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Let's say there's a Super-O pill...

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*Disclaimer* as far as I know this does not exist but it's fun to dream... 

Ok imagine there's this new pill. It's proven 100% safe for everyone with zero side effect. It works 100% of the time. You take it with a glass of water and after 15 minutes you're rewired. As soon as you slip an Aneros inside, you start to orgasm and alternate between calm seas and rough seas orgasms. This last for 60 minutes then you come down slowly. Then you quickly "de-wire" to your normal level. 

Would you take it ? Why or why not ? How much is it worth ? How would this affect society ? Is it "cheating" ? 

I'm giving you guys some time to answer and I'll come back later with my own take. Happy thinking !

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Too silliphosical for me at this hour, but to answer the question, I'm sitting here waiting with a glass of water in one hand and EST in the other. 

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Interesting. Can't find anything about EST and never heard of it, some research chemical ? 


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How about taking Mucuna pruriens.

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EST =Eupho syn Trident



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Thanks for the clarification.  I do agree that the Eupho is THE silver bullet in the Aneros line. Not automatic Super-Os, but best success ratio for me by a long shot. And then I say, never heard of it... 


What's your experience with it ? Just started reading about it after seeing your answer and it seems promising. I tried almost every over-the-counter supplement I can get my hands on, but never came across this. My curiosity is piqued !  


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My first thoughts: 

No, thanks, I wouldn‘t trade off. Thanks to EST I need no pills and even no EST. 😉

Thus even on a lonely island I would have my Aless!

Good vibes!


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I had similar thoughts lately. Even if I lost everything I'd still have my Aless abilities so who cares about all that material stuff, right ? Not like it gives me as much satisfaction as my pleasure journey. I could do this living in the woods. I never was a very spiritual (or happy, for that matter) person but I'm starting to see glimpses of things, contentment maybe ? This was a very strange year indeed...

As for the magic pill, I think it would either plunge the world in chaos or utopia if it existed, more likely chaos. The Super-O happens when you're ready, else you get Panic at the Gate to protect you and it's a good thing.

A "forced" Super-O without any experience could be a very unpleasant thing. Kundalini syndrome anyone ? Years ago I thought something like "Haha a coiled snake of light at the base of the spine ? LOL !!!!!111! Chakras? Give me a break." Now I know that these are representations of real experiences and need to be approached with some respect.

So you'd need some perfect dose that gives you just a little more than you "think" you can handle, but less than what you "really" can handle... it's going to be a NO for me.


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I‘m fully on your side, @zentai, and although at a first glance - to me - your idea suggested to be more in control, who would prevent us from taking 24 pills a day, every day? Your dealer wouldn‘t, he‘d love it. ;-/

@Ggringo and I just discussed whether we could have handled our current pleasure in younger years and we guess „nope“. Only look at the teens addicted to chems, whether when partying or at the gym.

If you like to deepen the spirituality of your topic and haven‘t read it yet, I only can suggest

Btw, even sports can become a drug! Gladly I refuse to take drugs. No sports, please!  😉

Good vibes, take care and stay healthy!

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Thanks man, much appreciated. And thanks for the book recommendation, I'll be sure to give it a spin.

You're right, the way the question was framed (100% safe, always work) there was nothing "sinister" about it, and re-reading it, I don't think that it was a good question to start with, because it's very naive in that sense. Hey, let's say you can fly !  Yay ! Super fun until you get sucked in a jet engine, or you get lost, or get in trouble for violating some airspace, or the lady next door gets you arrested because you watched her sunbathing, or... So you'd say, well I'll fly low and stay in my backyard and obey all the rules. What's the fun in that ? No adventure, no discovery, what a sad excuse for flying.

If we remove any negative outcome by adding rules and some science-fiction, like you can only take one, you stay in control, you only get super positive experiences, it's perfectly tailored to your psychological profile... there's still very few scenarios where I think it would be good to be honest.


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I agree with you @Zentai. ET (I don't have the S version) also gives me the best success ratio.
And I also agree with you and @SOwithoutAneros regarding the magic pill. When it's too easy... well, it's too easy.
One of the most interesting aspects of our experiences is the surprise. What's going to happen this time? Am I going to have the best session of my life? Will I discover new things?
In short, surprise is a big part of the interest of our journey.

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Posted by: @sowithoutaneros

If you like to deepen the spirituality of your topic and haven‘t read it yet, I only can suggest

I second that - fantastic book! I read it roughly a year after I became superorgasmic and it was kind of a catalyst for me. It added to the transformation of a purely sexual thing into something spiritual.

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Thanks, it might just be what I need. I had big breakthroughs in January and February and since then, my worldview started to change and some things are less clear than I tought they were. 


You're right, exploration, surprises but also accepting that you may get a dud, sometimes plodding along on seemingly never ending plateaus, it's all part of the experience. Too easy is too easy and the satisfaction when it goes your way is quite something to experience.


But on the other hand, when I read posts from people that are ready to throw the towel after 5, 10 years or more, I just wish there was a way to jumpstart things, at least get ONE great session, see what's out there, what they're working towards and that it's worth it. I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't have a fraction of their patience. 

It's so very strange to me that for whatever reason we all have this feedback mechanism inside of us that can generate incredible pleasure and joy, no matter your age or race or sexual orientation or education. You don't even need a toy, just the ground to lay on. It should be the great equalizer, so why is it so easy for some and so hard for others ? I know that life is not fair, and that's why the Super-O should be. Boggles my mind, really... 



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@Zentai, after all it keeps a mind thing.

As unique as we are, as unique is our mindset. Some glasses are half empty or half full - only depending on the viewer.

And the wine in that glass you can gulp down or savor, define and analyze every single sharply contoured flavor, why it may happen that two persons have a similar orgasm considered boring by one of them and earthshaking by the other.

But how boring would it all be, if everything would be the same to everyone.

The great equalizier would also end our uniqueness.

In another thread we've already distinguished our journeys for its own sake from any trip to a certain destination, why I'd believe, your pill can't work. Your idea looks very generous at a first glance, but if you steal the efforts wouldn't it all become tame and dull?

Funnily enough this reminds me of some similar discussions in "Siddartha". 😉

Cheers, Mart

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Posted by: @zentai

But on the other hand, when I read posts from people that are ready to throw the towel after 5, 10 years or more, I just wish there was a way to jumpstart things, at least get ONE great session, see what's out there, what they're working towards and that it's worth it. I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't have a fraction of their patience. 


For me, having been at it for more than 4 -1/2  years with any 'Os' yet, I  still cherish every single morsel of sensation I get in my sessions as these are feelings I never had before.  I don't consider it being  more patient than others but rather it's a state of mind I adopted from day 1.

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I think I get what you're saying, but I'll add that everyone should at least get a shot at their own version of that feeling. 

You know when you're really thirsty and you get to have a drink of water, how good it feels ?

Or really need to use the bathroom, and then you finally get to relieve yourself ? 

I think that those are universal experiences that everyone can relate too. But surely, we don't experience these things the same way. 

But sometimes you wake up on the morning, use the bathroom, feed yourself have a cup of coffee and jump in the car and don't enjoy any of it even one bit. You may even think that everything sucks. Same experience, same person, different mindset, no other explanation to seek. All in the mind.

Basically, what you just said but longer and less elegant 😉

Now I'll share how I really "unlocked" my Aless abilities. You will have guessed by now that I overanalyze everything. This makes everything more complicated than it should, but I remember almost everything from a session.

One day I was having an amazing experience with the Eupho. At one point, I realized that there was absolutely no way on Earth that the toy or my muscles could move in such a way and as such speed as to produce what I was feeling. I mean, it felt like the Eupho was as big as my arm and reaching my solar plexus.  So I thought "some of it is in my mind, nothing else makes sense". And then THE realization : there is no separation, my mind is in my brain, my brain in my body = it's ALL in my mind AND all in my body at the same time ! From that point it all made sense, I had reached a conclusion. A simplistic one, but it was enough. 

If there was a way to truly convince someone in a way that they really believe it and hold it as true and feel it, that would be the silver bullet. For a % of men, I think this would be all they need to reach their version of that feeling.




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That's a really great mindset to have, savoring everything.

If you're the technical type, someone who thinks a lot about the why and how, here's something to consider : 

The way I see it, as soon as your sessions start to feel as good or better than traditional masturbation, you're well on your way, because you know you can orgasm from stroking, so if this feels as good, well, logically you'll get an orgasm at some point. And if it feels better, the orgasm should be better than from traditional masturbation so... Bam ! Super-O. 

So I hope you're getting closer and closer to reaching that point, and if you're close or already there or beyond, well the Super-O can't be too far. Take care my friend !


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Posted by: @zentai

Let's say there's a Super-O pill... Would you take it ?

If it was shown to be generally safe (in reality there's no 100% safety guarantee to anything as far as I know, there's always some risk, that's just the way life is) yeah, I'd probably try it.

Posted by: @zentai

Why or why not ?

I'd try it because I'm the curious type and am not bound by too many dogmatic beliefs that forbid such exploration of self actualization methods/processes or techniques.

Posted by: @zentai

How much is it worth ?

I could only subjectively answer that after having experienced taking the pill.

Posted by: @zentai

How would this affect society ?

That would be very difficult to predict but I am confident such a pill would have a profound effect on men and women and the culture in general. Life priorities would likely be greatly altered. Whether this is socially positive or negative depends upon how individuals integrate the experience into their lifestyles. Some men would very likely become addicted to this experience and forego useful, productive contributions/participation in their heretofore normal lives. Others would likely find this a welcome relief to otherwise lonely, unloved lives. Still others would find the experience an enhancement to already satisfying lifestyles. I think it's very difficult to predict how the society would evolve after being exposed to such a pharmaceutical.

Posted by: @zentai

Is it "cheating" ?

I guess this depends on your definition of cheating. Is it 'cheating' to accept a vaccine in lieu of relying on one's own immune system to fight off a disease ? Is it 'cheating' to use a wheelchair during convalescence from hip replacement surgery ? I think there is value in any tool which enables one to overcome obstacles to achieving higher levels of self actualization and thus should not be considered cheating but paradoxically, as a wise man once said, "That which is too easily attained is too lightly esteemed." IMHO, having to labor patiently, diligently and thoughtfully to acquire a skill/ability increases the personal value of that skill/ability immeasurably.

Nonetheless, men who would not otherwise experience the joy of a Super-O, should be afforded that opportunity.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @zentai


That's a really great mindset to have, savoring everything.

If you're the technical type, someone who thinks a lot about the why and how, here's something to consider : 

The way I see it, as soon as your sessions start to feel as good or better than traditional masturbation, you're well on your way, because you know you can orgasm from stroking, so if this feels as good, well, logically you'll get an orgasm at some point. And if it feels better, the orgasm should be better than from traditional masturbation so... Bam ! Super-O. 

So I hope you're getting closer and closer to reaching that point, and if you're close or already there or beyond, well the Super-O can't be too far. Take care my friend !


@zentai , thank you for your insight, I  really appreciate it.


In my rewiring process, my sessions have been hovering in the zone dancing between feeling as good as traditional masturbation and way above to just a tad below super-o and that's absolutely ok to me.  I really don't feel I'm missing anything and I know the ultimate 'O' may be somewhere around the corner. 


If destiny takes me no further than where I am now, that's ok too; I still feel way ahead of where I was before the start line.  And as I recently discussed with @sowithoutaneros , at my age, that's a bonus especially in a sexless (almost) marriage.


The other thing I gained is access to a great site where members are non-judgemental while discussing a subject that would be taboo to many other people.


Stay safe everyone.


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There is a pill. It is called Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine, and it costs 5 bucks a pop. I take it already. A good part of society thinks it's cheating, and those elected into power by the majority create laws that get you thrown you into the slammer when they catch you with it...

Just kidding. Kinda. It doesn't bring on prostate orgasms (in my experience), but it does bring on full body euphoria for many users.

But wait, I had a more serious answer.

If this sort of extreme orgasmic experience came out of nowhere, I bet the physical aspect would be analyzed as pain or nausea or other negative sensations, and the mental aspect would be considered panic or fear.  A good part of what we experience with these orgasms is dependent on our individual analysis of the situation (analysis being very non-scientific, and actually imagination might be a better word).  We have taught ourselves how to find bliss in these intense sensations. Also as each experience takes us further, even though it seems new each time, it is all one cumulative meta-experience. We are not afraid of dying when in the throes of a strong orgasm, because we have experienced other similar situations. Note the prevalence of newer users asking if they can get a heart attack or stroke, because they are having such strong reactions that it scares them (and the reassurance from longtime users)...

But maybe your magic pill also gives the user past experience that allows them to cope with the intensity and properly "analyze" the situation? 

Anyways, sounds like people will get addicted and it will ruin some lives (as some-- very few, but some-- have reported with prostate play already). I hope there is a way to control production and tax your pill, because otherwise that's going to be a schedule 1 drug pretty darn quick. It just gives you orgasms, you say? And MDMA just makes you feel good and want to dance and fuck. And mushrooms just make you laugh and see the world in a whole different way. . . and and and. .  . ..  . .. . . .. . . . 

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I'd pay a lot for a pill that would help me rewire more quickly, I'll tell you that!

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I'd take it. Zero side effects, so why not! I've experienced some crazy full-body stuff before and learned to not overindulge, so psychological addiction isn't something I'm overly worried about.

If anything, I think I might prefer it to being at my peak of self-taught sensitivity. Pleasurable as that was, my (already high) libido was through the roof! Having unforeseen consequences in my everyday life.

The pill would be priceless. But for the sake of the next part, let's say it's readily available for free everywhere.
"How would this affect society?" is a very interesting question.

If anyone could have a mind-blowing orgasm whenever they liked, would such an emphasis on sexual compatibility/performance be put on budding relationships?
Maybe finding the perfect partner would become wholly about the other (already main) factors in a relationship.
Would good looks, therefore, become more important, or less?
You'd be guaranteed a great time sleeping with someone no matter how they looked, wouldn't have to be turned on at all. That tender personal connection with a lover would still be important though. Nothing can replace that!

I'd foresee high levels of problematic addiction though.

I don't smoke weed, though neither do I consider it cheating. So by extension...

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It's definitively very frustrating to not have much success after 8 years in my case.

I generally have some light background pleasure but for something more is rarer.

Most sessions I have either background pleasure or I get to some sort of plateau where I feel more pleasure but one order of magnitude below the pleasure and satisfaction of an orgasm. And being in that plateau is also very frustrating in those (hours long) sessions. And I know there's better sensations and I've felt them so being at this stage for hours is frustrating, no way around that. It is sexually frustrating.

In very very rare cases I go beyond the plateau and have some (weak) dry orgasms, they are completely different and much better of course, and they are also satisfying so no frustration at all being "stuck" in them, on the contraire!

These super rare dry orgasms feel great and they definitively "taste orgasmic" but I think they can evolve to something stronger, I never had a full body orgasm or something like that for example.

I never had a super O so I can't even imagine how good they would be, honestly I think before that I will need to have more common and stronger dry orgasms.


So in short the frustration is very big, and honestly deep inside I feel I may never be able to experience full blown dry orgasms or even super Os. It's taking 8 years and although I've keep trying consistently the results are short for all this time. If only I could have more of those (weak) dry orgams it would satisfy me sexually.

I've tried so many things, I'm curious about weed but it's not legal on my country yet and I don't know how to get it lol

So a super O pill? If it existed I would definitively try it, to feel what it is like. But I would want to get to that stage wihout aneros anyway so I would keep trying.

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Could the pill be a suppository? Instead, heh.

@RSilva 8 years does sound frustrating!
There's obviously a lot of factors that contribute towards a Super-O, and I think built up frustration can be a block at times, personally.
Have you considered cutting off your sessions for the day once you feel your frustration growing?
While further experience with an Aneros/A-less is useful, feeding that destructive sense of internal anger isn't.

If you'd like something clear and productive to work towards in lieu of valiantly reaching for that Super-O. Advanced-kegals helped me.
The kind where you try and gain individual control of each different muscle down there. The act of concentrating on the tension and sensations down there increased sensitivity for me.
@unfug would be able to explain it much better than I could.

I'm largely in the same boat, having felt pretty good things in the past but knowing there is so much more.
Only without feeling quite as frustrated, "If it happens it happens."

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In all this time naturally I tried many different things.

At the moment I have sessions every 3 days or so, but I've had months long period where I have almost every day or 1 day apart and periods where I barely used it.

I generally use the do nothing method with me laying on bed with legs flat stomach up, but naturally I've tried before all sorts of positions and contraction methods.

I've also done periods where I did kegels but qucikly lost motivation. One thing here I'm not sure if that my dick starts throbbing (and it's hard at this stage) during sessions very often, especially if I'm looking at porn or something like that. It does that automatically. Generally it only has a pleasant pleasure associated with it but when I have dry orgasms the dick is doing the exactly the same thing but the pleasure on the prostates is very different (to the better).

I don't know why it throbbs so easily but only rarely these pulse contractions really feel amazing.

Also hfwos happen from time to time, I have premature ejaculation so I don't know if that plays a part. Generally they happen when in a long session I get into a "restless" "intense" (but not necessarily pleasurable) sensation that kind of makes me start to move my legs together and squeeze. This eventually makes me cum.


Just having dry orgasms from times to times would make me much more satisfied.

The frustration many times makes me remove the aneros and masturbate to orgasm. If I don't dry orgasm this frustration grows and many times I feel like I need to reset that frustration with a traditional orgasm as I can't have a dry one.


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Posted by: @rsilva

The frustration many times makes me remove the aneros and masturbate to orgasm. If I don't dry orgasm this frustration grows and many times I feel like I need to reset that frustration with a traditional orgasm as I can't have a dry one.

I've done that many a time too. Still do. Though again, no longer with frustration. So long as you don't have a problem with arousal and aren't trying semen retention at the moment, I don't see any problem with that.
Those hfwo's sound hawt! I'd love to feel like that.
You say it's intense but not necessarily pleasurable?
I know it's cock orientated, but that doesn't mean it's bad (Not that you implied as much). Maybe that's a thing to try, letting that pleasure build in your cock.
If I were you, I'd be thinking about how I can prolong that pleasure. A wide ball ring and deep breathing?
Most guys have a tendency to hold their breath as they approach a penile orgasm. Denying this can be... distracting, though it becomes second nature at some point.
It actually greatly helped my own premature ejaculation problems.

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@Zentai I'm tempted to take a placebo tablet for this imaginary drug.
Really big it up in my mind beforehand, imaging what a writhing, moaning mess I'll be when it kicks it. Then have an Aneros session!

Obviously I'm not gonna be disappointed if I don't have the world's best orgasm. More like I'll be pleasantly optimistic and motivated for the session... maybe.

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...then you realise the Aneros was the placebo all along !!!! Which is not really fair because it really is the most effective tool we have for now. I think about all of this a lot more than I should, at some point of the journey I think we're just negotiating with our own ego for a Super-O and using tricks and tactics and smoke and mirrors. And the Aneros is a pretty good argument.

You can say "ah, but it's happening on it's own, it's not my responsibility, the toy is doing it by itself, this is outside my control". Then you don't have to take ownership of anything. Now you can let go. Then you get pleasure. The pill would be like that. 

Your placebo could work but how long could you trick yourself ? Well if it works once it's worth it. Now to see how much mental preparation you would need to pull this off, take sugar pill, get orgasm... 

In "It" one of the kids has severe asthma, it turns out his medication, which always work for him, is only water and menthol. When the pharmacist pulls him aside one day to tell him, his belief in the placebo is so powerful that he rejects the truth and runs from the man. Might be relevant. 


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@ggringo there is hope. I encourage you to read or re-read the wiki topic(s) on the Do Nothing method. After 10+ years it works reliably for me to cause a cascade of super Os.

P.S I just posted a thread in this forum about it. So even for old dogs like me, 10+ years into the journey, there's hope. I honestly don't know that it will work for sure for you -- YMMV no guarantee in life etc etc


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If anyone could have a mind-blowing orgasm whenever they liked, would such an emphasis on sexual compatibility/performance be put on budding relationships?

That's a very interesting take on it. Maybe people would just look for basic shared interests like gardening or music and a somewhat compatible personality and go for it. I bet there would be less singles but it could go both ways, shy people might just not bother. Or some of them wouldn't be shy anymore because everybody is an unstoppable sex machine ? 

Maybe we would get right in Brave New World territory, everybody popping pleasure pills and sleeping with anyone who asks. Politicians at the top, rationing pills, manipulating distribution of the most valuable drug. A pleasure dystopia full of functional junkies, with everything outside of the orgasmic state feeling like depression.

A real utopia would be the most unlikely outcome, with society organising around this new life changing drug. With any luck, the pursuit of orgasms and general contentment would largely replace capitalism in a couple generation. I think we'd get to the point where world happiness would become the only important metric. A lot of people would go : "Well, you know what ? That's what I like in life. I don't want anything more. I'm fine, I'll just go sit on the porch and watch the clouds." That would be swell.

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