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Lost the Super-O. ...
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Lost the Super-O. Why can't I do it again?

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I am curious if anyone else has had this issue.

I’ve been on this journey for 16 months. After 4 months of persistence I finally persevered and got the super-o which was more amazing than I could have ever imagined (really there just aren’t words that describe it).

So now it’s been one year and I haven’t had another one.

The strangest thing is that I am having all of the same sensations that I had when I got the super-o, I just never get the “orgasm”. I’ll get to the point where my body goes into auto pilot and this energy starts building and growing… but instead of evanescing into euphoria, it just disappears without any feeling whatsoever.

Just wondering if anyone has had this issue, actually having all the sensations of the super-o without actually having the orgasm / or, not being able to have the super-o again having achieve it prior.

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Thanks for the response.

I do agree it's probably chasing too hard and thinking it was easy. I suspect its probably a bit of arrogance, knowing I can get "right on the edge" that has been sabotaging me. I've been watching more porn, having TV on in the background, lights on during sessions, etc., none of which I did at the beginning. I think there is so much subconscious involvement as you said.

Going forward I'm going to start showing my sessions a bit more respect. Going back to the basics

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From my own experience, I think being able to achieve Super-O's is dependent on two things: our body's readiness, and our ability to focus. I would consider myself very adept at being able to achieve Super-O (with and without Aneros) but I'll go through stretches - weeks, or even months - where no matter how I try, it just won't happen. During those periods, that "feeling" I get (when I know that I'm in the zone) is either not there, or is weak. But the real problem is my ability to focus. I'll try to pinpoint my attention on my prostate and that little "itchy tickle" that I can zero in on and work up into a Super-O, but instead I'll become distracted by sounds outside, issues at work or in relationships, politics, or even thoughts about yard work - or my finances. But if I'm "in the zone" *and* I'm able to concentrate, it's pretty much a guaranteed Super-O day for me. 😉 I find that refreshing my ability to meditate through guided meditation exercises and such will help me strengthen or restore my ability to focus.

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Hi anyone who reads this post. I am looking for good advice or any good words from anyone with some more experience. I have been using aneros for about a year and a half now. I have experienced all types of orgasms. But lately I havent been able to get back into super O territory, i think its due to finding the time for it, being alone, all the things that need to fall into place so, I have come up with a plan. Tell me what you think. This plan I am going to try to use with NO EXPECTATIONS. I am doing a 10 day semen retention exercise to increase arousal. And I am on the 4th day now so I am going to use the aneros tonight. I am trying to get back into super O territory just because of the amazing amount of pleasure it gave me during a nother semen retention exercise i did last year, when one night i took lsd and inserted my progasm to instantly experience a super orgasm that was earth shattering, it left me laughing my ass off i couldnt believe i was cumming so hard out of what felt like every orface and surface of my body, it was fucking amazing mate. So if I have already got to this point but havent got there again in another 7 months do you think I could make it back there. I experience Aless alot and it feels amazing but nothing like that one day, my god that was fucking intense, so intense it almost scared me a little bit to cum that hard that I stopped trying to have super o s for months. But now i am back and ready to do this all again. Do you think that a ten day SR exercise, and using aneros every 3-4 days during that without ejaculation and no expectations is a good plan? Let me know your thoughts. I will be using the helix syn trident to do this and if it cant fill me as well as the progasm then i will be inserting that. Comment your thoughts and any good advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Going forward I'm going to start showing my sessions a bit more respect. Going back to the basics

Porn can be helpful for generating arousal but it can also be a distraction as can TV and lights during an Anerosession. While adding various stimulation sources into your practice adds variety, it may also dilute your ability to focus on the core sensations which generate Super-O's. IMHO, now you are thinking wisely by going back to the basic simplicity of your Aneros and you.

... one night i took lsd and inserted my progasm to instantly experience a super orgasm that was earth shattering...

Using psychedelics in combination with your Aneros is, no doubt, an intense, mind blowing experience but the drawback is you've established a mark so high the only way to duplicate it is to use the psychedelics again.

Do you think that a ten day SR exercise, and using aneros every 3-4 days during that without ejaculation and no expectations is a good plan?

Yes, I think such a plan will work to get you back to the 'O'zone but please don't expect your orgasms to match the intensity of your rocket fueled psychedelic orgasm, it's just not very likely to happen. However, it might be a really interesting experiment if some adventurous men opted to combine semen retention and a month long micro-dosing regime to see if it provided enhanced or more frequent Super-O's.
Good Vibes to You !

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