Kratom and Aneros?
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Kratom and Aneros?

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Any experiences mixing the two? Curious!!! I just got some high grade Maeng Da Kratom powder and am going to give it a try tomorrow for my first Aneros session in a few weeks, I'm hoping for some fun times!!

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But weed works wonders on my sessions.

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Never heard of kratom before. Keep us posted, I'm very interested.

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weed, yes, indeed, helps me get there for sure

kratom is an herb, southeast asia, look it up, brings on supposed increased sexual sensation from stimulation, also gives energy or sense of energy and slight sedation/chill out at the same time, apparently people really get off hard while taking this, tomorrow should be interesting I will update!

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I took Kratom (or something sold as Kratom) about 10 years ago. It was an awful experience: nausea, dizziness, dissociative sensations. I've read a lot about it recently, too. I've found many users report a sensation of gastric distress, either nausea or something else... this is actually a fact, too, based in science.. Kratom is part-opioid and like opioids, it *will* disturb your gastric system. In this sense I can hardly imagine a worse thing to pair with anal activities!

A side note: Because Kratom is legal and because I am a former addict to other substances, I've been tempted to order it and try it again, at times. I've been able to prevent myself from taking this foolish action, because 1) I hated it, the first time 2) I know I'm extremely sensitive to nausea in all its forms, and this stuff would make me sick, literally. 3) If you get addicted, you will most likely have to face a nasty withdrawal, similar to opioid withdrawals.

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Stay the course.


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thanks @Bartolo99 for this information and yes, no need to slip back into things that are not good for you. Gastric disturbance sounds not fun, but yes, its expected with this stuff. Low doses are better from what I've read from people who take it. I'm going with 1 gram in a capsule, its not concentrated, not resin, etc. Just powdered leaf. Some people usually need 4g in boiling water for a tea to take it, so I'm hoping 1g is just enough to feel something but not too much to feel sick. Going to be embarking on this adventure today, I'll post feelings and yay/nay on anything it has to do with my dry and super Os

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I'd stick to pot. For some reason it is the most underrated aid to the Super-O. I've been chastised in the past for touting pot. Perhaps I am conditioned to it, but a small buzz and I am raring to go.

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Well, I wound up doing just a half gram of the Maeng da kratom and by 30 minutes in it was so mild but felt like something was different. I cleaned myself out and couldn't believe how ready my prostate was. I waited another hour for all the effects to settle in and smoked a bowl and then got to work on myself.

I can't explain why or how but this session was different feeling than all previous sessions! Just really open and accepting of the anal pleasures, my prostate was very responsive and my limp cock was twitching and pulsing along with my involuntaries, all 10,000 of them 🙂 I came so many times I can't even reckon with it. Probably came and pleasured my prostate for about 45 minutes or so, and then I was pretty much done, it kept moving and feeling good but my body and brain were burned out from the Os. I did a manual traditional O at the very end and was soaking up the bliss.

But the kratom makes you have some energy so I started laundry and cut my hair lol 🙂 At very low doses I think this new herbal stimulant and I will be having some fun every few weeks!

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Sorry to bring this topic back, but it is very interesting, and since 2.5 years have passed, if anybody else have tried Kratom, Phenibut or Kava to aid relaxation and opening the body and the prostate to new experiences.

I use Aneros from time to time without any external aid, but I’ve tried it a few times with cannabis in Amsterdam and it was pure bliss just to get past the initial limitations (noise, anxiety, expectations).

I was wondering if anything legal gives that effect with no implications to short term memory.

I understand that all three substances I’ve mentioned come with their own warnings. And i am not looking for regular use.

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Kratom is a wonder for Aneros use. Since my above post (my god it was almost 3 years ago wtf...) I've used Kratom maybe 5-8 times with Aneros. I can't remember totally because it's been so much time since then, but that's probably my usage. I'd say my description above still stands for most uses. The best is Kratom and yohimbe combined. I do a gram of Kratom and maybe 200-250mg of liquid yohimbe. I'm "ramped up" but not anxious and heart fluttering like crazy. I have this maddening urge to "fuck" but the Aneros/prostate toys fill that desire, and I wind up having orgasms that are powerful and profound.

I have no short term memory effect from Kratom. It's mild but you can feel it. Have never heard of Phenibut before. I've done kava but it was in a classroom and was part of a botany program.

Cannabis is my #1 go-to. I wish I had sessions without weed but I crave it. When I'm not high and try Aneros or anything prostate-related, it feels kind of dull. It's pleasurable but I'm not going to have an O. When I'm on cannabis I have a strong dry O within a minute sometimes of inserting a toy, any toy. My body is very much more alive to prostate/anal stimulation when I'm high than when I'm not.

When on Kratom and cannabis together, it's remarkable. Nothing compares. Nothing. My new friend, the universe, and I play around together. Seriously!! Altered states of consciousness come about much easier when Kratom, weed and Aneros are combined because the Kratom promotes a sort of mental clarity and awareness that weed alone does not provoke. Weed opens up the door and the Kratom lets you walk through and stay there as long as you want.

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Wow great response, thanks. I’m not aware of Yohimbe, what is the function of it? I did some reading, does it aid arousal that then facilitates greater sessions?

It is not easy to get good cannabis in the UK. My go to would always be Silver Haze. But I am hoping Kratom has the desired effect, or combined with Phenibut. It also aids relaxation and is said to improve ejaculatory orgasms.

Kava is another easy of the market herbal powder I am willing to try. Will report the findings.

I have reached the state you described before, once on cannabis and once with no help from anything, just getting to the state where it seems I am communicating with the greater deity, the cosmos, feeling like I’m in an alternative dimension, spaced out.

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Yes! the "other" dimension, I'm only in it while under the influence of substances and using Aneros. Magical place!!

yohimbe makes me feel like the only thing i want to do, or the only thing worth doing at all, is playing with my cock or fucking my ass with something. When I'm at the gym and take yohimbe I just keep doing reps and move from exercise to exercise and it seems like there's no end to it. I never tire. Same with sex/masturbation/prostate stimulation. Just keep going and going. Almost like a beast! But you can control your urge if you are calmed a bit. I do cannabis and yohimbe for sex related things, and my body is amped up but my mind keeps me steady and focused, able to be a bit more in control. But when I start to get to that altered consciousness I let it all go and just see what happens.

Yohimbe does aid arousal. My balls get pretty tight and they stay that way. My skin is more sensitive to the touch, my genitals are extremely responsive and sensitive. And my anus gets very sensitive too. Since yohimbe can help you get erect and stay erect it has some kind of effect on my prostate, and it makes for a very thrilling ride!

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