I think I’m rewiring. But I don’t use porn. It is more of a challenge perhaps.
Blessed with an active imagination I love to envision having sex with one to several partners - no matter what gender - without visualizing too much details, instead focusing more on the actions and sensations and the occurring feelings I then vocalize or first fake by vocalizing until they finally happen. Meanwhile being aroused is quite separated from having an erection coming and going during a session from achingly rock hard to flaccid and most of the time joined by involuntaries and oozing precum. No porn vids necessary. Tonight at my mind movies: „As you lick it“! Enjoy!
@simplepenguin , to answer your topic question, I'm of the opinion that my mind is quite capable of great imagination; I know, I use it every day! I also know my mind pefers to take the path of least resistance; (the lazy way) and would rather take time off from providing imaginary scenarios in favor or relying on provided porn for the occasion.
Resisting the temptation to rely on porn is often very difficult for me (and this coming from a porn addict), but when I do resist, it's amazing how effective my imagination can be in providing one controlled fantasy after another. The difference being that such fantasies keeps my mind on prostate activities and all related sensations, not on a screen.
When planning and engaging in a session or even an aless moment, the first step is to realize this and the second is to forcefully engage my mind to do the work rather than let my tablet lead the way. Works for me!
Good vibes to all.
BTW, I like your new avatar!
@simplepenguin , to answer your topic question, I'm of the opinion that my mind is quite capable of great imagination; I know, I use it every day! I also know my mind pefers to take the path of least resistance; (the lazy way) and would rather take time off from providing imaginary scenarios in favor or relying on provided porn for the occasion.
Resisting the temptation to rely on porn is often very difficult for me (and this coming from a porn addict), but when I do resist, it's amazing how effective my imagination can be in providing one controlled fantasy after another. The difference being that such fantasies keeps my mind on prostate activities and all related sensations, not on a screen.
When planning and engaging in a session or even an aless moment, the first step is to realize this and the second is to forcefully engage my mind to do the work rather than let my tablet lead the way. Works for me!
Good vibes to all.
BTW, I like your new avatar!
Thank you!
much appreciate both your replies. Very helpful. I was a porn guy for many years but no longer and I need to avoid it 100 percent.
I find that p-waves tend to either be there or not be there, regardless of porn or concentration. For me it seems to be a matter of arousal, or at least time away from the refractory period. I've been practicing letting out some semen without quite triggering ejaculation, and if I do I still stop stimulation and relax to lessen the refractory period. I'm trying to get back to regular p-waves after giving into temptation for a full ejaculatory orgasm, and I'm partway back with semi-frequent p-waves of lesser strength.
Once I'm at that point though, porn and imagination or even just concentration seem to help things along. It's just that making them appear when they're not there in some capacity to begin with is usually less than fruitful.
Before I was introduced to prostatic pleasures, I used porn systematically to excite myself during my masturbation sessions. Today I've noticed that I don't need it anymore. Especially during an Aneros session, I find it too distracting to watch pictures or videos. My imagination does a great job of keeping me aroused. It seems to me that I've developed my ability to feel the most subtle sensations, whether they come from my prostate or my penis (or any other area of my body, in fact!). So, now all I need is one or two days without ejaculation and my imagination to be very aroused.
Before a session with my favorite toys, I cheat a little and watch some pretty women undress in front of a camera lens. Just five minutes to get the motor of my excitement going a little bit.
There are many ways to get aroused using imagination, self hypnosis, ASMR audio, dressing a certain way, and physical stimulation of the body. In the throes of my pleasure I will talk to people who aren’t there, bite my pillow or like my pillow or other objects, thrust into the air...
unless I am mistaken, from what I previously read of your posts, you have a girlfriend with whom you have a very sexually open relationship but with whom you haven’t shared your new discoveries. A partner’s caresses and kisses and voice are extremely effective arousal building tools. I suggest you be open and honest with her and take full advantage of her presence to help you rewire (not to mention the fact that honesty is the best policy and there is no reason to hold back such beautiful secrets). Not all the time, because alone time is essential. But why not occasionally. Or use the toy just after non ejaculatory sex with her. That is probably when you will be at your most aroused. Maybe wait 30 minutes for the concentration on your penis to subside.
Sorry if this isn’t your situation and I have confused you with another user or misread your posts.
much appreciate both your replies. Very helpful. I was a porn guy for many years but no longer and I need to avoid it 100 percent.
I think this is a salient point. As a man I'm not immune to porn but consider it extremely harmful/damaging. I've had my battles in the past but am free of it now, by the grace of God. If you've been hooked for any length of time then your body probably needs extra time to recover, and I have no idea how long that could take. But if you come from the mindset of "I need porn to get aroused" then quitting cold fish can be a quite drastic contrast to what you're used to. It seems you're still in the phase where you're battling it. I don't have any definitive answers for you except to tell you to keep going. Perhaps try not setting the goal of trying to avoid something bad as much as working toward a positive objective of healthy sexuality. If that makes any sense. Some of the books that really helped me formulate my own thoughts on this subject are Crash by J.G. Ballard and Love Satisfies by Keepitup Johnson.
I really appreciate all of your responses. I have not used porn for many years, But in starting this journey have found arousal difficult. With the sex my wife and I practice that is not a problem. I’m not wired very well yet to this but I am not going to use porn. I am getting more aroused as I wire to the pleasure of my Helix et al.
I have told my wife everything but she isn’t yet very interested but over time I will probably wear a toy when we spend time together sexually.
If you're hitting the spot, you don't care if you're getting erection or not. For me arousal often comes second - I become aroused in response to what I feel.
I kind of teeter on the line.
Sonic Erotica has lots of recordings of people getting off. Gets more of your imagination involved for sure.
I really appreciate all of your responses. I have not used porn for many years, But in starting this journey have found arousal difficult. With the sex my wife and I practice that is not a problem. I’m not wired very well yet to this but I am not going to use porn. I am getting more aroused as I wire to the pleasure of my Helix et al.
I have told my wife everything but she isn’t yet very interested but over time I will probably wear a toy when we spend time together sexually.
@simplepenguin, I feel like I am in a very similar situation to you. I looked at porn for many years, but I am giving it up and I really don’t want to use it with my Aneros. Unfortunately, it seems that I am not rewiring without it. I have tried the ‘do nothing’ method, doing kegels, trying to relax, touching my nipples, but I don’t seem to be able to generate any P-waves.
On occasion, I experiment by using some porn and it really ramps up my arousal and I think I start to get better feelings with the Aneros. Like I said, I don’t want to be using porn, but I wonder if some people have used it in the beginning to awaken the prostate and then get off of it once you start rewiring?
Some lube on my fingers and slow circles around the crown of my cock and frenulum usually fires me up pretty well. That and nipple stimulation both seem to fire up the prostate — sometimes with an erection, sometimes not. If I get hard I’m hard pressed not to continue by masturbating just the head of my cock, because masturbating through p-waves is quite a ride of its own—but that’s not the objective today, is it? Take your hands off your cock and let the p-waves roll.
Some lube on my fingers and slow circles around the crown of my cock and frenulum usually fires me up pretty well. That and nipple stimulation both seem to fire up the prostate — sometimes with an erection, sometimes not. If I get hard I’m hard pressed not to continue by masturbating just the head of my cock, because masturbating through p-waves is quite a ride of its own—but that’s not the objective today, is it? Take your hands off your cock and let the p-waves roll.
Very useful. Thank you.
Like I said, I don’t want to be using porn, but I wonder if some people have used it in the beginning to awaken the prostate and then get off of it once you start rewiring?
At the beginning of my journey, a year ago, I used to use some mental sexual sceneries a lot in order to increase my pleasure.
In the last few weeks, I realized that I hardly use this method anymore. Today, I'm content to dive inside my body to enjoy the fantastic sensations that my prostate gives me.
Like I said, I don’t want to be using porn, but I wonder if some people have used it in the beginning to awaken the prostate and then get off of it once you start rewiring?
At the beginning of my journey, a year ago, I used to use some mental sexual sceneries a lot in order to increase my pleasure.
In the last few weeks, I realized that I hardly use this method anymore. Today, I'm content to dive inside my body to enjoy the fantastic sensations that my prostate gives me.
I can see that already this is the direction I'm going. Thank you!
Some lube on my fingers and slow circles around the crown of my cock and frenulum usually fires me up pretty well. That and nipple stimulation both seem to fire up the prostate — sometimes with an erection, sometimes not. If I get hard I’m hard pressed not to continue by masturbating just the head of my cock, because masturbating through p-waves is quite a ride of its own—but that’s not the objective today, is it? Take your hands off your cock and let the p-waves roll.
Thanks @canonprf! For the most part, I have been trying to completely keep my hands off my cock after hearing the advice on this forum, but maybe a little bit of cock stimulation in the beginning is good for getting you started?
Like I said, I don’t want to be using porn, but I wonder if some people have used it in the beginning to awaken the prostate and then get off of it once you start rewiring?
At the beginning of my journey, a year ago, I used to use some mental sexual sceneries a lot in order to increase my pleasure.
In the last few weeks, I realized that I hardly use this method anymore. Today, I'm content to dive inside my body to enjoy the fantastic sensations that my prostate gives me.
Thanks @morexp! I haven’t always been very good and mental stimulation, but I have had a couple sessions where I tried playing fantasies of my wife in my head and it seems to get me going. I will have to try more of that.
When I quit watching porn while using Aneros or engaged in any prostate/anal play and stimulation I had involuntary contractions and possibly some minor hands free prostate Os, but I usually watched while I rode. During a 13 day cum-free trial period in 2013 I used Aneros toys on day 5 of my break and had the closest thing to an "orgasm" as I had felt in 9 nears of trying with these toys. On day 8 my wife and I were together (she did not touch my cock at all) and she used a glass g-spot wand on me and it gave me first realized hands free O. Immediately after that I began to use Aneros and other toys with absolutely no porn. I started having Os within minutes of every session, sometimes less than a minute.
As the year went on I started to try to watch porn again while doing anal/prostate stimulation. But I found a few things to be really bothersome and mostly annoying.
-The scene or whatever I was watching would end, so I had to make sure I had a playlist set up for continual watching. If a scene was not what I wanted at that moment during my session, "it" felt like a failure and I started to focus not on the screen or the scene or if I needed to change the scene, but the fact that there were "scenes" that would begin and end. All this start/stop business was entirely distracting and the need to "focus but not focus" on prostate stimulation and sensation was completely gone.
-If I closed my eyes to focus on my body, things were good. If the volume was on, it became distracting while I was trying to zone in and out of myself and pleasure. Whenever I opened my eyes I'd look at the screen to see what was going on and lose attention of my body.
-I tried to make my prostate Os match the actors' Os on screen, like if the woman was cumming I would "ramp up my energy" to try to emulate her. If a man was cumming I'd do the same. This was entirely negative towards my sessions. Entirely.
What I learned was not to become "aroused" but become "focused" on what I was doing and most importantly, WHO I was at that moment during my session. Who am I right now? I am a man, lying down, with a toy in me, feeling indescribable sensations and pleasure, and I'm breathing. That's who I was during sessions. I wasn't a "guy watching porn while using Aneros." With absolutely no distractions from penis-focused porn, where I'd watch porn and really get into it and my cock and stroke for over an hour edging and teasing until I couldn't wait to burst, I was just me on the floor. No one else: no one on the screen or in my mind.
I don't fantasize during sessions at all. I don't think of my wife, I don't think of porn actors and actresses, I don't imagine people I've never seen, I don't fantasize about anything. I fantasize in the moment on what I'm engaged with: prostate stimulation, a toy in my ass moving all by itself, and my breathing. I fantasize about how amazing it feels inside of me and what my next orgasm might feel like; I fantasize about previous Os that I had just had too. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not meditating while playing. However, I have incorporated the simple practice of mindfulness into my sessions since early 2016 and while I was already focused on me, mindfulness made me focus even more intently by letting go of my ego and the world. If the only other thing besides you is the toy in you, and that's the only "distraction" you have going on, then you're going to experience that toy like its a lifeboat in an open sea of nothingness and nothing can be better than being in that boat, lying back, and waiting to be saved. Its in these "gone" moments where prostate stimulation becomes a life force and is the thing holding me both to and apart from reality. When anything is on, even binaural stuff, there is "something else" there and part of the dissolve that I love is hindered and weaker than when there's nothing but the toy.
Because I masturbate with porn all the time, you'd think that when I want to end with a Super T (which I do every time I end a session) I might not be able to get hard or bring myself to ejaculatory orgasm. In the alone-state I then begin to focus attention on my cock and I begin to feel it in ways I normally can't or don't. I "love" it and appreciate it like its new and unknown. It is exquisite and very arousing. Sometimes I can make myself not get hard right away because I like to feel the sensations of my half mast hard on. I also tease my hard on and edge a little bit while the toy is in me. When I finally cum and finish my session its unbelievable. I've tried this for years with porn on and its never been as good as when its not on.
Lastly, I use several toys each session. I'm very into dildo play and non-Aneros toys and when I incorporate them into my sessions I start to fantasize slightly about people, like the cock I'm riding might be a "person" but reality sets in and its not and just a toy. I plan which toys I'm going to use at the start and rarely get new ones midway. I've found that knowing there are other toys is kind of like predicting the next "porn scene" and I'll fantasize about what I know the next toy does and can do to me. That makes me focus on the toy in me at that moment and I get even more out of the current ride. Maybe a way to think about it is the toys are my "porn stars" that I look forward to watching/fucking and, again, its still just me and toys.
I think there is a level of self-love that kind of needs to happen during a session, a dissolving of the social and focus on the self. Be in love with yourself while you are engaged in a session. Love the shit out of your body whatever it is and however its shaped. Appreciate your sexual organs for all they are worth and for all they can do, regardless of your desires. Shed desires at the sink as you prepare for your session and crave the loving you can give to yourself. When I watch a girl masturbate (my favorite kind of porn) I think, while I'm jerking off, "it would be so cool to be with her!" When I'm with just my toys I think, "it is so cool to have these toys and use them for myself!" Its all self-focus without porn on, that's how I see it.
Sorry this went long, I just think about this topic a whole lot the older I get and the more I read Aneros brethren deal with porn and their sessions
@techpump , thank you so much for your insight on the use of (and no use of) porn. Being a porn addict myself, I, too often, navigate towards the screen to keep me aroused during a session. After all, we all read how important it is to be fully aroused to achieve success in a session. I guess I use that to justify my action.
If I read you right, there is a balance to strive for with using porn or not, during a session or while masturbating. I like the idea of fantasizing about what pleasure my tool is giving me rather than the pleasures an actor is giving another. You're so right, the end of a porn video is never coinciding with the end of a session; it's always in the middle of your session's most pleasurable moments and inevitably it sets you back where you have to rebuild the momentum all over.
The biggest problem, for me anyways, is to remember wise advices like yours and not fall back in my addictive ways as I often do.
In my next session (3 to 4 days from now), I will try to aim my fantasies towards what's happening south of my belly button and leave my electronic device turned off. I would not be able to finish off with a super-t after every session as I'm too old to spend that energy.
Yes, your post was long but well worth it to me.
Good vibes
When I quit watching porn while using Aneros or engaged in any prostate/anal play and stimulation I had involuntary contractions and possibly some minor hands free prostate Os, but I usually watched while I rode. During a 13 day cum-free trial period in 2013 I used Aneros toys on day 5 of my break and had the closest thing to an "orgasm" as I had felt in 9 nears of trying with these toys. On day 8 my wife and I were together (she did not touch my cock at all) and she used a glass g-spot wand on me and it gave me first realized hands free O. Immediately after that I began to use Aneros and other toys with absolutely no porn. I started having Os within minutes of every session, sometimes less than a minute.
As the year went on I started to try to watch porn again while doing anal/prostate stimulation. But I found a few things to be really bothersome and mostly annoying.
-The scene or whatever I was watching would end, so I had to make sure I had a playlist set up for continual watching. If a scene was not what I wanted at that moment during my session, "it" felt like a failure and I started to focus not on the screen or the scene or if I needed to change the scene, but the fact that there were "scenes" that would begin and end. All this start/stop business was entirely distracting and the need to "focus but not focus" on prostate stimulation and sensation was completely gone.
-If I closed my eyes to focus on my body, things were good. If the volume was on, it became distracting while I was trying to zone in and out of myself and pleasure. Whenever I opened my eyes I'd look at the screen to see what was going on and lose attention of my body.
-I tried to make my prostate Os match the actors' Os on screen, like if the woman was cumming I would "ramp up my energy" to try to emulate her. If a man was cumming I'd do the same. This was entirely negative towards my sessions. Entirely.
What I learned was not to become "aroused" but become "focused" on what I was doing and most importantly, WHO I was at that moment during my session. Who am I right now? I am a man, lying down, with a toy in me, feeling indescribable sensations and pleasure, and I'm breathing. That's who I was during sessions. I wasn't a "guy watching porn while using Aneros." With absolutely no distractions from penis-focused porn, where I'd watch porn and really get into it and my cock and stroke for over an hour edging and teasing until I couldn't wait to burst, I was just me on the floor. No one else: no one on the screen or in my mind.
I don't fantasize during sessions at all. I don't think of my wife, I don't think of porn actors and actresses, I don't imagine people I've never seen, I don't fantasize about anything. I fantasize in the moment on what I'm engaged with: prostate stimulation, a toy in my ass moving all by itself, and my breathing. I fantasize about how amazing it feels inside of me and what my next orgasm might feel like; I fantasize about previous Os that I had just had too. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not meditating while playing. However, I have incorporated the simple practice of mindfulness into my sessions since early 2016 and while I was already focused on me, mindfulness made me focus even more intently by letting go of my ego and the world. If the only other thing besides you is the toy in you, and that's the only "distraction" you have going on, then you're going to experience that toy like its a lifeboat in an open sea of nothingness and nothing can be better than being in that boat, lying back, and waiting to be saved. Its in these "gone" moments where prostate stimulation becomes a life force and is the thing holding me both to and apart from reality. When anything is on, even binaural stuff, there is "something else" there and part of the dissolve that I love is hindered and weaker than when there's nothing but the toy.
Because I masturbate with porn all the time, you'd think that when I want to end with a Super T (which I do every time I end a session) I might not be able to get hard or bring myself to ejaculatory orgasm. In the alone-state I then begin to focus attention on my cock and I begin to feel it in ways I normally can't or don't. I "love" it and appreciate it like its new and unknown. It is exquisite and very arousing. Sometimes I can make myself not get hard right away because I like to feel the sensations of my half mast hard on. I also tease my hard on and edge a little bit while the toy is in me. When I finally cum and finish my session its unbelievable. I've tried this for years with porn on and its never been as good as when its not on.
Lastly, I use several toys each session. I'm very into dildo play and non-Aneros toys and when I incorporate them into my sessions I start to fantasize slightly about people, like the cock I'm riding might be a "person" but reality sets in and its not and just a toy. I plan which toys I'm going to use at the start and rarely get new ones midway. I've found that knowing there are other toys is kind of like predicting the next "porn scene" and I'll fantasize about what I know the next toy does and can do to me. That makes me focus on the toy in me at that moment and I get even more out of the current ride. Maybe a way to think about it is the toys are my "porn stars" that I look forward to watching/fucking and, again, its still just me and toys.
I think there is a level of self-love that kind of needs to happen during a session, a dissolving of the social and focus on the self. Be in love with yourself while you are engaged in a session. Love the shit out of your body whatever it is and however its shaped. Appreciate your sexual organs for all they are worth and for all they can do, regardless of your desires. Shed desires at the sink as you prepare for your session and crave the loving you can give to yourself. When I watch a girl masturbate (my favorite kind of porn) I think, while I'm jerking off, "it would be so cool to be with her!" When I'm with just my toys I think, "it is so cool to have these toys and use them for myself!" Its all self-focus without porn on, that's how I see it.
Sorry this went long, I just think about this topic a whole lot the older I get and the more I read Aneros brethren deal with porn and their sessions
Precisely the direction I’m going. Thank you for this incredible post. So helpful.
Some lube on my fingers and slow circles around the crown of my cock and frenulum usually fires me up pretty well. That and nipple stimulation both seem to fire up the prostate — sometimes with an erection, sometimes not. If I get hard I’m hard pressed not to continue by masturbating just the head of my cock, because masturbating through p-waves is quite a ride of its own—but that’s not the objective today, is it? Take your hands off your cock and let the p-waves roll.
Thanks @canonprf! For the most part, I have been trying to completely keep my hands off my cock after hearing the advice on this forum, but maybe a little bit of cock stimulation in the beginning is good for getting you started?
I dunno. Seems the guys who tout ‘completely hands off’ are method purists. They also say ‘start by getting aroused’. So shoot me, I learned nearly 50 years ago that stroking my cock gets me aroused, and it still does today. Porn can fire me up, but I seldom use it. Erotica (written porn, if you will) works nicely for me (literotica.com is a useful source, or penthouse letters, or those improbable Victorian novels!) Imagination and memories of wife and past girlfriends rock me. Only after starting with the Aneros have I found how arousing my nipples can be. Simply rocking the base of my cock shaft back & forth (flaccid or erect) with two fingers flat on the pelvic bone is a surprising stimulus — my prostate is just behind there, after all. Try things. Play with yourself, your body, your senses. Do whatever works for you.
But once the Aneros begins taking effect with pelvic pulses and muscular twitches, I lay off my cock and concentrate on on deep breathing and gentle contraction and release in pelvic floor and anal muscles. Light nipple teasing still contributes. A fingertip lightly pressed in my belly button seems to cause an interesting feedback loop—revealing tremors in my core muscles and seeming to excite them. But mostly I’m laying quietly on my back, knees up, vibrating.
Like right now, to the point that I can barely tap on this phone screen. Holy shit.
Some lube on my fingers and slow circles around the crown of my cock and frenulum usually fires me up pretty well. That and nipple stimulation both seem to fire up the prostate — sometimes with an erection, sometimes not. If I get hard I’m hard pressed not to continue by masturbating just the head of my cock, because masturbating through p-waves is quite a ride of its own—but that’s not the objective today, is it? Take your hands off your cock and let the p-waves roll.
Thanks @canonprf! For the most part, I have been trying to completely keep my hands off my cock after hearing the advice on this forum, but maybe a little bit of cock stimulation in the beginning is good for getting you started?
I dunno. Seems the guys who tout ‘completely hands off’ are method purists. They also say ‘start by getting aroused’. So shoot me, I learned nearly 50 years ago that stroking my cock gets me aroused, and it still does today. Porn can fire me up, but I seldom use it. Erotica (written porn, if you will) works nicely for me (literotica.com is a useful source, or penthouse letters, or those improbable Victorian novels!) Imagination and memories of wife and past girlfriends rock me. Only after starting with the Aneros have I found how arousing my nipples can be. Simply rocking the base of my cock shaft back & forth (flaccid or erect) with two fingers flat on the pelvic bone is a surprising stimulus — my prostate is just behind there, after all. Try things. Play with yourself, your body, your senses. Do whatever works for you.
But once the Aneros begins taking effect with pelvic pulses and muscular twitches, I lay off my cock and concentrate on on deep breathing and gentle contraction and release in pelvic floor and anal muscles. Light nipple teasing still contributes. A fingertip lightly pressed in my belly button seems to cause an interesting feedback loop—revealing tremors in my core muscles and seeming to excite them. But mostly I’m laying quietly on my back, knees up, vibrating.
Like right now, to the point that I can barely tap on this phone screen. Holy shit.
Totally agree that stroking my cock gets me aroused, so I’m with you and I’m going to do it to get me started. I like the idea of then laying off once the Aneros starts working.
The last few days, I have been wearing a cock ring around my cock and balls. This has always been really exciting (and comfortable) for me in the past and I had a pretty decent session while wearing one the other day. I love to look at myself in the mirror with an engorged cock (flaccid or erect)...that gets me going!
For me it’s part of the rewriting process, being used to having porn as your routine conditions you how to get aroused. All orgasms start in your brain, so let your brain do the work vs a scene on a screen. Arousal can come in many different fashions: senses of smell, touch, taste etc....learn what turns u on and go to it .
I still like porn at times, but over the years I’ve become indifferent to most. Don’t be afraid to talk to yourself to stimulate arousal, try different things. Over time you will learn that your body responds in crazy ways
method purists? Maybe. But I have doubts about that. I think that is what works for us. Well before aneros, I discovered that having my balls rubbed and my neck and chest sucked by a partner brought on intensely beautiful sensations that would last for anywhere from 10-30 minutes. After a while the sensations would die down. Oh and there was one other things that would kill the sensations: touching my penis! I had to instruct new partners to do this to me without touching my penis. (I still enjoy this, though now it brings me rolling orgasms, thanks to orgasmic skills learned here. And it is always at the beginning of a session with a partner because afterwards the penis is involved.) That’s an example of convergent evolution: I came across a version of “penis-not” on my own, through my experiences.
So again, I think if people abstain from touching their penis for part or all of their sessions, it is because they have found through trial and error that that works for them, and not blindly through dogmatic beliefs. Just like you have found what works for you. And I think everyone should try everything, because you don’t know if t works until you try it (over and over again in life, because we all change).
In the alone-state I then begin to focus attention on my cock and I begin to feel it in ways I normally can't or don't. I "love" it and appreciate it like its new and unknown. It is exquisite and very arousing.
Your post is very interesting and I recognize myself in it. Especially in the excerpt above.
At the beginning of my journey with these extraordinary instruments that are the Aneros, I had already given up using porn during my sessions, but I used my imagination to increase my pleasure during the session. Lately I don't fantasize anymore and I am content to savor the sensations that the device brings me. In the beginning, I followed the advice not to touch my penis. But now that my rewiring is almost over (I think), I allow myself to sometimes masturbate and edge and, indeed, the sensations felt in my sex are new and surprising. It's almost as if I'm discovering masturbation again, I feel almost like the young teenager I was, surprised and amazed by this new area of sexuality.
When I watch a girl masturbate (my favorite kind of porn) I think, while I'm jerking off, "it would be so cool to be with her!" When I'm with just my toys I think, "it is so cool to have these toys and use them for myself!" Its all self-focus without porn on, that's how I see it.
When I watch a girl masturbate (my favorite kind of porn), I'm NOT jerking off, instead I empathize with her and thus I begin to feel what I guess she might feel. Fully clothed and without any physical stimulation I indulge in what I see. The better the girl can let go and give in to her pleasure, the more naturally she performs, the better it works for me. Mostly I then will have my own dry orgasm along with her orgasming and if it‘s safe I‘ll perhaps even moan along with her. The artful videos by Petter Hegre are some of my favorites for this very special kind of viewing porn I only achieved since re-wiring.
That‘s not meant as a call to use porn. To start arousal I don‘t need any porn. I just close my eyes and focus on my gland and my p-waves start over. Or I do anything in a slow sexual way, like gathering some saliva, then wetting and licking my lips in slow motion and focusing on every micro-sensation as if I were exploring my own mouth the first time like it wouldn‘t be mine but a fully new terrain. My mind cinema provides the best porn, now I‘ll take a banana and give that thing a memorable blow job, while this will stimulate my palate and tongue and lips and give me a lot of p-waves and dry orgasms. Enjoy! And you‘ll never eat a banana in the public again.
Good vibes! Mart