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l'amourose rosa - Amazing!

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So I had been abstaining from any activity for about a week to let things build up, I reached a point where every now and then I would get this tingling ping from my prostate, I knew it was time. It was a game time decision, but I went with my l'amourose rosa. I took a good amount of time to prepare, little mj, LOTS of lube. I turned that sucker on and got it in. I had it on the lowest intensity settings so as not to vibrate the sensations away. Things started well, the vibrations were sublime, I had it set to constantly vibrate at the head and base. As I sat there I had a little more mj, and things started to get really intense. My eyes started rolling back into my head,this went on for some time. I had a vibrating egg in a elastic cock ring that I put on the base, I turned that on and things got WILD. It seemed like my body could not habituate the vibrations, and my cock began jumping as the dual vibrations sometimes met in the middle with a small thump. This was EXQUISITE. My heart rate jumped, my eyes rolled back into my head, I started seeing white flashes, everything just kept getting higher and higher, I had multiple dry O's, I felt like I was squirting everywhere. The rosa was hitting JUST the right part in there to make me swell and be rock hard. I kept getting higher and higher, suddenly I felt like my ass, prostate, and penis were vibrating in unison, and still I kept going higher. When I thought it could not get any more intense, everything began flashing white in unison with the vibrations in my ass, prostate, and penis, I survived 6 waves of this before my session ended with the most amazing wet O I've ever had in my life. It makes me shake just thinking about it.

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Omg that made me hard just reading!!! Sounds unreal. What is the toy you're using?

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Omg that made me hard just reading!!! Sounds unreal. What is the toy you're using?

probably this one; https://www.google.nl/search?q= l'amourose+rosa&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwie-rDdkb_QAhUEI8AKHZ2iCdAQ_AUIBigB#mhpiv=0

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Last night I had a pretty clear evening. Was home by 5pm and planned to have a long Aneros session. Ate dinner, relaxed, all the while in the back of my mind starting to get a little bit excited about what I'd be doing soon.

By 6:30pm, I had some mj too (seriously, I feel like the original poster thetechman and me are the same person based on his description!), got cleaned up, lube ready, toys out, and set things up. Started my session around 7pm. I have over a dozen prostate massage type of toys, but took out the Eupho Syn, Prograsm, and L'amourose Rosa Rouge, and nJoy 2.0 butt plug. I wasn't sure which ones I'd use, but those were the ones I was in the mood for the most. I started with the Eupho Syn since that one has been my go to for a few months. I l love how it moves and sorta grips a bit because of it's surface. It feels like it's pulling and tugging me inside a bit because of its gripiness. I was having some orgasms within a few minutes, then decided to start reading the aneros forum here since that gets me turned on a bit. Once I read thetechman's description of using the Lamourose toy, I knew it was time to switch!

I lubed it up and put it in without turning it on. Within 30 seconds I had a really strong orgasm that lasted about 30 seconds. I left it in without the vibrator on for about 5 minutes and had about 3 orgasms that were really good. My favorite setting on it is the lowest vibration (which is plenty strong and rumbly), and just using the vibrator in the tip of the toy, not the base. That's the 2nd setting on it, so turned that on.

My usual method is the "do nothing" method. Actually, I think I'd probably call it the "try not to have an orgasm method". So with the vibrator on (just the tip, not the base) with the lowest setting, just lay there and closed my eyes. Tried to relax as much as I could. I started feeling like things were tensing up in my butt and it was starting to grip the toy harder and harder. I just let it happen, and tried to relax. I almost think about just feeling how good things feel, and trying to relax as long as I can before I have a contraction starting and orgasm. It's like, if you try not to have an orgasm, it almost makes you have one even harder. I probably was able to relax without any contractions before my muscles grabbing the toy must have slipped or gave out (sorta like when you are working out and at the last rep you fail and your muscle gives out) and it triggered a super O. It last about 30 seconds, then I started relaxing again and closed my eyes. I had some more small contractions and felt like i was floating - sorta like an out of body experience. The contractions got harder and then I felt like i was getting auto-fucked by the toy. I had another super O (or maybe it's the same one - who cares, it was like 15-30 seconds since the last one, so maybe part of the same one) which was a lot stronger. It lasted about 3 minutes before the contractions slowed down and I just relaxed. I did that about 4 more times in the next half hour until things started to die down. And was rock hard most of that time.

I switched to the Progasm and just relaxed and had a few orgasms, smaller. Rolled over onto my stomach and that felt really good. I could feel my cock get rock hard and tension start building in my butt as my muscles started tightening around the Progasm. That lead to some pretty big orgasms, didn't time them but probably about a minute or a minute and a half. I rolled back onto my back because I could tell while i was orgasming and sorta thrusting into bed, I was getting closer to ejaculating than I'd like. Had a close call!

But when was on my back again, got soft and orgasms stopped. I started stroking my soft cock and focusing on how that felt. I got really hard again and started having multiple orgasms while stroking. I was stroking super slow and found the right balance of stroking my cock fast enough to keep the orgasm going but gently enough to not ejaculate. Felt like I was orgasming for 10 minutes and then as I got closer I just went back to focusing on the "try not to have an orgasm" method. After about a minute of that, the tension just kept building and building and tried not to have any contractions. I lost control and had a super crazy orgasm with ejaculation. Good end to a good session.

Anyways - the point of this was that the Lamorose rosa is a really good toy, and I highly recommend it. It just fills me up perfectly and it feels like it's hitting the right spot almost all the time, and easy to find the right spot while you are riding.

And unrelated, but I have the regular Helix which is one of my least favorite toys despite some saying it works great for them and is one of the best toys to start with. I have the regular Eupho too and it doesn't really do much for me. But the Eupho Syn is amazing for me. I'm wondering if I should give the Helix Syn a shot since the silicone coating seems to make a difference between Eupho and Eupho Syn. (I have the DeVice too, and it feels good, but isn't quite right for me... maybe cause it doesn't move as much cause it's bigger and more grippy than the Syn).

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Here is what I have:
Emerald green.

If you keep an eye on deals you can grab one for around $120.

LOL, yes shockedwaves, it does sound like we have some similarities ;).

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the Eupho Syn is amazing for me.

I fully agree!

I'm wondering if I should give the Helix Syn a shot [...]

Before you do you should know, the Helix Syn, too, ...

doesn't move as much cause it's bigger

... than the Eupho Syn.

Having both the Eupho Syn remains my red-hot favorite.

@thetechman & @shockedwaves: Thanks for your amazing reports!

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I have several Aneros models with mixed results. The best if the Ephro. On your results, I have ordered one of the devices you used. I found it online for $120. It's supposed to be here on Dec 2. I will post the results! Fingers crossed. On a side note, the "do nothing" approach works the best. I have used the Eupho model thru the night in a lubricated condom and I love when the intense sensations wake me. One morning, I simply rotated it 180degrees and the sensations increased. Who would have thought???

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Well I finally received the product and unpacked t. After a couple of hours of charging, I was charged and could not wait to give it a ride! BUT --- I could not get itbto turn on at all. After trying several things as well as recharging it again, I responded to the item shipped email and informed them it would not turn on. I received a quick response that bit is shipped with a "shipping lock" activated. How I was supposed to know that evades me! After pressing the + & - buttons tab the same time for a couple of seconds it worked!!

I lubed it up and slowly was able to insert it. I have a Aneros Programs Ice and this puppy is Bigger!! Once in place it was a very pleasant Full feeling. After a few minutes I experimented with the different settings. This device was very pleasurable to use and I got a hang of finding the little buttons soon afterward. I enjoy to but for me maybe the vibrations is not my thing. I seem to get closer to the elusive O with any the Eupho, Helix or Maximus than I do with the Programs Ice or programs Ice JR. Maybe because it is so different and it will take time to let my prostate get acquainted to this vibrator. I will keep my fingers crossed that it wasn't a bad $120 purchase. Thetechman, maybe you can clue me in on some hints. I REALLY wanted this to work for me as you described it for you!

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Well I finally received the product and unpacked t. After a couple of hours of charging, I was charged and could not wait to give it a ride! BUT --- I could not get itbto turn on at all. After trying several things as well as recharging it again, I responded to the item shipped email and informed them it would not turn on. I received a quick response that bit is shipped with a "shipping lock" activated. How I was supposed to know that evades me! After pressing the + & - buttons tab the same time for a couple of seconds it worked!!

I lubed it up and slowly was able to insert it. I have a Aneros Programs Ice and this puppy is Bigger!! Once in place it was a very pleasant Full feeling. After a few minutes I experimented with the different settings. This device was very pleasurable to use and I got a hang of finding the little buttons soon afterward. I enjoy to but for me maybe the vibrations is not my thing. I seem to get closer to the elusive O with any the Eupho, Helix or Maximus than I do with the Programs Ice or programs Ice JR. Maybe because it is so different and it will take time to let my prostate get acquainted to this vibrator. I will keep my fingers crossed that it wasn't a bad $120 purchase. Thetechman, maybe you can clue me in on some hints. I REALLY wanted this to work for me as you described it for you!

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, internet issues... So what I do with the rosa is a bit counter intuitive based on what you do with a non vibrating toy. I sit on it and slightly shift until I find the sweet spot where it's buzzing right against my prostate, then I just stay in that position and relax.

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So I know this is a bit weird. I posted earlier that after a few tries, I have decided that vibrations are not my thing!! This item is too expensive to have sitting around. It has been "tried" three times with a condom cover. I'm not sure anyone would be interested in purchasing the device but if anyone has an interest send me a message. It is a black model and is as new complete. I was hoping there would maybe be interested. I was thinking about $100 or make a offer. I hate to have it laying around and it would be great for male or female! If this is not permitted then simply remove this post.
hve a great holidays

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As I'm now working in a hard job, I've had less motivation and energy to enjoy some pleasure, I stopped using the aneros altogether, instead going aless which give me more sensation, or using other toys. I've just bought the rosa, and it's great, some of the best O i've had in a long time.
I use it like I would an aneros and the vibration feels awesome (The do nothing method does nothing for me, kegel and pelvic trust all the way). Even at the highest power I don't seem to have any numbing like some said in other posts...

Long story short, it's worth a try.

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I bought a l'amourose yesterday and had my first play last night with it, i've created a thread about my journey so far so i wont go into it here, but just wanted to add what a great toy this is, up to now i've not really felt much with the aneros toys i have, however the l'amourose seriously floated my boat. ive yet to super O, but felt i was a hell of a lot closer last night than i've ever been, my legs convulsed and i was shaking madly at one point, and my god the pulse wave setting was amazing. I'm now really looking forwards to this evening and getting that baby back in there for some more fun
