Good Evening,
This post may be lengthy so apologies in advance.
Aneros User - 6 years
Super O's - 0
Dry O's - .0004
Wet O's with or without Aneros - If I had a dollar for each time I would have retired years ago a very wealthy man.
P Waves - Plenty
A bit of a backstory. So, my entire life, I have been plagued with a condition some guys might wish for. I can literally screw my wife all night long without me having a single orgasm. Nearly every wet orgasm is something I have to concentrate on to actually achieve. It sucks to have to "try" to have an orgasm. While I may be super turned on...the problem still exists. Some may say it is because I masturbate too much. Maybe in my earlier years, three times a week or so was my max. Now, it's maybe once a week to once every two weeks (prior to the six years playing with the aneros). Now I TRY to practice semen retention as much as possible. My max days has been 19 (yes, I almost achieved the 21-day challenge). The only reason I did was because my wife grew tired of me "holding out"...
Fast forward to the aneros years. I've never climbed the abyss island of pleasure. It is not something I strive to achieve. It has always been, hey if it feels good just go with it. If the session is a dud, stop without frustration, and move on.
For the past year or so I have tried to practice the ALESS technique. I have had some pretty interesting results. The pleasure I get is good, not great, but it is better than nothing. ALESS sessions give me a diamond cutter erection which will eventually fade but usually comes back. I really don't expend a lot of energy during these sessions. I let my body do whatever it feels like. I've noticed when the erection happens I feel like I'm about to explode. Again, which is great. Although that feeling fades eventually until the next erection. I'm not expecting to expload it is just the feeling I get.
What I have found interesting about all of this is whether I am doing ALESS or an Aneros session, the first thirty minutes are incredible. I love the feel and let myself go into them. I relax every part of my body. The only part that does not relax is my anus. Sort of like it is holding on for dear life, which puts a great amount of pressure on my prostate "region". This leads to great feelings and some pwaves. Eventually, I do indeed get the "involuntaries". But after 45 minutes I have an uncomfortable bladder situation and pee like Niagra Falls (the bladder is emptied twice prior to any session).
This leads me to my point. Today, I had an aneros session (finally, alone time!). All the above happened in the order I presented above. But I broke my golden rule of touching my dick. But not with my hand! I took one of my wife's vibrators and lightly placed it on the head of my dick. After about five minutes I notice "needles" running down my legs. Sort of like chills, but in a good way. I could feel something building and then...BOOM...those "chills/needles" enveloped my entire body for about five seconds. It was incredible! Finally, something! But I had broken my rule! I thought about it afterward and I have decided...who cares! The end game is to feel good! I achieved a great feeling without giving myself a "handy" (For which I'm exhausted afterward because I have to try so hard to have an old fashion orgasm).
While I'm not seeking advice. I would like to know if any other guys out in the aneros land, have the same problem I do with traditional orgasms? And I wonder if because of this the six-year progression is so slow? Again, I am so very thankful for the feelings I have gotten, I don't get frustrated, I usually get some type of enjoyment from each session. To me, I feel like I learn something new each time. I may never get any further than where I'm at now...and I'm okay with that. The joy from having "something" is better than nothing at all.
I've never climbed the abyss island of pleasure. It is not something I strive to achieve. It has always been, hey if it feels good just go with it. If the session is a dud, stop without frustration, and move on.
... I let my body do whatever it feels like.
... I broke my golden rule of touching my dick. ... But I had broken my rule! I thought about it afterward and I have decided...who cares! The end game is to feel good!
... I am so very thankful for the feelings I have gotten, I don't get frustrated, I usually get some type of enjoyment from each session. To me, I feel like I learn something new each time. I may never get any further than where I'm at now...and I'm okay with that. The joy from having "something" is better than nothing at all.
Welcome to the Forum. While you may not have achieved a Super-O yet you have certainly got a great attitude. As far as breaking rules goes, you are the one who gets to set the rules and you are the one who gets to change the rules whenever you like. You are quite right "The end game is to feel good!" playing by whatever rules you care to make.
Good Vibes to You!
i don’t think you masturbate too much, and compared to me you hardly masturbate at all! Before aneros I masturbated 2-3 times a day. Since aneros it varies as to when I am doing semen retention, if I am edging, etc, but I am capable of masturbating 5 times a day when not edging.
A friend of mine takes SSRIs and has your delayed ejaculation “problem”. Apparently that is a common side effect of the drug he takes, and once he is off them for a couple days he doesn’t last a minute! But he doesn’t do buttstuff so that doesn’t help with your question, unless you are inadvertently on medication that effects your ejaculation.
Anyways, as rumel said, great attitude!
It’s only really a rewiring rule for guys with ‘normal’ ejaculation so they can learn to separate ejaculation and orgasm. The goal for most isn’t to delay ejaculation at all really,it’s to bypass it.
Do you know why you suffer from DE? Heavy porn consumption,medications or illnesses,abuse/trauma/injury? Did you ever seek medical treatment or therapy for it?
Yes,six years is on the slow side. I wonder is the block psychological,I don’t see why DE should be that big of a factor,since you can have orgasms albeit with some focus,and not ejaculating is one of the primary objectives. So the equipment is there.
Wherever you find new or higher pleasures,just follow that track,but don’t push harder and hopefully it will come good.With some of the things you’ve described,your in the ball park already. The ‘ready to explode’ is the time to relax as best you can and let things come what may. Erection cycling is perfectly normal,once you get a handle of things,the pleasure keeps on during the flaccid state.
If you really think masturbation could be a factor,give it up,you’ve got your aneros journey and your wife,what else does a man need?