I have been using aneros for years, moore than a decade and thought i was doing something right all this time regarding contractions.
I had always assumed there was only one type, or rather one type that worked the best; anal. I would tense the anus (only relatively lightly) and then relax, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but usually the feelings i got wouldnt last and it got boring. This was the case for the majority of my sessions, they would just fade/peter out early on after having perhaps one orgasm.
Then i rememberd the post here about 'the quick and dirty path to the super-o' and that there were two muscles to focus on/between, the other muscle being the PC muscle (the one you use when you want to stop peeing).
Just contracting this muscle really changed things. Ive just had a session lasting all afternoon with the helix, the feelings were super intense and i even had the most incredible, huge erections i've had in my life. All from just tensing this PC muscle alone! nothing else. I also felt the orgasm both in my prostate and also in my penis too, it was wonderful.
The amount i contracted was very little as well, i cant beleive how easy it was to get back into an orgasm each time. I had several, two of which were very, very intense. It even worked in some aless sessions too, though not quite as intense as with the helix. I also found that that movement of the helix was almost none existent, very minimal despite the huge orgasms, very different to when I've experienced super-o's, those had LOTS of autof*cking and movement in the device.
One thing i found though, i felt like i was leaking pre-cum, but there was nothing! just dryness.
Wow @theeagleandwolf! Great to read about the positive results frpm the changes in your process! Many would've given up a long time ago. It only gets better from this point on but, of course, you already know this as you've been around for a long time.
Good vibes to you!
Little discoveries in this road are fun, but this one is pretty big! One of the ways I read here or on the wiki, can't remember, but it helped, is to visualize doing bicep curls...just not with your biceps, but with your love muscle.
Maybe it's rewiring taking place, but I barely think about contractions now. I have more or less adopted the do nothing method and let it go as it will, only focusing on relaxing the contractions that happen.
I'm glad to see that others are also focusing on the PC muscles.
I also find that the contractions of these muscles bring a lot of pleasure. And I also find that voluntary contractions are more effective when they are very light. Almost non-existent. Or even imaginary!
Try doing imaginary contractions or imaginary strokes on the nipples or elsewhere, it's amazing.
I'm glad to see that others are also focusing on the PC muscles.
I also find that the contractions of these muscles bring a lot of pleasure. And I also find that voluntary contractions are more effective when they are very light. Almost non-existent. Or even imaginary!Try doing imaginary contractions or imaginary strokes on the nipples or elsewhere, it's amazing.
Yes, very very light and the results are massive somehow and even instant, just tried another session and had an orgasm within 2-3 minutes. It always gives me a huge erection which is a loop of pleasure.
When i have aless, its rare for me to have an erection... odd!
I also had a little precum in this session i wish i knew how to make loads like some do here...
Yes, very very light and the results are massive somehow and even instant, just tried another session and had an orgasm within 2-3 minutes.
That's great, glad you made that breakthrough!
Did you read posts on the forum? 10 years is a long time to wait for pc discovery. It’s usually at the beginning of any post or technique piece. Better late than ever I suppose. Have fun
I should have been more descriptive when i posted initially.
Yes, i knew of the pc muscle, its not something new to me at all, but identifying where it was eaxctly was. For many years i thought the anal contraction was in fact also contracing the pc muscle, i dont know why, but i felt i was doing it when i did those. I couldnt seperate the two or perhaps i felt i knew where it was and thought i was contracting it.
For many years as well i observed the 'do nothing' method, so there were no active contractions at all, i just used my mind and allowed the device(s) to do their thing without intervention.
I have had three consecutive, increidble super-o's using that do nothing method, so you can see why i didnt try to be active when i knew it was possible to achieve them with no contractions at all.