Leg twitching - tou...
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Leg twitching - touched prostate or just a tired leg?

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Hi guys!

First of all: I'm one of those who are still in the first steps to getting to some consistent pleasure. I usually feel a little pleasure when I first insert the Aneros in my anus and, as time goes by, pleasure goes fading away. That's all right: for all I've been reading here, I know that's the path. There are two other "symptons" that things are going as they should: I have some spasms all over the body, specially coming from my abdome, and leg twitching.

Today I tried a session and the very last thing to go away was leg twitching and I started wondering that I had probably lost all arousement, so there was no reason for leg twitching going on. I was then lying with my back on the bed with legs bent and feet on bed (like a lot of people here like doing). I tried to turn sideways and leg stopped twitching. When I came back to "back on bed" position, leg started twitching again. And that's when I have made my final experience removing aneros during leg twitching and there it goes: leg kept twitching on (and didn't stop twitching until I got out of bed).

So I was just wondering if you guys really think that leg twitching is a sign that aneros is indeed touching your prostate and that it means you are on the right way, or if it's just a side effect, due to weak legs getting tired of holding this position for a long while.

(And sorry if something is not really clear in my post: I'm not 100% secure of my english's quality)

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IMHO, leg twitching is not necessarily an indicator your Aneros is touching your prostate. As you alluded to, any muscle twitching could be due to other factors such as muscle fatigue, drugs or some medical condition causing random nerve impulses to be generated. Your body is a very complex organism which reacts to various stimuli in diverse ways and it is not necessarily a cause and effect relationship here. Aneros use exposes you to stimuli which has not been scientifically well studied as yet but is well within the realm of meta-physical understanding. The Aneros learning process (rewiring) is an evolving experience for you to get to know your body on an ineffable level.

Early on in my learning, I experienced numerous instances of various muscle groups twitching (legs, arms, hands, even eyelids) both during Anerosessions and at unexpected points in my normal workaday world. Over time, as my experience level increased, these occurrences declined and I don't experience them nearly as frequently anymore. I think this is indicative of the 'rewiring', that is, my neural pathways and brain connections have more fully integrated these experiences into my conscious and subconscious mind. This is my new normal state and those nerve impulses are no longer triggering the muscular reactions but have been recategorized (mentally) as P-waves or simply do not occur any more.

In any event, your leg twitching is probably related to your Aneros use in that the process of stimulating your prostate seems to awaken other neural pathways in the body as well. This phenomenon is well documented by the anecdotal reports contained in these forum postings, I think what you are experiencing is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about, you're on a working path, see where it takes you.
Good Vibes to You !

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Rumel! Thanks a lot for your quick answer!

You wrote a lot about rewiring process and it made me think of some more stuff I've been thinking about: do you think that regular masturbation may interfeer in the rewiring process. By that I don't mean penile stimulation with the aneros inserted, which I know is not recomended (although I've done it a few times in the past), I mean masturbating in the usual way in separated sessions.

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I'm glad I've gotten you to start thinking about "...some more stuff...", I'll bet you didn't think learning to play with an Aneros was going to be such a thought provoking enterprise when you first started did you ?

My short answer to your question "...do you think that regular masturbation may interfeer in the rewiring process." is YES, but then that's a topic suitable for an entirely new thread. You may also wish to read 'B Mayfield's comment in this thread.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks once again. I read the thread you indicated me and, no, since the very first time I tried the aneros in me I figured out how difficult it would be. Anyway: I may start new threads with other doubts and thinkings I have on my mind!

Thanks a lot for your answers! =)

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Yeah, I've pretty much always been able to induce leg-twitching on a whim my whole life, mostly while sitting, so I have once or twice realized that my leg-twitching was perhaps not actually a sign of anything, and that I kind of was more just distracting/fooling myself during an otherwise dud session.

On the other hand, in a few of my sessions, the twitching and movement I started to make was /definitely/ a product (or helped along) by the Aneros. It can be tricky to tell. I found that if my legs were just twitching on their own, with no other feeling anywhere else in my body, for an extended peroid of time with no changes, It probably wasn't a sign of anything, or helping me much. Maybe some voluntary leg twitching can help things along if you're already excited, but just be careful it doesn't become the focus.

In a similar vein, it is hard to differentiate the line between voluntary and involuntary. I feel like most/all twitching/movement has a voluntary element to it, but that there's just sometimes a trigger prompting you to do it.

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