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Managing Voluntary Contractions

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I know the wiki provides detailed information with the right terms (etc), but I wanted to describe a more recent experience of mine in my own terms, and find out exactly where I am supposed to go next.


I think I was approaching contractions the wrong way.  I saw the wiki explain how there are two different types of contractions, but it never really resonated with me, as I couldn't understand how the other type of contraction was happening. 

To keep it in simply terms, I found the contractions I would do form more of a "squeeze".  The only thing I can compare the squeeze to is when you have to go to the bathroom badly, but decide to hold it.  I was managing voluntary contractions of this manner for a long time - from slight touch to harder squeeze.  

About a week ago I randomly came across something.  If I use the muscles of the same area and almost try to "suck in" the same way I would be sucking in my gut, it creates a whole different hold on the device than the other contraction method.  One seems to pushing it in while the other seems to suck it in, if that makes any sense.  I'm starting to believe the first contraction method is secondary to the first, as it can easily be a session killer due to forcing it.

I've been able to consistently get some good sensations by using the second contraction method.  So, I'm now assuming the objection is to be able to use the second contraction method to hold the device, and somehow throw in a bit of the first contraction method to create more movement (?)  I am now also assuming that a consistent flow of the two will jolt your body into replicated that process without you even trying (?)  If I am correct here.. What would be the next step in developing a better ability to do so? 

If I am way off base here..  What am I doing wrong?

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I discovered that "suck in tummy" a few sessions ago and got some really strong powerful feelings. It felt as if a huge powerful pleasure was building up and started to go a little higher into my chest. Also as if I was sucking my tummy out thru the back of me. Altho it was very exhausting and almost started to feel on the verge of pain rather than pleasure.

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Posted by: @nat

wiki explain how there are two different types of contractions,

There are more than ‘two types’ of contraction. There’s a whole bunch!

Posted by: @nat

To keep it in simply terms, I found the contractions I would do form more of a "squeeze".  The only thing I can compare the squeeze to is when you have to go to the bathroom badly, but decide to hold it.

In essence,this is a pc contraction. Though maybe a little on the high side for prostate massage. But it sounds like your contracting sphincters too,everything at once the way I read this.

Posted by: @nat

If I use the muscles of the same area and almost try to "suck in" the same way I would be sucking in my gut, it creates a whole different hold on the device than the other contraction method.  One seems to pushing it in while the other seems to suck it in, if that makes any sense.  I'm starting to believe the first contraction method is secondary to the first, as it can easily be a session killer due to forcing it.

Your kind of answering your own questions. The suck contraction like any pc contraction is designed to Pivot the toy toward your gland. Your sphincters drive the toy in and out. As you focus on sucking,it’s holding some tension keeping the toy where it should be. This is where separate control of the sphincters would come into play. I don’t know if you practised a Kegel routine,but it would be advantageous. If the first contraction is a session killer,then you shouldn’t be doing it,stop doing anything that takes away pleasure. If the suck is bringing pleasure,then follow it wherever it takes you.Try to get some anal contractions into the mix with the suck.

Posted by: @nat

So, I'm now assuming the objection is to be able to use the second contraction method to hold the device, and somehow throw in a bit of the first contraction method to create more movement (?)  I am now also assuming that a consistent flow of the two will jolt your body into replicated that process without you even trying (?)  If I am correct here.. What would be the next step in developing a better ability to do so? 

If I am way off base here..  What am I doing wrong?

Lots of movement isn’t necessary,and while it feels that way,I don’t think there is much moving going on in there. You need to work on separating anal and pc contraction so they can work off each outer independently. They can also work together and in different patterns,but you have to put the work in first. Practice keep both relaxed while trying to softly move the other.

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Posted by: @helghast

If the first contraction is a session killer,then you shouldn’t be doing it,stop doing anything that takes away pleasure. If the suck is bringing pleasure,then follow it wherever it takes you.Try to get some anal contractions into the mix with the suck.

I am generally speaking. 

I feel as though the "squeeze" contraction is hit or miss.  I've obviously received some pleasure from it, but I always seem a bit worried about squeezing too hard.  Going from a light squeeze to a stronger squeeze has benefits, though going from one to the other too quickly can be a session killer.  That is one annoying thing about this process - there is nothing to signal to you what to do when, meaning you either cross the line to more sensations or kill the session.

I'm good enough with the "Suck in" contraction that I think I've gotten almost everything out of it I can.  So, adding in some of the other is what I am trying now.  It seems quite hard to do.  I'm under the impression once you start contractions of any kind you are supposed to keep a light contraction throughout the session at all times, right?  So, making sure I am keeping the second form of contractions going while adding in the other is a task.  I say a task that is taking my focus away from the pleasure and to the contractions themselves.

I am finding what I was talking about in my "Half In Method" thread to be very consistent.  I get more pleasure from the squeeze contraction if the device is fully in, but I get more pleasure from the sucking contraction with it half in.  If I was to compare the two, the half in sucking results give me a lot more intense sensations.  I almost feel as though it is counterproductive though, as I think that method has a low ceiling that won't lead to the ultimate goal of Mini Os and Super Os.  I worry I am not hitting my prostate with the Half In Method.

Though I will say... In one session I had a few seconds where it felt my testicles were the size of grapefruits.  That was kinda interesting.  I don't remember what I was doing though.  I'll just put that beside the two other stand out sensations I had in two other sessions.  One was a feeling for a few seconds of someone stroking my penis (though no one was).  Another is more hard to explain.  Only thing I can say is a few seconds of overwhelmingness mixed with pleasure.  Both of those happened once months ago and never again.

Maybe I should switch away from the modified Progasm for a bit?

Posted by: @helghast

Your kind of answering your own questions.

Good thing I know I am maybe on the right track.

Any ideas on which type of contractions on their own lead to the most success?

How long does it usually take before sensations build or are not going to build?  I hate having long sessions and getting nothing more than I did in the first five minutes.  Could it realistically be possible that nothing happens for say a half hour and suddenly out of nowhere something happens?
