I am sure this topic comes up a lot, but what are some mental images you all have during sessions, other than traditional sex acts? I like to conjure up mental imagery, and literally feel the sensations in my body while my prostate warms to orgasms. Here are a few recent ones for me:
-Hands running their fingernails gently over my body from point A to point B (toes to groin, fingertip to armpit, etc.)
-being caressed from head to toe by giant feather fans
-getting my prostate rubbed and massaged by a loving hand in impossible ways
-moving the sensation of my awakened prostate around my body
-rolling my prostate in circles
-being sucked all over by a thousand mouths
-being touched by a thousand hands
-a snake running along my prostate
-an expanding balloon/bubble in my rectum
stranger ones:
-being used as a human dildo for a giant woman
-being eaten alive or clawed all over by a beast
-being held by a giant furry creature
there are so many others but a lot of them are too vague to describe, as they involved imagining swirling/pinching/impact/caressing/piercing sensations on my body, without any idea of what could be creating them...
Please share ideas from your favorites!
Its very apparrent from readin this list that people are VERY different in their desires, these are all so tame/boring to me 😀
@The_Fury please share!
i was thinking specifically of imagined sensations upon or inside my body. so not necessarily lascivious images of sexual acts, or acts that have a mental impact. Of course I have a slew of sexual fantasies, but I guess I was looking for more subtle acts, where projecting them in my mind gives me the sensation that it is happening to me. I figured that saying I imagine a beautiful puffy wet pussy sliding it’s juices across my face, or DPing a woman from behind, is maybe less helpful for others, as a lot of us have tons of hard sex fantasies already. And I specifically omitted a whole section that I don’t think people here care about, as it is very violent and based in Ds, and I get the feeling that people here don’t care for that...
My mental image is totally mine, and I am not sharing her or what she is willing to do! 🙂
For me, mental imagery has been focused on various areas of my body that have erotic significance or an erogenous nature. They are areas of my cock and Glans, my nipples which I enjoy diddling especially at night in bed, and most recently and significantly my perineum. All this I have described more fully in my Aneros blog a few minutes ago.