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Masturbation before session works better?

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Ok i have been having almost daily sessions for a while now and normally i shower empty bowels and about 1-2 hours later begin session in bed. I begin somewhat meditating with the aneros sitting in front of me not inserted yet. After about 5-15 minutes of aneros like sensations in me with the aneros not yet in use i get involuntaries and then i insert the aneros and take whatever it gives me that session. This is a normal session for me about 2-3 hours.

Well 2 nights ago i was in the shower and my massaging shower head with 3ft hose to get down there if you know what i mean was feeling lonely hehe. So i began massaging my scrotum with the shower head and getting very hard and almost exploded but i held back untill i finally masturbated while the shower head massaged my penis and scrotum. Oh such a wonderful orgasm i ejaculated like i normally do pretty large load and i finished shower and went on as normal.

About 2 hours later i started the aneros session as above meditated the 5-15 minutes and contractions began then i inserted the aneros helix.
I almost immediately began involuntary contractions all over my body much more than a normal session without masturbation before. I have my right side of my face contract so tight i could not open my right eye lol. I had about 2-3 mini o' that one i even had penile pumping that did not ejaculate semen but i had soo much pre cum and i mean a lot that one of the penile contractions actually made the pre cum squirt out i was so turned on at this point and it was only about 15 minutes into the session.

After a bit it subsided and i went on about another 45 minutes with only very minor feelings i was about to give up then one more mini o came and i had the same penile pump action and i just had to masturbate because i was starting to get sleepy it was 12 mid night and i masturbated to another massive load it's like my prostate is in full blown production i have been ejaculating soo much even multiple large ejaculations in a day. I always have been a large ejaculator hehe but aneros has made me blow even larger loads i love it.

So anyways masturbating before a session seemed to make the session happen much much faster pace and better. I normally have a 2-3 hour session to get less out of it that the 1 hour session i had after masturbation it was great. Last night i tried with no masturbation before session and like i mentioned it was a good session but not as good as the pre masturbation one and i took 2 hours to get it done. So tonight i will again do the masturbation technique and will post here my findings. I am 95% confident i will have simular results its like the masturbation before a session gets me going have i mentioned i have a very high libido hehe. Thanks for reading i know its long.

P.S please if you have not yet do yourself a huge favor and buy one of those massage shower heads with the hose extension wow i love that thing 😆 Here is one like mine i will be buying a new one as mine is getting worn out hehe 😈

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Hiya Promass,

Thanks for writing your experiences here.
It was interesting to read.

Some thoughts that occurred to me after reading your post:

I can't help but wonder if maybe the reason you had such an intense session after masturbating is because you might be otherwise overly aroused going into the session. Especially if your libido is very high like you say it is.

I also wonder if you spaced your sessions out to every other day how that would effect the intensity of them.

What do you think?

I actually have a Delta made shower head much like the one you show in that link. I personally don't get any pleasurable feelings from running it in pulse mode against my anus. Matter of fact, I've found out the hard way, that if you relax your anus too much while pointing the shower head directly at it, you will soon get water shooting right up your rectum! 😮

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First i run the shower on my down there not in pulse mode but the regular mode its like a million ants tickling me down there i love it.

When i space my sessions one every other day i actually have had less results in the past i used to get bad blue balls lol. Now i don't get blue balls much anymore but i have noticed my libido goes down if i don't do anything for a few days i guess daily play keeps it up?

I think you may be correct in what you say about going into a session aroused from a past masturbation. I thought about this today and i was thinking since the shower masturbation is like a intense quicky if you want to call it that. This may prime me for a session better who knows i am gonna jump in the shower in a bit and give it a go tonight see if its another good thing or not hehe.

Sometimes i cant hold it in i wish i could talk to people i know and spread the word that this is awesome but i feel everyone i know is too blind and this is too taboo for them lol. I am glad i have you guys on this forum i could talk about this for hours. Be back tomorrow with results of tonights post shower masturbation session hehe.

Oh last thing can the shower massager actually be stimulating blood flow to the perinum area that is where i tend to spray shower and on my scrotum during orgasm it is very intense and good. This might be a good thing increase blood flow from warm water spraying down there. Not hot just warm though.

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I too have used the shower head masturbation before a session. However, I use it to edge a bit and ramp up my erotic level, but don't fully cum and orgasm with it. It ramps the arousal and excitement level up at which point I dry off quickly and head into the bedroom to let mistress Aneros take over. This has made my sessions more productive and intense for sure.

In regards to the warm water, it can have the effect of dilating blood vessels (cold will constrict them shut) and allowing more blood to flow. I've read of coming of age rituals in other countries where older men prepare the young males for productive sex lives by milking the penis under warm/hot running water. The thought is with the blood vessels more open, the milking is supposed to help keep them larger afterwards. I think the thought is to help produce a slightly larger penis for the young man, as well as enhancing sexual control.

I've had good results running thin streams of warm water in as unstimulating way as possible across my limp penis to really warm it up and relax it. You'll want to do this for about 10 minutes or so for good affect. If you have a spa or hot bath with full immersion can produce the same result too. After lots of warm soaking (even a warm washcloth compress might work) to full fully dilate the blood vessels, then ramp up the excitement with the shower head massage, then head to the Aneros. See what happens. I've also tried practicing KSMO technique while relaxing in a hot bath. Kegel exercises with nipple stimulation has helped ramp up the excitement level without the direct shower head massage.

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Hello again Promass,

First i run the shower on my down there not in pulse mode but the regular mode its like a million ants tickling me down there i love it.

You must be super sensitive in that area. Enjoy it if you got it!

When i space my sessions one every other day i actually have had less results in the past i used to get bad blue balls lol.

Interesting! I guess it just goes to show that you have to listen to the signals your body produces. And that it is unique for everyone.

I think you may be correct in what you say about going into a session aroused from a past masturbation. I thought about this today and i was thinking since the shower masturbation is like a intense quicky if you want to call it that. This may prime me for a session better who knows i am gonna jump in the shower in a bit and give it a go tonight see if its another good thing or not hehe.

Actually, what I was trying to get across is the opposite of what you are saying here. I was introduced to this idea by a post from Rumel in my own thread. And then experienced the bummer effect of it last night in a session that was pretty mild and tame. He said...
"IMHO, it is foolish to begin a session unless one is a least moderately aroused. I don’t think you need to be “... extremely aroused ...” as that may actually hinder, but it can also help."

And he referenced the wiki:
Read the second paragraph in the "Feeling Ready" section.

Sometimes i cant hold it in i wish i could talk to people i know and spread the word that this is awesome but i feel everyone i know is too blind and this is too taboo for them lol. I am glad i have you guys on this forum i could talk about this for hours. Be back tomorrow with results of tonights post shower masturbation session hehe.

I agree. I have some women friends that are very open that I could talk to about this, assuming I feel secure enough about myself to do so. But the guy friends I have, I don't think it would go over all that well.
Indeed. let us know the results!

Oh last thing can the shower massager actually be stimulating blood flow to the perinum area that is where i tend to spray shower and on my scrotum during orgasm it is very intense and good. This might be a good thing increase blood flow from warm water spraying down there. Not hot just warm though.

Sounds like Mindgasm has the answer. I haven't a clue. Whatever it is, enjoy the sensation. 😀

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Well last night i had another similar session to the other post masturbation session pretty good i would say. I had at least 1 mini o that was good and while laying on my stomach my buttocks began pumping into my bed i was like auto pumping the bed it was a good feeling. Then when laying on my side my whole body contracted like almost evey muscle i can feel was tensed up and i stayed like this getting twitching everywhere as my muscled tired.

Does anyone else have this its weird i have been having them a lot almost every session full body contraction of muscles you cant move unless you really force yourself to. Then in a few minutes it resides and you suddenly become limp again your body that it but still erect penis. I have yet to have a hands free orgasm that ejaculates like a normal one but i am pretty positive these are mini o's as it seems that if i have several of these i feel satisfied and could call it quits for that session if i wanted to.

I am going to try something different and see if taking 3-4 days of abstinence does anything good for me i havent took time off this for a few weeks hehe.

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I haven't experienced what you described. My torso, neck, and hip will go into convulsions, and my extremities shudder and shake. And generally my penis stays completely flaccid unless I touch it, or it unintentionally rubs up against the bed.
With the exception of last session when I was overly aroused, and I couldn't keep the darned thing down! LOL

Good luck on taking a break from it for a few days. Maybe it will give you some new insight and sensations when you come back to it.

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Little update tonight will be the 3rd day since last aneros session. I just wanted to tell everyone since i had my last session on Thursday night today is Sunday tonight i will have a session so i will have skipped 2 days. Well what i wanted to say is that on Friday night i was trying to go to bed early because i work on Saturdays at 5am. Well i laid falling asleep and my body was twitching like mr. prostate wanted a session i ignored it ended up sleeping on my stomach well this was a mixed blessing.

I was awoken to my hips pumping the bed as if i were on top during a sexual act. I was surprised because mind you i was well asleep like 3 hours into my snooze when this happened and i was dripping pre cum like a lot and my shorts i sleep in and my bed sheets are ruined 👿 I was rock hard and during this involuntary pump action i seized up my whole body like i posted above all muscles tightened and i felt like i orgasmed dry minus the pre cum then feelings went away quickly went flaccid and back to sleep woke up 4 hours later at 4am to get ready for work with pre cum still flowing.

I did not have any sensations on Saturday night just went to bed and work up this morning like normal. I have one sorta gross thing happen i was taking a crap on Saturday and i had some involuntary thrusting on the toilet as it was coming out i almost stood up to avoid an accident hehe this is becoming a more and more interesting journey. 😳

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Ok since taking a break from sessions on Thursday i resumed my sessions on Sunday and Monday nights and i am sad to report i had nothing happen not even a few twitches 🙁 I wasn't expecting anything i had no expectations i don't see how 2 days off can make it where i had no sensations again??

I did around 2 hour sessions each time with all my arsenal of aneros models and no luck both days. I am gonna have another session tonight see if i can get back on track i am sort of lost for words lol. Two days off from daily successful sessions and now i have 2 daily unsuccessful sessions lol. Owell back to the drawing board wish me luck on tonights session i haven't masturbated either no ejaculation since the last successful session on Thursday.

I mentioned in another thread somewhere daily sessions worked best for me guess they do maybe its another thing i cant think of right now. At this point i feel i am back at step one where i have no sensations again back with an update in a few days.

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