Anyone use your aneros prostate massager for kegel training, and was that useful? Thanks in advance for your help
Anyone use your aneros prostate massager for kegel training, and was that useful? Thanks in advance for your help
@dkelban, yes, Kegel Exercises do go hand-in-hand with the Aneros prostate massager. However, you can do Kegel Exercises outside of Aneros sessions.
A few years ago, I devised a regimen of Kegel Exercises which you may want to look over:
Get a big model like Progasm, it will stress your kegels. For extra challenge, lie on your back so you have to work against gravity.
@BigGlansDC 's kegel regiment combined with the Progasm Ice is a super effective way to exercise/exhaust anal musculature. Last night I had a great session and at least 10 minutes of constant Super-Os with the Progasm Ice by contracting my sphincter by 40%ish and flexing the PC muscle in a rhythmic "come hither" stroking. With ongoing kegel training ideally using BigGlansDC's program or an app like Stamena at the least, you can get some pretty good feelings going.
@airbag, the Progasm Classic will give your prostate and anal musculature a great workout. Progasm ICE has a sleeker, yet full-bodied action. Both models are ideal for the Kegel Exercises, which you also easily do in Aless!
I do own the Ice model. I very much enjoy its texture compared to Helix Classic.
@airbag, I think I will have a session with my Progasm ICE tomorrow Friday or Saturday morning.
I do about 20 sets of kegels per week. Various intensity and time under tension reps schemes. Every other day,so the muscles have rest days in which to recover and grow.
@bigglansdc well I do weight train as it happens. That’s exactly where my methodology comes from. I do get little a little pleasure during Kegel training as the muscles flutter and exhaust. Nothing like an A-Less session though,I guess it’s my mindset. Kegels are work,A-Less is pleasure lol.