Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

MGX and Helix...wha...
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MGX and Helix...what next?

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Hi guys!

I currently own both a MGX and a Helix that I got in that order, both the trident version. I decided I'd get myself a third Aneros for my birthday soon.

I'm not super experienced yet, but I enjoy experimenting with them. I get what I believe are mini-Os and all sorts of different sensations. I also use them a lot during sex, and they really intensify things, especially my orgasms.

I love them both, but they are very different. The MGX might be my favorite of the two, but its hard to choose. Also, on some days one works better, on other days the other, on some days neither. Thats why I think getting a third one and having more variety can't hurt.

For me, the MGX does less when its just sitting in there, but really hits the spot during contractions. It moves well and creates really decent pressure on my prostate when I contract.

The Helix on the other hand, creates more pressure on my prostate when its just in there, in a relaxed state. Thats why I prefer this one when I just want to have some intensified sex, without paying attention to contractions for example. Though the peak pressure during contractions is noticable less intense than with the MGX. So its a more constant, but less intense prostate stimulation.

I also own a prostate vibrator (by Utimi I believe) which I can NOT fit in yet. I get really, really close, but the last bit of the thickest part just gets too much. Its 1.37 inches thick, so bigger than even the Vice.

For now, I'm good on a contraction-heavy massager. One day I'd like a Eupho for that, but for now I'd like to keep training with the MGX.

Basically, I'd like something that acts more like the Helix, but more intense. In that case, I was thinking some more size should help? It would also be perfect if the size is somewhere in between the MGX/Helix and the Vice/my vibrator.

So that mainly leaves the Progasm, Progasm Jr and the Maximus. Am I missing any?

My thought was that the Maximus is shaped more like the MGX, so it probably acts more like it. Which would leave the Progasm and the Progasm Jr.

My thought was also that the Jr sits much more in the middle between the MGX/Helix and the Vice, size wise. It also should be able to move a little bit more than the Progasm. So I figured the Jr might be a nicer step in between and easier to get comfy with, while still fulfilling the role I'm looking for.

Is my thought process completely off somewhere? If you own multiple of the ones mentioned, do you think I'm going in the right direction? As it stands I'm leaning towards the Progasm Jr, but I just really wanted another opinion on it.

Last but not least, is there any difference in how well they stay in, for example during sex? I never had a problem with the MGX or the Helix slipping.

Thank you in advance!

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@spirit_molecule If you want to step up in size, the Progasm Jr might be a good bet. I have both it and the Maximus Trident. The Maximus does absolutely nothing for me I don’t know why. It is the only model that brings no response. The PJ however hit the spot form the first try.

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Hey, welcome to the forum, and great name. I am slowly compiling info to write a post with relation to aneros, spirit molecule and *friends*, and their interactions/similarities. It is taking a while because I space out *journeys* pretty far apart. One thing is sure-- aneros and spirit molecule, while they have brought me to similar psychological places independently of one another, didn't have a combined effect for me...

In the meantime... it sounds like you are overthinking things. Sure you can get many toys and see how they all feel in your body. Or you can concentrate on the ones you have and see how your body feels with them. I had just the helix syn for the first 6 months, and the way I perceived it constantly changed, depending on all sorts of physiological factors (tightness of anal cavity, muscle relaxation/tenseness, sensitivity, position, arousal induced changes) and psychological factors (again arousal, mental focus, letting go). Especially in the beginning there were sessions where I felt nothing, and others where it was incredible.

It doesn't matter what toy you use in the end-- it matters what your mind and body make of it. Here is an example from my experience:

I got a silicon dildo 6 months ago. I had used it several times, and been pegged by partners with it. It always felt great, but not orgasmic. However I have progressed in leaps and bounds in the last couple months in terms of perception. The other day I finished a session by using the dildo on myself (slowwwwwwwly massaging my prostate with it) and I experienced wonderful orgasms. Same tool as before, but with an evolved (re-wired) mind.

Also now I never have sessions with my helix where I feel nothing.

THAT SAID, it's your birthday, treat yourself! And by all means give more money to aneros: this company is changing lives!! Just don't expect the toy itself to be the answer.

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The Progasm is awesome. I usually include it in most of my sessions. I often start with the mgx, then move to the helix syn or eupho, and then on to to progasm. By then, I generally go into a series of rolling super orgasms within a few minutes. It's size is a great contrast to your helix and mgx.

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Thanks for all the responses! After reading them, and searching old topics comparing it to the other Aneros options, I did end up pulling the trigger on the Progasm Jr. It sounds like it might fill the hole I want it pun intended =p

Starting out with the MGX or Helix is literally how I plan to use it initally. It also lets me compare the sensations back to back.

Thanks for your long reply! I'm curios to read the post you're preparing. I've never considered combining the two, but its also been a long time since my last journey. I would have been surprised if the two had a combined effect though. I think something longer lasting and less overwhelming would lead to greater success here...

I don't expect a new toy to give me huge jumps in the rewiring process. I did use the MGX and the Helix for quite a while though and can get pretty reliable effects by now. Its been a little over a year since the MGX, about half a year since the Helix. I have a pretty good idea how they affect me and in what way they differ. So I had a rough idea what I'd like from my next option.

Plus I feel like having options is pretty useful. According to my wifes feedback from manual prostate massages as well as my experiences with my two Aneros, it seems like the prostate does move around slightly. Not like multple inches, but even a little bit makes a difference. That might explain why one day only one of them hits the spot perfectly, one day both, and yet another day neither. Only my wife can hit it everytime, but she can adapt to the position. So a third Aneros option might hit it on a day neither of the other toys do. That said, as long as my butt is relaxed, they always intensify things, even when they don't hit the spot perfectly.

And last but not least, I do want to work my way up on the sizes I can be comfortable with. All the prostate vibrators are a bit bigger and I'd like to experiment with that too. While I haven't gotten my 1.37in prostate vibrator fully in yet, I have held a vibrator against a normal Aneros on multiple occasions, and even the transmitted vibrations felt really pleasant. I feel like using a toy thats somewhere in between the Helix/MGX and the prostate vibrators on a regular basis should help me get more comfortable with size.

And indeed, Aneros is also a company I don't mind throwing some money at when I'm able to.

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@spirit_molecule I think you’ll be very happy with the PJ. Pound to a penny though that sometime you will eventually get the Progasm too. Collecting these things seems to become difficult to resist, it has for me anyway, it’s a slippery slope. Pun most definitely intended:D

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