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Just ordered an aneros. Practicing nofap, worried about dopamine overload?

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I had a helix syn many years ago that I tried for a couple months. I got minimal results from it, and lost it.

I'm giving this another go because I'm practicing nofap/semen retention now. I'm on my 3rd week, and my prostate is beginning to feel very pressurized and sore, and I thought an aneros might help me with that, and hopefully could bring me some pleasure too.

One reason I started nofap was because it gave me more social confidence and made me want to approach women more, which I am very bad at. I'm normally very timid and shy and insecure. However, the past week I was feeling so pent up and started looking at escort and massage sites, and I could feel all that confidence plummeting. It was like all the energy was being drained out of me and used for sexual thoughts instead of for confidence, just as the eastern texts said would happen.

I am trying very hard now to get back to where I was before, in terms of the confidence. I need to focus on outward life instead of sexual fantasies. I bought the aneros to relieve my prostate pressure, but I am worried that the aneros is another form of fantasy that will once again sap me of the energy and confidence that semen retention brought me in the first two weeks.

Has anyone else had experience with this? Please share if so, thank you.

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@yr99 I too practice semen retention, male chastity and refrain from masturbation all the time now. But that does not mean that I never ejaculate or experience prostate pleasure. Quite the contrary, after about 7 days of semen retention my body's testosterone level peaks and it is a great feeling. I typically last 12-18 days now. Too much and I may get a good case of "blue-balls". But I need to practice prostate massage too, about once a week on average. When you get back into a regular "rhythm" of abstinence and periodic release, you will feel that confidence building-up again. You will have an easy, sexual confidence around women (and men for that matter). I think you are on the right path but just need more of a focus. While nofap is a great goal, there is a practical side to this as well. You will need to balance your practice of semen retention against the delights and necessity of an occasional release (yes, even through porn). Have you tried binaural beats? That will help with your sore prostate as well. Cross-over the bridge once in a while; don't punish yourself. Semen retention should be pleasurable and arousing in itself! If it isn't, find a path that takes you where you want to go. Good luck to you!

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Goldenboy has a lot of experience in semen retention and I agree with his approach. In your case yr99 you are trying to kick the MB habit to boost confidence. I understand that completely - that was me many years ago - shy, especially with regard to women, that shyness tended to ease up a lot if things built up, because I was "driven" to say hello, or whatever, but upon MB release I've revert into my shell. I think this is where milking might help you, release the tension that leads to blue balls and lapses, while retaining confidence and drive. I'd recommend rejecting porn 100% and substituting more innocent stimulation - pictures of moderately-attractive, real world women in real world clothes, but not in a stalker sense. And, when a guy is shy around women, it makes more sense to work up the courage to ask out that pretty, single, somewhat chubby lady [or that cute flat chested tomboy] roughly your age than that aloof, fashion-model look-a-like.

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I had a helix syn many years ago that I tried for a couple months. I got minimal results from it, and lost it. I'm giving this another go because I'm practicing nofap/semen retention now. I'm on my 3rd week, and my prostate is beginning to feel very pressurized and sore, and I thought an aneros might help me with that, and hopefully could bring me some pleasure too.

I believe your thinking and reactions are pretty typical and normal (please see Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence). You've reached the 2/3's point of the 21 day challenge post so you're doing well. Your Aneros use will help ease the pressure discomfort you're feeling.

I need to focus on outward life instead of sexual fantasies. I bought the aneros to relieve my prostate pressure, but I am worried that the aneros is another form of fantasy that will once again sap me of the energy and confidence that semen retention brought me in the first two weeks. ...Has anyone else had experience with this?

There is no doubt the pleasures of Aneros use can lead to an addiction but since you are already aware of that possibility you can take proactive steps to avoid that. There is a good article, written in layman's terms, on the effects of dopamine and oxytocin as related to sex & orgasm called Your Brain On Sex. Satisfying the demands of our neurotransmitters is what drives most of our lives. Your non-ejaculation regime is a good way of getting off the hormonal roller-coaster ride in favor of an elevated tramway. @goldenboy 's testimony, combined with @oldernewb 's suggestion of occasional prostate milking and regular Anerosessions, should help you understand that you will eventually achieve a gently oscillating balancing of hormonal surges with seminal retention practice. This balancing, along with a generally higher level of physical arousal, will contribute to increased levels of personal confidence as well.
Good Vibes to You !

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Listen, as a long-time experimenter with this stuff, I'll tell you, you do need to release as tome point. Otherwise your body will reverse itself and shut down production. You won't notice that until you release, but when you do yo'll notice how much longer it takes to build back up. ...The thing to do, if you can stand it, is to "ruin" your orgasms by stopping all stimulation the instant you cross the PONR. That will maintain hormone levels (eventually, if you're new to it), and keep you in a constant horny state. It's similar to rewiring with Aneros, but with this you feel the need to orgasm (not cum, there's a difference) all the time. Aneros use helps alleviate that particular need, but Aneros use causes its own needs. Like fire feeding fire, in a forest fire lol.
