MGX first timer.
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MGX first timer.

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My first try with my new MGX was successful but I think I cheated a bit. I wasn't feeling it relaxing on my side so I switched to all fours I started to feel it and started doing some slow pelvic thrusts while contracting. Next thing I knew I was trembling and thrusting more and had a good O.

I hope it wasn't to hard on my prostate by doing it that way.

Illustrious Member Customer
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Welcome to the Forums,

Congratulations on your early success, the position you chose is not "...cheating..." at all. That position is just one of numerous Body Positions mentioned in the Aneros WIKI. While the manufacturer's instructions direct you to lie on your side, that is really just your suggested starting position. The most important thing is to find a body position which is comfortable and promotes the best sensual responses, this often takes numerous experimental Anerosessions. In your case, you are fortunate to have intuitively found a good position on your first trial run.

As long as you didn't manually manipulate your massager and did not feel any pain or discomfort, you need not worry about being "...hard..." on your prostate. It is very unlikely you would do any harm to your prostate by simply utilizing your anal sphincter, rectal or PC muscles. However, depending on how strenuous your contractions were, you may notice some initial muscle soreness the following day. This will lessen as you develop increased tone and stamina from your Aneros usage.

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