Mind over matter? W...
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Mind over matter? What made orgasms great for you?

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Note: There's no 'correct' answer or way of using the device. I would simply like to compare experiences.
Here's a personal survey I'm hoping you could help with…! There are questions similar to this, but I'd like to see what the present day opinion would be.

To elaborate: During sessions, what are you thinking more about? Whatever your mind is fantasising over? Or what is physically happening with the Aneros, and its sensations? The answer is "both, stupid", but I feel we concentrate on one more than the other; there is seldom a perfect harmony between the two. Preferences, so to speak! While mind does work with the body, either of the two have a more prominent effect. After a great session, a crazy fantasy or visualisation might be burnt into your mind — or, a crazy tingling, buzzing feeling ay still remain.

I ask this because, recently, it's just dawned on me that a large margin of my sensations were orientated around my mind and what I was thinking about. As it turns out, fantasising. Reading so much on the wiki, I was dead set that progress happened over focusing squarely on whatever sensations was occurring with the Aneros device down there. I would be dismissing on digging deeper into my imagination and using this.

On the other hand, I spoke with users whose pleasures progressed primarily through realising what the Aneros did, its movements, and shape. Concocting a tangible fantasy wasn't so crucial as enjoying involuntary movements. For instance, using my diaphragm and abdomen was what managed to awaken my prostate, of all things.

To boil it down: What you do think drives your orgasm more: your mind (fantasising), or your body (sensations)? Mine is the former, mind— but I understand if principally it should be both, and also if focus between the two change every session.

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I don't think it's necessarily a mutually exclusive thing. Fantasy can set the erotic stage, and steer arousal, but the erotic scenario can be the aneros session itself, if you frame it right. Like - I'm going to let this thing fuck me, and I'm not going to let myself resist what happens.
"Yeah, you like that don't you, you weak whimpering mess." :))
I experimented with this a few times, the idea of erotic surrender. The good part is that the sensations and fantasy have a natural sync. Pretty good if you can get into that head-space.

With most sessions I'd say I primarily follow the sensations, and occasionally flip back and forth with fantasy.

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I've found that after cutting out any and all porn, (trying not to fantasize as much as possible helps with quitting) the sensations are no longer scarce, and keep getting better and more frequent.

It's like I never knew what I was missing, because I've always been pounding my brain with porn. Things keep getting better.

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My Prostate orgasms are driven by a combination of a very much awakened Prostate and a trigger by my mind to get things rolling! Surrendering to the pleasure is the key to all my successful sessions. Once my level of surrender is combined with reaching several distinct levels of arousal, my entire musculature become triggers for progressively longer and more intense orgasms. At that point, every muscle twitch enhances my orgasmic state to where I enter what feels like a total orgasmic condition that rolls on and on, with only brief interruptions of mere seconds, if at all. This state is absolutely wild! I'm talking internally to myself about how amazing it is, and wonder at the ability to reach such a state, which propels me into furthering the duration of the session. Only a deliberate cesation of the session can stop the orgasms at this point, because they want to continue no matter what I'm doing! Truly amazing!

I feel like Clark Kent with super powers that only I know about...as I sit here in the college commons, surrounded by others who will never know my secrets! And, during the nights when I have my flying dreams, I am truly experiencing what it feels like to have super powers!

I also owe much of my success to the sage wisdom of others including, Twlltin, Rook, Rumel, and so many others that reassured me as my journey progressed! I am forever grateful to them, the Aneros company, and the wiki and forum resources!


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theme-gasm, did it all begin in the magic kingdom, Disney world? if not, it should have. I voted Both fantasy and sensation because they feed each other exponentially. I think I woke up to a ball-gasm this morning, my cremaster muscle was alive and I could control it and feel it for the first time. A new magic power! I was anticipating a sexual encounter I'm having later in the day at the time. Maybe had something to do with the HFWO I had 2 days ago where I could feel and conceptualize the sequence of muscles leading up to ejaculation. Do we have to wear a cape now and have a secret identity for our super powers? 🙂

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Knowledge of our super powers are on a need to know basis...so make sure your true identity is safe before any public display of capes or red tights with a big S on the front!


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@themegasm. Wouldn't the super hero costume have a big SO on it ??
Lol...just having fun !!

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Yes, yes it would, and the top of the "S" would be shaped like a Eupho with the tabs sticking out above and below!


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I think I woke up to a ball-gasm this morning, my cremaster muscle was alive and I could control it and feel it for the first time. A new magic power! Ball-gasms are some of my strongest, longest-lasting orgasms of all. I've only recently learned about the cremaster muscle, and now ball-gasms finally make sense to me. I've found that testicular orgasms are some of the easiest for me to control, they are incredibly intense, and they last minutes at a time. They are pure pleasure.

One caveat, though. Ball-gasms are also very likely to leave my testicles extremely sore the next few days. I've started the process of stretching my cremaster muscle after every session to try to prevent it. This is a new development for me, so I can't quite report on how successful this strategy is, but my initial gut instinct is telling me that it is helping tremendously. And for what it's worth, stretching the cremaster involves nothing more than tugging on my testicles in different directions.

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