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Hi. I am 18 years old and I have been trying to achieve a prostate orgasm for around 9 months now. I got my first aneros toy, the MGX, about 3 or 4 months ago.

I had already been experiencing waves of pleasure from the other techniques I used (g spot massagers, fingers, etc), and it didn't take long to get those again with the aneros. I believe these to be P-waves. These have gradually gotten more intense.

A few days ago, though, something new happened. I was having a session and suddenly there was this new glowing feeling in my body. I mean ALL OVER IT. It was both cold and hot at the same time. At the time I wasn't even sure if I liked it, but now I'm sure I did. Anyway that feeling kept building for about 30 seconds the gradually dropped off. I couldn't make another one happen. My question:was this a mini o? Super o? I hope it wasn't a super because if so it's actually slightly disappointing. What was it?

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It sounds like you visited a site of interest on the journey of re-wiring. You may have other sessions as unique as you progress and learn to recognize the new sensations. It's not uncommon to often wonder "Did that really happen?". You may not always be able to recreate these sensations. They tend to come and go, so enjoy them when they occur.

You are making progress as your body wakes up to this new pleasure. There is much more to come.


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That was a random anomaly. The body is very complex and therefore it is easy to access an unintended reaction/ability whilst trying to get it to super - O. I've had tons of strange occurrences myself.

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I had that exact same thing happen to me last week (Week 2 of my Aneros use). It felt like a warm glow enveloped my
body. I kind of felt like air was being sucked out of my body, too. And after a few seconds, an orgasmic feeling started building in my chest. It caught me so off guard (especially the orgasmic sensation in my chest), that I lost concentration and lost the whole build up.

I decided that it was either the beginning of a full body orgasm or the beginning of a Super O. I don't know which because I haven't had either, but I'd probably need to have both to confirm. At the rate I'm going, I hope to not have much longer to find out.

If it's something else altogether, then I hope it happens again because I liked it!

But either way, it sounds like it was the START of something that will only get better over time as you learn to harness it and make it grow. Don't be disappointed; it was pleasurable, you liked it, and it was a pleasant surprise. Embrace it!

Oh, and congrats for finding this site so young. At 18, I was so happy just having sex that I would have never thought to explore further. I thought I had found all there was. I suppose the internet makes this information so readily available. So how did you come across Aneros and what prompted you to explore?

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BTW, from reading a but more, it sounds like the warm glow orgasm is what people are calling a "calm seas" orgasm, which has been described as creating a floating feeling.

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Thanks everyone for your replies. They're very helpful.

@mdad : yeah that does seem very similar to what I experienced... It was quite the sensation, let me tell you. The only reason I'd classify it as an orgasm at all is that there was a definitive release after the event. It wasn't the typical release you'd feel after ejaculation as I was still interested in sex but it was a kind of release nonetheless. Very floaty.

As far as how I found the Aneros, I've always been more open minded about this stuff than my peers. I've also got a great interest in just knowing about sex and the human body, and I'm not afraid to act on this interest and look stuff up. A lot of people I talk to think its an unhealthy obsession, but I'm pretty much interested in everything so this is just one more topic to me. One day I think I was trying to figure out how people (men and women) could enjoy being on the receiving side of anal sex. I inevitably stumbled upon the prostate orgasm and was completely intrigued. I've always been envious of the female orgasm and females in general (I've often thought about having SRS simply because of this, despite the fact that I'm much more attracted to girls than boys. I don't think I'd go through with it but that's a different topic anyway), so the idea of experiencing something comparable to what they experience had me frothing at the mouth. Since then I've been religiously trying to experience it. Endless amounts of research led me to the aneros as the pinnacle of the prostate toys, so as soon as I turned 18 I entered my local sex shop hoping to find one and got lucky. So that's how I got to where I am!

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Good story Lhido, it's a good thing that you didn't go with the srs as you wouldn't have gotten the feels of a vagina, rather you would have gotten the feels of a reshaped penis. I've tried estrogen though and it really had an astounding effect on me.

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@Trei: Huh. Yeah I was actually wondering if I would get a female sexual experience or rather a reshaped one but I couldn't find any articles on that. Thanks for that tidbit. I've also contemplated estrogen but as of right now I don't want any noticeable outward changes... Perhaps in the future.

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Yes, but lhido keep in mind that the longer you wait the less the effects of the estrogen will have on you but it's also wise not to jump the gun and make a regrettable mistake.

The estrogens effects on me where so strong because of my young age (23), though I didn't take enough to fully transform (I was using high quality phyto-estrogens with no T-blocker or inhibitors except ejaculating to try to manually reduce my T level). Phytos are safer than doctor prescribed estrogen from what I’ve read.

The effects where that every one of my senses seemed to increase in sensitivity, my emotions intensified, and I even gained hair growth in my balding spot on my head and i had a better overall mood with less stress and tension. I was putting on weight fast though and I’d started developing man-boobs along with muscle-loss (which people noticed) since i don't work-out much. As well for some reason i couldn't hold back my urine for long without it spilling out without my approval which was a first, but it was a fun experiment non-the-less.

P.S.: I also almost had a full body orgasm just from touching my body in random spots as my skin was so soft and sensitive and this was "before" I learned of aneros. I'm also aware that all of this could've been placebo as well but i highly doubt it since others took note of my changes. My body has long since returned to normal.

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Huh. Interesting. Thanks for the info. So your body went completely back to normal? No man boobs? Also, if I continue to work out while taking estrogen will my muscle mass still decrease?

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Yes my chest returned to normal since it was still in the beginning stage (though very noticeable) and I didn't even work it out. As well, my arms and the rest of my body muscles returned to normal. I don't think this would have been the case had I’d taken a more potent dose. My weight also decreased.

You'll still gain from work outs but you wont get as much gainage out of your work-outs as you can observe from natural female body-builders that are chock-full of estrogen.

As for if you can avoid man-boobs or breast through working out i assume that you can, however, on higher dosages they are unavoidable. This all comes down to genetics though as many transwomen achieve everything but the boobs but with me i was susceptible to them even without estrogen as i had them as a kid when I was obese. As a kid I rid myself completely of them by working out.

Also, working out or being stressed increases your testosterone as well as certain foods but i doubt it increases it by much..

P.S.: I'd originally made a far more detailed post of my phyto-estrogen experience however i thought it was far too long so i revised it. I can PM it to you if you'd like, as well as a website that'll give you the primer on hormones. They also sell phytos, though i haven't tried thier brand they claim that their phytos are several times more effective than others and they also have an active forum.

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