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I’ve been learning about enhancing your orgasm for a while now

and based off sensations I’d experienced in the past I knew there was merit to it

i also made a connection by reading g some old medical reports about the prostate and the male orgasm

it described how a mans orgasm takes place

thet stimulation of the penis triggered some fancy scientific this and thst but the thing thst stuck out was thst the pleasure come during and between contractions while ejaculating

i was confused

im wired  different then and always have been

Because for me the pleasure was before and in all honestly during ehaculation I could care less no good feelings,honestly I’ve moved on to thinking about what’s next on the schedule.i learned not too long after I’d started masturbating thst if I tended up my pelvic floor I could have a longer more powerful orgasm,I read about it in a penthouse,they were saying how you can last longer and thsts a way to do it,not to mention it’s nice to not have to clean up after.most of the partners I’ve had in my life never nice saw me ejaculate ,I’m sure they were puzzled but more than a few were actually happy that there wasn’t anything to dodge,or clean up 

I can’t help but think doing this for so many years has trained my muscles and given me better control over them ,last night I started experimenting with contracting those muscles and my sphincter after I had failed to get off having sex ,I could tell thst things were going to happen ,an hour later,and a lot of focus and I’m in heaven for whst felt like could go on as long as I wanted it to,I sort of cane to and I had saliva dripping out of my mouth,eyes kept rolling back,and I’m sure there were some vocals,I also had stopped breathing deeply and was having to catch my breathe

i woke up this morning and me and the lady went at it again,my knee found vigor had me wanting to give her some extended o’s herself 

I was able to orgasm quickly after thst and went to the restroom and barely started the contractions and boom


life is different now

colors are more vibrant

i am a god 

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Posts: 94

What a wonderful practice. 

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