I’m a gay man in my mid thirties, I’m wondering how many of you are straight, gay or bi... I’m only curious because I live in a relatively conservative city, and most of the straight guys I know wouldn’t be cool with well sticking something up thier butt for lack of better words, and definitely wouldn’t talk about it.
I'm not sure what kind of response you will get. We don't really make a distinction here one way or the other. As far as I'm concerned, if it feels good, who cares how you get there.
I believe there is a community poll on this.
Sorry, but those conservatives sound a bit mediaeval to me. I thought we got rid of this in the 1960's?
Lately I read a woman's very convincing remark: Taking into account the factor that lesbians love to eat each other's pussy out, is a woman a lesbian, because she loves her husband to eat her out? Why then should a man be gay because of playing with his butt? If so he's already gay because of touching his dick.
Only my 2 cts here. Never mind!
+++ don't know exactly but guess to be some kind of kinky lesbian woman caught in the body of a bisexual man +++
Consider myself straight and have been playing with anal toys since I was preteen. A friend and I did anal sex and mutual masturbation in sixth grade as we experimented growing up. Haven’t done anything since then other than solo play and conventional sex with females. Still do enemas and prostate play as well as anal insertions of pleasurable objects!
I bought my first Aneros devices in late December 2011, but waited until early June 2012 before I summoned the courage to use any of them. I was pleasantly surprised insertion of them (of course separately) was pleasurable. But we must remember that Aneros was initially developed as a medical device for prostate massage. However using them for prostate massage has definite erotic benefits!
According to Mark Driscoll, founder of the Seattle mega-church, Mars Hill, one among many religious leaders who preach against masturbation:
"... Masturbation can be a form of homosexuality because it is a sexual act that does not involve a woman. If a man were to masturbate while engaged in other forms of sexual intimacy with his wife then he would not be doing so in a homosexual way. However, any man who does so without his wife in the room is bordering on homosexuality activity, particularly if he's watching himself in a mirror and being turned on by his own male body." (Driscoll's free online book is available at theresurgence.com)
Following Driscoll's logic, when a man urinates, he should avoid touching his penis (which will miraculously comes out of his fly). Also, men should avoid taking shower because washing might encourage caressing our own "male body" too much!
According to @sowithoutaneros
However, "We are Prostate. Resistance is futile!"
Gulliver Plus (No emoji!)
I am straight and happy to be just that. I am also a Christian. There are many false prophets running around out there spewing forth their own contrivances that they cannot prove from the Bible. If anal play is suppose to make a person gay, then driving a Subaru would make one a tree hugging lesbian who lives in a yurt and snowboards in the winter. Okay. I am actually a tree-hugger. I care about the environment very much. Grow my own vegetables. Forage for wild mushrooms. Believe that our God created cannabis for our proper usage. And, I enjoy anal play. For the wife's sexual excitement, I am thrilled to rim her cute pucker and, after a nice shower, I will even tickle that booty with my tongue. I am also thrilled to receive her passionate touch whenever she chooses to help-a-brother-out. Her tapping on my pucker or rimming or penetration of the first 1/2 inch is super awesome. Of course, we have engaged in deeper penetration than just a 1/2 inch. And, we have used a variety of objects--some designed for the job and some common items at our finger tips that were circumstantial to our tryst. So, there is nothing gay about anal play. We heteros endeavor to indulge and enjoy sex to its fullest!
Straight and also Christian, like @mewanttools. I agree with his statements. I have no problem with butt stuff or masturbation, but I'm probably a rarity, especially in the Church, and also live in a pretty conservative area. A lot of stupidity and stubbornness in some ways, and it makes it hard to share anything like that with my friends, but then I'm not into the macho locker room talk anyway, which seems to be standard talk about sex between men. So how would I even bring it up?
When I was about 10 we moved from the big city to the country and it was a huge culture shock for me, I think just the entire area being stuck into one way of thinking/acting/living and rejecting anything that fell outside of that. Since growing up I've noticed a lot of the same thing in small ways with many people over a broad variety of subjects, I don't know if it's fear about what others will think or unwillingness to reconsider their own preconceptions. So relating to the Aneros, there is also this fear that appearing too different will hurt me, and I'd be more worried on a professional level than anything else, so here we all are talking on the forum instead. That might be hindering the anal revolution, who knows how many people around me feel the same way and don't feel like they can talk about it?
It would be nice if the polls still worked, that would make compiling this info so much easier. I hope the admins are fixing that!
@faith-manages It would be great to have friends that one could share such things with. Of course, you identified the obvious issue of ostracizing that is feared by most folks. There are more Christian folks out there than one might think that enjoy a variety in the bedroom and anal play is certainly one of those indulgences. Marriageheat.com is a Christian website that promotes hot monogamous marriage. They do that through sharing of personal stories. Many of the folks that participate on there enjoy anal of varying degrees. I have read at least one story where a writer spoke of his aneros massager. The site maintains very strict anonymity rules as well as rules to prevent body comparisons like size, so as to not invite jealousy or invite low esteem for a persons perceptions. At any rate, sex is God's gift to covenant relationship M/F and just because others have hijacked parts of our repertoire doesn't make us gay. It is likely that str8 folks were enjoying all of the erogenous zones long before anyone jumped the fence.
"Forum" by definition is a place for people to share their different views, so I guess I, as a "Naturalist (not the same as "Atheist"--I am not negating anything for there is no need), should also share my view. I hope my view would not offend anyone, for I firmly support the The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and think that everyone in the United States (and the whole world) has the right to practice his or her own religion, or NO religion at all.
Although the founding fathers (Not mothers?) emphasized the separation of "Church"&"State" but we know things are not so simple.
Religious views, "conservative" or not, weigh heavily, via either Church or State or BOTH, in people's life.
However, the recent "landmark" Supreme Court decision was "surprisingly" supported by "Conservative" Justices. A few days ago, the thrilling 6-3 decision the Supreme Court just issued upholding L.G.B.T.Q.A+++++ (plus plus) equality right.
The decision has extra cultural force because it was written by the "CONSERVATIVE" Justice Neil Gorsuch, a Trump appointee (can you believe it?), and joined by the conservative Chief Justice John Roberts.
The late "Super Conservative" Justice Antonin Scalia, with no surprise, voted NO to "gay-marriage" in a 5-4 decision in 2015. But once this "Obergefell v Hodges" decision "allows" gay couples to enjoy the SAME rights (Equal Protection of the Laws by the 14th Amendment) in marriage, it became THE Law that Scalia respected & defended.
Therefore, when a "conservative" clerk used "religion" as her rationale to NOT issue a marriage licence to a gay couple, it was "surprisingly" the "Super Conservative" Justice Scalia in a stunningly rare expression in the media openly scolded the clerk: ---I paraphrase--- "Follow the LAW and issue the licence, OR you shall find a different job!"
So, you see, being "religious" or "Conservative" isn't that bad at all! And I do believe founding fathers' "small government" idea to avoid wasteful expanding. (There are so MANY useless personnel in the bureaucracy of every country and in most "institutions"!)
But, I try to move AWAY from the binary demarcation & classification categories like "gay vs straight," "male vs female," "liberal vs conservative," and so on.
Because the reality is much more complex and richer than our cultural classification could handle! These classification systems oversimplify things and divide people in a very unnecessary and unfortunate way!
Gulliver Plus
Law is one thing; Morality is another. And many people feel guilty when they do (even just think about) something that "Church" does not approve.
Well, I felt very guilty when I was young...but NO longer! I never had any "epiphany"!
And when I "converted" to "Naturalism" I feel genuinely comfortable & HAPPY! I am who I am, made by Mother Nature!
Long story short by
"Sean Carroll" (Video) on Naturalism
On the issue of our SEXUALITY, there are so many unnecessary mysteries and GUILT the CHURCH tried to install in our mind.
Once I am "Naturalist" I found out that I NO Longer feel any "GUILT" any more!
I highly recommend a book, among many, that helped me tremendously on the topic of SEX and God: Well, the book is titled SEX & GOD, by Darrel Ray, ED.D. (image attached)
What makes this book extraordinary is that the book was written by a person who once served in CHURCH, and yet the book provides TRUE knowledge that could set you FREE! Please do take a look if you have not.
And I learned whatever sexuality we are exhibiting ...Mother Nature will NOT care! Why feel guilty?
Also, I suggest that we will be more cautious about the cultural classification systems, even like "LGBT" because such categories in fact imply that "Heterosexual" is the default of human sexuality! Is it? Should it be? Such a classification system, I would say, "plays into the enemy's hands."
It is hard to discuss SEXUALITY with people, I sensed. And people continue to use the LABELS such as "LGBTQ."
So, when I do have such a conversation, I consciously use the phrase "LGBTQA+++++++++" and people thought I was just trying to be funny. Am I? That is one of my rationale to have a username like "Plus" Hah hah!
Human sexuality is much more complex than any label or classification.
No Worry & No Guilt! Be Happy!
Gulliver Plus