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Lots of new things happening. Problem though

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Have been making progress. I can have a hands-free wet orgasm with the aneros while lying on my stomach and clenching my butt cheeks and squeezing my pc muscles (which feels really good).

I am trying for the dry or super o as well, and I think I'm getting closer. Last night (after relaxing and moving the aneros around with my pc and anal muscles), I get that warm feeling that washes all over my body and then the involuntaries start. I had involuntaries last night for almost 2 hours, but once they get so damn intense and out of control and it feels like something great is on the way, the aneros keeps popping out of my ass (helix syn and progasm).

I don't know how to stop this from happening (as I can't control the involuntaries when they start to get really intense, and they get so crazy my body is shaking and it keeps popping out).

Also, when the involuntaries are happening, it feels nice, but not "orgasm" nice. I'm guessing this isn't a "dry-o"? From what I understand, a dry-o feels like a normal orgasm, but without the ejaculation. Is that correct?

I haven't got any "orgasm" feelings from all the involuntaries, but it feels kinda nice and keeps feeling like something else is coming (but then the aneros pops out).

Any advice?

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Perhaps, you should try a Progasm Classic, and you will not have to worry about it popping out.

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Sorry. I see that you do use a Progasm. I have never had a problem with my Progasm popping out. But my Pfun Plug is another story. A dry O is not going to feel like an ejaculatory orgasm.

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Sorry. I see that you do use a Progasm. I have never had a problem with my Progasm popping out. But my Pfun Plug is another story. A dry O is not going to feel like an ejaculatory orgasm.

A dry-O for me feels like a standard penile ejaculatory orgasm, so I think you may be wrong on that one.

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Hi @MrCanuck,

It looks like you are well on your Aneros journey in sharing about your Aneros involuntaries and warm feelings washing over you. Good for you!

As for your question about the Aneros slipping out of you, I believe what you need to do is for you to tone the musculature of your anal sphincters. I believe that happens naturally as you continue along with your Aneros journey. Also you may want to consult the Aneros Wiki and Instructions in the Learning Center here on the web site here for more information and advice.

Take care,


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Thanks for the replies. I just relax my anal sphincter and PC muscles when the involuntaries start (I read that you shouldn't try and control them). However, I guess I'll have to try and tighten the muscles when the involuntaries get really intense so it stays in.

Wasn't sure if the dry orgasm felt like an actual "orgasm" that you get when you ejaculate. Trei says it does for him, so I guess I'll just hope the involuntaries turn into a dry orgasm for me.

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There are a couple main O's that are focused on in general with the aneros: Prostate/Anal Orgasms, Dry/Wet Orgasms, and Whole body orgasms. Nipple-O's are less heard of but still happen. The determination for the name of the O comes from the place where it originates. I think P-spotsquirter confused Dry-O with Anal Orgasms which originate from within the Anus.

I've had many Dry-O's when I used to practice edging and i could never tell if I came without checking my penis first, it feels exactly the same as a wet-O to me and "is" without a doubt, penis based. 0.02

(P.S.:Though technically, it is an error of terminology as "all" orgasms aside from wet-O's can be called Dry-O's but no one uses this term for that, instead referencing it as a direct contrast only for the Wet-O.)

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If he is jerking off while an Aneros, is inserted and orgasms, this will possibly cause his body to expel it. I'm MMO, and to me, a Dry O, feels nothing like an ejaculatory orgasm. A Dry O is when nothing comes out, for what ever reason. Trei, how can one confuse an anal orgasm, with a Dry O?

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So pspotsquirter, what does the dry o feel like for you? Is it an orgasmic feeling, or is it just a muscle contraction feeling?

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It is a very slight orgasmic feeling. It is not as good as an ejaculatory orgasm, for me.

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What about an anal orgasm? What is the difference?

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Don't know. All I can say is, I squirt when I stimulate my prostate.

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@psoptsquirter you shouldn't give out information that you yourself don't understand. You are not having Dry-O's if it doesn't feel like an ejaculatory orgasm. It's that simple. And how are you MMO (multiple male orgasm)? do you even know what "that" means? You meant to say you're an MOM (multi-orgasmic man) correct? I don't understand why you feel the need to be so adamant about that which you don't even understand?

@MrCanuck please take my advice and look up what a Dry-O is for yourself you'll see that I’m correct as well i'd advize you to take pspots advice with a grain of salt if you decide to listen to him.

Also, if you haven't already, you should check the introductory message in your inbox, it's chockfull of useful information for you.

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Trei :))

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Trei :))

*Epic facepalm* The aneros forum has contracted it's first troll, i knew it was only a matter of time.

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Really Trei. I guess it's true what's they say about guys with small penises (you kept mentioning your penis size, in the chat room, yesterday)... Some tend to be overly sensitive! 🙁

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Really Trei. I guess it's true what's they say about guys with small penises (you kept mentioning your penis size, in the chat room, yesterday)... Some tend to be overly sensitive! 🙁

What does that have to do with this thread? I was asked my penis size and i could care-less even if it was micro size as I’m celibate. I will no longer respond to you from here on out to avoid problems.

Please excuse the off-topic posts MrCanuck.

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Thank you Trei! I shall extend the same courtesy to you.

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I can have a hands-free wet orgasm with the aneros...
I am trying for the dry or super o as well, ... Last night... I get that warm feeling that washes all over my body and then the involuntaries start. I had involuntaries last night for almost 2 hours, but once they get so damn intense and out of control and it feels like something great is on the way,...First, congratulations on having a Super-O (even though you didn't recognize it, see Myths #2 & #3), the hormone release (warm flush) and involuntaries are sure signs of orgasmic onset and having them last for nearly two hours is definitely (see definition) "...an orgasm that steps out of the normal frame of reference." A Super-O need not be (though it often is) more pleasure intensive than an orgasm accompanied by an ejaculatory response. Remember an ejaculation and an orgasm are separate events.... the aneros keeps popping out of my ass... I don't know how to stop this from happening (as I can't control the involuntaries when they start to get really intense, and they get so crazy my body is shaking and it keeps popping out).The "popping out" Progasm is a pretty common phenomenon, I think a partial reason for this is the anus (once dilated by an object) goes into instinctual contractions to expel it as if it were passing a stool. Now combine this with orgasmic contractions by PC and rectal muscles and expulsion comes quite readily. With experience you can build enough strength in your outer sphincter muscles to control and overcome these involuntary contractions but this contradicts the relaxation philosophy and the concept of "Letting Go" of control, hence a dilemma. If you exert the muscle control to stop ejection you may also kill the orgasm, if you allow it to be expelled the orgasm may die off for lack of stimulation. Laying on your back or in a sitting position will naturally provide a backstop preventing expulsion but for other body positions it may be necessary to wear some tight fitting underwear to prevent your model from being completely expelled. In any event, some manual intervention may occasionally be required.I'm guessing this isn't a "dry-o"? From what I understand, a dry-o feels like a normal orgasm, but without the ejaculation. Is that correct? ...Any advice?A dry-O is any orgasm (nipple, penile, anal or prostate based) which occurs and doesn't result in an ejaculation of semen. Orgasms (dry or wet) can have different feelings and different degrees of intensity, dry-O's may even be felt in different parts of the body and every one could be considered "normal". I think it is important we don't get too hung up on establishing overly restrictive descriptions for the nebulous physio-psychological phenomenon which constitute our orgasms.
Good Vibes to You !

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Hey Rumel. It was 2 hours of involuntaries, but not without interruption. I would have strong involuntaries for about a minute, then a 5 minute break, then again for another minute etc.

If this was a super-o, it would be extremely disappointing, as it just felt like muscle spasms (no orgasmic feeling at all). I would like to think that there is more to it than that.

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Hi MrCanuck, Don't be disappointed!! Enjoy every moment. I'm far from an expert, but I think that orgasms vary a lot, even in one person, from time to time. So enjoy the moment and there's much more to cum!

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If this was a super-o, it would be extremely disappointing, as it just felt like muscle spasms (no orgasmic feeling at all).This statement is very indicative of someone with high (or even false) expectations. Disappointment arises when expectations are unmet, when exploring unknown territory, you need to be alert, aware and perceptive of as much as you can, without expectations or assumptions lest you fall into an abyss of perceptual blindness.

Aren't muscle spasms a typical aspect of "...orgasmic feeling..."? I am not implying all muscle spasms are orgasms but in the context of your use here, aren't these spasms exactly the type of orgasmic response you have already experienced from traditional masturbation leading to orgasm? Perhaps these spasms are even greater than you have ever before associated with orgasm. I think it is possible you may be inhibiting your progress by holding onto one or more myths about your practice and what constitutes an orgasm. I would like to think that there is more to it than that.Indeed there is more to it than that but if you are holding onto misleading thoughts/ideas/expectations/assumptions then you are miring yourself down with unnecessary burdens. This Aneros journey affords you an opportunity to experience orgasms from a distinctly different point of reference but it requires that you suspend judgments about 'right' or 'wrong', 'good or 'bad' techniques and not try to over analyze/rationalize/categorize what you are experiencing in the 'moment'. IMHO, you will experience the greatest joy and pleasure when you can partake your Anerosessions with an attitude of naivety/innocence, adventurous curiosity with no assumptions or expectations. I know it is not easy to dismiss all the hype you have read, viewed and heard about Super-O's but ultimately this is a singular unique journey for each of us and only the individual can actually solve the puzzle path to his Super-O. We can share techniques here on the Forum, we can suggest alternatives and offer observations but that is all for naught if the individual is fixated on any one aspect/expectation of his journey.
"Just Let Go !"

Good Vibes to You !

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@Rumel: Well stated, as usual :).

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@Rumel --- Spot on...of course! I've only been at this a year now, and my techniques and exploration continue to evolve...even-though my prostate orgasms are awesome, I sense there is so much more to explore!

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@rumel.....a voice of reason in a sea of confusion.
I look forward to your posts and the points of view you so capably share.

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Thank you for your in depth response Rumel.
I just heard some people on here say it feels like you are cumming for a long time over and over again. I just get to the point where the aneros is moving in and out of me uncontrollably for i suppose 30 seconds or so, and then it goes away for a few minutes, and then comes back again. It feels decent, but not as good as a normal orgasm. There isn't an orgasm feeling associated with it. I am just wondering that maybe in time, it will build and feel better (more orgasmic).
