KSMO How to dissipa...
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KSMO How to dissipate sexual tension

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Hey guys and gals

I hate to post such a basic question but I'm need of help.

I just signed up at multiples but awaiting approval so I can't post there.

My question is, what can I do to defuse this sexual energy without a traditional ejactualion. There has to be something between aneros and ksmo?

All I know is that I want to have an orgasm of some kind more frequent than beneficial in KSMO. Or aneros.

These days I'm practicing mindfulness, getting deep tissue massage, getting some deep emotional therapy, exercising, and formerly addicted to porn. I'm a healthy 26yr old male.

Sexually sensitive is an understatment.

How do I deal with this? I know what lies beyond a traditional orgasm but it's so hard to control myself. It's so easy to just jerk off.

Dammit I'm really close to just going all out on a porn binge.

Thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions or words of encouragement I'd love to hear them.

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All I know is that I want to have an orgasm of some kind more frequent than beneficial in KSMO. Or aneros.


I am not sure what your question is but I would learn the inner orgasm. I would recommend not using pornographic during any sexual activity.

Here is a link to raw Tantra yoga: http://www.rawtantra.com/

I suggest start the sexual mastery series.

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How do I deal with this? I know what lies beyond a traditional orgasm but it's so hard to control myself. It's so easy to just jerk off.

I recommend you investigate prostate 'milking' as a possible intermediate action. This practice can significantly decrease the immediate urge to ejaculate and do so without incurring a refractory period. Please read my posts in the thread Prostate Milking for a little more information and additional info links.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks guys!

And Rumel, thanks especially for the links.

I've actually used the aneros before and at a time I was quite far in my journey. But what I found odd is that the device only "milked" me the first couple times I used it. Ever since then I haven't been able to milk. That is an odd sentence to type out, wow.

But what do you think that is all about?

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Well I haven't had much success yet with dry orgasms, but I am getting decent at "re-directing" arousal from the penis to the rest of the body. Every time my penis gets too "excited", it starts to involuntarily spasm (I guess PC muscles start contracting?) and I also get a strong urge to masturbate traditionally. When this happens I try to calm it down by relaxing as much as possible and visualizing my arousal moving away from my penis into the rest of the body. I also find doing a light reverse kegel (I think) helps here to prevent the spasms. I am usually able to calm it down quickly and greatly reduce the urge to masturbate, without losing much arousal.

Though I haven't made this work very well during actual masturbation, the stimulation just gets to intense but I imagine with enough practice this could be useful during sex for example.

Edit: Earlier today I had nothing else to do so I watched some porn for about 30-45 minutes. I did my best to get as aroused as I could, but I felt no urge to masturbate normally. At the end of the session I just felt satisfied despite not having anything near an orgasm. I am guessing most people doing this would end up with an overwhelming urge to ejaculate, yet I do not. I think that if you don't build any arousal in the penis, then you don't build any urge to ejaculate, and thus you can get sexual satisfaction without orgasm. I trust that many women are telling the truth when they say that orgasm doesn't matter to them, I think they can't build enough arousal in the clitoris (female version of the penis) and thus don't get an orgasm but don't feel the urge to either.

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@helgasm Have you ever considered male chastity? It is a way to "defuse" your extreme urge to masturbate. I use several techniques to achieve it. In time, you will be practicing "semen retention" including prostate "milking". The chastity is a physical barrier to prevent you from masturbation. I practice it alone but if you have a willing partner, s/he can participate. Of course, you need to build-up to it so I would suggest the "21-Day No Ejaculation Challenge" (search for the thread). Good luck!

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