Kegels Question
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Kegels Question

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Kegels are an important part of toning the muscles used during Aneros sessions, so I have been doing them daily for a while now. I started several months before beginning to practice regularly with my Helix, in fact. However, I am not sure if I am doing them in the right way.

Virtually all instructions say that the simplest way to locate the correct muscles is by suppressing urination, which is easy enough to do. However, I find that the muscles I use for that do not seem to be the ones that are most active when I use my Aneros. If I go purely by that advice, I clench muscles at the base of my penis, but I can identify at least two other regions along my pelvic floor (one on my perineum just below the testicles, and another further down, closer to the anus) that I can control separately. So my question is, what should I be tightening when I do Kegels? Am I supposed to be exercising specifically one of those areas, just the first two, all of them at once, each of them consecutively, or something else? Should I be contracting my anal sphincter as part of this as well?

In addition, how strong should the contractions be? As tight as I can comfortably go, or just moderately firm?

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@Bandwidth Interesting that you should ask this question now! I had a great session this morning and experienced several different "sets" of PC muscle contractions. Exactly where they are located and what they are called is not relevant to me. I normally don't concentrate on any set pattern or strength of kegels. I just let the massager guide the way as I increase/decrease the contraction strength and rate to match. You know how you feel during a session. Generally, I would avoid any semblance of a definite pattern to your kegel routine. Practice is okay, but without an Aneros inserted, you may not feel the same thing. Good luck and keep posting!

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Hey @Bandwidth ,

However, I find that the muscles I use for that do not seem to be the ones that are most active when I use my Aneros.

True, we don't only have that one PC-muscle as it's oversimplified almost everywhere. If you are interestet to learn more about your body (unlike @goldenboy), watch these videos (which are also linked in the wiki): part 1, part 2.

I clench muscles at the base of my penis, but I can identify at least two other regions along my pelvic floor (one on my perineum just below the testicles, and another further down, closer to the anus) that I can control separately.

That's very good! These muscles are: ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus and transversus.

So my question is, what should I be tightening when I do Kegels? Am I supposed to be exercising specifically one of those areas, just the first two, all of them at once, each of them consecutively, or something else? Should I be contracting my anal sphincter as part of this as well?

You should train all of them, at once and consecutively. More importantly, you'll have to indicate and control the deeper and more important muscles of the levator ani aka the PC-muscle. Unfortunately, you can't feel these through your skin so it's harder to do. If you have enough patience to read through a wall of text, see my entry in the "My first Super-O" Thread, where I explain how I gained control over all these muscles.

In addition, how strong should the contractions be? As tight as I can comfortably go, or just moderately firm?

The most Kegel regimes combine moderate and strong contractions. Like: "Do a set of 30 fast reps with moderate strenght, then 10 slow reps with full force." Just recently, an old thread of @BigGlansDC was bumped where he shared his wisdom.

Cheers, Unfug

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@Unfug Of course, I'm as interested in my body as the next guy. But I said what I did to emphasize that I don't want my sessions to be mired in rote and mechanical maneuvers with regard to contractions. I prefer a little more spontaneity and "mystery"!

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Hey @goldenboy ,

I didn't mean to upset you - sry if I did.

I don't want my sessions to be mired in rote and mechanical maneuvers with regard to contractions. I prefer a little more spontaneity and "mystery"!

Ok, I get that - I guess we have a misunderstanding here: I meant kegel training outside of the aneros-sessions. During the anerso-session you just let go, no planed maneuvers or recipes to follow. Like you stated here:

Practice is okay, but without an Aneros inserted

Im on the same page.

Mysterious things happen anyway - even if you can control all of your muscles by will. The the big advantage of kegels is, that you wake up the nerve endings which are embedded in your muscle tissue and build up sensory awareness. That's much more important than muscle tone and muscle control.

Cheers, Unfug

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All is well....we explored a lot in this thread!

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Yes, you will want to eventually separate your anal sphincter from the rest of the PC groups. Difficult but well worth the results as it helps amplify the sensations from "anal involuntaries" with the larger toys (Vice, et al).

It sounds to me like your current practice employs the basics in exercising the individual muscle sub-groups of your perineum. As you continue to bulk and delineate these groups you'll be even more able to do the exercises. Your Urologist probably has a text & graphics handout which may be helpful. An excellent resource is also any female who has experienced one natural delivery. Women are taught the technique during pregnancy and can help verify which muscle you are working. Enjoy !

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You should train all of them, at once and consecutively. More importantly, you'll have to indicate and control the deeper and more important muscles of the levator ani aka the PC-muscle. Unfortunately, you can't feel these through your skin so it's harder to do. If you have enough patience to read through a wall of text, see my entry in the "My first Super-O" Thread, where I explain how I gained control over all these muscles.

Okay, I watched those videos, and they were quite anatomically informative - I always wondered what that little bump I could feel if I pressed into the right spot on my perineum was, apparently that is the perineal body (I think). I also read that older post of yours, which was good advice as well. How do I know when I am engaging my levator ani/PC muscle, though? I am not sure what I am looking for.

Yes, you will want to eventually separate your anal sphincter from the rest of the PC groups. Difficult but well worth the results as it helps amplify the sensations from "anal involuntaries" with the larger toys (Vice, et al).

I already separate my anal sphincter from the muscles around it; when I do exercises, I leave it relaxed. Just wanted to make sure that was the right thing to be doing.

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Hey @Bandwidth ,

How do I know when I am engaging my levator ani/PC muscle, though? I am not sure what I am looking for.

Hm, what helped me most was knowing the approx. location and the fact, that the muscles fatigue differently fast. When you do a general full force kegel-clench, you will engage all pelvic muscles including the levato ani-group. When you do that for a little while, some muscle will get tired, won't react properly anymore and start quivering. Since the levator ani-group is bigger, it will hold out longer than all the rest. So it will be easier to feel and seperate them.

Cheers, Unfug

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I don't have the patience for kegel workouts, I mean my normal workouts already consume a lot of time. But when I start, they're going to be reverse kegels. I mean, I already train my normal Kegel muscles whenever I use Aneros.

You perform reverse kegels as if you wanted to increase, not suppress the stream of urine when pissing. That's an easy way to identify them. The upside of training reverse kegels is you ejaculate more and farther. They also let your penis take more pussy before bursting, when you're holding reverse kegels. The downside is you might accidentally fart, so be careful.

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Hi guys,

I have been doing the Kegel Exercises since September/October 2011 after first hearing about them and the Aneros from @matt1008, a buddy I met on BateWorld, a masturbation web site. I began my Aneros journey in early 2012 with Aneros Syn. This is in response to a recent inquiry from @Turnrow. Also with @Turnrow in mind, I am fairly recent in my exploration and adoption of Reverse Kegels.

Preparation. Embarking on a regimen of the Kegel Exercises may be very helpful prior to adopting a program of Aneros sessions. The Kegels strengthen the PC muscle, the pelvic floor, and anal sphincters. You are laying the foundation upon a program of Aneros sessions may be built.

Start slowly and gradually with the Kegels. You do not want to over strain or injure yourself. But doing the Kegels is like doing weight training in a gym. You are training and strengthening anal musculature.

There are various templates on the Kegel Exercises out there on the Internet you may adopt. The Aneros Learning Center under Men has a helpful section on the Kegels. My program on the Kegels is fairly detailed.

Also it is essential that one have a bowel movement before an Aneros session. Having as much "free" space for the free movement of the Aneros devices is very important.

Foreplay. Doing a set of Kegels or even several may be helpful as foreplay before having an Aneros session. Use the term foreplay before making love to a partner or yourself as a period of sexual arousal. The Kegels can increase sexual arousal. I know this from my own experience.

Aneros session.

The older version of the Aneros instruction in the archives section gives a detailed explanation of the contraction exercises one should do when you work with the Aneros in a session. This is very valuable information in that these contraction exercises are essentially the Kegel Exercises. The Kegels power the Aneros.

You will discover in time that there is a close relationship between the Aneros and the Kegels. They are designed for each other.

A direct benefit of the Aneros is massage of both of the prostate and the perineum.

Postplay = Aless. As you move along in your Aneros sessions, you will notice that you are refreshed, even energized after a session ends. But also some weeks or months into your Aneros session, you will feel that the Aneros activity or energy continues after sessions as though the Aneros is still inserted and working away. This is called Aneroslessness or Aless. You may feel a super abundance of P-waves or even acute sexual energy found in Super-O's or even MMO's. Revel in your times of Aless outside of sessions. The sexual energy generated by Aneros session is localized in the genital areas of guy but also permeates in waves of pleasure throughout his whole body, even his consciousness.

Aless times are ideal for practicing the Kegels and Reverse Kegels. Aless is also perfect for self-stimulation of one's erogenous zones. I. for one, enjoy the bliss of caressing my nipples. I call this 'diddling' which I have found magnifies the intensity of my Kegels.

I enjoy wearing a jockstrap and an athletic cup as I do the Kegels and Reverse Kegels in Aless. A jockstrap's elasticity magnifies and sweetness of the exercise. Get yourself a banana cup because a banana cup is roomy enough to contain a guy's testicles but also caresses his perineum which produces erotic sweetness for him. The best athletic cups on the market are those by Shock Doctor, All-Star, Nutty Buddy, and Diamond. Mueller flex cups are also good.

In Aless, we can use a regimen of Kegels and Reverse Kegels to fuel the exploration and rediscovery that occurs in masturbatory edging.

Manifest benefits. I have noticed that Aneros sessions and Aless flow into each other naturally. Hence now I very seldom experience dud sessions. Every Aneros session is unique, worth receiving lessons from it.

I can tap into my Aless at any time of the day, but especially at night when I can diddle my nipples.

The beneficial effects of regular Aneros are cumulative. You notice that pleasure and power arising from you sessions will grow leaps and bounds. Your anal musculature is toned and strengthened as you progress in your Aneros journey.

You will delight in how Aneros sessions flow into Aless during which you practice Kegels and Reverse Kegels in isolated contractions or in sets. You will find that the sky is the limit.

Finally, both in Aneros sessions and in Aless you can tap into this sexual energy and give yourself Super-O's and MMO's on demand through sensual touching found in diddling your nipples and caressing your erogenous, through relaxed, gentle breathing, or just by thinking about Aneros. This has been my experience in recent months.

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Thank you Big Glans/Guy for taking the time to summarize your experiences with kegels. I am going to study intensively what you posted.


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Thank you Big Glans/Guy for taking the time to summarize your experiences with kegels. I am going to study intensively what you posted.


You are welcome, @Turnrow! 😉

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For me, Kegals used to be just something I did because they were recommended to increase PC muscle sensitivity. They are now a delight and I look forward to "getting my reps in."

I will agree with everything BigGlandsDC said above.
