Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

Journey update
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Journey update

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Hey guys.

I'm posting a journey progress status update here, and hoping somebody might give me something new to try or think about.

Currently rotating between the Eupho, Helix, Progasm, and the NJOY pure wand.  I have a Progasm Jr that really doesn't get much attention as it doesn't seem as effective as the others.

I can achieve a Super O about once every 20 sessions.  When it does happen, it always hits while I am sleeping or just about to fall asleep.  I'm assuming that this is because I am unable to hit a sufficient state of relaxation while fully awake.  If anyone has any tips on this, I am eager to learn.  The good news is that I can pretty much hit some type of dry orgasm every time I go at it, which has been very rewarding.

On the a-less front: I have worked myself up to one mini-O so far.  It requires tremendous focus and concentration.  This part is not coming easily to me although I am enjoying the journey.  For about a month now it seems like my prostate (or my entire pelvic region in general) is constantly 'on'.  Even while simply working at my desk I am receiving steady pleasure waves that won't quit.  I even catch myself rolling my PC muscle with my base muscle like it's on autopilot when I am doing some other task.  I used to think that achieving a Super O with only my mind was I see that it is an inevitability, even though it hasn't happened yet.

My usage frequency has been daily now for months.  Sometimes I wonder if taking a break would aid my progress, but I always end up popping one in before bed.  Aneros has really become useful as a sleep aid because it demands that I focus on the sensations rather than all the monkey chatter in my head that would normally keep me up at night.

Thanks for reading.  I'm looking forward to hearing any tips or advice!


Regal13, Morexp, Regal13 and 3 people reacted
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Good work on your progress ! I went with daily sessions for months too, I'd advise taking a step back, see what happens if you skip a day or two and how it influences the following session. That's a very easy way to introduce some change without actually changing anything you do "in session". Also see how it affects your Super-O ratio, going from 5% to 10% for example would be major if all you need to do is take a small break here and there. 

Regal13, Morexp, SeekingPelican and 6 people reacted
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Posted by: @seekingpelican

I used to think that achieving a Super O with only my mind was I see that it is an inevitability, even though it hasn't happened yet.

My Super-O frequency is also about 5% but like you I still get many prostate O's from my regular Anerosessions. I like your positive attitude regarding getting Super-O's with just your mind, I hope you can achieve that level of mastery.

Posted by: @seekingpelican

My usage frequency has been daily now for months.  Sometimes I wonder if taking a break would aid my progress, but I always end up popping one in before bed.

I agree with @Zentai here, taking breaks is a good idea IMHO. I've consistently advised against daily use for several reasons.

1.) I think it is good to know where your natural base-line arousal is at, if you are repeatedly self stimulating how do you know if you are really learning anything new.

2.) Repeatedly trying to ramp up your arousal may be depleting your dopamine reserves.

3.) Too frequent use could lead to some desensitization both physically and psychologically.

Good Vibes to You!


Morexp, SeekingPelican, Morexp and 3 people reacted
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I agree with @Zentai and @rumel.

I suggest also that you give another try with the Progasm Jr. Of the various stimulators I own, this is my favorite at the moment. This preference changes regularly and I had a very nice surprise the other day with a massager that I hadn't used for several months.

As for the rhythm of the sessions, I managed to find the one that suits me best. Two sessions with stimulator and one a-less session per week. I have been practicing for one year and eight months and my successes with a-less has taken off in the last few weeks with orgasms as good as with a massager.

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