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Labels on orgasms

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I'm not one to put labels on orgasms but what happened last night was great.I started my session with my helix syn and was having a great ride,this went on for two hrs. Things were great and going along fine but would not peak out,so looked in my bag off tricks and pulled out mr. Pro jr ,as soon as it found its spot of comfort it took my breath.Just let me say I have had dry orgasms before but this one built very nice and I just let it go and had two great dry Os wow.I thought it was over as I was catching my breath I thought I would try again.Started doing a few contractions and things started to build,it built like climbing a mountain and when it reached the top it was not like a dry o this began to spread all over my body warm and tingly and gave me a feeling of peace and I felt completely satisfied. Like I said I'm not sure about labels.but I sure want more of these.I have heard people say there are different types of Supper Os ,just saying what ever I did enjoy has been 2 years now and it was worth it.

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Wow congrats! I'd say that if it's taken 2 years to get there, it was well worth the journey. I'm sure you're still only at the tip of the iceberg. Once you have those really good feelings, you learn what feelings proceed those feelings, and you can better focus on those as well, leading to the end result that much quicker in the future.

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sounds like maybe a calm seas orgasm? Maybe. Either way congratulations!

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@ineverknew I thought the same, sounds like a calm seas.

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