the device.
- Simply... Cutting off that back tab allows the ability to use the device in different positions. I am yet to do a sitting position, but a full laying position still produces some movement. The Aneros writing on the back end of the modified Progasm seems to not get in the way at all.
I'm going to stick with the modification and see if consistency stays the same. If it does then I would love opinions on why Aneros has not considered making this change for a new model. Bigger feel, rapid movement with fluctuations, easier to determine if voluntary contractions are too much, clearer indication of the needed push/pull of the device, and Peridise-like use for most situations.
I am yet to see the downfall
- Movement has been in ever session since. The amount of fluctuation hasn't been as consistent (within the session itself) as previously stated, but still something not in regular Aneros model use. It has been present in every session.
- The one downfall has been the P Tab. Longer sessions start to irritate the skin. Putting a bit of lube on the tab seems to help, but isn't a problem solver. I'm going to continue sessions, but I am thinking about what I can use to make the tab softer to the skin. Any ideas?
- Last night's session might have been my best in 13 years. Normal sensations followed by some mild twitches and spasms. I haven't had those in years... I then decided to get on all fours. Arching my back with ass to the air, it really pulled in. I think I had two really quick mini Os. Almost felt like an explosion of pressure in the rectum. Some pleasure. Only lasted about 2 or 3 seconds each.
So.. I'm still pleased with the modification.
I am curious to try the modification but not curious enough to alter my new and only prograsm, which I like as is already...
as for thé hard p tab... I find the p tab way too hard on both plastic models I own, without any modifications. After 20 minutes I start feeling discomfort. I wouldn’t want to alter them though because they are the key pivot points of the toys. I too am curious if someone has a solution ..,
I am curious to try the modification but not curious enough to alter my new and only prograsm, which I like as is already...
as for thé hard p tab... I find the p tab way too hard on both plastic models I own, without any modifications. After 20 minutes I start feeling discomfort. I wouldn’t want to alter them though because they are the key pivot points of the toys. I too am curious if someone has a solution ..,
I wouldn't modify anything. This thread is to show a different part of my journey and to allow discussion along the way. It was a random by chance mishap. I'm trying to make the best of it and do some interesting stuff.
The tabs on the Progasm have never bothered me. In fact, the ball shaped tabs I find to be a lot more comfortable than the flat tabs on the Helix, Eupho, and other older models. The flat tabs always seemed to easily get thrown off (what I believe to be) the sweet spot. While the back tab of the Progasm (which I've never seemed to get the really point of), does a great job of keeping the P Tab in place.
Last night's session was a bit longer than my usual (40 minutes). My concern is about 3 other times where the soreness occurred. My first attempt at fixing this will be what I am going to call The Latex Tip. I cut off the pinky finger on a black latex glove. I then put the cut off finger over the P Tab on the modified model. I then took a small rubber band and tied it so the latex would stay on. From there, I cut off 95% of the latex behind the rubber band. The rubber band keeps the latex in place, allows me to still move it as needed, and gives me the option of taking it off if the experiment doesn't work.
I'll report back with results.
Add Rubber Eye Dropper Bulb for the Tab
I have been using my Progasm in this configuration since day one! I instantly hated the K-tab and cut it off and smoothed it out. I love the feel of the Progasm but it doesn't provide the stimulation that I would expect from something so large. I rarely feel it contacting my prostate. I have found that the best thing to get rid of the sensitivity of the P-tab on the perineum is one of the cotton makeup remover rounds. Just fold the round over the tab during insertion. I'm sure my wife wonders where all of her cotton rounds are going...Haha.
Why not post a picture of it here? Im not understanding what it looks like, please can you do this?
Why not post a picture of it here? Im not understanding what it looks like, please can you do this?
Look under The Modification Mistake in the original post. At the bottom of the paragraph is a link to a picture. The picture obviously doesn't include the latex covering for the P Tab I later mentioned. More on that in my next update.
- After a week of using the latex tip (3 or 4 sessions), it works really well until it loosens up. I am going to try to put it on tight again and see if it lasts longer. I might need to come up with a better solution than a rubber band. @alover2 Your eye dropper suggestion sounds great, but I don't think it would stretch enough to fit over the tab.
Besides that.. all is great with the modification!
The suggestion of the eye dropper rubber tip doesn't work. Every eye dropper I have found is too small for the ball tab on the Progasm. I tried cutting down one rubber tip and cutting a slit to make it hug the tab. The rubber tip stays on until there is some friction against the tip.
I just picked up a medical grade rubber tip. This tip is way too big for the ball tab. I tried using rubber bands and small latex bands to tighten the tip over the ball. Sadly, none of these options with bands of different sizes worked.
So, I took a chance on creating something with both sets of materials. Since the problem with the big tip is it not holding the P-Tab, I decided to insert the slit small rubber tip inside of the large rubber tip. By then inserting the ball tab into the larger tip, the inserted smaller slit tip holds it really well. Inserting the tab with the small rubber tip's slit section on the side gives a slight bit of room for some give.
My only concern is with the tip being slightly larger than the P-Tab ball. I wonder if it will hit the edges of my legs.
This is a removeable cap.
Stay tuned for results.