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Migraines anyone?
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Migraines anyone?

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I currently have a severe migraine. I have only had one other migraine in my life, when I was 12 or so (so 20 years ago). I haven't found any other threads pertinent to my situation, and I think I might have caused it through over-orgasming, so here is my story:

5 days ago: I met a woman and we really hit it off sexually, spending about 6+ hours in bed. I had countless dry orgasms, located all over my body.

4 days ago: woke up with her, spent another 4 hours in bed, again countless dry orgasms. THEN in the evening I noticed I had a muscular pain on the right side of my right eye. I attributed it to the intensely orgasmic moments in bed.

3 days ago: the eye pain continued.

2 days ago: the eye pain continued. I saw the same woman, spent another 8 HOURS-- 6+2 hours with a dinner break-- in bed with her (I know, it's rediculous, but the connection is really strong, and we are both multi-orgasmic). Again, countless orgasms.

yesterday: Eye pain continued, and sensitivity to light and sound started.

today: eye pain is completely overshadowed by a severe headache, located on the right side, growing and pulsating with any physical exertion or bright lights or sound, with accompanying light nausea... a migraine if Dr. Internet's diagnosis is correct.


Is it possible my migraine was brought on by all of this orgasming? Since I have started using aneros a year ago, I defocus and roll my eyes at the slightest arousal, causing my vision to go slightly to very fuzzy, and many orgasms I have are accompanied by a sensation of pressure in my head (I like to think of ophiocordyceps unilateralis growing out of my head, for anyone who has seeing that BBC Planet earth video with the ants being attacked by this fungus). I have had plenty of other sex marathons in my life, but it is rather new to me to have unlimited multiple orgasms, as well as to go into a sort of trance-like state where I lose control of my eyes. My solo orgasmic sessions are never this long-- they are usually 10 minutes to an hour, with 1.5 hours being the maximum.

Has anyone else triggered migraines through excessive orgasming? Or gotten severe eye pain?

It is possible this is all a coincidence, and I will have to see if it reoccurs. I would hate for this to be a regular thing...

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You have my sympathies. I get the occasional migraine and can be flattened for a full day. It is like the worst hangover of my life. I find that if I really push myself when exercising beyond my normal levels it can bring on a migraine. Sorry I can’t help any more but maybe your marathon sessions could be the cause. I have yet to find any effective painkillers that bring relief. If it persists I would go and get it checked out.
I hope you have a speedy recovery.

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Magnesium deficiency can cause severe migraines. Especially after marathon sessions your body needs replenishments of minerals and nutrition. The best magnesium supplement is ReMag Pico-Ionic Liquid Magnesium. I got hangovers with massive headaches after multiple 3-4 hour sessions until I found out that it all came from a deficiency in magnesium. I tried several products and the above mentioned product worked like magic. I take it at the first sign of a headache and the pain starts to subside after ½ h.

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It definitely sounds like a migraine. While the actual headache usually is a day or two, the inital effects and aura can cover a lot more time. I nearly always get the eye pain upfront, there is a couple of tells that a migraine is coming up for me. I've never had a migraine be triggered by a sex marathon though.

I've gone through spells of my life where I'd get two a week, with no obvious causes. Its horrible. Once to twice a month is usually my minimum, weather changes and storms seem to be the only trigger I know, other times its just random. Its like the storm is raging in my head too.

The issue of pain killers is definitely not easy. Most OTC medication doesn't do a thing for me. Nothing. Excedrin Migraine is pretty much the only one that puts the tiniest dent in the pain, especially when I take it with some coffee. But maybe shaves 10% off a strong migraine. Still, if thats all I got, I'll take 10% less pain.

Now, there is one type of prescription drug that helps 'abort' it, and thats Triptans. They only help with migraines AFAIK, but they lower the pain significantly, and pretty quickly too. They put me out though, I still won't be productive or anything.

The only effective way of staying productive that I have found is if I can prevent it upfront. And there is only two things that have reduced migraine frequency for me.

One would be some antidepressants. Especially a TCA I was on cut it down massively, but at what cost. So many side effects...and it was nearly impossible to cum. It actually triggered my first Aneros purchase, prostate stimulation massively helped keeping sex pleasurable and at least having an orgasm sometimes, albeit rarely.

But the best, most side effect free aid I've ever found would be...Cannabis. I don't know if its legal where you are, or if there is a medical program. But it did wonders, I never, ever expected that.

I first tried it during one of my migraine heaviest times. 2 times a week was basically a guarantee. I honestly tried it for recreational reasons, and after using it for a while I noticed something lack of migraines! I went one week without one, two weeks, was crazy. Basically, I don't even need to consume it daily. As long as I consume 3-4 nights a week minimum, I get them much less frequently. We're talking once every few months, instead of 3-8 per month. And when I get one, consuming helps ease the pain (especially something Sativa-heavy), and they are usually not the strongest either.

When I stop consuming after a pattern of 3-4 night/week minimum, it usually takes 1.5-2 weeks, then I'll get a really strong migraine. After that inital one, I'll go back to normal strength, and the frequency will go up again. It doesn't jump straight back though, it gradually gets more and more frequent.

Its amazing and completely blew me away. Its honestly just a nice bonus that its fun to get high, especially with friends.

By now I've seen some research on it too, an Italian study for example found it to be similarly effevtive to TCAs in migraine prevention. Its such a quality-of-life improvement.

It makes me sad how restrictive the world still is when it comes to this. After having to move I don't have access to it anymore. Here we have a medical program, but it is extremely hard to get a prescription for migraines. I'm stuck with having them on a regular basis again, and it sucks to know that there is no reason why I should have to suffer that many days a month.

Sorry about the long post. Migraines just have affected me so often and for so many years by now, I just wanted to share this.

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Strangely enough, on a couple of occasions I have felt the beginnings of a headache, maybe not an oncoming migraine, at the end of the evening. Maybe too much tv or staring at the iPad, if I can bring myself to begin a session I find that I quickly forget about the headache:D

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Thanks for your responses! I took painkillers (ibuprofen) in the end, and the pounding headache slowly dissipated (that doesn't work for everyone apparently). By midnight I even felt happy enough to have a few aless orgasms. My eye is still a bit sore.

I will have to see if this happens again, to see what might cause it, and at that point I will consider medication. I really hope it's not sex marathons, because I'm not stopping those. I didn't think about a connection, but I did smoke pot for the first time in a long time last week, to see how it interacted with aneros (answer: absolute insanity).

I'm sorry to hear you all experience these nightmares regularly :/

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Surgical medical field here but not an MD. Migraines are quite variant as is our physiology from person to person. Two things stick out in my medical mind. Neurological anomalies like Multiple Sclerosis. Don't be startled. I have MS whereas most migraine sufferers do not! But it can be part of it. The other thing is cervical spine misalignment. In our society of computers, cell phones and severe slouching posture, cervical spines are under attack. And, the incidence of cervical spine related health anomalies are increasing. Max Living Chiropractic care that focuses on corrective care is your best choice. I AM NOT TALKING THE NORMAL PALLIATIVE OR THERAPEUTIC CHIROPRACTIC CARE. Again, I am not an MD, just someone that has been under chiro care for many years while getting substantially worse until I found Max Living Chiropractic approach. Everyone knew my C-1 and C-2 vertebrae were misaligned and pressing on my brain stem and vagus nerve but only this corrective care modality offered correction. As a Surgical Technologist, I, now, will never refer a friend to Neuro-surgery or standard Chiropractic care. The Max Living approach is the only natural corrective approach that specifically aims at aligning your spine back to normal with your proactive participation.

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Thanks @me want tools . I will check out your max living website and hear what you have to say further.

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Hm, I don't understand yet how quoting or the @hyperlink thing works in this forum.


The eye soreness sounds familiar too. I have it for multiple days after a strong migraine. Looking up increases the pain, and its the eye on the same side as the pain was.

Its interesting you mention you never had it after many sex marathons, but it happened about a week after ingesting THC. It doesn't happen for me after consuming it once, but even if I just consume it for a week or two, it means that a) I'll be pain free for that time and also b) I'll get a migraine 1-2 weeks after stopping. About 1.5 weeks on average I'd say.

Common migraine prescription meds are serotonin agonists. TCAs, one of only two things that actually prevented migraines for me, are serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Cannabinoid receptors influence Serotonin production and can both raise and lower them. And last but not least I've read multiple articles about people being migraine free for a while after using serotonergic psychedelics, Ayahuasca and mushrooms in particular in the articles I've read.

So, even though it is still poorly understood, migraines definitely are connected to the serotonin system in some way. Apparently one theory is that they, as well as cluster headaches, are caused by malfunction of neurotransmitters. Which is interesting, because one theory why psychedelics help with e.g. depression and make psychotherapy more effective is, that they basically 'reset' neurotransmitters in a way. Which, when put together, might explain why there is experiences of people going migraine or cluster headache free for a significantly extended period after using serotonergic psychedelics. Basically until their neurotransmitters start acting funky and unhealthy again.

Tl,dr: THC acts on the serotonin system, things that act on the serotonin system can influence headache behavior. So smoking pot could definitely trigger a migraine, especially once its metabolites completelt leave your system (which takes quite a while) and your brain goes back to its pre-pot state.

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Re the hyperlink thing. If you type the @ and then the username of the intended recipient a little pop up box appears just below, then just click on the name you want.

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Interesting stuff @spirit_molecule

I still have no idea why I got a migraine, and sex marathons have passed since then without provoking one. Perhaps it was THC. I will find out soon, as I plan on smoking some more, as soon as I get my grubby fingers on the stuff. My sessions with THC were incredible...

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