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Mixed Signals From Cheap Lube

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Earlier this week I decided to go for a session, as things have been getting more successful lately. I'm trying a back to the basics approach, including prelubing and giving myself more time for sessions. I was out of my favorite water-based lubes (either Astroglide Gel or KY Glide work well for me) but I had a tube of store-brand lube that I had wanted to try. So I used that, injected 5cc and coated my toy, and started my session. What I got for my trouble was very bad mobility and a vague sense of discomfort, which pretty much ruined my session. I got more discomfort and a slight burning sensation when I removed my device. From experience it was evident that the lube was the culprit, so I chucked the whole tube in the trash. Of course, there was glycerin in there, but there's some in Astroglide and it's perfectly fine for me. I'm not sure what I reacted too, and don't really care to know. What I know is that this stuff was rubbish. 

It dawned on me that someone just starting could have attributed the issue to anal play in general, or worse, to not using enough lube (!). You want to begin your journey with positive experiences, so I guess the lesson here is to stick to quality brands. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced similar issues with using lubes with very similar ingredients lists, where one was good and the other, not so good ?  

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Yes, it happened to me and just when I was learning how it worked.

The lubricant caused burn at the same time I inserted the aneros and I knew that this was a problem with the lubricant as I had already read reports about it here. The same situation as you, it had glycerin but the other lubricant did not cause any discomfort and also had glycerin.

It is necessary to pay attention to components of lubricants, such as parabens, which are still under scientific analysis at risk of developing allergies and possible cancer (but still under analysis)

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Test on the inside of your wrist for a reaction for anything your unsure about. It might also be a problem that the cheap stuff dries quicker and this was the sensation you where feeling as our anus doesn't self lubricate.(Same problem if your into shower play with water based lube). The other thing is your injecting the lube. IMO it should be applied to the toy and then massage and tease your anus then re-lubed. So the entry way gets lube as well. I would avoid glycerin it could allow bacteria to grow as it is sugar. 

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I've never noticed a difference between water-based lubes. All I can think is that maybe I've been lucky, I'm not sensitive to the differences, or I always lean towards what ever looks reasonably high quality. I was warned about parabens early on, so that set me on at least somewhat of a cautious path when it came to lube selection. I mean you're essentially "boofing" this stuff, and the anus can absorb things, so why fuck around just to save money?
Though I will say, I find lubes in general stupidly overpriced, and it's probably a great business to get into.

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Posted by: @clenchy

I mean you're essentially "boofing" this stuff, and the anus can absorb things, so why fuck around just to save money?
Though I will say, I find lubes in general stupidly overpriced, and it's probably a great business to get into.

Cost does add up, but it was more a question of having it on hand right away, plus I like to try different things.

I agree that it's expensive, and there is no reason we should no be able to buy it in bigger formats like almost all other personal care products, but since it's a "sex" thing, I guess the manufacturers think that people are less likely to complain. I would be very surprised to learn that it costs more than shampoo to produce... 

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Lube Life sells bottles twice as large as their competitors and at half the cost. I haven't noticed any issues and my toys stay lubricated for at least 15 mins or more. But I am with Zentai that for me it all feels the same and yes I do use strokers and I don't understand why water with other bits cost 20 for 4 oz ...

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I dislike most lubes I’ve tried because of stinging. I use either one French sex store brand or mix my own occasionally with the powder, which is very cheap. 

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I absolutely have problems with most lubes that contain glycerin...the sensations go away after a couple minutes but for the first couple minutes after injecting some into myself it feels like I have to clear my bowels.  I also get a bit of an itching sensation which isn't painful but definitely persistent for those couple minutes.  The only water based lube that I have used that gave me no bad reactions was Probe Thick.  With all that said, I tend to stick to the non silicone models as I prefer to use Pjur Backdoor Silicone lube...it lasts forever and a little goes a long way.  Its not cheap but its worth it imo.

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It sound like your injecting too much lube. I would go the route of relubing every 15 if your concerned about running out. Plus I get some good P waves now that I have gotten use to inserting and removing the device.

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@poptrek I just ordered some Lube Life, hoping to have longer sessions with my Syn toys.

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Today I got the **NEW** Astroglide Gel for sensitive skin. This formula uses propylene glycol instead of glycerin. I don't know if anyone gave it a shot already ? I'll let you know about my experience once I get to try it. 

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I did not have much success with the new gel... It does not seem to be very long-lasting, either for Aneros use or penile masturbation and it gets tacky quite quickly. I'll stick to the original formula. 

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I standby LubeLife. I recently switch to the Anal Water Lube was using there Toy Water Lube and lets just say it last longer for some reason I even use it for my strokers and it last longer there as well. 

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Other people recommended LubeLife to me, so I might very well give it a shot when my Astroglide supply dries out. Thanks ! 
