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Looking for insight on my expeirience

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I just had an amazing time with my helix and have some questions. So first of all for the first time, I think I came close to a super o. U was lying in bed and I was moving the helix so that it was directly touching my prostate. I then held it there tight and I had a weird feeling. I writhed around in bed while I held the helix in that position tightly, but I didn't habe any "super intense" feeling. But I involuntarIly mounted and flailed. something definitely was happening. Does anyone else use that method to have a super o (holding it tightly against the prostate?) Also looking for some input on what happened! Thanks!

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 481

Hey @secretuser,

you have to be a bit more specific: how did you moved the helix? By holding and directing it with your hands or with your pelvic muscles only (hands free)?

According to the milestone-list you encountered "Large muscle quaking (no pleasure)". As a newbie, you should have a look at this list from time to time and tick off the points you already reached. By doing so, you get a good idea about your progress and where you currently stand.

Applying firm pressure on the prostate works for some but not for all. It may build up arousal but without proper relaxation (and experience) it's most likely that you will hit "the wall" instead of an orgasm. It feels like approaching the orgasmic edge but somehow you never tip over... pretty common and frustrating. Imho, this wall is the direct outcome of building arousal with too much tension and too little relaxation.

You may find this thread helpfull, esp. the links in @rumels comment:

Cheers, Unfug

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