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Let's talk about Involuntaries

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I've been a (relatively) long-time user and have the MGX, Eupho and Progasm. I can have great sessions with a lot of pleasure, but I have never reached a mini-O or super-O.

I have some questions from those that have crossed over (super-O) about the involuntaries. I've interested in what happens that takes you from sublime pleasure to super-O.

* What muscles are twitching for you? Is it the anal muscles or PC or both?

* How long do you have the involuntary contractions?

* What do the involuntary contractions feel like? It is really subtle buzzing or can you feel the muscles twitching hard?

The reason why I ask is that I can seem to generate some involuntary muscle contractions, but I think maybe I'm having or promoting the wrong kind. I can get some involuntary contractions of the PC muscles which are pretty pleasurable, but after 30 minutes I can start to get sore and I never cross over.

I've been lurking for a long time and I've read many of the old posts about involuntaries, but I noticed that there aren't many details. Can you pro's out there share more details about your involuntary contractions?


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Hi Skyline,

For me, the involuntaries have to do with the anal muscles. Sort of like how a centipede moves with that rolling effect all around which ever model I am using. I have had involuntaries that I can seem to roll up the walls of my anus I feel those mainly when I am using the Progasm. Involuntaries can be as a result of both pleasure and fatigue. I do not have the ability to promote either one really, it just happens.

I am curious about when you said:

I can have great sessions with a lot of pleasure, but I have never reached a mini-O or super-O.

When you say a lot of pleasure, what do you mean? I would think that a lot of pleasure would at least be a mini-o? Don't get too hung up on the definitions of everything that you experience. I think that really can distract you from what you are experiencing and how you are progressing. Relax and have fun with the pleasure that you are having and the rest will come.

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Welcome Skyline,
It really is an interesting question about involuntaries.... and Im no expert by any means.

I usually start the mild contractions myself, and somehow... I think the whole process just kinda happens on it's own, but I do continue to help the movement for sure.

I may feel involuntary contractions in my PC muscle at times, and other times in my butt, or even my stomach.
It seems to come and go at different time with no rhyme or reason.

Involuntaries also seem to come in many shapes and forms. The other night when I was coming off a good long super-O, I noticed myself looking like a male dog trying to hump the air, what a picture Huh... That to me is an involuntary also, but why was I doing it, was it a involuntary contraction that started within my body?? I don't know, nor do I remember, but I sure enjoyed the super-O!

When I have a really great super-O, I have no idea at all what the hell is happening as I am just to involved in the moment and looped in the great feelings I am having.

Whimpering, jerking about, trembling, and making noise, usually does not give me time to really think of involuntary contractions, However, It is interesting I do try to keep a cloth or something over my big mouth at that time...(but still not thinking or caring about invountaries).

Maybe that is another reason why some folks have so much trouble, they are trying to have involuntaries, or have a preconceived idea of what it is supposed to be. I dont know for sure, but I do know, that letting it all hang out is the best way to make the whole super-O happen!! Just enjoy the feelings, no matter what they are!! 😀

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i have the mgx, peridise, and the progasm. each is uniquely different. the peridise gives me mostly anal contractions. very subtle then growing in intensity. peridise also seems to give me the most intense erection i have ever experienced. the progasm seems to give me subtle pc contractions which seem to be taken over by anal contractions. the contractions go for 10 seconds up to maybe 30 seconds. with the progasm and mgx i have had several singular extremely intense anal contractions lasting from 1 to 2 minutes. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am new to all this, about 4 weeks now. had one Super-O. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all kinds of contractions, panting, moaning, twitching, quivering. UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next one.

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Hi Skyline,

For me, the involuntaries have to do with the anal muscles. Sort of like how a centipede moves with that rolling effect all around which ever model I am using. I have had involuntaries that I can seem to roll up the walls of my anus I feel those mainly when I am using the Progasm.

Buster - Wow, that is very interesting. It sounds like you are saying perhaps they are in slow motion? I always assumed (maybe from reading certain threads) that the involuntaries were very quick, twitch-like motions of the muscles.

I am curious about when you said:

I can have great sessions with a lot of pleasure, but I have never reached a mini-O or super-O.

When you say a lot of pleasure, what do you mean? I would think that a lot of pleasure would at least be a mini-o?

Well, I seem to get an overall sustained level of pleasure. Sometimes each time the aneros moves across my prostate the level of pleasure goes up a little bit. But what happens, is that after I reach a certain level, I start to feel a need to release, but I never get the release. Sometimes my muscles start to tighten up a bit. Often I start to contract faster and harder because of the "need" and then I get sore and the pleasure level fades.

Don't get too hung up on the definitions of everything that you experience. I think that really can distract you from what you are experiencing and how you are progressing. Relax and have fun with the pleasure that you are having and the rest will come.

Believe me, I'm having fun. 😀 But I'm just trying to learn a bit more about what help me get over the edge and hit the mini or super-O.

Thanks for your reply.


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Get Fish Oil, see the answers in my questionaire. I personally think fish oil is the difference between just feeling good and unbelievable mind blowing trip. Some people naturally have higher levels of dopamine - fish oil levels the playing field or at least gives unfair advantage to you. Don't use impure fish oil it is a health hazard. Use only high quality and highly concentrated types such as GNC's double strength or Omega RX, etc. Probably for a guy at least about 1600 EPA would be good with 1/2 to 2/3rds that amount DHA. I take about 2100 to 2600 EPA a day.

I believe it is very likely fish oil may be much more important than technique. I'll say again... Fish oil EPA/DHA in high enough concentrations in your brain will induce orgasm so it is much easier to have a much better experience with the Aneros.

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would you expand a bit on your comments about fish oil? you say to see the answers in your questionaire.... where would one find this?
Forgive me for doubting you, but why do you know so much about this? I am interested in learning more about this.

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FYI, Forum member ‘Zaneblue’ introduced us to the concept of megadoses of Omega-3 fish oil to increase orgasmic capabilities. You can use the Aneros ‘Search’ function to find and read the postings by her on this subject.

P.S. OH's survey response can be found in Darwin's thread "Survey: Involuntaries" see - http://aneros.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2926

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I get involuntaries too, but no pleasure. After insertion and relaxing, I start to feel aroused, and my anus will start to tense up. Especially with the Helix, it feels like its scratching/irritating something. My anus will start "sucking' on the aneros rythmically, much like a mouth sucking on a thumb. But like you, after about 30 mins I just start to feel a bit sore inside or the feelings like something is going to happen just fades away, very bland really. Interesting inandof itself, but nothing very pleasureable... What it takes to take it all to the next level I have no idea, but I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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