Long-term anxiety
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Long-term anxiety

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Posted by: @zentai

Posted by: @clenchy

Did you experience something like a phantom device?

Yes, just like you I was asking myself if this was the Eupho or maybe a Peridise, but I had nothing inserted. It's pretty hard to tell what is happening exactly, but I feel like there are some muscles making contact somehow. Or maybe the body makes a connection between anal and PC contractions with the device, and fills in the blanks when no device is present. Having played with a finger, I know that at the moment of orgasm, the muscles can squeeze surprisingly hard, and contact between the PC muscles and prostate is possible. I don't know how universal that is, but I know someone who is very acquainted with scientific literature and who may be able to answer this. Stay tuned ! 


here is my opinion.  When you're very aroused (making out with someone), you will often start leaking precum.  This indicates that no penile stimulation is required to get the prostate going.  Combine this with muscles you use while having an orgasm being well exercised, and trained from using the aneros, and I think it results in an internal massage using your own muscles.  Kind of like if you have something stuck in your teeth, and you're able to use your tongue to remove it without having to think about it much.  So when you're aroused, your muscles start working as if the device is inserted when it's not, and so you get a similar sensation.  


Just my 2 cents. 


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I have smoked weed off and on for 12 years. I will go thru phases where I will smoke 3 times a week... phases once a week... and phases where I stop for months.

I definitely got addicted to aneros for around 6 months and would have sessions twice a week and I could Aless all the time. I would have amazing Aless sessions anytime I wanted. 

I noticed that when I stopped weed for 3 days+ the Aless started to die down. I feel like the thc in your system helps you feel this.

Anyway I haven't used the Aneros for around 3 months and have not smoked for 2....I now have 0 aless feeling and can not get it back.

I know as soon as I smoke again the Aless will come back. It may be a point where you need a long break to reset your body. 

With the thc stop also anxiety goes down and you think more clear. Focus on exercise, eating better etc.

I will no doubt get back to aneros at some stage with THC as we all know its fucking amazing. But having a long break is always good.


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Posted by: @justcurious12431

Posted by: @zentai

Posted by: @clenchy

Did you experience something like a phantom device?

Yes, just like you I was asking myself if this was the Eupho or maybe a Peridise, but I had nothing inserted. It's pretty hard to tell what is happening exactly, but I feel like there are some muscles making contact somehow. Or maybe the body makes a connection between anal and PC contractions with the device, and fills in the blanks when no device is present. Having played with a finger, I know that at the moment of orgasm, the muscles can squeeze surprisingly hard, and contact between the PC muscles and prostate is possible. I don't know how universal that is, but I know someone who is very acquainted with scientific literature and who may be able to answer this. Stay tuned ! 


here is my opinion.  When you're very aroused (making out with someone), you will often start leaking precum.  This indicates that no penile stimulation is required to get the prostate going.  Combine this with muscles you use while having an orgasm being well exercised, and trained from using the aneros, and I think it results in an internal massage using your own muscles.  Kind of like if you have something stuck in your teeth, and you're able to use your tongue to remove it without having to think about it much.  So when you're aroused, your muscles start working as if the device is inserted when it's not, and so you get a similar sensation.  


Just my 2 cents. 



Agree with this 100% combined with THC also your mind is more aware of your muscles.


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@clenchy Thanks for your reply. Good to know other people share similar struggles.

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@justcurious12431 I fully agree. I think my heavy marijuana use has opened up something in my brain in a bad way. Even after a 60 day break, I still have anxiety attacks. I'm curious to try a longer break from both weed and alcohol to see if there is any improvement. Thanks for your reply.

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Posted by: @justcurious12431

I think you're right to lay off the weed, and aneros play.  Just take a few months off, see how you feel.  Also I'd suggest getting the book Hope and help for your nerves by Claire Weekes.  It's a really great book that has helped thousands, myself included.  It got me through some of the worst times.  You could talk to your doctor about the SSRI.  You can switch meds to see if it helps with the sexual dysfunction.  I also use an SSRI but I still get amazing erections, and great orgasms. 

Do you mind me asking which SSRI you're taking? 


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Posted by: @bill-bately

Speaking personally I’ve suffered for 50 years off and on from anxiety attacks. Some awful. Mostly mild. But I came to the conclusion…..cut down on coffee. I noticed a clear correlation between caffeine consumption and my panic attacks. I regularly now only have one or two max a day and the problem has disappeared. 

Thanks for your reply and tip! I agree that limiting caffeine could help. 


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@zentai I know you're right about needing to quit weed before anything will get better. I'm ready for a change and it needs to be done. I appreciate your positivity and support!

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Posted by: @lee92

I no longer smoke it and still experience anxiety in certain situations, but what I can say is that the strength it took to come out of that has led me on an awesome path of self discovery. 

I think just reduce things gradually and don't fall into the trap of identifying with things. For example, "my anxiety", or "i have addictive personality", "my family were addicts". Once you identify, you embody it.

It makes me feel better to hear experiences like yours. Thanks for your support!

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Posted by: @clenchy

Sorry for the thread-hijack. Jump back in at any time. I'd be interested to hear your progress.

No Worries at all! I appreciate the discussion. It's great to hear from others that have had similar experiences.

I quit smoking cigarettes 20 years ago and it was the hardest thing I ever did. I knew I needed to quit at the time. That coupled with starting a new relationship at that time gave me the strength to make a change and I did successfully quit. I'm feeling the same way about cannabis and alcohol right now. I know it's time to stop. I'm going through a divorce right now as well. Luckily it's super amicable, but it feels like a pivotal time in my life where I can move in a new and healthier direction. I'd rather focus my energy into more positive things like exercising, my kids and my careers. 

It makes me feel good to know I'm not fully crazy or on my own with these struggles. I think simply creating a post and spilling my issues is a way to help me process and understand when I'm at. It's partially an exercise in just being honest with myself. I'm starting to feel the strength and confidence to make some serious changes soon. 

I appreciate you guys! 

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Posted by: @jiji2000

I noticed that when I stopped weed for 3 days+ the Aless started to die down. I feel like the thc in your system helps you feel this.

I think you're right about the THC staying in your body. I'm the exact same. My body still has a slight THC buzz the next day after I smoke. 

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Thanks for chiming in ! I do think it's a combination of several things, and surely some calms seas orgasms happen with very little contraction or overall movement. A trance state alone could do it. I guess the proof is in the pudding, and it's hard to argue with results, yet it's still fascinating to see all the different ways orgasms can be triggered and experienced.

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I'm glad to hear you have managed to quit for 2 months already, and I know how strong and addictive these THC-enhanced orgasms can be, so that's a fantastic step in the right direction ! Well done ! 

From what I know, mainly from reading r/leaves and from personal experience, you'll see improvement spread over several months after quitting. If you consider that you have really "abused" your dopamine system, which is an idea more associated with hard drugs, then some researchers say that it could take as long as 18 months to get back to baseline. Of course you might start to feel normal earlier than that, and I'm obviously not a specialist in any shape or form, but I feel that it's necessary to play the long game here, as noticeable gains can still be made even after 6+ months. 

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I've dabbled with ejaculatory abstinence, and it's something I think dovetails in a good way with quitting weed super-o's... at least for me. It's a psychological "you can't fire me, I quit" on one hand, and limits exposure to disappointing sober sessions on the other. I also experience a new kind of arousal, which is fun to play with. For example, nipple stimulation does little for me usually, but after a few weeks of abstinence, it can make me rock hard and brings me close to the edge. It can be a sexually-entertaining distraction in an otherwise dull waiting game.
Of course individual experiences vary, but it might be worth considering. I've found it a good way to make a month fly by, where I'm not even thinking about weed, and my "next temptation in line" is busting a nut the old fashioned way.

I've also found (for some bizarre reason) it helps my confidence and calmness, which is a good antidote to anxiety.
I can't tell you regular masturbation wouldn't be better for you individually, but I think ejaculatory abstinence helped me through a very boring phase of the weed-quitting process, where orgasms were on the pleasure-level of a satisfying sneeze.
There is something to be said for voluntarily choosing a path of not orgasming, rather than trying and being denied satisfaction.

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Sorry, I was lurking on this thread and saw some parallels with my own journey, so here's my tuppence:

I have generalized anxiety, major depressive, and obsessive compulsive disorders, among other things. SSRIs were the first type of treatment I was put on as a teenager, and I reacted very badly to them. I ran the gamut of different SSRIs and they were all bad. Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is an atypical anti-depressant and the first one I was on that didn't make me feel like a zombie, and sexual side-effects were minimal (there are some indications that it actually helps with arousal, in women at least). Sorry if that sounded like a commercial, but it was literally a life-saver for me.

Also, it appears that cannabinoids can interact with SSRIs, including Lexapro. This may explain some of your symptoms. I'm not a psychiatrist, just observing that there are other options besides SSRIs, depending on the recommendations of your doctor and your medical history. It's still a good idea to give up weed, though.

On another topic, @zentai and @cummingrainbows were discussing how calm seas Super Os can be triggered by trance and minimal contractions alone. I'm convinced that deep trance and Super Os have similar underlying mechanisms. I spent about 10 years learning how to hypnotize myself and meditate before I knew prostate orgasms were a thing, so my progress towards the Super O was quite rapid once I understood that connection.

Having a hypnotic "admin console" was one of the first triggers I installed when starting the Aneros journey. It's probably the deepest trigger that I have, and it is always available and effective. Anyone who's ever "died" in a dream probably knows what I mean by that - it's like a self-preservation mechanism that overrides whatever the subconscious mind is doing, and often involves waking you up. THC + Aneros + hypnosis are like a speedball for waking nightmares - the hell you spoke of. Maintaining a sliver of executive control seems like a good compromise to mitigate the risks. If you ever have to "wake yourself up" from a particularly intense session, this is one way to do it.

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Posted by: @firewire

THC + Aneros + hypnosis are like a speedball for waking nightmares - the hell you spoke of. Maintaining a sliver of executive control seems like a good compromise to mitigate the risks. If you ever have to "wake yourself up" from a particularly intense session, this is one way to do it.

I agree, I have a strong feeling that there is a synergy or perfect storm scenario here. While I've always had anxiety and started early with hypnosis and Super-Os, I never experienced any bad outcomes over years of sessions, often 3-4 times a week or even daily. 

After introducing cannabis, things spiraled down very quickly. While it might not be an issue for some people, it's probably the greatest of all the risk factors when talking about potential side effects from Aneros use. 

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Posted by: @firewire

If you ever have to "wake yourself up" from a particularly intense session, this is one way to do it.

Almost all of my stoned sessions were positive experiences, there was only one that's still kind of a mystery to me. I was really out of it, probably half-asleep in that stoned way, riding something, and out of nowhere I had the feeling that "this is going too deep, we have to stop, right now". So I pulled myself together enough to take out the aneros and end the session. I have no idea what that was all about, or what kind of boundary I was approaching.


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Posted by: @zentai

After introducing cannabis, things spiraled down very quickly. While it might not be an issue for some people, it's probably the greatest of all the risk factors when talking about potential side effects from Aneros use. 

Agreed completely. I intentionally use edibles with a high CBD to THC ratio, and not enough to make me feel high, just slightly buzzed. The objective is to use the minimum dosage that will assist in dropping deeply into trance, which is surprisingly low despite my tolerance. Overall the quality of SOs are not a function of THC dosage; there seems to be a bit of a conditioned response that is magnified by the hypnosis. It does take significant self-control to not abuse, though; in the "honeymoon phase" I admittedly tried higher doses and paid for it (see below). Ultimately I hope to cut the edibles out completely; I feel like they cheapen the experience somewhat.

Posted by: @clenchy

out of nowhere I had the feeling that "this is going too deep, we have to stop, right now"

Yup, been there. I think it's the "call of the void" - it's distinctly different than ego death or feeling one with the universe. It was a certain type of dread, existential and Lovecraftian. I felt that I'd encountered something I wasn't meant to. There was also (at the time) an epiphany of sorts, with horrific cosmic implications. This thread is probably not the venue for it, but I'm open to comparing notes if anyone's interested.

I've also had the ego-dissolving, eternal bliss SOs, so I tend to rationalize the dichotomy as a product of my mental state at the time, kind of like Scrooge dismissing the ghost of Marley as a product of what he had for dinner.

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You did the right thing.

In my experience the THC + Super-O + altered or trance state @firewire mentioned can play in such a way that you just don't care. Curiosity is too strong, arousal is too great and inhibitions are down, maybe you want the adrenalin rush of the perceived risk... there are several scenarios where you end up just going ahead even if you know that you should not. In a certain way, I guess it would be like willingly chasing a bad trip. You most probably avoided a very uncomfortable experience.

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Posted by: @firewire

Yup, been there. I think it's the "call of the void" - it's distinctly different than ego death or feeling one with the universe. It was a certain type of dread, existential and Lovecraftian. I felt that I'd encountered something I wasn't meant to. There was also (at the time) an epiphany of sorts, with horrific cosmic implications. This thread is probably not the venue for it, but I'm open to comparing notes if anyone's interested.

Oh yes, I used the exact same term while describing this, "the call of the void". Agreed on the Lovecraftian bit, I had some realizations that I would have preferred not to have. At least when the session is done, and the mind filters come back on, it's possible to take a step back and think that maybe the ideas come mostly from the altered states and do not represent reality.  

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Hmm, mind if I PM you in a little while? This is rather intriguing.

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PMs are always open ! 

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Also had one wild session on THC I had to stop. Things were going amazing. Best ever.... 

Had what I felt like was my soul being sucked out of my penis. Like an intense vacuum cleaner of pleasure being sucked right out of me.... that lasted for awhile but then it moved up and up and next thing it felt like the soul of my body was bring sucked out thru my mouth. (Think of the dementors from Harry potter).

I quickly stopped the sessiom after that. 

But so many positive sessions vs 1 negative. 

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